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/lit/ - Literature

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3072373 No.3072373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last three
Currently reading
Next three




>> No.3072386

Last Three
The Prince
The Casual Vacancy
To Read or Not To Read
>implying I plan on what to read next instead of just choosing at random from my backlog

>> No.3072388

fuck yeah

i never actually post in these threads, i just love seeing them on the first page

your dedication is admirable, capsguy (or maybe other people just pick up capsguy's torch)

>> No.3072395

Lately I've been catching up on classics that I never read when I was younger.

Last three:
Brave New World
Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Currently reading:
Slaughterhouse Five

Next three:
Les Miserables
The Grapes of Wrath
Confessions of an Economic Hitman

>> No.3072403
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>Last three
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
No Exit by Jean-Paul Sarte
Against Nature by J.K. Huysmans
>Currently Reading
The Iliad by Homer
Swann's Way by Marcel Proust
>Next Three
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake

>> No.3072419
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Last book: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Current: Heart of Darkness (and assorted short stories) by Joseph Conrad
Next: a collection of short stories of Edgar Allen Poe for Halloween atmosphere

>> No.3072435

Vikings - Roger Ferguson
Rise of Rome - Anthony Everitt
Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
Recognitions - William Gaddis
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Wittgenstein
Blue/Brown Books: Studies for 'Philosophical Investigations' - Wittgenstein
On Certainty - Wittgenstein

>> No.3072441

Currently reading The Last of the Mohicans.

Slowly getting back into the game.

>> No.3072448

>The Iliad by Homer
>The Stranger by Albert Camus
>Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
>A Happy Death by Albert Camus
>The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
>Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Infinite Jest by DFW
>The Odyssey by Homer

>> No.3072472

Short stories. A few were pretty cool. 'Bestiario' is better.
>WE - ZAMYATIN (re-read)
Remind me why you, BNW/1984 fans, haven't read this masterpiece yet?
DAT DEPRESSION. I've always related to his neurosis but this was too close to home. It was like reading what could happen to me in 10 years.

Slow paced bleak books have always troubled me. Not sure what to make of it yet.

Seems to be my cup of tea (Depressing lit).
I'm slowly getting into Hispanic literature.

>> No.3072495

I'm still around, just no caps! I seem to have lost them.

>> No.3072512

I like your style bro.

Soseki's the boss

>> No.3072572
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no room for fiction atm, but i think /lit/ may enjoy this nonetheless

this is my friday night, come at me

>> No.3072659
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>Invisible Cities - Calvino
Pretty good, very similar to Borges. Kubla Kahn and Marc Polo talking about different cities that exist
>HHhH - Laurent Binet
Historical, about a real assassination attempt on a third reich official in Prague. Very short chapters. Writer inserted into narrative. Very interesting approach to historical fiction.
>Satantago - Krasznahorkai
Dark. Funny. Agonising. Horrific. Witty. Surrealist. Best thing I've read this year, Stoner used to be my favourite but this blows it out the water. I can't recommend this enough. Simple and beautiful prose.

Berlin Stories - Walser
Pretty good, similar to Dubliners but more about the city itself

I'll be going slowly through short story collections till end of semester

>> No.3072674

That's some dense reading. Damn.
That's a really fun list. Enjoy IJ and Dostoy.

Last 3
Ficciones - Borges
End Zone - Dellilo
How To Read Novels Like a Proffesor - Foster

Gravity's Rainbow - Ruggles (damn this book is crazy)

Next In Line
Light In August - Mississippi Bill
Pnin - Nabokov
The Sound and the Fury - Mississippi Bill

>> No.3072676

If you liked Catch-22 take a look at The Good Soldier Svejk which inspired it.

>> No.3072697

Last 3:
>The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
>Identity - Milan Kundera
>Seven Types of Ambiguity - Elliot Perlman

>The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood

Next 3:
don't know, maybe
>Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K Dick
>Vineland - Thomas Pynchon

>> No.3072702

Last Three:

>Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
>Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
>The Complete Works of HP Lovecraft (well, parts of it)

Currently Reading:
>The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Next Three:
>Infinite Jest - DFW (picked it up a while ago, gonna continue it)


Any suggestions?

