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File: 112 KB, 379x500, alexander-mair-memento-mori-1605[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3084042 No.3084042 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a better alternative to "carpe diem" (seize the day) and "memento mori" (remember that you are mortal)?

Nightmare mode: no middle road/best of both worlds cop-out bullshit

>> No.3084047


>> No.3084046


/thread #2in1 #GotEmCoach #YOLO

>> No.3084048

YOLO is essentially carpe diem though

>> No.3084049

is not

>> No.3084057
File: 381 KB, 350x263, To uczucie vanitas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas

>> No.3084062


Nope. People use YOLO to justify being a vacuous party animal that just thinks about drinking and fucking and not actually doing anything.

If people said this and then went out and did something of substance then I'd actually take it seriously. As of now it's an excuse to slack off and horse around, despite the fact that there's only one life should mean they should be MORE serious about life, since they have one chance. If you believed in reincarnation you could fuck off all you wanted because you'd have another chance after that for eternity.

>> No.3084065

I- what? Seizing the moment is all about hedonism though.

>> No.3084066


No, it's not. It's about making the best out of the day, and ultimately your own life. To find actual fulfillment and to make a mark on those around you, and hopefully the world. To do the biggest and greatest things you can possibly do.

If you're talking of classical Greek hedonism, then that's fine. That idea is actually a good one. If we're talking about modern hedonism then you could not be more wrong. And, yes, there is a difference between classical hedonism and modern ideas on hedonism.

>> No.3084067

>Seizing the moment is all about hedonism though
seizing is all about Buddhism bro.

>> No.3084082

>not letting go

>> No.3084086


Says the dude browsing 4chan.

>> No.3084087

Just remember Eternal Recurrence.

>> No.3084296

"yes, there is a difference between classical hedonism and modern ideas on hedonism"

whats the difference?

>> No.3084304

Cyrenaics were yoloing their asses of, friend.

>> No.3084310

Vos combibo crista.

>> No.3084311

Vestri matris combibo crista in abyssus.

>> No.3084321

You only live once

>> No.3084324

Carpe Omnia

>> No.3084327
File: 313 KB, 888x1294, 1349149823875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoics did some exercises in contemplating their deaths, which is sort of YOLO. "Carpe" means pluck, and so carpe diem is a farming metaphor about plucking the day when it's ripe (rather than letting it wither). I do like vanitas vanitatum.

"I will work harder."

>> No.3084848

No it isnt you retard. Its about not wasting time. If your hedonism isnt gaining you anything then it sure as fuck isnt cerpe diem

>> No.3084909



>> No.3084921

Deeds not words. - Megaforce

>> No.3084947

I think you're looking for:


>> No.3084956

Pro patria mori?

>> No.3085824


>> No.3085857

vaya con dios