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/lit/ - Literature

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3067457 No.3067457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

rank these writers from approximatley the same time period. give reasons why if you want

ernest hemingway
f scott fitzgerald
james joyce
william faulkner
john steinbeck
george orwell
jd salinger

>> No.3067477

1 - James Joyce
2 - F Scott Fitzgerald
3 - John Steinbeck
4 - George Orwell
5 - JD Salinger
6 - Ernest Heminway

Havent read any of William Faulkner

>> No.3067481

Stephanie Meyers

>> No.3067484

1 - F. Scott Fitzgerald
2- James Joyce
3 - John Steinbeck
4 - William Faulkner
5 - Ernest Hemingway
6 - George Orwell
7 - JD Salinger

Rationale: solely based on how much I liked their works

wanna make out

>> No.3067482

1. Faulkner

3. Joyce
3. Salinger

4. Fitzgerald

5. Steinbeck
5. Hemingway
5. Orwell

>> No.3067487


What's wrong with Faulkner, assclown?


>> No.3067491


No reason.

>> No.3067492

james joyce
george orwell
ernest hemingway
john steinbeck

fuck the haters

>> No.3067561
File: 85 KB, 300x334, mightyducknotsomighty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these pedant joyce cock gobblers.

>> No.3067564


There are, at most, only three authors on that list that can be said to be better than him

>> No.3067578


>> No.3067586

1 Joyce
2 Faulkner
3 Fitzgerald
4 Orwell
5 Hemingway
6 Salinger

Have never read Steinbeck (sorry)

>> No.3068397

From best to worst:

1. jd salinger
(Sucessfully makes a point and drives it home; some dude even killed Lennon because of this book, which is proof that it's at least powerfully written.)

2. john steinbeck
(A writer who knows his craft and knows how to mindfuck you emotionally over insignificant things.)

3. ernest hemingway
(Tryhard with mommy issues, but a lasting and powerful influence as a stylist.)

4. george orwell
(Highschool-level books with McCarthyist anti-communist bullshit, but something accessible to a retarded highschool student can't be _all_ bad.)

5. william faulkner
(A badly done Lovecraft epigone. More valuable as a foppish style icon of the American South than a writer.)

6. james joyce
(Pretentious, uneducated Irish blackface farce. I weep for Éire.)

Never read Fitzgerald, thank God.

>> No.3068400


>A badly done Lovecraft epigone. More valuable as a foppish style icon of the American South than a writer

Are you fucking kidding? This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever read on this board, time to leave.

>> No.3068404


Honestly, Orwell and Salinger don't belong on that list. Orwell was a political writer, and Salinger can just go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.3068413


>> No.3068415

don't worry, he's definitely trolling. i hope

>> No.3068418

>Are you fucking kidding? This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever read on this board, time to leave.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, dipshit.

P.S. People only like Faulkner because they can't handle Negro literature due to their deep-seated racist prejudices.

Any random black author >>>> Faulkner.

>> No.3068421

Have you ever read anything other than Catcher in the Rye by Salinger? He is a great writer

>> No.3068422


Thank god you're trolling.

>implying I don't read African/African-American literature and Faulkner with equal gusto

>> No.3068425

I wasn't a fan of Catcher, but I honestly don't think that people should badmouth Salinger because of that. He made it a point to make Caulfield or whatever the fuck his name was a dumbfuck. And he hated everyone who went up to him and told him that they could relate to the character.

>> No.3068427

>Thank god you're trolling.

Of course -- obviously anybody who disagrees with you is a dirty, neckbeard anti-american troll!

>implying I don't read African/African-American literature and Faulkner with equal gusto

You obviously don't. Otherwise how could you even _compare_, say, Ralph Ellison with a hack like Faulkner?

>> No.3068433

He was essential Holden when he was younger so I doubt he would be angry about that. I think he wants the reader not only to make a connection with Holden but find the turning point and follow it as well. The reason why he was angry was because he believed that the people who related to Holden felt affirmed by Catcher which is exactly not what Salinger wanted to do.

>> No.3068436

no, I guess I should read some of his other stuff.
That book was honestly just so bad that I probably will never read anything else by Salinger though.

>> No.3068440

Franny and Zooey is pretty good and it doesn't take place in the mind of a teenager.

>> No.3068449


>> No.3068461


Close, but Salinger was greater than Fitz or Steinbeck. Faulkner was greater than all of them

>> No.3068485


This was harder than I expected. For the record, I like all of them a fair amount (except for Salinger), so a low ranking doesn't mean anything too bad. Orwell only has one great novels among good and mediocre other novels and essays. Fitzgerald just barely inches out Steinbeck because I ultimately prefer his prose when it comes down to it, though I do love Steinbeck's simple prose.

