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3102376 No.3102376 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest book in the Dune series or greatest book in the Dune series?

>> No.3102384


>> No.3102401


Chani had sweet ass tits in the miniseries.

>> No.3102427
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>> No.3102444

i thought it was somewhat dull compared to Dune. And children of dune is certainly more involved (even if Leto II does wind up with a power level over 9000).

At least its better than God Emperor of Dune. I'm struggling through that mess right now, shit sucks

>> No.3102461

god is the best ARGGHHHHH yes i mad !!!!!!!!

>> No.3104579


>> No.3104586

i'm probably gonna eat shit for saying this but I thought that the Brian Herbert book "Sandworms of Dune" was by far the best in the entire saga.

Although I never read House Harkonnen

>> No.3104676

fuck david lynch for destroying my favorite book.

The SyFy Channel miniseries was fucking great though. Even though the background greenscreens were cringeworthy at times, they did a 100000x better job actually interpretting the story.

>> No.3104978
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>tfw no true Dune 7

>> No.3105086

lel, to be fair, i've yet to complete God

>> No.3105142
File: 39 KB, 327x500, winds of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the son of one of the greatest science fiction writers of all time.
>Have nowhere near the talent of your father.
>Your father writes six books that define a genre, and creates an unbelievably deep universe of his own.
>Wait till daddy dies and write a book of your own.
>Claim that YOUR book is the true "part 3" of your fathers original trilogy.
>Have the book's publishing funded by the SciFi Channel.

10/10 jimmies rustled to fucking hell and back fuck this fucking bullshit yes i mad.

Pic fucking related.

>> No.3105146

gotta get that paper, son

>> No.3105151

Don't forget brian is an alcoholic who named his daughter after a wine. Die Brian DIE

>> No.3105177
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I might be the only one who enjoyed Children of Dune.
But goddamn, those final chapters.

>> No.3105198

>I might be the only one who enjoyed Children of Dune.
>But goddamn, those final chapters.

Just started reading it last night.

I think it's great so far, although im barely a third of the way thru it

>> No.3105239

I liked Messiah. A lot, actually. Truth be told I only read the first 3 books but I'd say I liked the original Dune the least out of the 3. Children was badass.

Was thinking about picking up the fourth and finishing the rest, but the fact that the kid went and expanded the universe to such a perverse extent almost makes me want to say fuck it because nothing matters anymore ;_;

>> No.3105365

It was really enjoyable that they kept the suspense with the Prophet and the Alia interplay was also really neat. The link between the twins is also really awesome, and everything really joins together at the end.
It was the last true Dune book to segue into another Dune book properly.
Well, as properly as a large time skip can be.

>> No.3105494

I like Children pretty well. It wasn't as good as Dune but I thought I was substantially better than Messiah.

I did NOT like that the Baron was the evil to resurface in Alia's psyche. An infinite line of ascendents and the fucking Baron is the most manipulative and dominant personality? Yeah, nah... But i guess he had to make it as circumspect as possible to maintain relevance.