>> No.3073610

>Last 3
Eugenie Grandet, Balzac
Siddhartha, Hesse
A Spy in the House of Love, Nin

I'll probably read Confessions of a Mask by Mishima

>Next 3
And then The Symposium, Plato
Ada, Nabokov
The Problems of Philosophy, Russell


>> No.3073614

I'll check it out, anon-bro. Thanks.

>> No.3073632

Last Three
>Cosmopolis - DeLillo
>Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - HST
>The Plague - Camus
>The Trial - Kafka
Next Three
>White Guard - Bulgakov
>The Elephant Vanishes - Murakami
>The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky

>> No.3073642


>Best thing I've read this year, Stoner used to be my favourite but this blows it out the water. I can't recommend this enough.

How does Melancholy of Resistance compare to the two?

>> No.3073667

Last three:
>Ringworld by Larry Niven
Meh. It started of like really fun sf, the second half it really weakens and it feels like the author didn't really know what to do with the concept.
>John Dies At The End by David Wong
Meh, it was fun i guess.
>Het Dwaallicht by Willem Elsschot
I don't think this has been translated. Really nice little book.

Currently Reading:
>The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin
>Shoplifting from American Apparel by Tao Lin
>Botchan by Natsume Soseki

Next three:
>V by Thomas Pynchon
>The Autobiography of Malcolm X
>Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

But it will probably change.

>Remind me why you, BNW/1984 fans, haven't read this masterpiece yet?
I did, and BNW is superior. We is forgettable. It made no real sense of why the main character changed, it mostly just said he did. The only reason We is so highly regarded because of its significant influence on BNW and 1984 (especially BNW).

>> No.3073673

>last three
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon 2
A People's History of the United States
Portnoy's Complaint

Shinsekai Yori

>next three
Tenchi Meisatsu
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon 3
Virtual Light

>> No.3073699

every love story is a ghost story
infinite jest

cloud atlas

handmaid's tale
white noise
american gods

>> No.3073732

i wouldn't call satantango's prose simple. clauses within clauses within clauses within clauses. great, though. szirtes did a fantastic job translating it.

>> No.3073734
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>> No.3073749

The White Guard - Mikhail Bulgakov
The Mandrake - Niccolò Machiavelli
Sarrasine - Honore de Balzac

Ubik - Philip Dick

Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
White Nights - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse

>> No.3073751

What did you think of White Guard? Better or worse than Master and Margarita, if you've read that?

>> No.3073752
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Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Jean-Paul Sartre - No Exit and Three Other Plays
Charles Bukowski - Ham on Rye


Jonathan Franzen - Freedom


Joseph Heller - Something Happened
Albert Camus - The Plague
Vladimir Nabokov - The Luzhin Defense

>> No.3073770

It's my favorite Bulgakov novel. With a wonderful futurist style, he maintain complete control over a narrative that follows the events from the general point of view of the population to the individual of the single characters, while he keeps finding memorable motifs and metaphors to bring view of life. He manage to create a story of great emotional , epic and lyrical impact.
Well, Bulgakov is a literary genius. I love every single work by him, but I've to say that I prefer this or A Country Doctor's Notebook over is ironical one. I still love Master and Margarita.

>> No.3074272

>I did, and BNW is superior. We is forgettable. It made no real sense of why the main character changed, it mostly just said he did.

What? No. Throughout the novel, his personality is split between being a logical machine and a 'savage'. He falls in 'love' and that changes him forever. You might be accustomed to works of fiction that lay everything down, easy and simple, for your reader's delight, but We is full of layers and symbols.

