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/lit/ - Literature

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3080193 No.3080193 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite female characters?
I have a drama based English lit exam and I can't choose. Thinking along the lines of Gloria Gilbert and Marla Singer

>> No.3080203

If you had balls, you'd do Myrna Mirkoff and take everything in the book completely seriously, write as if you admired her and Ignatius Reilly.

Easy pickings for an analysis of a female character would be Hedda Gabler, or Yerma.

>> No.3080211

Lady Macbeth for the win.

>> No.3080228

The Fairy in "That Hideous Strength."

>> No.3080233

If you've really got guts, do Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. Defend her as being a good mother, trying to do what is realistically best for her daughters.

>> No.3080237

Mary Lou from On The Road

>> No.3080238

Madam Defarge from Tale of Two Cities

>> No.3080260

Fuck the police, pick Madame Bovary

>> No.3080271

Kahlen from the Sword of Truth series.

>> No.3080276

Denna from the kingkiller chronicle

>> No.3080279

Now this thread is going full retard

>> No.3080291

Chia Pet McKenzie from Idoru

>> No.3080292

Yeah and I bet Ayn Rand is your favourite philosopher too. Yuck.

>> No.3080297

Why would you choose Gloria Gilbert?

Anthony was the better character in that book anyways.

And he still wasn't as cool as Maury.

>> No.3080299

i respect Edna Pontellier from The Awakening the most

Daisy Miller is a pretty close second, though for entirely different reasons.

>> No.3080306

Eowyn is a character I identify with and I've always liked her

>> No.3080312

I agree on Singer.

>> No.3080374

Why not, she's smart, sexy and powerful.

>> No.3080393

She goes full emo near the end, though.

>> No.3080923
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Oedipa Maas
>The Crying of Lot 49

Lauren Hynde
>The Rules of Attraction

Pansy Parkinson
>Harry Potter trilogy

>> No.3082170

This. She was only trying to deliver unto herself nemesis and peace.
What's so bad about that.

>> No.3082200

Galadriel. (Make sure to read both the Silmarillion and LOTR, in that order.)

Also, her husband's true name is Teleporno. True story, no joke.

>> No.3082210


>> No.3082224
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She has je ne sais quoi.

>> No.3082333
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>Ayn Rand
>smart, sexy and powerful


>> No.3082345

This guy speaks truth. Who else can ruin an entire marriage in the name of Romance and Romantic Literature?

dat arsenic scene

>> No.3082370

Marion Halcombe.

>> No.3084408

unrelated bump