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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 401x600, chloe_vevrier_pics05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3069976 No.3069976 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any large breasted protagonists? Why do authors discriminate against this body type. Is not the shape of the human body the realm of chance and out of the hands of the person who wears it? Would not the conflicts that arise and impend on a busty protagonist be welcome to an author? Isn't it misogynistic to shun and relegate such features of the body as explicitly sexual?

>> No.3069983

Bob had bitch tits.

>> No.3069987

Wasn't a protagonist. Side character at best.

>> No.3069989

Isn't it misogynistic to imply such features?

>> No.3069988

The same reason most authors would rather write about men with small penises.

>> No.3069992

The wife of the protagonist in White Noise has huge tits and he likes to lay his head upon them every night before he sleeps

>> No.3069993


To make it easy to relate to?

>> No.3069995

So women having large breasts is a conspiracy by the patriarchy and not evolution or genetic dice? If a man had a large nose it would be a feature described. If he had a big ass. Big feet. Fat. Thin. Tall. Is not the breast of a woman a feature to be described as apart of there person as it is of their flesh?

>> No.3069997

It would be seen as seeing women as sex objects is what I'm saying.

Not complaints from me...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu7VHA2z5Rg

>> No.3069998

How large are Anastasia Steele's breasts?

>> No.3070000

hester prynne

>> No.3070001

Well it does that--I'd be willing to bet smalldickbros read more than their bigdicked brothers, so that's just catering to an audience. But besides that, it's more tragic, I think.

>> No.3070009

a lot of authors write about emasculation. The main character in Hemingway's the sun also rises can even have sex because he got shrapnel to the dick in WWI.

writing about small dicks is fun.

>> No.3070012

So women that have smaller breasts are tragic individuals? I thought large breasts came with back pain. Unwanted public attention. Issues of self-esteem.

>> No.3070067
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I'll go ahead and bump

>> No.3070080




>> No.3070082
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I got a few more, but most or NSFW. I'll post the few that are okay though.

>> No.3070091
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>> No.3070098
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>> No.3070101
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and that's about all I can get away with.

>> No.3070106

Is that the woman with the massive bush?

>> No.3070114

Nah, she keeps it pretty trim.

>> No.3070156


>> No.3070176

Who is this? I know I've seen her before.

>> No.3070183
File: 249 KB, 1078x1600, 3bb7262d25ec057cdad5bc25d0ba2de9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there any large bushed protagonists? Why do authors discriminate against this body hair choice? Is not natural for the human body? Would not the conflicts that arise and impend on a full grown bush protagonist be welcome to an author? Isn't it misogynistic to shun and relegate such features of the body as explicitly sexual?

>> No.3070184


For being on /lit/ you don't seem to read much. Not in the realm of filenames at least.

>> No.3070190


Because nobody wants a bird with a clopper like Brian May's sinktrap.

>> No.3070264

You can hide a shrub. Its much harder to hide 30lbs of milk meat.

>> No.3070295

Your female protagonist has giant knockers and is self-conscious about them. What is your story staring her about. Must make a point of her feeling awkward or threatened by the attention her body brings.

>> No.3070305
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In a book you can hide either.
These threads are jokes. You can imagine Sherlock Holmes with 38 DDDs if you want. Another beautiful thing about books. Cast who you want. Want a young Bowie for this character or that. Done. You want him busty, well you can have that too.

But why doesn't Blueberry ever think to use an actually puffed woman? I mean, if he isn't a chubby-chaser, why does he have this Wonka-Smurfette fetish?

>> No.3070313

To bad that's not why or what this thread is talking about. It may be a joke to you, but then again so is most of life. So let us have our little slice and you can take your butterfly ass and make monsoons elsewhere.

>> No.3070323

>it may be a joke to you

I'm pretty sure it's a joke to 99% of /lit/.

>> No.3070339
File: 65 KB, 600x897, 02bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why you go picking on the 1% then? What does it matter that the rest of the snobs don't care or like what we like? All of /lit/ is a joke as content analysis is the realm of mental dwarves and has absolutely no empirical value. So since everything is subjective here. Let us have our subjective interests.

>> No.3070349

I pick on the 1% because I'm in the majority and it's my right to do so because of it.

>> No.3070356

She's sexy, yes. She's in the rare percentage of women with excess body-fat but appealing figure and features.

>> No.3070362

Majority of what? Fools? Fools who think theirs some kind of value in the ocean of opinions? You have to make something for your opinion to matter. If you don't art, then your opinion is just another meaningless voice.

>> No.3070399
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>You have to make something for your opinion to matter. If you don't art, then your opinion is just another meaningless voice.
FINE. So you agree with us. Now get outta here Russ.

Go make your case to /tv/ Shoo.

