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/lit/ - Literature

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3081654 No.3081654 [Reply] [Original]

German literature sucks.
I am from Namibia and had to read much of it, but it really sucks. It is something of sterile and brainily egocentric....Dunno...
Who agrees with me?

>> No.3081659

Nope. Is there any good Namibian lit then?

>> No.3081663

Oh please do not be so racist!
The lad was just expressing his opinions.

>> No.3081664
File: 59 KB, 300x465, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read too much German literature that I can think of but this book is amazing. Thomas Mann was also a great writer.
Hermann Hesse was pretty awful though. Extremely, extremely overrated.

>> No.3081665

No, man. I strongly disagree with u all. U must be a bunch of retards if u really think so.

>> No.3081669

German literature is among the among most self referencial, inflated, falsely intellectual shit I've read in my time

>> No.3081673


I wasn't being racist, it was a sincere question. Namibia's not somewhere I know much about.

>> No.3081679

German literatue is doable.
Where the fuck is Namibia?

>> No.3081680


If I read Volume 1 of this could I wait a while after to jump into Volume 2 or do I need to get into it right after?

>> No.3081682

Hesse and Goethe are awesome.

>> No.3081684
File: 27 KB, 405x350, Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>German literature sucks.

Say that to my face not on the internet tough guy.

>> No.3081688



this a part of Narnia or some shit?

>> No.3081689

Yeah, you could probably wait a while...

>> No.3081692

Namibia is in Africa.

I too would like to have some suggestions on Namibian or other Western African lit, esp post colonial

>> No.3081704

Hre they r with theyr racist nagging!

U perhps dont know, but Afrca is a great cantry and wit a great civililization!
Everything fell to sh*t bcz of u whte males who always want to oppress otherz!!!

>> No.3081721


you are all extremely nigger. fuck you. learn german, read goethe and quit raping white wimmin

>> No.3081724



>> No.3081727

German literature might be sterile because a culture's literature depends on standard thought-patterns in said culture. German speakers, especially germans themselves, tend to think in slightly authistic ("sterile") patterns, I guess...
This does absolutely not mean that they (and maybe even I) are less human.

>> No.3081733

when germans try to write they usually stick to some 19th century realism. children barely encounter anything else in school. influential "group 47" claimed it was the only non-pleb style. it was srs bsns.
now young germans like daniel kehlmann become epigones of foreign successes like g.g.marquez. not optimal situation, but still better than group 47.

>> No.3081748

Thankfully the Aryans understand that good literature is not story-telling so much as philosophy with characters.

It is a welcome antidote to the noisome bourgeoise literature of the anglosphere.

>> No.3081803

Whether a troll or a genuine hypocrite, either way I don't like you.

>> No.3081810

Doblin's "Berlin Alexanderplatz" > anything Africa has ever achieved.

>> No.3081827


WTF are you on about?

Tangentially, what's up with captcha? I typed one wrong and it went through and then I typed one right and it didn't.

>> No.3081829
File: 110 KB, 780x695, renigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081839
File: 33 KB, 300x240, WMYL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tangentially, what's up with captcha? I typed one wrong and it went through and then I typed one right and it didn't.

>Hate CAPTCHA and ever wanted to donate to/support 4chan? Here's your chance.

>> No.3081854

It ain't true, all of u Germans are fuckers!

Doeblin was Jewish, he was not a true German anyway!

>> No.3081855

>ca is a great cantry and wit a great civililization!
>Everything fell to sh*t bcz of u whte males who alway
I've read all of the mentioned authors (with the exception of Grass) and yet I found their work to be irritatingly whiny and vague in their nature

>> No.3081865

what literature do you like? pls don't say french.

>> No.3081881

OP come to /int/ please. We need more exotic flags.

>> No.3081889

>starting a discussion with "Who agrees with me?"
i bet youre a women

>> No.3081914

The people opposing German literature here must be very confused about the nature of life, especially the dude who claim he has read everything (!) except Grass' works

>> No.3081926

A bunch of faggot's to happy to be a part of a "superior nation". not only in nazi era from ther first books you can see how they consider themself highly.

>> No.3081929

I can tell from your butthurt and broken English that you're a Pole.

>> No.3081930

Tell that to Kafka.

>> No.3081947

He's Czech.

Hey, I think my captcha word is part of some kind of article about Joseph McElroy. Cool.

>> No.3081949

He was born a german and wrote in german.

>> No.3081967

You have computers in Africa?

>> No.3081975

It does not matter!! I'm Turkish living in Germany and I hate the way Germans used to demonize their Jewish citizens by deeming them non-Germans and pigs. Then today, Einstein, Doeblin, Heine, MArx etc. are Germans again!

>> No.3081991


>hurrrr sterile and egocentric

>> No.3081993

>philosophical novel
>an antidote to bourgeois writing


>> No.3082001

Kebab, pls go.

>> No.3082003

Does it bother you that the germans will never look at you that way? Being kebab and all?

>> No.3082006


Don't you people have genocides to deny or something?

>> No.3082008

it's true. french and english writers can't see past their own navels. the americans are okay with me, though.

>> No.3082020

I wasn't defending French or English literature so much as pointing out the absurdity of lauding novels that deal with philosophical themes as somehow not bourgeois. In any case they are all written for that audience. gg no re.

>> No.3082033

because the germans are traditionally concerned with loftier, more universal themes, rather than onanistic word games and juvenile ennui.

>> No.3082032

>kebab defending kikes in germany

It is as he foretold

>> No.3082038

No wonder a /lit/ poster would make a thread slagging them off then.

>> No.3082058

Oh guys, I'm German and I'm fed up with all these ungrateful people living well in Germany while complaining aout it. Nothing's good: our foods, our weather, our manners, now even our ,literature! Das ist Deutschland!

>> No.3082758

If it helps, when I was having a Weizen in Hitler's alpine teahouse I felt a bit sad you didn't win the war.

>> No.3082763

If you're from Namibia how come you aren't genocided by the Germans?

Atheist: 1
Christians: 0

>> No.3082789
File: 13 KB, 229x280, goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who agrees with me?

Well I don't which should be enough.

>> No.3082829
File: 205 KB, 752x472, 1295561027001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German literature is so diverse that it is impossible to judge it as one.
And you are a nigger!

>> No.3082844

Worst thread I've seen in quite a while.