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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 640x960, redtrousersgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3101936 No.3101936 [Reply] [Original]

If so, you know what colour to post them in.

>> No.3101958


/lit/ used to have romantic malfunctions with girls all the time. What happened?

>> No.3101962

Well, I sat next to a girl on the tram today. This is the totality of my romantic experience for this year.

>> No.3101964

come on, /lit/tle men. tell your stories for my amusement.

>> No.3101965


I admit, /lit/tle men made me laugh.

>> No.3101988

We gave up.

>> No.3101994

A little girl was petting my dog the other day.

>> No.3102004


got nihilism

>> No.3102015

who can talk with tits like those staring at you???

>> No.3102616
File: 74 KB, 350x368, 1340648768750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My only friend forces me to go to a party
>I sit in a corner and chainsmoke, trying to get drunk fast
>People sit down around me and start talking to each other
>A girl tries to start a conversation with me
>I nod and reply to her questions, trying my very best to keep eyecontact
>We "speak" for about half an hour
>pretty one-sided convo but I feel great anyway
>Later overhear the girl laughing that I kept staring at her tits
>"Oh that guy over there? He's weird"
>Sneak out while nobody sees me and go home
>puke from smoking and drinking too much

>> No.3102678

>[generic contact with girl]
>she wants to fuck

>> No.3102695
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The closest I get to girls is stealing pictures from their blogs.

>> No.3102702

>Working at the factory
>Girl comes along from evening shift
>She transferred to day
>Starts talking with me about Stephen King
>I love Stephen King
>Become excited
>Ejaculate everywhere in my pants
>She seems impressed despite being horrified
>Turn back to face the spaghetti manufacturing machine so noone can see my pants.

Things went better than expected.

>> No.3102699

Moot brought back r9k for a reason.

>> No.3102710

>on a date
>jokingly call the girl a moral relativist
>she doesn't know what that means
>I lose all interest

What have you fuckers done to me? I used to be somewhat normal.

>> No.3102714
File: 42 KB, 540x720, hipstergirlbigboobspic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I read that story

>> No.3102721

I fucking hate that girl, Sunhawk. Stop posting her.

>> No.3102727


Aw fuck Sunhawk, we already told you a million times we are sick of that ugly girl. Please stop.

>> No.3102728

Guy I need your help. I'm 23. I work beside a girl 17-18. Need tips on how to hit dat.

>> No.3102731

Take your right hand, ball it into a fist, strike her in the kidney, putting the full weight of your shoulder and chest into the strike, imagine that you're going to hit something one foot behind her.

>> No.3102732

>at library
>meet a girl who goes to a class with me
>we talk a bit
>"Joseph? You remind me so much of Josef K."
>she leaves

I still don´t know what to make of it.

inb4 "she wants your dick"

>> No.3102733

Sunhawk like big breasted chavs. I'm partially on board with that.

>> No.3102736

how can you be on a lit discussion board and not get metaphor?

>> No.3102740
File: 57 KB, 1095x873, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your daily reminder that sunhawk is a shitposting Algorithm

>> No.3102741

how can you be on a lit discussion board and not get sarcasm?

>> No.3102742
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>> No.3102745

Look at dem titties, man
ain't them one of the best things in the world?

>> No.3102747

how can you be on an internet and not know I just trolled you

>> No.3102748
File: 71 KB, 563x721, feel sports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to got a Halloween party with a buddy
>we have to ride shuttle bus out to the middle of a random rugby field 20 minutes outside of town
>get trashed and just walk around guessing girls costumes
>if I get it right they want to dance with me for some reason
>dance with pirate girl
>she starts grinding on me
>starts making out with me
>she later walks off and tells me she's going to find some friends but it was nice dancing with her
>tfw a pirate girl stole my kiss virginity

She sure had some booty though Arrrrr

>> No.3102751

You're lucky.

>tfw still a kissless hugless grindless gfless virgin

>> No.3102749

how can you be on an internet and not know i just trolled you trolling me

>> No.3102750


>that girl

Do you even know what a chav is?

>> No.3102758

It's alright. You'll get it one day. It helps when you're dressed up and pretending you're something you're not though.

>> No.3102760

Well.. fuck

>> No.3102781

look at the faces. theyve all got eyes of someone who is high

>> No.3102787


She IS standing at the top of a flight of stairs.

>> No.3102797


>> No.3102809


Are you fat? If so >>>/fit/. Otherwise >>>/fa/. I realize that these boards are mostly populated by trolls and idiots, but they can actually help you begin the long, arduous process of learning how to make yourself look good. Unless you're just naturally an extremely unfortunate looking person, trust me when I tell you it makes a huge difference.

Alternatively, you could pay someone to have sex with you.

>> No.3102870

this one is a year ago

>introduction day of college
>some event with drinks and food before the dean gives his speech
>alone as fuck drinking orange juice
>some other people alone as well
>hope they don't approach me, I just want to info I want and gtfo
>suddenly a girl approaches me
>girl: so you are alone too huh
>me: uhm yeah...
>silence and awkward as fuck
>I can't take the pressure
>tell her I need to go to toilet
>go home

I still see her now and then and just look down pretend I don't notice her.

>> No.3102876

>moral relativist

wait how can a relativist be moral?

>> No.3102936

She was totally interested anon, for fuck sakes.

>> No.3102938
File: 29 KB, 400x300, alcoholism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol bro with prude/sensitive/touching issues gf here. We've been dating for like about a month, hang out all the time but no kiss yet....until.....
>hanging out with her doing some writing/watching a movie
>it's like midnight, she's feeling tired so I walk her back to her dorm on the other side of the campus
>half way there we admiring the quiet of the night, go to this look corner with benches that no one ever goes to.
>have a leaf fight
>climbs some trees
>whenever some walks by we get really quiet and awkwardly look at them, as soon as they pass by we start laughing at how silly we're being.
>did I mention this is Sunday night before the hurricane?
>eventually climb up on top of this roof thing by the campus center, look over edge admiring the beautiful night
>wind picks up, we huddle together in a corner
>just kinda talking, giggling, huddling, hearing out laughs echo around.
>turn towards her, brush her hair out of her face, look right in her gorgeous green eyes
>"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?"
>move in, short simple kiss
>she's a little surprised, gets super bashful, buries her face in knees
>after a moment she picks her head up looks to me with smiling face blush from both the cold and the kiss.
>"Thanks Anon"
>we hang out huddled for a bit more and eventually I drop her off at her dorm after it starts to rain
That may have been the longest and hardest fought kiss I've ever had but it was so worth it for that moment.

>> No.3102940

Not fat. Don't have bad dress sense and not particularly ugly. I just spent about 5-6 years isolating myself and now I have no entry into social circles.

>> No.3102943

You have your way of living and I have mine.

>> No.3102948


>> No.3102973

>Girl saw Rumi and Sacher-Masoch on my bookshelf
>we made out for like 3 hours and then fucked for 3 more

>> No.3103005

wow reading through this thread I realized that I am the only one who actually has a story including sex. What the fuck are you guys doing? I can't believe how alive the bookworm stereotype is on 4chan. Jesus fuck reading is supposed to make you more worldly, not force you to talk to everyone in rhetoric and look down condescendingly on those who don't read.

Move to NYC. Or Chicago. Drop out of high school. Go to a liberal arts college. What the fuck are you doing.

>> No.3103006

You better have been grinning like a bitch while walking back home in the pouring rain.

>> No.3103037

I'm young for me age. I basically wasn't interested in girls in high school when the pressure is greatest so I resisted the push from my classmates. Then when I left school and was finally ready, it was too late. I didn't know how to go about it so I never bothered. I would called this a form of stunted psychological development and it will no doubt increasingly harm me mentally as I get older.

>> No.3103049


normalfag pls go

>> No.3103051

>climbing trees

>> No.3103061

>take girl to the movies
>she likes the film, we talk for hours at a café
>show her around some cool places, we trespass a bit
>have dinner at a nice restaurant
>talk about what we'll do next time, some flirting, I make her laugh a lot
>a few days later I send her a message asking if she'd like to go out again
>two weeks later and no reply
I don't think I'm cut out for this.

