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/lit/ - Literature

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3101036 No.3101036 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.3101045

Heart of Darkness
White Noise
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Sons and Lovers

Nineteen Nineteen
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.3101058

Quite a solid reading choice there.

Do let us know how Sons and Lovers is going if you don't mind.

>> No.3101064


I'm enjoying it so far, I'm about sixty pages in. It's my first read of D.H. Lawrence's stuff and as such I'm still acquainting myself with the rhythm of his style. Most of the book has been pretty expositionary (?) so far but I love the dynamics at play with the characters. I'm stoked to get into some psychosexual tension and drama, which has been hinted at a little bit.

>> No.3101073

I'll be reading it shortly myself, and other than a few short stories it will be my first Lawrence as well.

Hope it goes well!

>> No.3101075


thanks, (person who I'm assuming is) caps.

>> No.3101079

No worries.

I honestly shied away from Lawrence for so long because I thought he just wrote erotic stuff, and that because of the time it was written it was so well-known, given the controversial nature. I've come to realise that I was wrong, especially in the case of Sons and Lovers, which is why I'm tackling it first.

>> No.3101082

>Last 3:
Collected Fictions of Borges
The Brothers Karamazov

I, Claudius

>Next 3:
Fathers and Sons

I have some short story collections to read, but I also want to buy myself some more DFW or Kundera.

>> No.3101084

God damn Fathers and Sons is coming up a lot in this thread.

>> No.3101086

Fathers and Sons =/= Sons and Lovers

>> No.3101090


I just woke up.

I should stop doing that.

Thanks for picking up my silly mistake however.

>> No.3101091


Yeah dude, go for it. I also own a few others by him so if Sons is good then I'll have plenty more to dig into.


Fathers is great. Superb bookread.

>> No.3101095

I think the same thing every time I see either title, so don't worry about it.

>> No.3101112

Good, it's not just me then

>> No.3101118

The one with The Necklace, Boule de Suif, etc. I have a thing for literature centered around the Franco-Prussian war.
I won't be reading Gothic literature in the near future.
Pretty cool, full of local flavor. It's always nice to read how life must have been for your older relatives.

Just started this. My 7th book by this author.

NEXT THREE (I'm always changing them so whatever)

>> No.3101457

Are you the guy that brought up Mad Toy 1-3 weeks ago?

Also, Forbidden Colours is awesome. The misogyny, the hatred and manipulation. Fucking loved it. Love Mishima's darker physiological books.

Here's an update:




>> No.3101468

Last three:
>Mistborn 2
>Mistborn 3
>Mistborn AoL


>The Way of Kings

Next three:

>The Blinding Knife
No idea what next

>> No.3101483

Last three:
Cloud Atlas
American Psycho
The Sirens of Titan

The Hobbit

Next Three:
Cat's Cradle
Breakfast of Champions
Steve Jobs bio

>> No.3101528

May I ask how old you are?

>> No.3101533

High school age

>> No.3101536


>> No.3101550


It's against the rules to announce a report.

>> No.3101562

The Alchemist (Jonson)
William Wilson
The Fall of the House of Usher

Moby Dick

Next Three:
Uncle Tom' Cabin
The American
Huck Finn

>> No.3101572

Who said I even reported?

>> No.3101573


Nobody said you reported, and it doesn't matter. It's against the rules to ANNOUNCE a report, which you clearly did.

>> No.3101580

You have me there

>> No.3101647

Invisible man
The pidgeon.
The surgeon of crowthorne.
Notes from the underground.
Rendesvous with rama.

>> No.3101678

No he does not

>> No.3101689

Last three:
The Tunnel - Sabato
The Casual Vacancy - Rowling (ugh)
The Secret Sharer - Conrad

Currently reading:
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle - Murakami

Next three:
TBA - Murakami
The Help - Kathryn Stockett

>> No.3101696

Haha, you read stupid shit by women

>> No.3101698

>Last 3
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

John Dies at the End

I do't really plan this out, I'm thinking:
A few of the hitchhikers guide books
The Great Gatsby

What do you recommend? I got Zen and the Art of Motercycle Maintenance recently, is that any good?

