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/lit/ - Literature

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3095387 No.3095387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So guys first of all Hi.
Yeah, i finished reading the hunger games, it's actually the first book i read like in my entire life(apart from robin hood) and i actually really enjoyed it. I never watched the movie or trailer, but i thought that by far the book is much better.

I want to know if you people can recommend me another book, i want to still keep reading because i just realized how fun it was.

>> No.3095396

You should probably try moving up from Young Adult into like some entry level literature if you want to get serious with literature.

You might like Slaughterhouse-5 by Kurt Vonnegut.

The Great Gatsby's a great book to start off with. The Catcher in the Rye, too.

>> No.3095394

1984, by George Orwell.

>> No.3095447

Don't listen to anyone on lit. This place is all about pretension. Use listmainia on amazon or go to goodreads.com if you want similar books.

>> No.3095465

Completely different to The Hunger Games, but my favourite author is Neal Stephenson, and I recommend that you read some of his stuff too.
He covers some pretty deep topics, so I'd recommend starting with "Snow Crash" (it's formatted very similarly to a comic book and aims for a young adult audience) in order to ease you into his work.

>> No.3095467

I've never read the Catcher in the Rye but you can't just recommend the Great Gatsby to someone who's not used to reading. That's an awful suggestion. The Great Gatsby is something you can only read and understand once you reach a certain level of 'literature maturity'. OP, do the Harry Potter books now. Oh, and don't listen to most people here, this board is full of pretentions idiots.

>> No.3095471

Yeah, go on Goodreads and look up a random classics and have the automated recommendation feature incessantly recommend you fucking Arabic shit!

>> No.3095474

Well I've never actually lurked /lit/ much but the reputation of high level reading is all over 4chan I'm sure /lit/ is into some serious reading and books like these are like grade school books.

I'm with you on the level of books I've read though, So one idiot to the other I'll say I'm reading the Percy Jackson books and the Nine Princes Of Amber books.

>> No.3095478


Catcher in the Rye is a polarizing book. I despise it personally so read it at your own risk. Harry Potter is great entry level stuff and if you like it, check out Artemis Fowl series too.

>> No.3095486


If you haven't read the rest of the Hunger Games books, don't. They get progressively worse. Weak ending too.

>> No.3095490

Me again.
You seem to be a teenage female (based off of your speech patterns), and you liked The Hunger Games...
So you might also really like the "Tomorrow When The War Began" series by John Marsden.
It's an absolute classic in Australia, and is considered on the "must-read" list for teenagers equally with some of the more internationally-known series' like Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter.

It's a bit more grimdark, but you might also want to look into the book which Suzanne Collins blatantly stole her idea for The Hunger Games from. It's called "Battle Royale", not sure who the author is.

>> No.3095493


My two favourite books as a teen were Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?

>> No.3095497
File: 56 KB, 534x774, booklistya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hell I'll just give you a list of the books i have, They're all recommended books i got in a pack somewhere, I'll eventually get around to reading them all. Anyway good reading for idiots like us i suppose. Only series not in this folder that i have is the Eragon books. Someone also recommended me Discworld but 39 books in the series seems pretty daunting.

>> No.3095503

Fahrenheit 451 was great.
It's by far the closest that any dystopian sci-fi book has come to accurately predicting the future.

>> No.3095507

Is that a joke?

He depicted shit that already happened...

Nazi book burning anyone?

>> No.3095514

The explicit book burning isn't really the core point of the book.
It's the fact that they reached a stage where they didn't NEED to burn the books.
Their society had already become so anti-intellectual and dependent on senseless entertainment that the book-burning was really just a way to hammer home the idea.

>> No.3095516

Not op, would anyone recomend A Canticle for Lebowitz
Right now i'm reading The Selfish Gene

>> No.3095558

Honestly, with Discworld you can essentially start anywhere

I'd at least open with The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic, though. After that, do whatever

>> No.3095575

>A Canticle for Lebowitz
It's held in high regard

>> No.3095656

Thanks for the heads up, I'll read them.

>> No.3095728

Glad to help. Assuming you're the same anon I replied to before, though? Hold off on Eragon. Don't even touch that noise. Your mileage may vary on A Song of Ice and Fire, though. Some of the characters are great, but if you ask me, that's really all that it has going for it.

Other stuff is, as far as my knowledge goes, hard to go wrong with.

>> No.3095763

>I never watched the movie or trailer, but i thought that by far the book is much better.

The movie was a lot better by the way.

>> No.3095823

Well haven't read the hunger games but I'm going to reccomend some Stephen King probably Misery because it's quite short and easy. I really enjoyed it and I've read almost no books since i turned 11. Before I was 11 I read all the stuff like Darren Shan and Harry Potter and a lot of others that I don't remember at all. I'm not sure but I think Stephen King is regarded as a pretty good writer too.

>> No.3095834

Stephen King has diarrhea of the word processor, by his own admission. He's usually pretty good, but his sheer volume means there's going to be bad things in the mix

>> No.3095853
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Read The Long Walk by Stephen King

>> No.3095859

Catcher in the Rye was a shitty book. I hated it. I have no idea why "cultured" readers like it.

>> No.3095870

Oh dear.

>> No.3095889

Seconding Tomorrow When the War Began.

>> No.3095895

rule 32

>> No.3096494


ignore dis pls /lit/

>> No.3096516

Okay, OP, I think you might want to read these;

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3096522

>not recommending The Odyssey before Ulysses
I really hope you lads don't do that

>> No.3096524

>not recommending the Iliad before the Odyssey
I really hope you lads don't do that

>> No.3096527

OP you should read the witcher saga or metro 2033

>> No.3096529

>>3095387 (OP)
OP you should read the witcher saga or metro 2033
also lovecraft i think that will kinda improve the quality of your readings

>> No.3096539

If the goal is to read Ulysses then yes, The Iliad is optional