>> No.3103068


Not even close to normalfag, trust me. I'm just saying, you guys seem to be past the whole "I blame women for not loving me" stage, so it seems like you actually desire a real connection. I dunno, if you want things to change, do it. Go to some progressive liberal arts college or something. Move to Brooklyn. Sorry for the unsolicited advice I guess, but why not change your life if you can?

>> No.3103072

I was going to start another thread but I figure I'll just ask here.

Do you find women interesting /lit/?

I don't care why, I'm not interested in having this fall into a debate about if you think women and men are shallow.

Do you find women interesting to talk to?

>> No.3103079

Hey guy, do you find food to taste good?

>> No.3103081

I've been to university. That opportunity for fuck buddies relieving some exam time pressure has been and gone friend.

>> No.3103083
File: 55 KB, 425x282, alcoholism third bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every girl I've dated, this one seems to be the best in terms of compatibility, she just had a really rough childhood and is really guarded about letting people close. Intimacy is an uphill battle but it's so worth it.
>not being silly university students and climbing trees with girls at 1am
She's a fellow writer and very well read we talk about /lit/ stuff a lot. and animus and other nerdy thingss

>> No.3103085

>women are attracted to me
>have sex with the attractive ones
>want to believe that we could form a genuine connection
>too scared of intimacy to form connections with people that aren't cruel or crazy
>am very mean to very nice women because
>hate myself for it, promise to never have sex ever again
>have sex again etc.


>> No.3103087
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 9063_10151245738336195_1318390866_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I live in Summit County in the middle of the goddamn mountains.

Intellectual girls (rare) hardly ever discuss anything I haven't read or thought about before.

On top of that, the women up here are total sluts and usually just about the most prime example of empty shallowness. Such is what happens when the ratio of men is three to four times as high as that of everywhere else.

Pic related, it's some Slummit County 7's

>> No.3103096

Are people actually attracted to women for their "attractiveness" still? For me the sexiest shit is almost always stuff that isn't sexual in a vaginal sense.

>> No.3103097

Yes, obviously. I'm not a bitter and edgy /r9k/obot.

>> No.3103107
File: 204 KB, 683x797, Never Forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea, as the man who posted this, I admit I must seem quite bitter. Hell, I am quite bitter.

I didn't use to have a problem with women, not so anymore. I've done quite well in both relationship and sexual aspects.

Then somewhere this all fell to shit and misogyny and I'm not sure why. I didn't get fat or become less social. Somewhere I broke and I don't know how or why and from that don't know how to fix it.

>> No.3103136
File: 154 KB, 767x808, ffs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3103140

A wild virgin appears.

>> No.3103169

Ha ha not me. I've had sex many many times. That's what I'm saying really, is that sex (the penetrative act or whatever) is way less sexual than other, secondary sexual characteristics. Power, death, pain, escape, and release all have way more to do with my sexual experience than vaginas. I guess it makes sense why an adolescent culture would build up a mythos around the body though, it was pretty stupid of me to even ask.

>> No.3103205

>What the fuck are you guys doing? I can't believe how alive the bookworm stereotype is on 4chan. Jesus fuck reading is supposed to make you more worldly, not force you to talk to everyone in rhetoric and look down condescendingly on those who don't read.

Reading Nabokov is the same thing as getting laid. No. Excuse me. It's BETTER. If you disagree, read him again.

>> No.3103215

>ITT fifth dimensional chess

>> No.3103219

I'm poor.

>> No.3103221

>Power, death, pain, escape, and release all have way more to do with my sexual experience than vaginas.

Sounds like you are into some seriously hardcore bondage action, bro.

>> No.3103225
File: 171 KB, 800x1114, Mary-Mother-of-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have fling with girl
>she's one of those types that wants to have a job and make money and such
>decide to educate her on important things and lend her some books
>lose interest in each other
>realise years later that I didn't get my books back
>tell her I want my books back via text message
>she asks when I'm at home so she can drop them off
>bitch must have thought this is about her
>tell her that I'm never at home so she should just put them in the letterbox
>she insists on giving them personally
>I constantly harass her by text message to give me my books and evade her in person like some cyberpunk gorilla warfare shit
>eventually she mails me the books
>delete all contact info immediately and gently hold my old paper babies

>> No.3103228


It's funny that you presume that is economically viable for introverted young men with liberal arts degrees. Can I have a cut of your trust fund?

>> No.3103234

Have you read the books after you got them back?

>> No.3103238

Yes. She never read them at all though. Dumb bitch

>> No.3103241
File: 1.44 MB, 1818x1228, 1305946357271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of "pretty" women I've met have been dull as dirt to talk to. The odd-looking ones are often worthwhile though.

My theory is that attractive women, unless they're very psychologically broken, see their looks as their best asset and put all their effort into cultivating them. That sort of intense focus on their appearance causes them to either ignore or actively discard any interests that conflict with or otherwise provide no bonus to their attractiveness. Like reading, for instance.

This is why I look for women who are oddly dressed, aren't wearing makeup, or otherwise have some significant imperfection. These signs don't guarantee that the girl in question isn't obsessed with what other people think of her, but it's a start.

>> No.3103256

From someone who has been in a similar situation:

Hang in there dawg. It is so, so worth it

>> No.3103265

There was a girl I think I loved. She even seemed positively interested in me for a while. Now, I don't use the verb "think" gratuitously. I honestly never managed to work out my feelings for her. I mean, I was most definitively attracted to her, but did I really like her enough to actually engage in intimacy? I am note sure. Probably not, though.

I don't think I can be intimate with anyone, even if they have interests similar to my own. Ever read that sad short story in Dubliners? I feel pretty much like that.

>> No.3103283

nah there are tons of beautiful highly intelligent women. Go to grad school/any hip area of any major city ever and this becomes apparent immediately. And what's even cooler is most of them are a fuck-ton smarter and better read than you will ever be.

>> No.3103288

Thanks, man.
You'll find the one, I know it.

>> No.3103294

This. This is why I always find myself thinking "I hope she's fucked up" when I meet a pretty girl. Usually the broken ones are pretty easy to spot though, thankfully.

The problem is that you grow bored with the regular ones within days, but the crazy ones are fascinating for months and there comes that point where you are attached to them and they up the crazy to the point where it gets unbearable and then it all goes to shit.

Sometimes I think that one should just stick to short flings with dumb women.

>> No.3103296

>gorilla warfare
i thought you were supposed to be literate, /lit/.

>> No.3103297

>beautiful highly intelligent women
Most of them are boring as fuck and intelligent in the wrong way. I've never been impressed by any university type girl. They're often merely playing the game of their environment. I've never met a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma, for example.

>> No.3103300
File: 45 KB, 569x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never met a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma
Me neither now that I think about it

>> No.3103304

>You'll find the one, I know it.
Sad one girlfriend to another while they are watching Sex and the City and drinking wine. I hate that "I have a lump the size of a grapefruit on my pineal gland" - "oh i'm sure it's nothing!" type of mentality.

>> No.3103305

I'd like to consider myself fairly intellectual, and I don't find myself tormented by philosophical dilemmas.

>> No.3103308


Fucking a....

I've met girls that have psychological dilemmas.......

>> No.3103310

But have you worked past them, or just never faced them?

>> No.3103312

>I've never met a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma

>a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma


Found your problem. You're looking for a man. Adjust your expectations; there are plenty of intelligent girls out there but there have been remarkably few throughout history who have been 'intelligent' in the specific way you'd like for them to be. And most of them were unattractive.

>> No.3103327

>philosophical dilemma

>> No.3103330


Men are typically a more worthless commodity. With this knowledge, we must turn to defining ourselves and our beings through either our actions our thoughts. If we don't breed, it doesn't matter. From this we have our philosophical dilemma.

Women on the hand, have inherent worth. They can breed. Developing a personality isn't important, by the very nature of their existence they have purpose.

