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/lit/ - Literature

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3081621 No.3081621 [Reply] [Original]

>that happened yesterday
>i was traveling with the subway and reading my new book
>suddenly a hot young hipster girl sat next to me
>she looked at my book for a long time and seemed to be intrigued about what i'm reading
>i looked at her and gave her smile
>then she asked me what i'm reading
>i told her. It was 1Q84 by Murakami
>she said that she already read that book and it was great
>we talker a little while about Murakami and stopped
>i didn't know how to continue the conversation and decide to continue reading
>suddenly she pull out a brand new kindle paperwhite from her bag, turned it on and start to read
>i couldn't believe what was happening
>how could this cute girl use electronic device to read books
>i tried to calm down, but couldn't do it
>i looked at her and told her : "You are everything that's wrong with the world today"
>she looked very confused and in shock
>then she stand up and moved to the other side of the train
>i don't regret anything

>> No.3081628


>> No.3081632


you are a moron. to counter your whackness i have posted dope shit

>> No.3081681

too green; didn't read

>> No.3083051

How does /lit/ feel about e-readers? I feel like you guys like them cause you always download books and shit.

>> No.3083053

>>i looked at her and told her : "You are everything that's wrong with the world today"

Fucking LOL. Alpha as fuck.

>> No.3083070

a modest proposal/10

>> No.3083074

I don't like them.

>> No.3083093

Oh how I miss brownbear's greentexts. Much better than this trite.

>> No.3083100

Please don't tell me you're one of those people who can't deal with "not having the physical book, ya' know?" Seriously, its the same thing, but almost universally cheaper.

>> No.3083103

trite isn't a noun.

>> No.3083119

Not the same anon, but I like having the feel of a book in my hands. Pages feel nice and they smell nice if they're old. Old book smell is cool.

And above all, books don't require batteries.

>> No.3083124

Then how do you feel about people reading from laptops on the train? Don't think your answer will change anything, I'm CompSci so the laptop is staying.

>> No.3083175

I don't need to charge or put batteries in a book.
If I lose a kindle or E-Reader, I lose an entire book collection, effectively.
I actually like the feel/smell of books.
books are more sentimental.
I like going into bookstores and libraries, I love the atmosphere. Browsing the internet for pdfs isn't as enjpyable.

I could go on.

>> No.3083184

I actually have an e-reader by the way. (It was a gift) I don't use it. Unless I can't find a physical copy of a certain book.

>> No.3083189

Did she at least think you were bugging her. That would have been a really smooth comment used correctly. You know you're everything wrong with the world today right?

Omg why?

You're kindle *winks.

Oh ha ha ha ha ha you're such a silly jerk anon. You're lucky you're cute! Tee hee omgodzorz trogggdor fire BRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOA

>> No.3083190


my bad

>> No.3083191

>/lit/ is full of non-sensical romantics
Somehow I'm not surprised.

>> No.3083193

Good job OP. She's trash. Hopefully she'll repent and go back to paper books.

>> No.3083198

Defenitely Not OP
Man this is a tasty beat and a tasty track. I must youtube everything he does.

>> No.3083201

>dat german accent
>dat fact i can't understand what he's saying

>> No.3083203

So what she used a kindle. She wasn't gonna use a kindle to cook your sammiches.

Da fuq op

>> No.3083210

jesus, you all sound like retards.

hurr durr mp3s r bad listen 2 reel vinyl!!!

>> No.3083215
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Do any of you actually read those shitty self-published books? Genuinely curious.

>> No.3083214

Fuck off. If you don't get it, you're dead inside. You're just a kind of pretend-person, a ventriloquist of the zeitgeist, a total cipher.

>> No.3083213
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No but she'll probably use one of these to cook it in the name of "progress"

>> No.3083227

hey, man. It's just preference. I prefer actual physical books, I'm not going to yell at people who read on e-readers (Though I will judge them silently in my head). At least everyone is reading, right?

>> No.3084281

cool story OP

>> No.3084294

This is /lit/. Are we not capable of complete sentences and paragraphs? We're gonna just meme arrow everything like the rest of this retarded site?

>> No.3084312

>doesn't recognise the merit of greentext as a literary style

Stay conservative prescriptivist après-garde.

>> No.3084366


....suprise suprise....


