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/lit/ - Literature

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3077416 No.3077416 [Reply] [Original]

i liked post office and didn't like the sun also rises. is my brain damaged beyond repair? i also like the catcher in the rye

i like bob dylan and leonard cohen a lot

>> No.3077444

Outlook not good.

>> No.3077472

what do i do? how do i repair myself? is there salvation?

also i like one hundred years of solitude a lot. am i the music-listener equivalent of the people who think radiohead and modest mouse are the best bands ever?

>> No.3077477

>what do i do? how do i repair myself? is there salvation?
Don't count on it.

>am i the music-listener equivalent of the people who think radiohead and modest mouse are the best bands ever?
Signs point to yes.

>> No.3077481
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This is a set up for me. I'm not going to fall for it.

>> No.3077491

i'm not trying to set anyone up. i'm almost asking for recommendations on how not to become a pleb, or more of a pleb.

i haven't read many books, though. could it be that?

>> No.3077494

pls don't. pls ;_;

>> No.3077493

Go back to /mu/.

>> No.3077507

We have a sticky. Feel free to use it. Stay away from Bukowski.

>> No.3077513

Why the Bukowski hate?

>> No.3077520

/lit/ is pretentious and hates anything that isn't high brow or a classic.

>> No.3077546
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This is a trick and I don't time to really argue with anyone right now (and I'm sure someone can tell you my views) but in short: He is lazy bad writing and the people that support him will call him blunt, raw, straightforward, etc and then in the same breath will tell you he is "misunderstood" and call his style not lazy but "just straight-forward" and some other guy around here calls it "minimal". Then they will tell you its the best way to tell a story (this lazy writing), and they'll say how I'm sad sack because I have a higher standard of reading. They will then say "oh you need feels and explantions!!! What a lozer lul" and make themselves look like idiots and then repeat my quote about how Bukowski's humor is dry and like an old florida jew and they will give the age I usually give wrong. Then sometimes a bunch of guys come in and say "Bukowski isn't the best, BUT HE IS STILL GOOD DAMN IT." And then the Bukowski people, once out of room to run, turn into trolls. That's about how it goes every time. So in short, Bukowski is a lazy writer with old jew humor and no amount of apologetics for him will fix it. I just saved us all about an hour or more.

>> No.3077549

have you read either of cohen's novels? i've only read Beautiful Losers but i thought it gave an awesome insight to his lyrics/personality ...

>> No.3077576

Opinion discarded.

>> No.3077582

There's one of them now. Quick, deploy apologetics buk sucker!

>> No.3077587

roach detected

>> No.3077599

no i haven't. i plan to, though.

>> No.3077600

Get to it, son.

>> No.3077604

I don't like Bukowski and it's not because of that. I have read him and liked him very much, but it comes to a point when it is always the same things said, over and over again. It becomes a bit boring, despite it is well written or plotted. He was a good writer to me, but what he had to say was said it all in Factotum and in A COUPLE of short stories or poems, the rest is just a repetion of the same.

>> No.3077612

And he turns into a troll instantly.

>> No.3077614

i might do that next. i was thinking of reading don quijote, but i might do that next.

also, is there a hivemind opinion of one hundred years of solitude?

>> No.3077617


>> No.3077626

thanks. i didn't know there was a /lit/ archive