So, women don't have them

>> No.3103333


That's the point

>> No.3103343

That's a good point, but I can assure you I'm not looking for that in a woman anymore. I often find the more female variety of intelligence you mentioned to be so vulgar (as far as I'm concerned woman is infinitely more pragmatically minded than man, despite the shallow prejudices to the contrary often encountered) and uninteresting that I've pretty much discarded it as something to be looked after altogether. I'm more interested now in a woman that is interesting, rather than one that find interesting things interesting, if you know what I mean. Those tend to be more the artistic than the intellectual types.

>> No.3103345


...or they just don't express it to you for some reason. I thought you read? Read some Eliot, Nin, Rhys, Woolf, HD, Moore, Loy, Ocampo, Lispector, Tokarczuk, O'Connor, Welty, McCullers, Bishop, Munro or one of the other hundreds of great female writers and try to tell me that women are as shallow as you say. I fucking hate this "oh god I feel so much more than other people do" bullshit. If women don't want to open up to you, or if the women that you're around are vapid, this problem is with the system of values you participate in, and not females on the whole. Many women are led to believe that men are insensitive (and often they are not wrong - let's take you for example), and as such, feel like they have to subjugate themselves in order to get through to men they find attractive. Obviously, many women do not take this position, but those that do are less likely to "open up" than women who have deconstructed and overcome our sexist society.

And no, I am not a woman, nor a feminist, nor a virgin. I'm just a guy who likes to read.

>> No.3103351

>women have value because they can breed and men can't
>dabbling in evo psych while skipping biology 101

>> No.3103353

Most of women today don't consider breeding to be their purpose.

>> No.3103362


Why must they consider it? I'd say it's pretty commonly understood thing that the only real purpose of life is to continue life. It's pragmatism.

>> No.3103367

Don't know what "girl lit" is, but no one has recommended Simone de Beauvoir's fiction, which is an obvious choice for me. She really was quite brilliant. Although I recommend her fiction having not read anything (The Mandarins is warming my bookshelf), I imagine it's as well constructed as her non-fiction, if not better.

>> No.3103373

So you believe in a creator God then? Can't be a purpose without someone assigning one.

>> No.3103377


Nope. Not sure how you made that jump really.

Do rabbits question the meaning of life? Do squirrels, snakes, fish, or any other living creatures? Do trees pollinate from choice?

No, it's just what they do. Humans are the same way, we just have conscious intelligence in the way to trip us up.

>> No.3103378


Here is the told status report:

[ ] not told
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[X] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[X] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[X] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[X] Countold Strike
[X] Unreal Toldament
[X] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[X] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm
[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon
[X] Assassin's Creed: Tolderhood
[X] Battletolds
[X] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl
[X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo
[X] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare
[X] Pokemon Told and Silver
[X] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told
[X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction
[X] Told Fortress Classic
[X] Toldman: Arkham Told
[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told
[X] Super Mario SunTold
[X] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time
[X] Toldstone creamery
[X] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour
[X] Super Told Boy
[X] Left 4 Told
[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2
[X] Toldman Sachs
[X] Conker's Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded
[X] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West
[X] Portold 2
[X] Avatold: The Last Airbender
[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai
[X] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty
[X] Leo Toldstoy
[X] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater
[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes
[X] J.R.R Toldkien's Lord of the Told
[X] Told you that ps3 has no games
[X] LitTOLD Big Planet
[X] Rome: Toldal War
[X] Gran Toldrismo 5
[X] Told Calibur 4
[X] Told Fortress 2
[X] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood
[X] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told
[X] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile
[X] was foretold
[X] demon's told
[X] Tolden Sun: Dark Dawn
[X] Tic-Tac-Told
[X] Biotold 2
[X] Toldbound
[X] icetold
[X] Articuno used SheerTOLD!
[X] Told of the Rings
[X] Franz Liszt's MephisTOLD Waltz

Well done, man.

>> No.3103380

Not at all true.

>> No.3103383

>If women don't want to open up to you, or if the women that you're around are vapid, this problem is with the system of values you participate in, and not females on the whole.
I didn't encounter a single woman seriously, genuinely, passionately interested in philosophical problems in the whole philosophy department, nor did I find any genuinely interested in literature in the literature department. Not all too many men either, I'll give you that, but if I can't find even a bitch who's writing a dissertation on ethics to show any sign that she's genuinely interested in ethics you can't say I didn't try. Not that I mourn this fact, or that I dislike women for it, but I've found it to be just incredibly rare for a woman to have genuine intellectual interests. They often seem to regard such interests as accessories to themselves instead of themselves dedicated to such things.

>> No.3103385

>not sure how you made that jump really.

Cause his arguments only work when he puts the direction of the discussion on that way.

>> No.3103386

>>Women on the hand, have inherent worth.

This this this. This is why it's necessary to look for one who (a) is too crazy/broken to know about her inherent value, (b) is too "odd" in some way to be valuable to the mainstream, or (c) is too smart to care about it.

>> No.3103387

You said that the purpose of life is continuing life. You have no reason to think this except for "continuing" being one of the things life can be said of doing. That's like saying that the purpose of the sun is expelling heat, just because you pick that personally as it's defining trait.

By your reasoning I could also say that the purpose of life is to move, since it's all just a big squiggly mess to me.

>> No.3103389


you forgot 007 toldfinger

>> No.3103391

Out of all the "tolds" that made my laugh the most.

>> No.3103396

aw :(

>> No.3103399


I wouldn't disagree with any of the statements you made. All of those things are actions performed by a variety of actions.

Moving, expelling heat, and continuing life are the actions. So to again ask you "Why must they consider it?" Consideration means little in the face of action, and the action is breeding.

>> No.3103403


Well I fucked that sentence up. I really should proofread.

Someone mentioned that women "Don't consider breeding to be their purpose". I answer that consideration doesn't matter.

I restate that question.

>> No.3103404

It's not the purpose. It's just something that happens. You could as well say that the purpose of life is to consume energy. That's also something that organisms do. Or take dumps.

>> No.3103407


A-greed. You nailed it.
Women are incapable of having their existential situation affected by the quest for knowledge.
Women are earth-bound, immanent and horizontal.

>> No.3103408


Ok, then life still has no purpose. But women still hold the value of being able to breed. That inherently has value.

What value and why? I don't know, go ask the 7 billion people on the planet that came from mothers.

>> No.3103409

well... that could have been a worse thing.

>> No.3103412

This is interesting. I have noticed this too, and I've learned to hang out with people who are "out of the mainstream", not only women.

>> No.3103416

Therefore "purpose" doesn't come into it, since purpose implies reason and intent. Life does what it does, but it would be overreaching to ascribe motivations to it. Precisely which is unconsidered is per definition without purpose.

>> No.3103422

You do know that natural growth in western countries is dropping? The value of breeding is dropping among men and women alike.

>> No.3103424

>That inherently has value.
Not for those who do not wish to breed. inb4 anybody wants to breed, plenty of people choose not to reproduce. inb4 they still want to fuck, those are not the same thing.

>> No.3103429

>But women still hold the value of being able to breed. That inherently has value.

Good luck synthesizing sperm, or getting round the clone laws. Not so valuable without my throbbing cock, are you?

>> No.3103430

You do realize women are not parthenogenetic, right?

>> No.3103432
File: 76 KB, 402x402, C.-Wright-Mills-37637-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But for real now, don't take things too serious. You can spend your time with bitching around how girls are like this and like that or you can just relax and do whatever you want without thinking about it. Hell, I ignore girls in some situations where other people would crawl in their ass. Just free yourself from other peoples problems, you shouldn't care how stupid or how intellectual someone is cause it doesn't affect your life. In the end of the day you decide who do you talk to and if someone isn't interesting just tell them that you have to go, you don't have to mess around with their shit.

Pic unrelated, C. Wright Mills cause I still don't know why his name is in my notes.

>> No.3103435

Men can give their sperm everyday, doing their part in the reproduction process. It takes women nine months to do their part.
Having more women is more important; few men can be the fathers of many children.

>> No.3103441

Beware! You may be nurturing a diseased fad, that of the quirky women. I despise them so much; they are regular women who behave quirkily on purpose. It is the result of a fad that started in that french movie, "Amelie", then, the archetype spread. It was featured in countless romantic comedies. Beware.