You missed 2 important points. First, that the humans in We are not perfect logical machines. Sure, their minds have been altered by conditioning from infancy but in the end, it proved to be a very flimsy conditioning, i.e., after the MEPHIS appear and chaos breaks lose, most of the common people just go crazy.
Secondly, you can actually notice not every person in We is a perfect and upstanding human. Lots of them are just playing the role they are expected to play. Some get away with it though they probably lead a very confusing live full of struggles, and some are not capable of keeping a poker face. Damn it, it's a 'perfect' society yet there are criminals, like the guy who was killed by that weird machine that turns you into water. Or like O-90 who was desperate for a child but wasn't allowed to have one.
Humans in We are just children inside, anything can upset the balance in their lives.

Did you by any chance read the Marian Schwartz translation? I liked the novel well enough but the translation didn't help much. I found it a little dry, the prose didn't flow as Master and Margarita. I just think it was subpar.

>> No.3074289
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Last 3:
Burr - Gore Vidal
Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut
No Country for Old Men - McCarthy

Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell

Next 3:
The Plague - Camus
Julian - Vidal
TBD - your mother

>> No.3074308

I'm sorry, but I'm italian so I can't help you with the translation. I anyway found the prose pretty smooth, but I love this kind of style, so I'm kinda unreliable on this.

>> No.3074355

>Last three
John Le Carre: The Honourable Schoolboy
John Barrow: Pi in the Sky
Seb Hunter: Hell Bent for Leather

Giere: Explaining Science

>Next three

Spy novels, meta-mathematics and roman emperors at least.

>> No.3074375 [DELETED] 

Last three:
>Mother Night - Kurt Vonnegut
>Cats Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
>Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut

>A Good Man Is Hard To Find - Flannery O'Connor

Next Three:
The Balkan Trilogy - Olivia Manning
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Phillip K. Dick
Dubliners - James Joyce

>> No.3074383

Last three:
>Mother Night - Kurt Vonnegut
>Cats Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
>Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut

>A Good Man Is Hard To Find - Flannery O'Connor

Next Three:
>The Balkan Trilogy - Olivia Manning
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Phillip K. Dick
>Dubliners - James Joyce

>> No.3074390


>Fanny Hill

It's a pretty fun read. For even more fun, look for TV adaptations of it. I think BBC did one.

Les Mis is a great choice, I hope you enjoy it.

Just finished Heart of Darkness, what did you make of it? It felt really vague to me, I could't work out what Conrad was trying to convey for most of it, but it started to make more sense towards the end,

Symposium is a fun read. Dem Greek dinner parties...


>Last three
>Heart of Darkness, Great Expectations and Wuthering Heights (not out of choice, uni course reading)

>Currently reading:
>Various Italian short stories, stuff by Neera, Ginsburg, Morante, Pavese
>L'ecole des femmes: Moliere (It's pretty funny, actually makes enjoyable reading)
>The Kalevala

>Next three
>Orlando -Virginia Woolf
>La Maison Tellier - Maupassant
>Either Moby Dick or Les Miserables in the original French, depeding on what I'm feeling

>> No.3074439

Last three:
>Hyperion by Dan Simmons
>The Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons
>The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

>Endymion by Dan Simmons

>The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons
>Keats: Poems Published in 1820 by John Keats
>Endymion: A Poetic Romance by John Keats

>> No.3074470

>Brave New World
>The Master and Margarita
>Slapstick, Or, Lonesome No More

>A Clockwork Orange

>The Karamazov Brothers

>> No.3074504

Last 3:
>Catch-22- Heller
>The Virgin Suicides- Eugenides
>Stranger in a Strange Land- Heinlein

>A Visit From the Goon Squad- Egan

Next 3:
>Cat's Cradle- Vonnegut
>Middlesex- Eugenides
>The Bonfire of the Vanities- Wolfe

>> No.3074512

>The Illearth War (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever)
>The Power that Preserves (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever)
>The Wounded Land (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
>The One Tree (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
>White Gold Wielder (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
>The Runes of the Earth (The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
>Fatal Revenant (The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)

>> No.3074673

Last three:
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
Feast For Crows

Currently reading

Next three
Dance With Dragons
Name Of The Rose
Something by Robin Hobb maby

>> No.3074679

Last three:
>Clash of Kings
>Storm of Swords
>Feast For Crows

Currently reading

Next three
>Dance With Dragons
>Name Of The Rose
>Something by Robin Hobb maby

>> No.3074686

>The Road - McCarth
>Time's Arrow - Amis
>Rocketship Galileo - Heinlein


>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch


I have no idea, maybe the Book of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe? Anybody got suggestions?