>> No.3101702

Fuck 'ye Flatland

>> No.3101709

nausea - sartre
unbearable lightness of being - kundera
the picture of dorian gray - wilde
the idiot - dostoevsky

to the lighthouse - woolf
portrait of the artist - joyce
v. - pynchon

>> No.3101734

About a boy (Hornby)
How to be good (Hornby)
To have and have not (Hemingway)

On the road (Kerouac)

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Kesey)
Rum diary (Thompson)
Zeno's Conscience (Italo Svevo)

>> No.3101770

How to be a good boy - Hornby

>> No.3101815

Emerson Anthology

The Picture of Dorian Grey

Biographia Literaria

>> No.3101820

last two

cat's cradle (vonnegut)
god bless you mister rosewater (vonnegut)


slaughterhouse-five (vonnegut)


breakfast of champions (vonnegut)

I just got this collection by him and have been reading it cover to cover

>> No.3101863


>> No.3101888


Why is it disgusting? Those are some okay books.

>> No.3101897

>Last three
Confessions of a Mask, Mishima
Four Quartets, Eliot (read this a few times on the train)
Therese Raquin, Zola

>Currently reading
Robert Frost's Selected Poems
Might finish off The Trial also, which has been lying around for a while.

>Next three
The Wind in the Willows, Grahame
The Symposium, Plato
The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche

>> No.3102020

Brave new world
Fahrenheit 451
The metamorphosis
The trial
Dangerous visions
Web of the city
Paradise lost

How much of a pleb am I, /lit/?

>> No.3102023

Yeah, I'm the same guy.

I had to momentarily drop Forbidden Colors though. My ebook was shit so I'm in the process of correcting it with SIGIL.

I switched it with Stoner.

>> No.3103007

I may just read Mad Toy one day because of your posts.

Eh, don't worry about it so much man. If you're worried about reading entry-level classics, you've got to start somewhere, right?

>> No.3103054
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Last Three
> The Picture of Dorian Grey
> Fahrenheit 451
> Memoirs of a Geisha

Currently Reading
> On the Road

Haven't picked out anything after this, recommend anything along the same lines as what is above?

>> No.3103084

Last Three:
Bartocq's Ophelia by Nathasha Trethewey
Love Is a Dog from Hell by Charles Bukowski
Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (A-text)

Currently Reading:
The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan

Next Three:
Not sure

>> No.3103088

Read Steppenwolf, yo.

>> No.3103090

Crime and Punishment
Sound and the Fury
Slaughterhouse 5

The Brothers Karamazov

Notes From the Underground
The death of Ivan Ilvich

>> No.3103093

I'm going for 'literature', with lowercase 'l'

The Caves of Steel
Neuromancer (x2)

Snow Crash

Count Zero
American Psycho
Casino Royale (holy shit I do want to read it)

>> No.3103094


>> No.3103100

>not liking Vonnegut

Come on, Cat's Craddle had some charm.
Slaughterhouse-Five really pales in comparison, imo.

>> No.3103108

He's like Hemingway, great to read in your teens. Thereafter, he loses his charm.

>> No.3103110

Vonny isn't bad but his novelty wears off pretty quick.

>> No.3103111

I'm the guy that originally called on the other reading only Vonnegut, but not the one that responded with 'uhh' btw.

>> No.3103115

Hemingbro will always be good

>> No.3103124

>ever losing his charm

Not at all. That's Kerouac you're talking about.

>> No.3103423 [DELETED] 

Some friends told me it wasn't Arlt's best novel but it was a nice pleasant read. He was a working-class writer in an age where writers were high class (Borges, Ocampo, Bioy Casares). Even though he writes about money, and poverty and work, he manages a certain level of poetic artistry at times that I found quite endearing.

And the local flavor and use of lunfardo[/use] is just amazing. If you can, read it Spanish. The translation must suffer dearly because of this.

>> No.3103442

Some friends told me it wasn't Arlt's best novel but it was a nice pleasant read. He was a working-class writer in an age where writers were high class (Borges, Ocampo, Bioy Casares). Even though he writes about money, and poverty and work, he manages a certain level of poetic artistry at times that I found quite endearing.

And the local flavor and use of lunfardo is just amazing. If you can, read it Spanish. The translation must suffer dearly because of this.