>> No.3103445


Dream pixie girl.

Yea, don't worry, they really are fucked in the head. It's not something you actually want to deal with. Well, it's not something I want to deal with. Maybe you're different.

>> No.3103451

Important for what, silly? There's no inherent value to reproduction. Stop this misinformed simplified ethical Darwinism.

>> No.3103452
File: 48 KB, 297x323, 1350696301245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at party
>bump into girl at keg and we get to talking
>find out she likes to read, we discuss books for 30 mins or so
>thinking about asking for her number
>she then says "my boyfriend doesn't really like to read"

>> No.3103454

Sure it does. We're animals; it's our instinct to carry on the species.

>> No.3103457


Instinct! That's the word I should have used. I said purpose. Shame on me

>> No.3103458

That character type is far older than Amelie. See Bringing Up Baby, for instance.

>> No.3103459

Nope, it's our instinct to fuck. Attaching the goal of carrying on the species to it is merely an afterthought. Just because an act has an effect doesn't mean that it is the goal of the act. Reproduction can just as well be seen as a side-effect.

>> No.3103467


I think you've got that a bit backwards there.

>> No.3103468

Not as far as I'm aware.
For example, it is also instinct to protect children.

>> No.3103475

That's why safe sex is so delightful. You get to fulfill your instincts and foil the evolutionary reason you have that instinct.

>> No.3103477


How do you explain every other animal that fucks?

This conversation is going in circles but you seem to be under the impression that you're making progress.

>> No.3103486

Nope. Evolution theory just supposes that whatever works enough to continue existence doesn't perish and therefore continues to fuck about another day. This does not require any intent or more complex drives than what simply works.

For example, species A just happens to love fucking by a haphazard mutation. Because of this there are a lot of them which leads them to survive.

Species B don't like fucking as much and therefore are less prone to survival and die out.

In this way, the instinct of liking to fuck is what leads to survival. There's no need to have an instinct to carry on the species, since carrying on the species is in this case a side effect of liking to fuck. A side effect which just happens to lead to continued existence.

Another example: A bird has the ability to fly. You might say: It has this ability to escape predators, but that's wrong. There just happened to be birds who had the ability to fly and because of that just happened to escape predators, thereby becoming a "successful" species by dying less.

>> No.3103488

That animals find it enjoyable. My puppy started bunching up and humping his sleeping blanket several minutes ago. Was he trying to carry on his species? Or was he just pleasuring himself?

>> No.3103494

Simple: The animals who fuck have a tendency to survive. The ones that didn't didn't. Fucking is one of those things that combats extinction. So animals that like to fuck tend to produce a lot of offspring that like to fuck, making species that enjoy fucking predominant. They don't like to fuck /because/ they want to be a successful species, there are a successful species because they happen to like to fuck. Just like giraffes can get to high leaves because they have a long neck. They didn't get a long neck to get to those leaves. It's just that the ones who had shorter necks had less chance of surviving and therefore the remaining giraffes have long necks.

>> No.3103518

Maybe it's time to leave the stream again; lose our tailfins and scales, and walk the unexplored lands.

>> No.3103520

But horses have short necks and long faces, what's up with that?

>> No.3103521
File: 58 KB, 625x450, horse-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horses actually have relatively long necks.

>> No.3103524

Relative to giraffes? I believe you are having a giraffe there mate.

>> No.3103526

What a twist. I almost felt compelled to type "FFFFUUU!!" just like in the old times.

>> No.3103529

>tfw your ultimate meaning in life is managing the expenditure of energy in the hopes that it might be slightly less wasteful

>at party
>girl brings up Infinite Jest
>have only read The Pale King so I say nothing
>hang out with similarly awkward girl with Joy Division shirt for the rest of the night

>> No.3103530

giraffes actually have relatively short necks compared to their legs

>> No.3103535
File: 14 KB, 480x252, tmb_2780_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw your ultimate meaning in life is managing the expenditure of energy in the hopes that it might be slightly less wasteful
Makes me think of that old little guy in Waterworld in the oil reservoir in the Smokers' oil tanker. ;_;

>> No.3103558

Compared to most other mammals, I would think. Certainly the platypus is no match for it, to name one.

>> No.3103604

>On a train to the city by myself
>Girl from school (gorgeous may I add) likes one of my photos
>Decide to message her with a simple "Hey"
>All of a sudden we're typing paragraphs and having a lot of fun talking to each other.
>Seems very cool, dances, likes to paint, likes to read.
>Ask her if she's into Twilight as a joke
>Tells me she's actually read all of them and enjoyed them

At this point, I physically cringed and was very close to saying "fuck this shit" and stopping.
For some reason I didn't.

>One thing leads to another, and we have a beautiful, loving, honest, intimate, physically and emotionally passionate relationship.
>Lasts about 9 and a half months 'til we realise our differences in outlook are leading us seperate ways.
>Still great friends, taking her to the movies this weekend.

Don't be so judgemental I guess folks, there's a lot you might miss out on.

>> No.3103662

I, for instance, wank a lot. A LOT

>> No.3103684

You missed out the parts where you wear white make up and cover yourself in glitter.

>> No.3103716

And what is that you wank, mister?

>> No.3103723

>start studying a new subject
>strangers everywhere
>start talking to a girl who looks just as lost
>turns out she's a smart and nice person who has the same interests me
>she finds everything I say really interesting
>she becomes really happy when I suggest we do the group project together
>I'm not the least bit attracted to her

>> No.3103746
File: 48 KB, 499x625, 1349215425185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horrible time with girl over the summer.
>Back to University
>Begin spending time with girl who goes to same school and is from a town near my hometown
>Ask her out
>"I would say yes but I don't want a relationship right now. I'd say yes if the situation was different"
>Keep hanging out, lunches, movies ect.
>Be Today
>Ask her if she wants to go for lunch.
>Meet her for lunch
>Out of nowhere kisses me on the cheek.
>starts holding my hand
>Pulls me behind a sign and kisses me

This /lit/izens is what I call a good day.

>> No.3103851

Congrads bro. And to the guy way up there with the hard fought kiss.

I've had a tougher time with this. While I have no illusions left about finding a girl that reads, I still hope to find a girl that isn't terribly annoying, marginally attractive, and is also single.

This is hard. Really hard.

They're few and far between, and all taken. What do I run and have a job for?

>> No.3103885

>old paper babies

>> No.3103905


To take your mind off the boyfriends and rejection

Captcha: boobles facto

>> No.3103911
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>Claire Abbott

>> No.3103925


>tfw she has worked her way into her father's thoughts while he's been fapping and he hates himself for it and feels dirty but while he's fapping gets lost in fantasies about her so supremely filthy that he feels like shit after

this has happened. id bet cash.

>> No.3103928
File: 135 KB, 500x400, robert montgomery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet 8/10 attractive woman. Maybe a 9 if she wasn't so modest. Expect her to be an annoying cunt, but continue.
>I invite her to shoot shit, maybe eat lunch. She accepts.
>Find out she's not the typical annoying woman. She's pretty intelligent - has read a lot of classics and some modern works and is pretty knowledgeable about everything I bring up.
>Have an extensive conversation about philosophy, books we've read. We talk about the classes we're taking. She's modest, nice and everything.
>I'm in love. I suggest that we do this again sometime and she agrees.
>See her occasionally for the next couple of weeks.
>Too afraid of looking stupid to approach her again.

>> No.3103934

Shallow and pedantic.

>> No.3103940

>Vagina detected. Opinion discarded.

>> No.3103941

>Suddenly i step in and take her.
too slow bro

>> No.3103951


>let false pride get in the way of love

All because you're somehow afraid you'll be less of a man if she knows a few esoteric things that you don't?

Grow up.