Stop giving a fuck, books are meant to be read, not to feel like a elitist.

>> No.3084369

What if I told you that owning an e-reader doesn't mean you have to burn and sacrifice all books you own, and also can't EVER buy new old-fangled books?

It's a little known truth, but you can actually enjoy the perks of both books and e-readers without bursting into flames and die of spontaneous combustion.

I like my books, I like my kindle. The e-reader allows me to conviently consume everyday books. I don't need a thriller I'll never read again in my book shelves. I don't need a metric ton of paper for things like the works of Lovecraft, Poe, Wells, Doyle etc. I enjoy reading them, but I don't ejoy them enough to devote my appartment to them. This may change when I have the means to build my own house with a proper personal library, but right now, what could you possibly hold against reading things on an e-reader opposed to not read them at all?

>> No.3084376

10/10 that was the funniest story i've read all day

>> No.3084385

I own an e-reader, I don't get the butthurt over those. I like mine, it's my only way to read foreign authors in their original language without paying ridiculously high prices / having to order them online, and I get to instantly download all my classicz for free.

>> No.3084400

>be at school
>join in my women studies group
>they are discussing foucault
>take up notebook and my fountain pen
>girl looks at me
>"Status symbols and luxury is common master suppression techniques, used against women and minorities"
>I look at her and smirk
>"This pen is 70 years old and cost me two dollars online, it's quality is superior to that the gel 2.0 you are currently using, it's writing more efficient, it is also more environmental friendly since I don't throw it away after use, but rather just change ink. If broken a single part can be replaced, or the entire pen assembled and sorted for recycling"

>> No.3084403
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>> No.3084404
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Reminded me of pic related.

>> No.3084406
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>> No.3084411

It has reached the point where I can no longer distinguish actual redditors from people ironically imitating redditors.

Le sigh.

>> No.3084412

what is a "hipster"?

>> No.3084414
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Well, the most correct answer would have been bitchslapping her face with your cock. But that's ok too.

>> No.3084421

Someone who dresses in tight jeans, chequered shirts and non-prescription wayfarers, while rejecting anything enjoyed by the majority, in favour of the obscure. Not through any kind of appreciation, but for the feeling of superiority gained through pretending to like the obscure. They also typically claim to have liked something popular before it's popularity.

>> No.3084423

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.
It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.
Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).
You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.
The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.
Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.


>> No.3084424

Someone who defines his identity by the cultural products he consumes.

>> No.3084427

wait, what kind of eagle flew in then?

>> No.3084429

this is how you detect hipsters on the Internet

>> No.3084431
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>listens to garbage music

>> No.3084433
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>> No.3084434

And yet you sit in front of a computer instead of using a carrier pigeon. Hypocrite.

>> No.3084435
File: 26 KB, 460x276, Lost-hipster-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what)
I know what you are wearing. Trying to hide in plain sight, hipster? I see through your plan.

>> No.3084442


Pfft. haha

>> No.3084446
File: 44 KB, 337x332, 1350872234318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing OPs story

Idiots, the lot of you.

>> No.3084450


>> No.3084451

i didn't even read the story and i nko its bullshit

>> No.3084454


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, yeah man McCarthy if defs the best author of the modern age..

>> No.3084456

>Believing we believe OP's story
Go to bed, Harold.

>> No.3084458

Fuck me. I have by natural instinct turned my paper this way on several occassions, becaues it felt more natural as I wrote because my arm got more leeway, but I have always ended up stopping my actions because I want to learn how to write proper.


What a fucking tool I've been.
Thanks for this homepage.

>> No.3084464
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>sperging out over a reaction pic

Does the tard wrangler who's assigned to you know that you're using a computer right now?

>> No.3084470

>not using your imagination to live yourself into the actual story

>> No.3084472

>Sitting on steps of a building on campus
>reading Lady Chatterley's Lover
>What must be an English Literature student is sitting near me
>notices what book I am reading
>'Oh, so you like DH Lawrence?'
>Yeah, this isn't my favourite book of his but he is pretty good.
>'You do know he is a misogynist pig and Lady Chatterley's Lover is highly sexist?'
>You've never actually read the book have you?
>'We've discussed it in class!'

>> No.3084477
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>> No.3084479

>suddenly a hot young hipster girl sat next to me

You are everything that's wrong with the world today.