>> No.3103480
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>Last three
The Stranger
The Catcher in the Rye

>Currently reading
Kafka on the Shore

>Next Three
The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

I also ordered a couple other books, but I think IJ/GR will arrive first. I'd like to save those two for last in any case.

>tfw first year in life of actually reading

>> No.3104376

>Implying it's worth checking out the Beats at all

>> No.3104381


>can't into Burroughs

pseudelitist detected

>> No.3104384

From what I've read on /lit/, the Frenchies did it earlier, and better.

>> No.3104385


that doesn't make him not worth checking out.

are you referring to the symbolists?

>> No.3104386

Genet, Celine.

He is after my cut-off point as well.

>> No.3104398

Beethoven in his own words - compiled by Friedrich Kerst*
Miles Davis' autobiography
Paroles - Jacques Prevert

Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T E Lawrence*
Literary Occasions - essays by Naipaul

in pipeline:
Teorema - Pasolini
Napoleon - Emil Ludwig*
Thief's Journal - Genet

*public domain, available online (gutenberg.org, archive.org)

>> No.3104421

Last Three:

>Bastard Out of Carolina - Dorthy Alison
Really lame book. It read like a bad Lifetime movie mixed with To Kill a Mockingbird

>Raisin in the Sun - Lorianne Halsberry
It was a really good play but my teacher is taking it a bit over board

>The Soft Machine - William S. Burroughs

I really liked the cut-ups towards the end but some of the cut-ups in the middle were pretty lame and the straight prose were a great addition. Overall a great read and great start to the trilogy which I hope to start later


>Snow Crash -Neal Stephenson

I have been visiting occasionally but I have a lot of homework and other assigned reading to do. Fun book so far though

>V. - Thomas Pynchon

Trying to re-read it with a few bros on goodreads. Going slow though

>No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July

Visiting it occasionally reading one story at a time. She has a very good sense of personality which is absolutely charming but at the same time could get annoying since she rarely mixes it up.

>Middlesex - Jeffery Eugenides

Surprisingly really good. It has the feeling of an epic and the main character has a strong voice throughout by using parenthesis.

Next Three
Satantango -Laszlo Krasnaharkai
Infinite Jest - DFW (hopefully)
Gravitys Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon (hopefully)

>> No.3104441

How have I never heard of Seven Pillars of Wisdom before?

Thank you.

>> No.3104443
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is dis nigga srs?

>> No.3104445

Also update:

Last three:
Salome - Wilde
Carmilla - Fanu
The Willows - Blackwood

She - Haggard

Next three:
Winesburg, Ohio - Anderson
Tropic of Capricorn - Miller
David Copperfield - Dickens

>> No.3104447

I'm referring to the novel. Every time I've asked for war literature this was never brought up either.

Care to recommend any other war classics?

>> No.3104457

not sure if it's mentioned often: "Leaves of Hypnos", a poetic diary by Rene Char, leader of a french resistance group in ww2.

no other protips here

>> No.3104470

>Leaves of Hypnos
Thank you.

>> No.3104650

Check out Storm of Steel

>> No.3104713

I'm snail pace atm

All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
Satantango - Krasznahorkai
HHhH - Binet

Berlin Stories - Walser
The Setting Sun - Danzai

Valerie and Her Week of Wonders - Nezval
Log of the S.S. the Mrs Unguentine - Crawford
An Imaginary Life - Malouf
Maybe This Time - Hotschnig

>> No.3104734

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - HST
The Plague - Camus
The Trial - Kafka

White Guard - Bulgakov

The Elephant Vanishes - Murakami
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky
Lord Jim - Conrad

>> No.3107452

Last three:
Salome - Wilde
She - Haggard
Winesburg, Ohio - Anderson

Tropic of Capricorn - Miller

Next three:
David Copperfield - Dickens
The Power and the Glory - Greene
The Magic Mountain - Mann

>> No.3107493

How many hours do you read per day Capsguy?