>> No.3104337
File: 34 KB, 453x388, large_lucius wilkerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet qt in class 3 years ago
>Incredibly smart, funny, kind, if neurotic
>Talk every day, just walk around and talk for an hour or so
>Learn about life and myself in conversations
>Have best two years of my life
>Read IJ together over summer, email every day about it and discuss in depth
>Daydream about her constantly
>Start to wonder if I love her
>But she never initiates contact
>Stop having classes together
>Start hanging out less and less
>Get more awkward & self-effacing over time
>She seems to get calmer and more self-assured, becomes even more beautiful as she accepts herself
>See her three times this year
>Run into her on campus today
>She is hanging out with a guy I knew from college, witty & charming
>Stare at shoes during awkward how-have-you-been conversation
>Apologise for every stupid thing that blurts out of my mouth
>She says she needs to go work on her thesis
>Make it sound like I'm busy too
>Wish each other good luck with study
>Pretend to adjust my bike helmet so I can watch her walk across the courtyard to the computer lab
>She doesn't look back.

>> No.3104356
File: 66 KB, 1422x784, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't look back.

>> No.3104382

The most indicative and interesting point of this post (which lingers in the back of all well read guy's minds) is that it was written by a GUY...

I think most women can sense that there is some difference between men and them, and it may even be this 'philosophical problem', of which they know that they cannot speak against, since they intuitively sense man's difference. You, on the other hand, are simply elevating your skepticism about our difference into this over-the-top male righteousness overtly in the interests of woman according to your apprehension of their interests - defense against the apparent slander of not suffering from 'philosophical problems', - is that even a slander?

This is just anti-realism in the pose of feminism. Women have been, and still are, and may always be, more down to earth than men.

>> No.3104399

This is such a loathsome tactic among some men: citing the work of a few woman-geniuses to make some utterly absurd general point against a view that assumes the inequality of the sexes, even though we all know there is no equality of the sexes and that women, like but not like men, are for the most part infantile carnal husks of and for obscene and bland pleasures.

>> No.3104400


>for the most part infantile carnal husks of and for obscene and bland pleasures.

What are you basing this on?

>> No.3104404

And women, what do they say? They don't care, or they wax violent and produce illegible and horrid philippics against men which, without the fig leaf covering of marxist and psuedo-Christian ethics, would be unpublishable.

>> No.3104409

A sensitive and profound perception of reality, you worthless scoundrel - the same perception as yours, but unclouded by the moral categories and the self-mutilation enjoined on men by the dominant ideology.

>> No.3104412


Snowflake Syndrome: might want to look into it

>> No.3104417

How can you both be trolls and not recognize each other by scent?

>> No.3104427

Psuedo-scientific categories, you might want to check them and say what you want to say, as plainly as possible, in the form of:

"My lifestyle prejudice is that X" and then draw the inference painfully out of that, just as if you were giving birth to a retarded baby.

>> No.3104429

>Going to party tonight
>Friend is going
>Want to fuck her so bad
>She has a boyfriend
>He is also going
>Know I can't fuck her
>Won't be able to socialise effectively without alcohol
>Worry that if I get drunk I'll tell her I want to fuck her, or even try and fuck her
>Don't know what to do
>Keep imaging situations in which we end up in a secluded spot together and I fuck her brains out
Feels bad man

>> No.3104433

>Go to book club senior year of high school
>Meet 9/10 girl with lovable face
>She tells me she loves collecting old books and I should come see her collection
>Go to her house next day
>religious shit everywhere
>internally "Anon we can look past that"
>head back in the game
>She pools out stacks of old books
>slowly realize they are almost entirely old cook books
>she tells me she doesnt really like reading old books but loves having old books so she collects old cook books because she wants them to have a purpose
>She decides were going to make a recipe
>hands me book with page open to recipe
>preparation time 3 hours
>Go to fridge and grab all of the first ingredient I see
>hide in pockets
>ha cant cook now bitch
>"Oh no I dont have all the ingredients"
>"lets go to the store Anon. You drive"
>"Uh I can't find my keys"
>"Did you check your pockets silly?"
>Keep keys in back pocket
>attempt to flip front pockets inside out to show no keys
>Spaghetti everywhere

>> No.3104442
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>> No.3104444

Oh man

>> No.3104446



>> No.3104518
File: 244 KB, 677x782, caesarknowsthatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this made me cringe (partly because I've done similar things).

>Be out at clubs with friends/girl I asked from university
>get panic attacks on both instances
>say I'm going to the bathroom
>sneak away
>take taxi home by my self
>hate myself with every hated fibre of my hated body

I've seen that particular girl a couple of times as well, looked her in the eyes and kept walking.

>> No.3104524

Boy, and I thought I had it bad.

>> No.3104525

not like you're human or anything

But really, why would you assume for a moment that any undertaking, any action is not inherently limiting to the individual?

Every action sacrifices something; every decision is binding.

There are few better definitions of self-mutilation than the imposition psychological and physical limitations, which all humans do, all the time, as a necessary consequence of taking action.

It's just that sometimes, and this may surprise you, people think these limitations are worth imposing on themselves; in short they dedicate to a greater good (as it appears to them).

>> No.3104527

>dat greentext
>dat faggotry


>> No.3104576

You don't know what bad is. That social anxiety is a bitch, believe me.

>> No.3104578

Can you clarify what specific point you are making re my point.

>> No.3104632
File: 68 KB, 500x373, basedhibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at halloween party
>people getting drunk and telling ghost stories, even though we're all in our twenties.
>I retell a poe short, because, well bitches love poe.
>girl is all on my dick about how that was POE and how she loved him in high shcool, and that was her favourite story.
>demands I give her my number,
>tell her, no, because I wont date a pleb that actually likes poe.
>thinks I'm joking
>takes my phone and put her number in it
>disgusted I get up and leave.
>she follows me
>shut door in her face
>take out sim card and eat it
>throw up a little.

pic related but prettier and less slutty.

>> No.3104643
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>> No.3104654

Sad times bro.

>> No.3104655

>Sit next to my wife to rub her
>She rolls her eyes and pushes my hands away.
>I go read in the bathtub
>later I kiss her goodnight.
>She asks if I hung up my towel

>> No.3104663

>Friday night walking through town with gf
>Chavs up ahead smashing bottles over their heads
>Gf says go different way
>Ignore her want to get laid tonight
>Confront with alpha walk
>Chavs notice and start taunting
>Lose composure
>Chavs throw bottles
>Gf tries pulling me away
>Desperately want to go with her but want to get laid
>Keep going
>Chav swings at me
>Scared shitless don't even try and dodge
>Fall to ground with bloody nose
>Chavs kick and spit on me
>Chavs don't stop
>Losing consciousness
>Wake up
>Early morning
>Gf gone
>Bruised and battered
>Stuff stolen
>Beta as fuck

>> No.3104691

This story is still happening

>be on fb
>female friend of mine makes post about books
>both myself and lit girl toast in thread
>lit girl and I talk back and forth for a month or two
>meet irl
>She's really pretty
>We talk about our stories (mine a romance, hers a fantasy)
>We talk more online.
>Ask her out at the end of the summer
>"Seriously?" she says
>"Yeah, I'd love to"
>So we go out. Go to cafés, go on walks, cuddle
>She isn't interested in sex or even kissing.
>I'm okay with this
>We break up because I'm too unhappy
>Vow to be happier
>In process of getting back with her, seeing her in two weeks.
>feels good.

>> No.3104692

Saddest thing in this thread.

>> No.3104695

>going through Chavsville not prepared to back your alpha walk up
>not stabbing the first one to come at you

>> No.3104723

Stay strong brother. I know those feels well.

>> No.3104784

That isn't a purpose since life will finish one day, meaning there was no purpose to the whole series in the first place.

>> No.3104811

I know those feels.
Any advice for dealing with it?

>> No.3104835

>be particularly in love with this girl
>never felt anything like this about any other girl
>I do whatever she asks me to do
>confess my love to girl like a typical beta faggot
>she "never wants to see me again"
>soul crushed
>finally get over her after about a year
>she messages me out of the blue being all friendly and wants to see me again
>feelings come rushing back
>only time she talks to me is when she wants something or needs me to do something
>She knows shes in control of me
>Im concious of the fact that I'm her fucking dog
>accepted that her respect for me is so low that me and her will never happen
>Still compelled to do whatever she asks

fuck my fucking life dude. whats the most painless way to kill yourself

>> No.3104846

You could also stop responding. Just a thought.

