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3090482 No.3090482 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop cultural marxism?

>> No.3090485

>Those hairy armpits
Jesus Christ, man. Get that fucking picture off this board.

>> No.3090486

Support fascism.

>> No.3090494




>> No.3090496


You know, hair grows there, usually. She's not like a freak of nature or something.

>> No.3090497

Her hair fucking certainly isn't naturally blond, so the 'natural' argument there falls to pieces.

>> No.3090500

Women like this are disgusting. I've seen this type at school before. They have some kind of bizarre "gross" fetish or something, where they get off on being repulsive.

It goes without saying that a lot of them, being perverts, are also lesbians, since sexual perversion and homosexuality go hand in hand.

>> No.3090501


If she went around with brown hair, would people freak the hell out, turn her into a social pariah, immediately turn disgusted, etc?

I don't think they would. That's the issue. If you want to change shit about you, that's cool. If you want to let things be as they are, that should also be cool.

>> No.3090502

It's natural to have hair. Painting it doesn't matter.

>> No.3090504
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By accepting Marxism-leninism.
Gulag for liberals

>> No.3090505
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lets do it

>> No.3090507

>QUIT RAPING LITTLE GIRL'S minds by telling them its WRONG for their BODIES TO BE NATURAL
Fuck off. The more girls I can get to conform to my idea of beauty the better.

Girls: Shave your legs and armpits and keep your body fat at a reasonable level. Nobody likes an overweight hairy chick - apart from lesbian feminists.

>> No.3090514

All boys have this perversion too. They all must be gay or closeted gay than.


>> No.3090515

No one likes the way you look either. So something about it fatty.

>> No.3090519
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Overweight, hairy, hambeast feminist detected.

>> No.3090535

I think the only viable option will be a large-scale nuclear war, after which civilization can be rebuilt on sound principles.

Also, burn their books. Reestablish proscriptions. Wipe them out of the face of earth.

>> No.3090536
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>> No.3090553
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>you will never be a crusty lesbian slut

but maybe when I transition ;-y

>> No.3090565

we stop it by shaving our armpits

>> No.3090567

Who ar the theorists behind cultural marxism?
I read a bunch of adorno , horkheimer, marcuse etc fromt he frankfurt school expecting to find a hot bed pro immigration, pseudo egalitarian bull-shit ... but I was dissapointed.

who are the cultural marxists

>> No.3090570
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This thread reads like one big clusterfuck samefagger, fuck off

>> No.3090620

>I read a bunch of adorno , horkheimer, marcuse etc
Well there's your problem, it's not about philosophy or utopian ideology, it's about fashion and peer pressure. Some celebrity or with an over inflated self righteous ego says something to be different (or political brainwashing), then gormless dipshits who admire said person start parroting said thing without ever really looking at it objectively, then it becomes fashionable to hold such ideas, then anyone who disagrees becomes the target of opprobrium, then it becomes ideological dogma.

>> No.3090624


Hahaha, you think we can look at social ideas objectively. That's adorable.

>> No.3090632

>be homeless
>spend money on hair dye

Anti-Cynics the lot of them.

>> No.3090636
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>using "natural" as justification

>> No.3090641

>implying we can't

hahaha u so cute.

>> No.3090644

>objective anything
>after the perspectivist paradigm revolution

>> No.3090648


Please read the whole thread.

>> No.3090651

Err, yeah!
>Immigration is hailed as brining new life to the economy in the UK.
It overburdened social services, kept wages low and created unemployment.

>Feminists harp on about equal rights.
Men are now devalued by society and under represented in law; women have statistically never been more misserable.

>Leftists rail against nationalism and "imperialism".
What they hail as the alternative is one massive superstate (EU) that is unaccountable to it citizens.

>Pressure groups constantly lobby for legislation against racism and sexual discrimination; and for LGBT issues.
We now have state sanctioned discrimination (affirmative action).

>> No.3090654

>anything revolution

Suddenly. Every college student in the continent starts shifting and shaking unconcrtolably and chanting -SQUARE- at random untill their voices are synchronized and they all chant at unison "U A SQUARE, REACTIONARY!" and spaghetti pours from their pockets.