>> No.3107555

Not enough

>> No.3107563

Soreceror's Stone
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban

Goblet of Fire

Order of the phoenix
Half-blood Prince
Deathly Hallows

>> No.3107566

The Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie (yes yes yes yes)

The Wind Through The Keyhole by Stephen King
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski

>> No.3107597
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>Last three
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
Bohemian Lights

>Currently reading
The Invention of Morel
The Society of the Spectacle

>Next three

>> No.3107598

>Heart of Darkness
> Metamorphosis
>Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan
>Dresden Files (book 1) by Jim Butcher
>Japan: A Concise History
Next Three
>Battle Royale by Koushen Takami
>what ever the fuck else I can find at any one of the libraries around.

>> No.3107617

Last two books of Earthsea trilogy
First of Mistborn trilogy

Mistborn: The Well of Ascension
(also Alas, Babylon)

Mistborn's last book

the other two I don't know
I'm looking for something that gives me the same feelings I get when reading Tolkien's work, something like it

Maybe the stuff by Hobb, Liveship Traders.

>> No.3107632

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
Ubik - Philip K. Dick
Bel Ami - Guy de Maupassant
Le Père Goriot - Honoré de Balzac
The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami


>> No.3107646

Abercrombie is awesome, bought to start Red Country

>> No.3107656

Road of the Patriarch

Charon's Claw

Watership Down
Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian
The Hunger Games

>> No.3107681

>the dwarf - par lagerkvist
>collected plays vol 2 - arnold wesker
why the fuck hadn't i heard of this guy
>the grass is singing - doris lessing
major bummer but super well rendered

>the vet's daughter - barbara comyns
owns owns owns
>the splendor of portugal - antonio antunes
wicked neat, like sound and the fury in angola kinda almost
>the octopus - frank norris
for roughage

up in the air what's next

>> No.3107713

Last Three:
The Fuck Up - Nersesian
Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Kafka
Pluto Vol. 8 - Urasawa

Currently Reading:
Swimming Home - Levy

Next Three:
The Lighthouse - Moore
Mr Vertigo - Auster
Walter and Skeezix Vol.1 - King

>> No.3110460

Last three:
Tropic of Cancer - Miller
Salome - Wilde
She - Haggard

David Copperfield - Dickens.

Despite the considerable length of this novel, it reads amazingly fast. I'm about 10% through, is the entire novel like 90-95% dialogue? Because it is so far! I hope that as David grows up throughout the novel, that at least the dialogue has a bit more substance to it. Characterisation is typical Dickens, but since many view this as one of his top three works, I was hoping for more...

Next three:
The Power and the Glory - Greene
The Magic Mountain - Mann
The Black Tulip - Dumas

>> No.3110520

Other guy that posted wasn't me.

These days I seem to average a good four or so hours.

Since I came to Japan and have tried to cut on my drinking this seems to be my daily schedule:

Wake up 8-9am
Run and exercise for an hour or so
Shower, eat breakfast and chill for an hour or so
Read 1-2 hours
Go get lunch and coffee at local cafe
Talk to staff, do some private lessons and read or whatever
Come home
Afternoon jog

Most of the foreigners in Japan that I was friends with on my previous holidays have left, which leaves me pretty much with exclusively female Japanese friends. It's nice to go out a bit with them, fuck around with some and whatever, but sometimes it gets boring of the same shit.

Unlike my previous holidays, I'm actually trying to learn some Japanese, but since almost all of my friends want to study/speak English, it is hard at times. One of the reasons I go to the local cafe instead of bars, more likely to meet Japanese who speak next to no English.

I'm hoping early next year I can get into some sports or culture clubs, with predominant members being Japanese. Will buy some Japanese study books/guides, especially when I decide to hit Kanji.

If anyone in Japan here, how did you make friends with Japanese who aren't gaijin-hunters or just want to use English English English? Other than bars/clubs please.

>> No.3110531



Wake up 9am
Smoke a bowl and a cigarette
Work all day
Go home
Read, write until near morning

>> No.3110543

Last 3:
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
Jane Eyre - Bronte
Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespurr

The Crying of Lot 49 - Pynchon

Next 3:
Notes from Underground - Dostoyevsky
V. - Pynchon
The Odyssey - Homer

>> No.3110557

Well, I also often travel around Kansai and sometimes other parts of Japan as well. It's just most of my friends that I want to see to do stuff with (other than fuck, drink with and other generic things) tend to be free on weekends, which if when I like to drink.