>> No.3104850

at least I'm under a full moon -_-

>> No.3104857

Dude, beta is what you make of it. I'm beta as fuck - I hate confrontation because I was abused as a child. Just avoid confrontational people like a motherfucker, and if you can't 'nice' them into leaving you alone, give them a well-planned and horribly painful beating.

Beta's fine, just concentrate on your work, drop that dumb bitch - your love is not important. Ignore it like you ignore all the other bad shit.

>> No.3104864

finding our way into the next universe is on some scientists minds.

>> No.3104906

I agree. Although judging by all the "How do you deal with people who don't read" threads /lit/ has yet to learn that lesson.

>> No.3104910

October 31, 2012

Dear diary,
Today I saw Michelle. She is too pretty and moves the way that I imagine royalty moves. She is ridiculously talented at design and does everything more right than I could imagine

I wonder if she noticed that I stared at her all through class.

>> No.3104922

>tfw cold and distant wife

>> No.3104924

don't get married

>> No.3104932

>has a life long companion

omg so sad

>> No.3104936
File: 57 KB, 640x960, redtrousersgirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this thread may've got off to a slow start, but it's got a lot of posting now. As a reward, here is my second picture of OP picture girl. Let's call her 'Kate'.

>> No.3105037

I dont know what to do myself. We have sex about once every 2 months, I beg her to try to be passionate, but I can tell she feels like sex is a chore, although she orgasms whenever we fool around. She just would rather watch Gossip Girls and Vampire Diaries then participate in a relationship anymore.

>That feel when you dont masturbate because you think you might have sex that night, and then realize that it isnt going to happen so you shamefully retreat to the bathroom.

>> No.3105136

>16yo weirdo
>huge best friend's bd party
>see girl whom i called 'scarecrow' in the 4th grade
>shoot the shit, am drunk enough to be normal for a minute
>'let's go smoke a cigarette'
>making out like crazy
>some time passes
>'smoke another'
>hands on breasts, make out, carry her around but drop her on the concrete stairs on the front of the house
>go inside
>everyone's going to sleep
>we go to bed
>too drunk to get it up, eat her out in a vulgar way
>next morning
>don't say a word, just watch a movie. sober and boring
>she leaves
>i send texts begging for love
>says she's in the hospital
>broken ribs
>broken heart
>two weeks later tells me she has a crush on a girl from the capital city and she's in her room at the moment.
>never speak to her again.

but now i'm in a relationship where sex is a must and the girl is surprisingly okay.

>> No.3105139

posting in a sunhawk thrad

>> No.3105148

oh yeah it's /lit/ related because she's a published author now

>> No.3105150

Commenting on your posts and your posts before, yes this is very much true in the evolution.

There is a common false notion that there is a 'meaning of life' in biology, which is to reproduce. The guys earlier called it 'carry on the species' or something like that.

This is not true, the only thing that matters is, what works, will continue to exist.

This leads to a very profound understanding of evolution, which is needed in every aspect of technological biology, since you need to understand the deeper causes for biological functions.

It also leads to meaninglessness, but if you find meaning in science, you're doing it wrong.

I believe that this way life works justify the utilitarian system, since evolution itself is driven by hedonistic standards, and therefore our values and feelings towards different cases can only be seen in the light of what feeling, or happiness, it induces

>> No.3105155

cool post dude very interesting theories...


... NOT!

>> No.3105196

Wow dude that's really clever I can't believe I never thought of that
... NOT!

>> No.3105243
File: 47 KB, 435x571, wtfcasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the bar after a stressful day of grad school
>See a cute Asian girl standing in a group of East Asian Studies PhD students
>Walk up to them and start chatting
>"Oh, m-me? I... I study ph-physics b-but I like to read and do other stuff too"
>Tell them about how my new Murakami book just arrived (The Elephant Vanishes)
>Everyone in the group facepalming and groaning, except QT Asian girl wasn't paying attention
>Other guy turns to her and asks, "What do you think of Murakami?"
>She responds, "Murakami Haruki? He sucks. Same story every time"
>Run away, spaghetti falling out of pockets, slip on spaghetti and beer spills all over my shirt
>mfw when I'll eventually become a wizard and they'll be sorry...

Murakami isn't that bad, is he?

>> No.3105257
File: 50 KB, 307x396, Serenity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not been too bad recently.

>Started uni 7 weeks ago.
>Doing languages
>As a result, ridiculous women to men ratio
>Spent one week seeing this lovely Norwegian girl every day
>Explaining how French poetry works
>Seeing that look in her eyes when she understands
>After that week, things calm down a bit
>Not seeing her as much anymore
>She doesn't seem to want to spend any time with me.
>Honestly no idea why.
>We'll see what happens I guess
>Still have some hope

In the meantime
>German girl who I talk about French drama and Italian short stories with
>The slight German inflection she has when speaking French makes me melt inside
>Having coffee with her and some spastic American friend of hers walks in and proceeds to ruin the conversation.
>Hadn't heard anything from her for a while
>Yesterday we have a brief chat.
>Things might go well, but they might not.

>> No.3105260

The general trend of this topic is that "hurr durr i've never met a woman who is genuinely intellectually/philosophically inclined."

I'd like to point out that, I haven't met very many men of this nature either. People in general are stupid.

>> No.3105263

>Murakami isn't that bad, is he?

>> No.3105265


Forgot to add: Now sitting in a darkened room listening to a Celtic Woman playlist.

>tfw no singer gf who relaxes you with her pure voice.

>> No.3105306

This involves reading I guess. It happened a long time ago.

>few months in to university 1st year, made zero friends or acquaintances
>there's this really hot foreign girl in class
>it's STEM, so it's mostly males, 90 % of the time she talks to no one
>I made eye contact with her lots of times, it wasn't even me starting it most of the time (seriously)

>she's in one of my smaller classes
>fire alarm goes off for some reason, class has to stand out in the snow
>our teacher tells us to wait in a nearby building, where we wait for about 10 minutes
>almost everyone else is talking to each other
>I realise she's standing right behind me.

>I stand for ten minutes facing the other way, pretending to read a notice that has about 20 words on it

>> No.3105316

Just remember, girls are more afraid of you than you are of them.

>> No.3105324
File: 80 KB, 467x917, hetexted1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on... is it so difficult to, I dunno, give them your coat or something? Women absolutely love it when I notice them shivering and give them my jacket. It's a way of feeling alpha without being ALPHA. Even better is when you have a coat into which you can both nestle.

>> No.3105328

>be me
>can't seem to focus on any novels lately
>look for fun, easy read.
>jurassic park
>i can totally into this
>go to biochem
>take out jurassic park to read while on break
>two girls in front of me start whispering and looking back
>"Omg Mildred, check out this pleb! He probably really believes in dinosaurs."
>"N-no I d-don't! What are you c-c-c-cu-cunts reading? Wh-who are you to judge? Let me g-guess, 50 Shades of G-GAY!?"
>they smile more wildly and each take out heavily annotated copies of Ulysses.
>"Hey Bernice, I'll bet this kid can't even into Joyce."
>immediately start to sob in shame and tears fall onto and smudge important notes making it certain that I will fail the next test
>"B-but I read Portrait of the Artist a-as a Young M-man."
>they start laughing uncontrollably
>their boyfriends show up (Swagler and Swoeldorf), both black, swole, and slightly over 6 feet tall
>Swagler pulls out copy of Finnegan's Wake and Swoledorf pulls out first edition, autographed copy of Gravity's Rainbow
>they look at me and shake their heads
>Swoledorf sighs and uses a section of his four foot penis to bookmark Gravity's Rainbow as he turns to me
>"Don't worry, man. You'll get Patrician-level soon."
>wipe away tears
>"Really? Th-thanks."
>"No problem."
>He reaches over and rips out a page from my jurassic park copy
>"Here, use this to wipe some of the spaghetti sauce off your face."

>> No.3105352
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That's all well and good, but if you were a woman would you let this guy, who has never even said a single word to you or anybody you know and just stares creepily at you during class, give you a coat?