>> No.3070404

I made this thread. I also wrote almost 625 pages in porn just this year.

>> No.3070411

Ah Babette. Sweet, stupid, cow-like Babette.

Wonderful book. Tremendously fun to dissect, too.

>> No.3070429
File: 18 KB, 334x500, 02g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its strange how bent out of shape people get over this topic. Aren't humans products of their environment? Wouldn't ridicule, excessive attention, maybe even trauma due to have a large but color a characters psychology?

Don't physical attributes have consequences ? Having to be aware of moving in a space like a waitress. Move to fast and you tits knock over a glass. Or being in a situation where they might have to run and the physical impedments of the tits limit or slow actions that are vital to the plot?

>> No.3070431

Maybe you should check which post I'm replying to before you say something stupid.

>> No.3070433

What? That's stupid. Authors rarely mention the breast size of female characters unless it somehow is relevant.

>> No.3070439

>Authors rarely mention the breast size of female characters unless it somehow is relevant.
Which is exactly what this thread is about. The rare case and social discrimination in the form of a woman's body being only thought of as a means of sexual expression.

>> No.3070480
File: 35 KB, 401x600, 131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets take this pic for example. Imagine you put her into infinite jest. How would her physique affect the other characters in the story?

>> No.3070507

This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

>> No.3070509

Ohhhh I'm gonna read this shit tonight
Ohhhh while I despoil my Fleshlight
Ahhh gonna nuke some tater tots
Large breasted protagonist you make an aspie's dick go splooge

>> No.3070522
File: 369 KB, 1158x1226, 1345601212028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>content analysis is the realm of mental dwarves and has absolutely no empirical value ... everything is subjective here
2/10 not even trolled try harder and so on and so on

Anyway you're asking for a plot that revolves around a woman with large breasts, which just isn't very interesting. People born without a sense of taste live 'interesting' lives but that doesn't make it something to write about. It's going to become pornographic or comical out of necessity if anyone's going to read it.

>> No.3070582

Its never been done so how can you know that it won't be interesting?

>> No.3070660
File: 133 KB, 428x640, luba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at some comics instead. Plenty of what you're after.

>> No.3070700

Nurse Ratched has large breasts.

Of course, Kesey's a bit of a misogynist the characterization of nearly every female character in that novel...

Then again, she is the antagonist.

>> No.3070742
File: 28 KB, 480x412, fk tha police queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3070753
File: 38 KB, 401x524, maggie come n get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw ye. both brothers liked them thick gals.

>> No.3070777

Zola's Nana has big breast as I remember.

>> No.3070821

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.3071206

Still not seeing the MAIN protagonist as the busty broad though. Just side characters.

>> No.3071334

10/10, bretty gud

>> No.3071354

The main character is pretty busty and broad.

>> No.3071387
File: 27 KB, 200x303, moll_flanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moll Flanders ((Ned's Mum) and Fanny Hill both had whopping great churns.

>> No.3071837

Lady Sybil Deidre Olgivanna Vimes (née Ramkin), Duchess of Ankh
Features most prominently in "The Fifth Elephant"

>> No.3072043

I see what you did there.

>> No.3072070

sookie stackhouse

>> No.3072107

although the tits were a mark of shame, and Clark being the protagonist is debatable.

>> No.3072904

>sookie stackhouse
Yeah, but her character ends up being portrayed by Anna Paquin, and I hate that bitch with the fire of a thousand suns.

>> No.3072997

Anna Karenina is described as being pretty full-figured, if I recall though I may be embellishing this. I don't think she is ever described as having big tits though.

>> No.3073005

Their Eyes Were Watching God.

She has grapefruit sized boobs

>> No.3073018

I mean buttocks as grapefruit and pugnacious breasts
she was 40

>> No.3073190

we've had this exact same thread before

i even remember the point about big/small dicked men

fortunately this hasn't devolved into a feminism debate thread, like they usually do

>> No.3073243

Dejah Thoris Burroughs, or Deety, from Heinlein's "Number of the Beast" had noticeable tits. that book didn't so much have a protagonist, as four characters that all sounded remarkably like Heinlein putting on funny voices.

>> No.3074004
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>> No.3074041

What are you trying to do? Talk bad about feminism, you small dicked misogynist pig?!

>> No.3074085

Who gives a shit? That book was awful.
An author can't say "she had giant breasts" without looking like an immature pervert. They have to be a symbol for something.

>> No.3074115

Do you really care for the size of breasts or penis in a character of a book you're reading?

Is this something that's important to /lit?