Just the past month or so I went from no exercise and drinking until 5-8am almost every day to the above mentioned kind of routine.

I just see so many foreign guys here that have nothing going for them. True, for many, they came to Japan losers, but still. Perhaps when I move in December or January to my own place I will see about joining a gym or something.

>> No.3110571

Last three:
Cats Cradle - Vonnegut
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Read part of "The geneology or morals" - Nietzsche

Currently reading:
Poor Folk - Dostoevsky

Next three:
Notes from the Underground - Dostoevsky
Who knows other than that... Probably something by Vonnegut, Plato, or Huxley.

>> No.3110677

>last three
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman
Invisible Heart - Russel Roberts
Rendevouz with Rama - Arthur Clarke

Free to choose - Milton Friedman
Guide to young economists - William Thomson

Dunno probably one of these:
Causality - Pearl
Selfish Gene - Dawkins
Basic Economics - Sowell
2001: space odyssey - Arthur Clarke

>> No.3111047

For younger people, their social lives are usually tied organizationally to something they're part of. If you can find any groups in your local area, like amateur sports teams or other kinds of doukoukai, that's a good way to kind of formally insert yourself into a group where people also end up interacting casually among the members. If you're just there holidaying, though, it can be harder, since you can't most those kind of more semi-permanent commitments. Try to do things that pertain to your hobbies, even if you have to do them alone, and occasionally you might find an interesting looking person to strike up a conversation with.

For me, a lot of the friends I made in Japan happened by pure chance like that. If you shop at the same store, eat at the same restaurant, drink at the same bar, etc... enough times, eventually you'll start to recognize the people who are always there, and they'll start to recognize you. It also helps if it's obvious that you can speak Japanese, since if you don't look asian, people who might otherwise be interested in talking to you will hold back because they'll think you won't be able to understand each other.

>> No.3111055

>since you can't most those kind of more semi-permanent commitments
wow what the fuck was I even trying to type here...

since you can't MAKE those kind of etc etc

>> No.3111999

Many thanks, I'll be here for a year or so. It's not that I'm lonely, I'm just looking for friends other than the ones that typically want to be friends with (or associate with, for whatever reason) foreigners as well.

At least I look moderately okay, some people have talked to me randomly partly because of that. I'm pretty tall 6'4", and I have blue eyes, so sometimes people are curious and randomly ask how tall I am, or where I'm from etc.

Being black in Japan would suck, the only people interested in you would be chicks who dig black guys. But most of the black guys I see here are not even from the US, but Africa black. Like Somali black...

>> No.3112034

The sirens of titan

I, Robot

The final programme
No Logo
Crime and Punishment

>> No.3112752
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>Brave New World
>The Metamorphosis and Other Stories


> Portnoy's Complaint
>Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Pride & Prejudice, or The Bell Jar for school
>No idea

>> No.3113576

I'm a faggot

>> No.3113658

If you have to pick between those for school, the obvious choice is Hamlet. It's 1000x better than Gatsby which P & P and the Bell Jar are nothing compared to. Also, not only is it good it inspired almost all of Western literature to come after it.

>> No.3113694

Last Three
> Metamorphosis by Kafka
> Hundred Secret Sense by Amy Tan
>Storm Front (book 1 of Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher

>Life of Pi
>The Dubliners by James Joyce

Next Three
>The Road by Cormac McCarthy
>Book 2 of Dresden Files
>Skagboys by Irvine Welsh

>> No.3113732

I think that required reading in school turns more away from reading than it does to appeal

>> No.3113741

I think it pushes those who are already predisposed to reading towards making better choices and having a better understanding of what they read. Maybe I'm being too defeatist read: elitist here, but I doubt, for those people "turned away," that there's much you could ever have done to cultivate in them an interest in reading in the first place.

>> No.3113748

i was a highly literate kid, but my secondary school encounters with lit completely turned me away from it. i was 21 before i worked up the motivation to pick up another book, and now, three years later, reading pretty much dominates my life. it's not just the books they teach (in fact, i have since returned to some of the stuff i hated in school and completely revised my opinion on them), but the way they are taught.