>> No.3105363
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True. But I like to think that not all of /lit/ are neckbeards.

>> No.3105386

I had a neckbeard for a little while last year but it was more of a thoreauian kind.

>> No.3105414

>Turquoise Shoes

Fuck you Sunhawk, go write more Gundam Wing fanfiction

>> No.3105420

Book link now

>> No.3105429

What're you looking at her shoes for?

>> No.3105436

But [url=http://flavors.me/tricorgeneric/]tricor liver damage[/url] flood halted [url=http://flavors.me/zetiacoupons/]zetia full prescribing information[/url] burning loam [url=http://flavors.me/duloxetinecymbalta/]cymbalta withdrawal serotonin syndrome[/url] sweating morose two.

>> No.3105443

I've spent far too much time on /fa/

>> No.3105463

not book, short stories published in collections of texts as well as online in literature portals (not English btw). sorry to disappoint, but i'd give links only and only if i weren't from my little shitty country where shit couldn't backfire as easy.

>> No.3105650
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>> No.3105670
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wait a sec.. "He probably really believes in dinosaurs"


>> No.3105698

>be last summer
>be in Eastern Europe
>waiting for friend in bar
>playing pool
>hot-ass girl comes up to me, says she'll play me
>ask where she's from
>says will tell me if i win
>start talking about Jane Austen
>she's obsessed with Sun Tzu
>I quote him extensively and say I like Miyamoto Musashi better
>she destroys me in pool
>two guys come in, want to play doubles
>we play against them
>they're better than she is
>i'm inexplicably destroying them
>she thinks i was just messing with her in the beginning
>seriously making crazy trick shots with no explanation
>usually suck at pool
>friend shows up and I leave with her, leaving the girl with her friend

>> No.3105711
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>be next evening
>get stoned and hammered and go to club
>girl is there
>buys me a drink, walks away seductively
>i'm blitzed and chug the drink, walk out of the club, and play with stray dogs in the street
>water is dirty as shit at the town i'm staying in and have been having hardcore diarrhea whole trip
>have to take shit bad
>go into club bathroom
>shitting, smells like sick, old person shit
>someone keeps knocking on door
>finish up
>open door
>it's her
>leave the club nonchalantly, knowing that she went into the bathroom right after I made it smell like a nursing home
>leave unphased
>mfw she was a model and I have a girlfriend

>> No.3105735

>probably longest thread on /lit/ right now
>sunhawk blog thread
WITNESS THE DEGENERATION OF THE /lit/ into /board you dislike/.

>> No.3105742
File: 140 KB, 864x1152, juliet-capulet-montague-photos-juliet-montague-1968-24386359-864-1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the men you meet IRL are too plebian for you
>tfw the men you meet online are too patrician to be entertained by you through text alone and without the help of physical charms
Such is life as a girl with intelligence and taste that is not remarkable to real intellectuals but puts you above most people in your local area.

>> No.3105749
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>not posting tits
I etc.

>> No.3105754

>be "visual" artist
>know a MILF, solid 7/10 who paints
>she keeps asking me to model for her
>she is always with other assorted women
>have no idea if she is married/divorced
>see her today wearing plaid and a pair of rubber boots (rainin like a mofo) omg so qt
>talk briefly
>before I have the chance of saying anything meaningful her bffs come along

I want to fuck this MILF so bad but liek wtf dawg I never get a chance to use my pathetic "game"

>> No.3105757


/lit/ has always been the /board i dislike/

still the greatest board on 4chan, and one of the most entertaining places to talk about literature on the internet, if not the friendliest or most well-read

>> No.3105761

Post feet first pls. Then we tork bout you fixin me a BJ.

>> No.3105762


most of the 'patrician' men you talk to are probably faking most of that to impress you.

>> No.3105907
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I have a ganglion cyst on one of them right now, so you probably wouldn't be interested.

Nah, I realize there's no way for me to describe it, but they're definitely much smarter and more well-read than I am...

>> No.3106178

I'm an older guy (in my 40's) I moved to this country when things weren't going well in Europe. Had a wife back there who wasn't too interested in books, but at least was meek and quiet enough to not bitch about my reading or scholarly work. But I left her and now I'm here, staying as a tenant with some big-boned heifer of a woman, but oh god does she have a good-looking daughter. Problem is, she might be considered 'too' young by some. She sat on my lap the other day while one of her shitty pop records played and I even got to rub off a quickie while I stroked her leg. Anyway, I'm thinking about trying to hit dat. Should I go for it?

>> No.3106182


>hit dat

I just puked. Go take off your denim vest, cowboy.

>Should I go for it?

You know you shouldn't. It's up to you whether or not you're willing to go through with it regardless.

>> No.3106183

>I have a ganglion cyst on one of them right now, so you probably wouldn't be interested.
I wouldn't bet any money on that.

>> No.3106185

Not recognising a poor rendition of Humbert Humbert.

>> No.3106188


keyword: poor

>> No.3106189

I feel you bro. Hopefully she's dead

>> No.3106191

yeah thats from lolita

>> No.3106215


>> No.3106240

>keyword: poor

idk man, 'shitty pop records,' 'rub off a quickie,' and 'trying to hit dat' sounds like a spot-on Humbert to me.

>> No.3106245


Fair enough. I haven't read Lolita
I've seen it, though

>> No.3106265

why would you talk about something you haven't read as if you have read it?

>> No.3106273
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It was definitely cash bro

>> No.3106277

that was the gayest story I've ever read

>> No.3106279


you must be new here.

>> No.3106292

>at party
>not sure why I'm there, old friends invited me and I had nothing better to do though
>sitting in room reading Faulkner
>they're all on the balcony smoking pot
>have whiskey to myself
>girl stumbles in drunk
>says i'm "weird"
>I leave

>> No.3106293
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Haha look at this post everyone
Stupid people come on /lit/ and try to write in a way that sounds smart and cool in threads like this
wow I can't believe people actually do shit like this

>> No.3106298

I wrote a lengthy hate-filled diatribe about how >>3106245
is what I hate about /lit/, but my browser refreshed and I lost the damn reply so I just reworded the whole thing as a passive agressive question

>> No.3106306

Fucking lol. How would you know? What kind of people share their philosophical dilemmas? (In case you're wondering, the answer is "pretentious assholes".)

>> No.3106312
File: 24 KB, 300x200, alcoholism fifth bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol anon with prude/sensitive gf here again
>haven't actually been up to her dorm room this whole time because she says its messy and she is self conscience about it.
>apparently she has cleaned it and invites me up
>room is still pretty messy, but hey whatever
>hanging out on her bed just talking about reading and writing and shit
>show her some of the shitty saccharine-as-fuck romances I wrote a year or so ago
>we have a good laugh about how terrible they are
>says I should try writing some more romance sometime
>tell her I haven't really had the inspiration recently to work in that genre
>she blushes a little bit and looks down bashfully
>"maybe I could give you a hand"
>a few moments of quiet, a silent nod and we go back to talking about writing and shit

>> No.3106313

I'm gonna do a tally of girls who have hit on me this past year:

Girls who have told me I'm cute/adorable/good looking: 10
Girls who have approached me and asked my name: 7
Girls who touched me alot: 5
Girls who have cutely smiled at me/said hello: 14
Girls who have confessed to masturbating thinking about me: 1

Amount of girls here I would bang given the chance: Most of them
Number of these girls I've actually had sex with: 0

The last time any of this happened: Roughly three weeks ago.

>> No.3106318


>> No.3106336

>he probably believes in dinosaurs

secret christfag is secret

>> No.3106338


You're reading alone at a party with your friends.

She was entirely justified.

>> No.3106349

Aside from the whole....you know...masturbatory confessions bit, this happens to me frequently as well but I have no reason to believe I will actually make sexy time with any of them. I cannot translate normal contact with females to anything romantic without having it made very easy for me by the fact that the girl liked me already

I have decided that even thinking about such matters as being at all relevant to whether or not I get to put my dick in stuff is stupid, and also decreases the likelihood of dick-sticking anyway

>> No.3106350

>self conscience

yeah. stopped reading there.