>> No.3074698

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne; my English teacher thinks this is the craziest book, it's not
The Obscene Bird of Night - Jose Donoso; constantly shifting narration is crazy stuff, will re-read this
Suicide - Edouard Leve; stiff, but interesting concept if only because of authorial context

On Photography - Susan Sontag; pretty interesting so far

2666 - Roberto Bolano; for you, /lit/
Confessions of a Mask - Mishima; ebook version doesn't seem to exist, but found a 0.99 copy at a bookstore
Danton's Death - Georg Buchner; picked it up for its cover and 99 cent price

>> No.3074724

>Confessions of a Mask - Mishima; ebook version doesn't seem to exist, but found a 0.99 copy at a bookstore

My mom asked me what to get for my birthday. I asked for Confessions of a mask, and having just finished Naked Lunch, also asked for Cities of the Red Night. She called me the next day saying, "umm, are you sure these are the books you really wanted?" After confirming that I did indeed want them, I realised that she had read the blurbs and discovered they are both about homosexuality. She looked disgusted when she gave them to me.

>> No.3074772

Last three:
> A Barbarian In Asia, Michaux
> The Space Merchants, Pohl and Kornbluth
> The Masters of Atlantis, Portis

> I, Claudius, Graves
> The Road to Wigan Pier, Orwell
> Libra, DeLillo

Next up:
> The Counterfeiters, Gide
> Julian, Vidal
> Gringos, Portis

>> No.3075183

>Crime and Punishment
>Sound and The Fury
>Slaughterhouse 5

>The Brothers Karamazov

>Old Man and The Sea
>The Death of Ivan Ilavich

>> No.3075194

Peep Show by David Mitchell is quite good

>> No.3075199

>Norwegian Wood
>The Castle
>Notes from the Underground

>Infinite Jest

Next Three
>Whatever you say I should read

>> No.3075200

Not sure this is my first Krasznahorkai, hoping to get to Melancholy before the end of the year. It came out on ebook last week so it may appear on #bookz soon. I'm definitely eager to read all his works and hopefully he gains some popularity and more of his stuff gets translated. Seiobo There Below will be out in english next year.

>> No.3075203


The Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie


The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx
Dwarves by Markus Heitz


Red Country by Joe Abercrombie oh god I'm so fucking excited
The Wind Through The Keyhole by Stephen King
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding

>> No.3075506

>>3072702 here

Also chalk up Joseph Anton by Salmon Rushdie to next three. I just recently saw a speech by him and got a signed copy.

>> No.3075507


>The Karamazov Brothers

u wot m8

>> No.3075793

What's wrong with that?

>> No.3075812

caps for sell, holy shit my childhood.

Cap seller had so much swag

>> No.3075824

The title is The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3075837
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both are acceptable
stop being a pedantic shithead

>> No.3075875

>Last Three
Mistborn Trilogy

Mistborn: Alloy of Law

>Next Three
The Way of Kings
The Blinding Knife
I don't even know what next.

>> No.3075892

I wasn't the guy that originally brought up the apparent error you know.... I followed the conversation and explained why the guy reacted as he did.

>> No.3075899

my rise and fall - mussolini
memoirs of a madman - flaubert
a hero of our time - lermontov

reflections on violence - georges sorel

the crowd - gustave le bon
write it right - ambrose bierce
political romanticism - carl schmitt

>> No.3075907

It's ok, it was all a misunderstanding. Lets all go to the living room, you guys pick out your favorite short story to read and ill bring out some tea and biscuits ok? I don't like when we all fight, lets just settle down now.

>> No.3075918

Sounds like a plan