>> No.3113752

>Implying I read.

>> No.3113774

>it's not just the books they teach, but the way they are taught.
I can't argue with that, my secondary school education was replete with "appeals to canon/influence" as explanations of why things were supposed to be good or relevant. I think that, in large part, criticism without a solid grounding in the theoretical basis of that criticism, is pretty pointless, and for me that's where literature education in high school fell short. But the books I got to read were almost always fucking great. Except for A Separate Peace. My least favorite book ever.

>> No.3115467

I always felt that in school we were trying to analyse things that just didn't matter. Like, a character eating a fucking apple could be symbolic of whatever people wanted to argue.

I hated that

>> No.3115647

A Thousand Sons
The First Heretic

Prospero Burns

Something that ISN'T warhammer related

>> No.3115587

And the class discussions with complete retards. Turned me off books for a few years.

>> No.3115790

Just finished David Copperfield.

I found the last 15-20% of the novel redeeming of the other portion. I think many love Dickens for his characterisation, which is generally developed through their discourses. Whereas, I, prefer the development more through the characters' internal thought development.

I cannot help but feel as if I read most of Dicken's works when I was younger that I would be greatly more appreciative of his works. I cannot help but compare him to other authors who wrote voluminousness works around that time (Hugo, Tolstoy, Balzac, Dostoevsky etc.) and feel like there is something lacking in the Dickens I have read.

Perhaps I should try another of his works in the near future? I must admit that I did love A Tale of Two Cities. Perhaps Bleak House is more driven to what I am desiring?

So, without further ado:

Last Three:
David Copperfield - Dickens

Currently Reading;
The Power and the Glory - Greene
Tropic of Cancer - Miller
Salome - Wilde

Next Three:
The Magic Mountain - Mann
The Black Tulip - Dumas
A Voyage to Arcturus - Lindsay (This seems like an intriguing book, and due to my reading rules I'm quite limited to what sci-fi and fantasy I can read, so might make for a nice change)

>> No.3115816

Gravity's Rainbow
The Trial
Franny & Zooey

Heart of Darkness

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Moby Dick

>> No.3115817

How much did /lit/ influence those choices?

>> No.3115844

About half of them are directly influenced by /lit/, the rest by friends or just randomly reading about authors.

>> No.3116190

Guillaume Musso-Because i love you
E L James-50 Shades of grey
Guillaume Musso-7 years after

George R. R. Martin-Game of thrones

George R. R. Martin-A Clash of Kings
George R. R. Martin-A Storm of Swords
George R. R. Martin-A Feast for Crows

>> No.3116411

>last three
all quiet on the western front
the trial
notes from underground

>currently reading
the stranger

>next three
the metamorphosis
do androids dream of electric sheep

recommend me something guys. i really liked the trial most out of the past three.

>> No.3116550

>Last Three
I, Robot
The Crucible
Perfect Shadow
>Next Three
Could re-read some Larsson. I kind of feel like it.

>> No.3116745

Josef Martin Bauer, So weit die Füße tragen
Peter Maas, Oil
B. Traven, The death ship
Kenneth Roberts, Northwest Passage
Terry Pratchet, Snuff
Maybe something Brett Easton Ellis?
Or fear and loathing again? Or i will bug lit for similar books…

>> No.3116756
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the tartar steppe - buzzati
gustav meyrink - the golem, The Angel of the West Window

>> No.3116767

Harry Potter books 5,6,7.
John Dies at the End
This Book is Full of Spiders
Brave New World
Then maybe some Jules.

>> No.3116855


>Bulgakov - Diaboliad
>Bhagavad Gita
>Bulgakov - Master & Margarita

>Burgess - Dead Man In Deptford
>Rig Veda
>Bani Shorter - Susceptible To The Sacred: The Psychological Experience Of Ritual

>Gogol - Complete Tales Vol. 1
>Beckett - Malone Dies
>Zimmer - The Philosophies Of India

>> No.3117273

Breed- Novak (Fucking horrid)
Little Star- Lindqvist (ok)
Sound and The Fury (3rd time)- Faulkner (incredible)

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle -MurrakamI

Next 3:
Pirate Freedom- Wolfe
Coin Locker Babies- Ryu Murakami
Fever Dream- R.R. Martin

>> No.3117333

Got ebook link of The Golem?