>> No.3068487

>Faulkner above Joyce

Weird seeing the sloppy apprentice take a higher positon than the master.

>> No.3068489


Joyce was a squab next to Bill

>> No.3068532



>> No.3068576


Claiming that Orwell isn't a McCarthy-lite anti-communist is like claiming that Obama is liberal.

i.e., only somebody who has been permanently warped by the retarded American political and social regime can say something that stupid.

>> No.3068580

Orwell was dead before that term even came into use. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.3068590

The motherfucker was a socialist, you cunt.

>> No.3068604


It is a troll.

>> No.3068612

ernest hemingway
f scott fitzgerald
james joyce
william faulkner
john steinbeck
george orwell
jd salinger

1. Hemingway
2. Faulkner
3. Steinbeck
4. Orwell
5. Joyce
6. Fitzgerald
Last: Salinger

>> No.3068620


Troll or highschooler, it's time to leave.

>> No.3068621


>> No.3068622

By that rationale Mao Tse Tung should be in top.

>> No.3068626

The last author: Angsty teens
Sixth place: Hipster teens
Fifth place: Prententious teens
Fourth place: Political teens
Third place: Working men or women
Second place: Academical men or women
First place: For men or women

You'll understand when you grow up and quit school.

>> No.3068630

>dat rationale

>> No.3068631


Upstanding review. Scathing commentary.

All of these authors are pretty extraordinary in their own right, the fact that you're willing to toss aside the body of Salinger's work as being intended for 'Angsty teens' shows me how little you've read of his work and how much less you've thought about it. The same could be said for the rest of your notions.

>Hemingway for men or women

Have you read his work?

>> No.3068640

How little you've read of his work

>> No.3068642


What have you read of his?

>> No.3068647

The Catcher in the Rye, which I dare to say is his only novel. Yes, I know about the his short stories and the novellas.

But if you ask me, Salinger doesn't even belong in this "list", if we are supposed to do these things.

>> No.3068661


>The Catcher In The Rye


Go read Franny and Zooey or Raise High The Roofbeams, Carpenters and sit back as your mind gets blown.

>> No.3068676

Oh, dear someone is insulting my taste on the internet. I feel mortified.

>> No.3068682

bad advice, read carpenters last, read it after all the short stories, all the unpublished shorts, after hapworth, try to save until you can't put it off for as long as you can, you can only read it the first time once.

>> No.3068687

bad advice, read all the books, all the short stories, all the unpublished shorts from all the authors in the world, try to save until you can't put it off for as long as you can, you can only read it the first time

>> No.3068697

bad advice, read the greeks first, they never grow stale and each rereading will only be more and more rewarding.

>> No.3070241

>anti-communist bullshit


please die in a fire

>> No.3070255

Top shelf: Faulkner, Joyce
Mid shelf: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck
bottom shelf: Orwell, Salinger

>> No.3070280

1. John Steinbeck
2. James Joyce
3. William Faulkner
4. Ernest Hemingway
5. JD Salinger
6. George Orwell
7. F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.3070364
File: 65 KB, 432x413, 1308037409348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. george orwell
>(Highschool-level books with McCarthyist anti-communist bullshit, but something accessible to a retarded highschool student can't be _all_ bad.)
So, while in high school you were made to read Animal Farm and 1984. Okay, now read his non-fiction journalism-hybrids Homage to Catalonia and Down and Out in Paris and London.

>> No.3070376

.... big drop off ....

never read Steinbeck :)

>> No.3070381

this is the stupidest but also most representative post of /lit/ ever

if this was a troll 9.5/10 -- godly work there, son

>> No.3070392


Why is top shelf a good thing? They're harder to reach. huehuehue

>> No.3070412


>> No.3070415

only if you are a midget is the bottom shelf easier to reach than the top shelf

>> No.3070425

1. James Joyce
2. William Faulkner
3. John Steinbeck
4. F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. Ernest Hemingway
6. J.D Salinger
7. George Orwell

1. James Joyce
2. Ernest Hemingway
3. William Faulkner
4. J.D Salinger
5. John Steinbeck
6. F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. George Orwell

>> No.3070452

1. Joyce
2. Orwell
3. Hemingway
4. Steinbeck
5. Fitzgerald
6. Salinger
7: Faulkner

Orwell was a socialist dipshit