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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 461 KB, 1024x640, inglourious-basterds-011-shosanna-dreyfus-melanie-laurent-16_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3087749 No.3087749 [Reply] [Original]

This is a reminder that reading is no better than any other hobby, and that any superiority complex you might have picked up from having read James Joyce is baseless.
That is all. Have a nice day.

>> No.3087757

So much insecurity.

>> No.3087798


This x100000000000

>> No.3087839

who's the chick in the pic?

>> No.3087844

Reading is separate from other hobbies in that everybody reads and it is the best way to consume information.

>> No.3087850
File: 906 KB, 1024x545, 1351010223446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you butthurt?

>> No.3087846
File: 476 KB, 1280x1796, 4946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mélanie Laurent - a French actress. OPs pic is a screenshot from Inglourious Basterds.

>> No.3087848

as if filename wasn't enough of a clue.

>> No.3087853


She's a singer also.

>> No.3087857
File: 199 KB, 500x332, 1348212222085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everybody eats and eating is the best way to consume nutritious chocolate-chip cookies with an Oreo centre. Does that mean that eating and reading are separate?

>> No.3087858

Reading is on par with independent films or avant garde which is all better than mainstream culture because it's not funded by advertising which means it retains artistic integrity instead of "playing it safe".

>> No.3087863

Evidently, it would mean reading is equal to eating. Everything you can take or leave!

>> No.3087864
File: 157 KB, 1001x388, 1339002924280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm burning down all my bookshelves but it's going to take some time and I don't have any kerosene for my e-reader

what hobby should I take up to be superior again

>> No.3087866
File: 868 KB, 1280x853, shosanna-dreyfus-inglorious-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3087868

There is something about a woman singing in French that is just so fucking sexy.


>> No.3087877

But even if advertising and corporate interests are responsible for the marketing and production and success of a book/film/painting/whatever, does that necessarily mean that artistic integrity has been compromised? Couldn't it just be the case that an artist does what he/she wants and then someone funds it without undue artistic interference?

>> No.3087874

But the problem, OP, with your post is that you don't understand superiority complexes, which have many and various causes, and reading is usually only a result of the initial complex. people base their superiority complex on the sole fact that they read.

Certain insights gained through reading, because "We only live once but one who reads lives a thousand times" do increase a certain person's value in my estimation and that is why I prefer to date women who read.

>> No.3087876

le zombie face

>> No.3087879

rarely do* [people base their superiority complex on the sole fact that they read], usually it is what is gained from the reading which they imagine sets them apart from others, and in fact it does, unless you deny that reading is an "experience" at all.

>> No.3087883

That's a fair observation, and "superiority complex" is an exaggeration; but do you agree then that reading is, in principle, no better than, say, baseball, as a hobby?

>> No.3087884

Reading is as good a good basis for anyone's superiority complex as anything else, and probably even better.

>> No.3087889
File: 103 KB, 800x900, 1346985006411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many Philosophers, Artists, Authors, and Composers died poor and relatively obscure. We look back and decide which ones are good.
This board treats all authors equal in that we don't rely on Time's top 100 books of 2011 or Z 100's Best Reads or Opera's Book Shelf to guide us-- however, if one of the books happens to be good, it will probably be judged well by an influential critic and the denizens of /lit/ would consider it somewhat based on that...

Most people here like Shakespeare, Chaucer, Camus, Dostoevsky, Tokien, even though they are popular. A lot of people here don't like Rowling, however, EVEN THOUGH she is popular. Or Twilight, /even though/ it is popular. That's not being pretentious. If anything, this board more often than not judges a work irrelevant of its popularity, and most wary of its popularity. But again, /lit/ isn't unified. Some people here may only want to read lesser known authors, and some people here may only want to read classics.
The pretentious people are the ones who care, and generalize a board based on a very very very very small percentage of the content-- that is the true nature of pretentious, applying importance to things that undeserving.
Anyway, I think it is much better to be wary of popular media than to blindly adhere to popular media, especially in a culture drowning in consumerism like america. We need people wary of popularism in order for art to flourish.

>> No.3087891

disregard the many mistakes

>> No.3087893

This specific concept of "hobby" is not universal. In France people do not talk about their "hobbies." I think it's a restrictive conceptuation of how we spend our time, and possibly even trivialising, which is what OP wants to do, apparently because he thinks there are people walking about with chips on their shoulder, and that that it the greatest evil afflicting contemporary life-- which is a gross over-simplification, in my opinion, and the sort of "reactionary" cure which is not far from trying to treat a vicious brain cancer by chopping one's head off. The internal logic governing OP's post and probably OP's life is less remote from the evils of contemporary life than a superior attitude born out of reading. OP's case is one of hypocrisy. I'm not a Christian but I think Jesus of Nazareth was correct in denouncing the world for its hypocrisy rather than for its "pride", which is an older and less pretentious word for what we are talking about than the psuedo-scientific "superiority complex."

