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/lit/ - Literature

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3069540 No.3069540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best post-2000s books?
Pic related, I never understoof why /lit/ never talks about it.

>> No.3069545

I went to the same high school Chabon went to.

true story

>> No.3069553

Aleksandr Hemon meng

>> No.3069563

Here is thread on that exact thing that should help you, OP:


>> No.3069566

thats a comic book OP

>> No.3070456

i fell down a /lit/ archive reading this thread and got really mad at sunhawk's bubble-boy ass finding the concept of teenagers being successful in the golden age of comics implausible. 4chan has defeated me.

>> No.3070459

/lit/ archive rabbit hole that is

>> No.3070475

I love Chabon. There have been lots of good books published in the last 12 years. Too many to keep up with, unfortunately.

Pretty much anything by David Mitchell, Jonathan Franzen, Jennifer Egan, and Hilary Mantel has been consistently worth reading.

>> No.3070483
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I also nominate Adam Johnson for this work.

>> No.3070493

Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon

I don't get why it doesn't get the attention V, The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity's Rainbow, and more recently Mason & Dixon get. Brilliant book with just as much depth as GR and M&D.

>> No.3070506

Chabon and Mitchell are my dawgs. I am weirdly excited for the Cloud Atlas movie, which I'm fully expecting to be a total disaster: I really like Mitchell and the Wachowskis both but in very different ways and I'm stoked to see the hot mess the latter have made of the former.

I mildly dislike J Franz but Mantel is next on my to-read list. My sister has raved about her for years but like the hopeless goob I am it took the second Booker for me to sit up and pay attention. And as long as we're naming Barnes & Noble Greatest Hits of the '00s I gotta rep for Zadie Smith - I fully expect her to write Something Perfect And Amazing some day but for now I'm happy to read every imperfect but clever funny smart etc. thing she sees fit to poop out.

>> No.3070515

The Road

>> No.3070530

Because people are still finishing it.

>> No.3070536
File: 47 KB, 249x385, Maidenhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maidenhair by Mikhail Shishkin, 2005

"Day after day the Russian asylum-seekers sit across from the interpreter and Peter—the Swiss officers who guard the gates to paradise—and tell of the atrocities they’ve suffered, or that they’ve invented, or heard from someone else. These stories of escape, war, and violence intermingle with the interpreter’s own reading: a history of an ancient Persian war; letters sent to his son “Nebuchadnezzasaurus,” ruler of a distant, imaginary childhood empire; and the diaries of a Russian singer who lived through Russia’s wars and revolutions in the early part of the twentieth century, and eventually saw the Soviet Union’s dissolution.

Mikhail Shishkin’s Maidenhair is an instant classic of Russian literature. It bravely takes on the eternal questions—of truth and fiction, of time and timelessness, of love and war, of Death and the Word—and is a movingly luminescent expression of the pain of life and its uncountable joys."

>> No.3070546

Thirding Mitchell. I'm currently reading through his stuff and having a great time.

>> No.3071467


>> No.3071557
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>> No.3071581

the book in the OP isn't discussed very often, but i see it recommended all the time

its probably because the themes are so particular. people here come from a WASP background, and don't really feel they need to discuss issues about jewish identity. comic books are also pretty off for the general audience here, who probably only know them through movies.

its great writing though. the historical research is superb and shows throughout the writing.