Hipster is for someone who hates everything that is famous because it is famous.

>> No.3084481

a female can be hot whether she be hipster or not

>> No.3084507

Actually, most people call those who do not necessarily like popular things solely because said things are famous.
That might be a little over your head... um...
Most hipsters like the Beatles and the Beach Boys. They don't like the music because its popular, but because they find it to be good.
They generally support local music, which is more often than not interpreted as pretentious-- god knows why.
While there certainly do exist people who dislike a thing just because it is popular (an /arguably/ silly thing), most people who are labeled "hipster" just have a very individualized sense of music, fashion, and literature.
I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of, unless you're anti-intellectual.

>> No.3084508

most people call those who do not necessarily like popular things solely because said things are popular hipsters*

>> No.3084512

I think he meant that you can't actually tell if somebody is a hipster or if they just dress like one unless they say or do something that shows the attitude referenced.

>> No.3084528

>no defense


>> No.3084530

Conflicted, on one hand: can carry hundreds of books, built in dictionary, can get free books from #bookz, and backlit

Then on the other hand: cover art is missing (nothing pisses me off more than this, I wont add music to my library until the tags are fixed), #bookz selection is limited, ebooks cost about the same as a physical copy, and I miss the tangibles that books bring.

As of late, I read physical books if they're on my backlog of owned books and ebooks if I dont have a phyiscal copy yet

>> No.3084536


>>dat german accent
>>dat german

>dat reddit

Also yeah, usually when someone is talking in German, they have a German accent.

>> No.3084539

ahhhhh the smell of a book.. I'm crazy about it

>> No.3084538

No, you just don't know what hipster means. There's no such thing as a "hipster community" so you can't say "Most hipsters like the Beatles"

There's no debate on the signification of the word, it's what I stated earlier.

>> No.3084553

OP, I'm sure old story tellers felt the same way when books came out.

>> No.3084597

"Hipster or hepcat, as used in the 1940s, referred to aficionados of jazz, in particular bebop, which became popular in the early 1940s. The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including some or all of the following: dress, slang, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty and relaxed sexual codes."

>> No.3084622
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>implying it's even an issue

spergs gonna sperg

>> No.3084674

Dude, I read on my laptop, and am planning on buying a secondhand Kindle, and here's why:

I'm BROKE, nigga, I'm BROKE!

Fuck the publishing industry and their inflated-ass prices. Ever hear of 'samizdat'? Pirated, secondhand, or nothing for me.

The people who really read find ways and means, regardless of their financial ones. The record industry doesn't get to steal my money, and neither does Random House.

>inb4 lol wannabe anarchist

>> No.3084687

So let me get this straight, OP.
You're reading Murakami, a lowly Stephen King of Jap literature, and you forget to include yourself with everything that's wrong with the world?


>> No.3084697

feel free to provide an argument at any point in "spacetime"

>> No.3084705


>The record industry doesn't get to steal my money, and neither does Random House.

So support publishers and authors worth supporting?

I download all the time, but I'm able to cop to the fact that what I'm doing is often a shitty and opportunistic conceit.

Just say you're a broke kid and leave it at that.

Don't make it seem like you're undertaking some greater subterfuge, that's just poorfag denial.

>> No.3084718


>providing an argument for a non-issue

>> No.3084723

Laughed out loud. Seriously one of the best comments I've ever read, and I can be guilty of grammar fascism too.

>> No.3084736

You mean tripe dude.

>> No.3084765

OP is a fag.

>> No.3084766

Why don't you guys buy e-readers and normal books? It's not one or the other. I have a shit ton of books on my e-reader and I still read normal books all the time.

>> No.3084773

>as used in the 1940s

>> No.3084790

everything that's wrong with the world today because she read from a kindle.
you sound like a pretentious old retard.

>> No.3084820

Go to the library, you can even meet your future qt gf there

>> No.3084826

The Kindle Paperwhite displays book covers now.

>> No.3084832
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lit version

>> No.3084836

E-book readers are for people that are more concerned with practicality and the ability to store and carry around books easily, instead of being pretentious fucks.

>> No.3084845
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>cover art is missing
W-what? What the hell do you mean by that?

Almost every ebook ever has a front cover.