>> No.3090655

I did, I just wanted to emphasise that using something being natural as a justification, ever, at all, is bullshit., since there is no dichotomy between natural and unnatural human behaviour, since everything we do is what makes up human nature.

>> No.3090669


It's cure that you think this is objective.


Yes, I know what the naturalistic fallacy is.

I wasn't saying nature justifies anything. I was saying that the reaction between comparable natural occurrences is disproportionate and that's not just.

Now please proceed to misunderstand that statement and further willfully distort the things I'm saying because you think armpit hair on girls is gross.

>> No.3090675

>implying I don't

>> No.3090698


What is this /pol/ crap? This isn't even a philosophical discussion (which arguably doesn't belong here in the first place).

Your premises are:

Girls with unshaven armpits value sex highly.
Girls with unshaven armpits will not be given the dick if they do not shave.
And IF they are given dick, it's only because men have become feminine and feminism dogma is teaching them to fuck women the same no matter the amount of hair.

So here's the secret:

Not everyone is desperate for sex (I'm sorry virgins), even though they enjoy it.

Unshaven women are still given the dick.

The men who donate their member do it because they enjoy fucking them.

Conclusion: You're mad because you're not one of the "effeminate men" that are "brain washed", yet fucks women. You're simply jealous. Better get with the times yo- chew some armpit and fuck some pussy. At least if it frustrates you to this extent. Now let's discuss /lit/erature again.

>> No.3090702
File: 242 KB, 951x634, 1351265952741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being a masculine man on /lit/, drowning in a sea of angry feminists, but giving no fucks at all.

>> No.3090708

>Image search.
>"A slutwalk in Brazil turned ugly recently, when an unknown man began aggravating the crowd by exposing his penis to thousands of angry feminists."
>I have a hero.


>> No.3090741

What is cultural marxism and why do we want it stopped?

>> No.3090751

>What is cultural marxism
It's a marxist critique applied to sociological constructs.

>and why do we want it stopped?
Because we need something to feel indignant about, and rage against

>> No.3090764
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You know I didnt like hairy armpits before. I dont think I'd really mind it now. Girl in OP's pic is attractive.

>> No.3090780
File: 10 KB, 200x300, vvxti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a nude guardian. A dark knight, a watchful wanker. A dick knight."

There he goes, gentlemen. The last of the men. Take of your hats and sound the bugle, for masculinity has been mortally wounded.

>> No.3090788


So women can take their clothes off? But when a man does it, it's rape?

>> No.3090802

It's completely different, misogynist. Women are doing it as a demonstration of rape culture. If a man does it, it's to express his phallic patriarchy, which is wrong.

>> No.3090805

Yes, we need to surpress one gender in order to be equal...

>> No.3090813

>Cultural Marxism.

>> No.3090824

Last lines from the article:
>If I could offer any advice to this unknown man it’d be this: you should be very careful about how you act and how much skin you expose in public. You may attract the wrong kind of attention.

Not sure if ironic or not.

>> No.3090834

>It's a marxist critique applied to sociological constructs.
I'll have to look more into what this actually means. Starting with marxist critique.

>Because we need something to feel indignant about, and rage against
So not worth my time then.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.3091064

>I was saying that the reaction between comparable natural occurrences is disproportionate and that's not just.
>Now please proceed to misunderstand that statement and further willfully distort the things I'm saying because you think armpit hair on girls is gross.

I will.

> the reaction between comparable natural occurrences is disproportionate and that's not just.

If everything is natural, you have no basis to say that there's an unjust proportion of reaction to one aspect of it because you personally deem it insignificant. It's completely arbitrary.

>> No.3091067

's all kinda like Poe's law likesay

>Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake it for the genuine article.

>> No.3091069

>people of any gender having armpit hair

It's like people are against evolution.

>> No.3091076

>implying I'm not


>> No.3091077
File: 98 KB, 1210x807, happy-young-woman-with-a-saudi-arabian-flag-659a57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we stop cultural marxism?

With Islam.

>> No.3091082

My opinions about attractiveness of arbitrary physical attributes should also be cool. I'm not demanding you gain my approval.

>> No.3091126

Good show. That might about be the gist of it too.