>> No.3074183
File: 90 KB, 452x678, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thread on /lit/ right now, and I haven't even read any of the replies

>> No.3074223

I knew a guy once who had written a book (length-wise at least). It was sort of sci-fi-ish and the protagonist was a genetic/test-tube created human being who "happened to have" huge tits that while not a major part of the story, through the narration it was supposed to be evident that they were a complete nuisance and she absolutely hated them.

Would've been fine if written well, except he wrote about them to the point that it was obviously an authorial fetish being put to paper.

tl;dr - It could be done well, and should be if it could be done well, but many people will see it as a sex thing if not executed properly.

>> No.3076209


>> No.3078231
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>An author can't say "she had giant breasts" without looking like an immature pervert. They have to be a symbol for something.

I think it sounds more immature to be accusatory of such a thing. You seem to imply that outside of the external world and inner thought that there's something else to be had. Breasts are a part of a woman's body. They are physical and external. Through everyday (or extreme) tasks stimuli accounts for psychology of the character and reflect on themselves because of these external factors.

I know in my life I've heard women constantly complain about there breasts. Being either too small or too large. Causing back pain, unwanted attention. Concerns about there weight. They complain about not being able to see keyboards, sleep on there stomach. Working out is tough. Knocking over cups.

These make for conflict. Conflicts make up a story (usually) and will color the personality of a character. A shy and fearful character will see them as a boon. Terrified and resentful of the attention they aford her.
A more out going will use them as leverage. An expression of her sexuality and weakness of the men she bends to her will.

Adventuring women will be annoyed with them. limiting mobility and an obstacle she has to balance with the dangers of the rest of her journey.

This isn't an immature thing to be over looked. Authors genuinely seem to avoid it and out of petty reason that culture sees them exclusive to sexuality.

>> No.3078279

Ones anatomy is a source of the things that build a mind. If your fat, you either develop defenses to rebound or block insults or you kill youself. If your skinny you either brag about it or complain how weak you are. If you have a little dick you by a giant truck with a lift-kit. If you're hung like a moose you don't get into pissing contests.

Seems kinda important as it creates one leg of a characters logic.

>> No.3079040
File: 79 KB, 729x1024, case11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many women here think this is a topic or feature that is under discussed or avoided in writing?

Not to say guys don't talk about boobs all the time, but in serious conversation. Is it something that's not gotten right?

>> No.3079079
File: 201 KB, 400x518, JohnCurran_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it lit

>> No.3079093
File: 104 KB, 750x553, grab05gy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some femannons own disastrous experiences with their breasts?

Share with us some of the things your 'girls' have done to embarrass or hurt you. These would be examples of how ones anatomy plays into character building form real experience.

>> No.3079113

I never comme to /lit/

So this is what you guys do heh?

>> No.3079120

Nah, they usually jerk of to DFW complain about fantasy and Sci-Fi and tell people writing they'll never be writers. They also rehash talking about the same books daily.

This is probably one of three threads worth a damn.

>> No.3079136
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the book, "The Girl Who Played With Fire", Lisbeth has undergone a breast augmentation procedure to make her breasts larger. It's mention pretty early on in the book. She's definitely the protagonist in that story. (something worth mentioning, since it helps her gain more confidence in her sensuality and femininity)

Part of the plot involves her getting used to her new breast size since she's always been used to being flat chested.

>> No.3079369


>> No.3079376

it's definitely the other way around

far more threads that sing endless praises to orson scott card, snow crash, george rr martin, etc and every thread about IJ is about how he sucks and there's an inevitable link to the "portrait of an infinitely limited mind" article

>> No.3079457
File: 53 KB, 619x532, milena_velba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ladies with awkward stories about there breasts to share. This is to show how ones appearance effects ones view of the world. This relates to character building.

>> No.3079507


That's a retarded bet

>> No.3079514


>content analysis is the realm of mental dwarves


>> No.3079529

Content analysis is non empirical and can be bent to say anything. There's no binary open or closed to show negative or positive results in a definitive way. Meaning people that engage in content analysis can't be refuted as the subject has to anchored boundaries to make meaningful assertions.

Meaning content analysis is a giant circle jerk that 'intellectuals' use to make points that don't exists.

>> No.3079540


There is tons of knowledge and understanding that can't be proven.

You enjoy science, some of us enjoy placing the emphasis on other types of understanding, or experience.

Science is just a personal preference bro.

>> No.3079614

Sookie Stackhouse has a huge rack.

>> No.3079652
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>> No.3079658

See following posts.

>> No.3079670

Yea i read OP's statement and replied then i read the thread... only to see that someone else posted it already.

>> No.3080317

Read more Discworld. Around 75% of the women Pratchett writes are stacked as hell. Play it for comedy and don't dwell on it and you'll be okay.

>> No.3080518
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Any femannons that want to see a woman in a story struggle with the issues of her bust ?