>> No.3087896


What sort of baseball are we talking? Standing in a field with a leather glove and a can of beer while a fat woman whiffs a softball? Or doing your own box scores and compilin 35 years of statistics about how the pitcher's nosehair trimmer affects his curveball?

Baseball can get fucking deep, quick.

>> No.3087900

French people don't talk about their jobs, either. Or their income.
What do french people talk about?
Politics and shooting the shit?
It /is/ a high context culture...

>> No.3087908

Yes but I was making the more specific point that there is no equivalent in French culture for this word "hobby." I was using that only as an example, since it is right next to England, for all the other more remote countries that don't know what a "hobby" is.

>> No.3087910

French people do talk about their jobs, but they don't "whinge" like the English do.

>> No.3087913

> one million billion posts omitted


>> No.3087914


that's all the english do. whinging I mean.

>> No.3087917

The only thing the English 'whinge' about is the smell of the French wafting over the Channel.

>> No.3087920

> 2012
> reading to impress people

Hipsters confirmed for plebians.

>> No.3087926

Don't forget the weather. And the EU.

>> No.3087930

They hardly ever whinge about the French anymore. Frankly, we're unimpressed. We're importing a lot of English people into the South of France just to hear them whinge about England.

>> No.3087932

Calm down there, dude. Once you start reading into OP's post to try and psycho-analyse it then it starts to become obvious that you're a little bit rustled by what was said.
Just a heads-up.

>> No.3087934

England is the epitome of national self-loathing interrupted at times by sentimental, Elgarian make-up sex.

Frankly, I don't blame them. England is in chains to America and late capitalism and this absurd BBC multi-culturalism.

>> No.3087943

Of course I was disturbed by it. You aren't disturbed by posts which index how misguided people are about the motivations of why someone would want to read a book? I've heard it a hundred times before but it's still disturbing to me. I'm not trying to win some "un-rustled by 4chan trolling" contest. I earnestly don't believe OP is trolling. The days of smart people on 4chan just trolling are long gone. Today it's just idiots whom people give far too much credit to if they believe they are trolling.

>> No.3087946

>Don't forget the weather. And the EU.
Are you surprised? It's always raining, and the EU want to meddle in everything. We are happy being in the EU, but stop trying to change our laws - right now they are trying to get us to allow convicted murderers to vote in elections.

>> No.3087954

What's wrong with murderers voting?

>> No.3087952

You...you don't allow "murderers" to vote? You deny those poor victims of society such a basic right??
What a 3rd world fascistic shithole.

>> No.3087959

But it kind of discredits any intellectualism on your part, since you're not able to form an argument without lashing out at someone, and you clearly allow your rustledness to impact on what you're saying. An argument worth listening to is one that inspires emotion, not one that procedes from it.

>> No.3087961

Britain confirmed for anti-murder and anti-human rights.

>> No.3087967

No, we don't allow murderers to vote. It's not just murderers, it's ALL convicted criminals, from petty drug dealers to child rapists. While you are in prison you are being punished, and one of the punishments is being stripped of social privileges. I don't agree with the 'Felony disenfranchisement' that the US has, once you are out of prison you should be allowed to vote again. But the point is - if the law is too harsh we should hold a public referendum and go with the majority consensus, not have our law dictated to us by the EU.

>> No.3087990

You a clearly a shill of the anti-murder lobby. Everything you say is propaganda dictated to you by financial backers who have serious prejudices against murderers. You are murder-negative scum.

>> No.3088016

No, that is quite a jump and I disagree. The characterisation of my post as "lashing out" is just as rhetorical as anything I might have said which you found overly imbued with the personal. I'd say that one is less credible for artificially adopting a dispassionate tone rather than more credible.

I did not have the intention to form a logical argument to convince anonymous users of this imageboard. I was sharing my most immediate insights on the prevalent philistinism on display in OP.

It would be better to use the past tense instead of the present when you write "since you're not", because you're implying I can NEVER do that, which is extremely presumptuous. There's no demonstrated evidence at all that my "rustledness" has a negative impact on what I have said apart from your assertion that I am not "calm" and therefore fitting the cliche of the serene, imperturbable oriental sage.

>> No.3088046
File: 53 KB, 552x410, That's a mighty fine tale you've spun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3088089

You only get awarded popular funding if you are willing to suck up to popular appeal (ex. using gangnam etc in your sketch show where it makes no sense).
Of course this doesn't rule out the possibility of someone doing so sincerely.
The issue isn't artistic honesty/integrity but potential/scope of the genre/medium (ie. reading vs film/music/art).
Generally those 4 are equal. But it is easier to write a book on any topic than it is to cover the same in another medium because those demand greater funding for equipment and hosting.

>> No.3088151


To be fair they do have shitty weather.

>> No.3088176

I don't have a superiority complex. I am superior.

>> No.3088188

"If you read a lot of books you are considered well read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well viewed."
- Lily Tomlin

>> No.3088320

So the thousands of bands and writers who are popular, well published and have selling power are all corporate suckups?

>> No.3088338


only the ones who got famous before they died.