>> No.3117349

>Last Three
The Book Thief
The Silmarillion
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe

The Trial

>Next Three
Moby Dick
I, Claudius
Sons and Lovers

>> No.3117353

Fevre Dream was pretty good. I wasn't very fond of the ending though.

>> No.3117436

>The man who was Thursday
It was enjoyable. Didn't blow me away and make me question my existence or change my views but I liked it.
>City of God
For School. It was quite a lot of information to memorize but the first time I read through it I enjoyed it.
>The Rings of Saturn
Fantastic. I want to read more Sebald.

>The war with Hannibal.
Hannibal is my husbando so far. Except for fucking up and not taking Rome when he had a chance.


>> No.3117824

Dude Party - J. Gabe
Stud Ranch- S. Graham
Pirate Love- P. Strickland

Current: The Male Man- Strickland

The Secret- K. Barash
Turd Life- P. Nutt
Spaghettios- C. Botsford

>> No.3117873

Last Three
The Sun Also Rises
Farewell to arms
Blood Meridian

Father Goriot

Next Three
Swann's Way
The Iliad

>> No.3117916

Blood Meridian= amazing.
I read it because of Harold Bloom and it's by far one of my favorite novels.

>> No.3117954

YES, someone posted this on another board
I had to read it

I intend to read it again, but in english this time, unfortunately after weeks of searching I could only find a disgusting translation

>> No.3117955

Last Three:
Moby-Dick (Re-read for a paper)
The Hobbit (re-read because it had been years and i'm excited for the films)
Read 20+ graphic novels one week but if you don't want to count those:
A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway

Currently Reading:
Nothing, currently trying to decide what's next

Next Three:
Most likely
Mount Analogue by Rene Daumal
One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

>> No.3118090

Last Three:
The Stranger - Albert Camus
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
If On a Winter's Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Richard Feynman

Next Three:
The Stranger - Albert Camus (There has to be more to it, there just has to, I'm just not getting it)
The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
Recommendation - A /lit/ user

>> No.3118149

Last Three:
Madame Bovary - Flaubert
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
A Doll's House - Ibsen

The Stranger - Camus

Next Three:
Madame Bovary
After that I don't know.

>> No.3118991

Last three:
The Power and the Glory - Greene
David Copperfield - Dickens
The Tropic of Cancer - Miller

Currently reading:
The Magic Mountain

Next three:
The Black Tulip - Dumas
A Voyage to Arcturus - Lindsay
A Sentimental Journey - Sterne

>> No.3120096

a thomas pynchon short story
A Farewell to Arms

Everyman - Philip Roth

>Falling Man - Don Delillo

>> No.3120108


at least it's not indignation i guess

>> No.3120167
File: 37 KB, 423x436, dsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last three:

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay - Michael Chabon
The Wind Through The Keyhole - Stephen King
The Angel Esmeralda - Don DeLillo

Currently reading: The Rules of Civility - Amor Towles

Next 3:

Desperation - Stephen King
The Book of Summers - some woman
This is How You Lose Her - Junot Diaz (reread)

>> No.3120200

Last Three:
The Metamorphosis
Guilty Pleasures

Narcissus & Goldmund

Spring Snow

>> No.3120210

Last three:
Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Persuasion - Jane Austen

Currently reading:
Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia (Orlando Figes)

Next three:
History of Rome - Michael Grant
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Drowned World - JG Ballard (possibly - is it a worthwhile read?)

>> No.3120219

Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories - Thomas Mann
>he really loves that isolation/artist theme
The Maimed - Hermann Ungar
>a rather disturbing and grotesque stab of expressionism
The Ruined Map - Kobo Abe
>holy fuck this was horrifying and brilliant

Just finished The Ruined Map, will probably do Narcissus and Goldmund next

The Book of Tea - Okakuro Kakuzo
>thanks to /lit/ japanese sharethread
Narcissus and Goldmund - Hermann Hesse
>really looking forward to this; Siddhartha was a great read
The Tunnel - Ernesto Sabato
>heard great things about this, hopefully it'll be as good as On Heroes and Tombs