>> No.3106351


I mean... did you even try to make a nice at that point?

>> No.3106356

Holy shit haha that sounds horrible I must say

That's too emo to be true

>> No.3106373

>9/10 girl with traditional beliefs who loves to cook

Lord have mercy, she sounds like a peach. Sign me up.

>> No.3106377

>a nice

should say "move"...

>> No.3106417
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>>take out sim card and eat it

>> No.3106468

hmm its almost ten, im pregaming and deliberating on whether i want to go at this party at miami shores or go to south beach even though it is packed tonight. drank heavily last night and the night before...but its halloween so

this happened about two weeks ago

>take out co-worker
>9/10 reggea qt3.14hipster ethiopian chick dat ass
>take her to the hard rock
>drink around 7 rounds (had drunk a four loco before picking her up)
>lose at gambling
>having a great time nonetheless
>hitting on random girls at hard rock, she seems vexed but i give no fucks
>decide to go this party
>make her laugh on the elevator to parkng lot
>walking to the car
>at this point i am dangerously drunk, in that near toxic alpha mode when all you want to do is break shit and fuck holes into walls
>four dudes walking by, i see them staring at me, turn to them and say "what the fuck are you looking you faggots"
>they turn around with this dumb look on their face
>i could take two of them easily but all four would send me to the hospital
>she starts dragging me away
>they say shit like, "yeah thats right walk away"
>but they dont move and this moment i realize that I have already won
>laughing, as i am dragged away, i yell out "pussies"
>reach my car
>"what the hell is wrong with you?" she tells me
>come on baby dont be like that
>grab her by the waist and force my tongue down her mouth
>she protests

>> No.3106472

>all of my swagger
>get inside the car and finger her
>all the while she is meekly saying stop, dont, but her body betrays her as she is wet as wet can be
>doesn't want to give me head
>verbally abuse her
>drop the bitch off and go home
>at work the next day she is all over me

bottom line, girls love a european asshole-adonis.

btw i have this devil costume but i don't wanna wear it, i feel like just carrying around the pitchfork tonight and shouting out random decimals(an anon from /mu/ gave me this idea and its brilliant)

>> No.3106478

She's calling you Josef Kevalier
Josef Kevalier is gay

>> No.3106481


>Starting shit with 4 at once

I wish they would have broken your fucking face.

>> No.3106485

>you will never have this
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I wish I didn't hate myself

>> No.3106486

You sound like a faggot. The only reason I'm replying is that my current city (Vancouver) has far too many Asians, Indians, and Whites, and not enough East Africans. Yes, I'm jealous.

>> No.3106493


The funny part is that I have started shit with multiple people on many occasions and surprisingly i've only gotten my ass kicked (badly) twice.the other times they are intimidated by how crazy i come off.
one on one i've never lost a fight though

>> No.3106506

>she says her room was messy
>her room was actually messy
I cannot into this kind of talking.

>> No.3106520

>i feel like just carrying around the pitchfork tonight and shouting out random decimals(an anon from /mu/ gave me this idea and its brilliant)

At first I was like what the fuck is he talking about but then i was like AAAHHH FUCKK I WISH I HAD THOUGHT OF THAT

>> No.3106536

>one on one i've never lost a fight though

except on /lit/, of course
really, you're no better than an animal

>> No.3106550

>i feel like just carrying around the pitchfork tonight and shouting out random decimals


do it while 'rating' girls

"8.7 Best New Ass"

>> No.3106575

But the words themselves say it, how could she not understand it?

>> No.3106588

>sitting in a coffee shop reading
>girl sits next to me (8/10)
>"hey, what are you reading?"
>"ok. i'm reading Twilight"
>I tell her that Stephanie Meyer's prose seldom rises above the serviceable, and the plotting is leaden.
>She asks if I want to go to a bookshop with her and get her some real books
>Tell her no
>Asks if she can have my number
>Asks for my number
>"Bye then, Anon"

>> No.3106600

Done right

Will be copypasta before the night is through

>> No.3106609

>Done right

>> No.3106616

>riding a crowded city bus
>cute bookish-looking guy in neighboring seat is absolutely glued to his kindle
>construct fantastical narrative about his gentle personality and intellectual but unpretentious leisure pursuits
>start to name our kids
>sneak a peek at the page he's reading

>> No.3106626

She means you're like Kafka, and we all know his sexual preferences.

>> No.3106776

That's some Stoner shit.

>> No.3106793

>The typical /lit/ female denizen.

>> No.3107264
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>> No.3108782

Almost to 300 posts!

>> No.3108790
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>4 Sunhawk threads on frontpage

>> No.3108794

i don't get the "dagny" reference?

>> No.3108799

"Atlas Shrugged"

>> No.3108815

Glorious isn't it?
The truth of /lit/ revealed.

>> No.3108826

Have an affair

>> No.3108847

Introduce some domestic violence into your relationship. Seriously, nothing gets them wetter.

>> No.3108897

I met this shy, highly introspective girl in the beginning of the year, she came over a few times. Mind you she's 16, I'm 18.

We picked things up again some months ago, say 2-3. She has blossomed into a wonderfully literate and intelligent person, reading wonderful classics and enjoy philosophy as much as myself. I took her virginity last week and we went on a date this weekend. All really cool except she apparently lied to her dad as to where she'd be on both occasions. Unbeknownst to me, until he hounded the hell out of my phone when we went out last. Suffice to say, she won't be allowed to see anyone for awhile...

This won't happen for a couple more months... but I've got a couple bitches on line so I can manage

>> No.3110506
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My biggest thing at the moment is not getting replies to texts. Damn what is it, why don't new girls reply? Are you supposed to keep texting them? I hate texting so much.

>> No.3110684

So call her up, schedule a date and meet her face to face? If she's not texting you back she's
A) Not interested
B) Not a texting person (and neither are you it seems)
C) Playing games and being bad news.

>> No.3110692
File: 82 KB, 500x677, 5ivfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But calling puts pressure on them, and no one likes talking on a cell. I've found people don't answer / talk on their phones. I'm at a lost with cell phones completely, I didn't grow up with them. Can't stand waiting for a reply, you try not to think about it, but its in the air.

>> No.3110708

Has anyone else noticed girls pretend to know every single thing you mention.

I was talking to this girl and I swear to god she claimed to "have heard of" every single goddamn band or musician or author or book I mentioned. I'm so sick of girls doing that. Just fucking tell the truth.

>> No.3110716

>But calling puts pressure on them
I dunno if you'll get very far with that attitude. At some point, you'll have to pose a potentially uncomfortable question to them, e.g. "Would you like to go on a date to get coffee with me?"

>> No.3110717

when a girl does that, take the piss out of her. don't abide lying just because it's coming from a pair of tits you want to squeeze.

>> No.3110719


i brought up something that didn't exist and this girl pretended to know what it was and acted enthusiastic... intredasting.

>> No.3110735

I don't know what to tell you. I've never had all-texting-flirt work out for me. It always fizzles. But nobody ever refuses a "Wanna meet up for coffee"-call. At the very least they'll call you later if they're indisposed and you know where you're at with them.

I don't think it will come off as pressure - boldness maybe. And that seems like a good thing.

>> No.3110752
File: 38 KB, 452x303, awyiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make up shit ("How about 'Radiation Fetus? They're great.") and bust her in a joking manner. Then present the thesis that she is trying to get into your pants. Conclude that it is sort of working.

You're welcome.

>> No.3110836
File: 26 KB, 388x497, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me sideways, that's a potent feel.

>> No.3110836,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sunhawk, who is that ugly girl you keep posting/do you have more..?

>> No.3110836,2 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is six years old. Sunhawk left after reading The Master and Margarita. She hated it. Too different from Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

The bourgie boobie girl is Claire Abbott

>> No.3110836,3 [INTERNAL] 

Claire is the girl at the very top no? I was referring to the one in the blue tank top with the piercing.

>> No.3110836,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, you mean >>3102714
Why didn't ya link it?
I do believe it's Buttonbox.