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3085260 No.3085260 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone in /lit/ read the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons? I just finished the 4th and last book and flippin loved it. Any other opinions?

>> No.3085290

I read books 1 and 2, they were among the best scifi books I have ever read. Especially the first one with its Catenburry Tales wibe. I Have heard that books 3- 4 are less awesome though

>> No.3085299

I loved the series! Thinking about reading it again in English, since i finally got a Kindle.

>> No.3085317

I enjoyed it but I hated all the loose ends.

>> No.3085328

The first one was a nice pastiche, then the series went shit. I stopped reading at the third one, and have no intention whatsoever to start the fourth.

>> No.3085463

The first one is one of the greatest scifi books ever written, the second one is quite good too, then it goes to shit.


It seems I'm not alone.

>> No.3085484

Reading the first, liking it a lot.
I plan to read the second one and then leave it at that since I hear even the second one is quite pleb compared to the first one.

>> No.3085499

The third and fourth books involve Aenea, the child of Brawne and cybrid Keats, time-skipping 274 years in the future as Raul Endymion (MC) is tasked by dying Martin to protect her as she tries to overthrow The Pax (religious military group that controls basically everything).

It's not BAD but all the questions and such raised by the first two books are completely ignored (mostly) and loose ends created by 3 and 4 are left loose.

>> No.3087497


>> No.3087503

The Priest's story was amazing, overall the book couldn't quite grab me. Haven't gotten around to reading Fall yet. I'm thinking of rereading the priest's story first.

>> No.3087526

My opinion is that you're a retard, OP.

Volume after volume of long-winded stories all hinting at a great mystery at the center, at an explanation to come...

...and the answer is fucking "future space jesus did it lol, it's magic I ain't gotta explain shit".

Fuck Dan Simmons and fuck Hyperion and fuck you too.

>> No.3087535

Hyperion 10/10 would reread until I die
Fall of Hyperion 8/10 too much Keats and political crap
Endymion 5/10 WAT
Rise of Endymion 9/10 I'll never doubt you again Mr. Simmons

>> No.3087720

>builds up multiple plot lines with hints to their answers in the first and second half of the series
>doesn't explain shit
I was mad too.

>> No.3087732

Despite the fact I loved the original the way Simmons fucked up Fall just makes me not want to read anything else by him.

>> No.3088024

Was 3/4ths of the way through Fall of Hyperion before I dropped it two years ago. It was getting too dry for me.

I might finish it though.