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/lit/ - Literature

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3064856 No.3064856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So my girlfriend likes to read but mostly cheap trashy books like hunger games and friends. Since she's not the brightest I tried to find her a book without too many 'big words' (she hates them), and got her to read The Picture of Dorian Gray. She really liked it, and now I'm looking for something similar. Wilde didn't write too many novels, and his next most famous book is a play. What other authors would be recommended as a next step into the world of good literature.

>> No.3064893

Have her read Moby Dick

>> No.3064894

>Wilde didn't write too many novels
>his next most famous book is a play

How goddamn retarded is your girlfriend if you're the smart one in this relationship?

>> No.3064898

Give her some Keats. Bitches love the Keats

>> No.3064908

Demian. It's like an inversion of Dorian Grey. Replace hedonism with actualization.

>> No.3064925

Frankenstein would be a good one probably. Maybe Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Oh and definitely Jane Eyre.

>> No.3064927

You don't want to bore her to death.

>> No.3064998

Why don't I just bludgeon her head with it. Would have the same effect.

Thanks for the suggestions. What about Wuthering Heights? Any opinions on that?

>> No.3065006

Is she a qt OP?

>> No.3065031

Second this. Hesse is great.

>> No.3065058

Notes from Underground

>> No.3065068
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This is easy.
Give her some Murakami.

Bitches be lovin' the Murakami.

Trust me. She is aching for some 'Norwegian Wood', she just doesn't know it yet.

>> No.3065160


I like Murakami.

>> No.3065182

Are you trying to give her a fetish for abusive men? It's a great book, but the language is a bit old-fashioned. Read a few pages and judge for yourself: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/768/768-h/768-h.htm

>> No.3065206

1984 is a good book for beginners.

>> No.3065547

1984 is long and might chase her away. Fahrenheit 451 is easier to digest in my opinion.

>> No.3065559

Frankenstein is pretty short. She won't feel intimidated. And it's that time of the year! She might hate it if she's an animal lover.

>> No.3065566
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If she IS an animal lover, though..

>> No.3065568

OP, my mother is like this. She tells me straight up that she prefers not to have to think about her books. Which is crazy, she reads probably 100 books a year.

Ive suggested "In the Name of the Rose", "Siddartha", Murakami's "South of the Border, West of the Sun", and "Never Let Me Go"

>> No.3065578

Haha, that gave me childhood nightmares. Poor little bunnies...

>> No.3065579
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She'll probably like this

>> No.3065585

everyone i made read moby dick quit
>too boring
>too groos

>> No.3065594

It's really difficult to give a shit. I don't care about your leg Ahab, I don't care about your boat. LET IT GO.

>> No.3065607
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Same problem here OP
>qt gf reads pleberature
>give qt gf Of Mice and Men
>Hope this will be a gateway out of YA fiction
>mfw she says it's stupid after reading 10 pages and gives it back

large breasts, man...the shit they'll make you put up with

>> No.3065616 [DELETED] 

My wife has a doctoral level of learning in the sciences, makes bank, but only reads US magazine and watches shit like Revenge and Gossip girls.

>> No.3065623

My wife has a doctoral level of learning in the sciences, makes bank, but only reads US magazine and watches shit like Revenge and Gossip girls. She hates when I talk about books, but then will turn around and tell me about the fucking article on pediatric head trauma that she just read.

>> No.3065626

I don't care if she can even read, if she's a female, makes a lot of money and is least a 3/10 I'd take her in a heartbeat.

>> No.3065641

Cyrano de Bergerac? It's a play, so it's short, and it's funny, romantic... also, it's classic French literature.

>> No.3065662
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Why is /lit/ the most misogynistic board on 4chan? Seriously, every time I come on here there' s always a "my girlfriend doesn't read hurdurdur look at how smart I am by comparison" thread. WTF.

(also, there are lots of people who are intelligent despite not being well-read. thinking that reading = intelligence is in-group bias)

>> No.3065663

ohh /lit/

>> No.3065670

I don't know, if you read Hunger Games, I'd say your intelligence level is up for consideration. Chill out homegirl.

>> No.3065674

I think if you'll take a moment to read the individual post most people are simply saying that they're girlfriends don't read what we consider good literature, not that they are unintelligent. I know, at least, that's all I said.

Also, saying "my girlfriend is stupid" isn't sexist or misogynistic, it's a personal judgement on one individual. Saying "all women are stupid" or "most women are stupid" could, on the other hand, be considered sexist because it's being universalized over most or all of the gender without and reasonable evidence.

> objective facts cannot be racist or sexist no matter how much they sound like it

>> No.3065687

>Why is /lit/ the most misogynistic board on 4chan?
Have you ever been to another board on here? This is probably the least sexist of them all.

>> No.3065690

How is that misogynistic? Elitist and douchey, sure, but I don't see how it pertains to the hatred of women as a whole.

>> No.3065693


>> No.3065698

Idiotic women like you almost justify misogyny.

Also, male chauvinism and misogyny are not necessarily mutually inclusive.

>> No.3065720
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>> No.3065727

I really don't think anyone is going to steal that to be honest. That font is horrible.

>> No.3065735

So I guess you really liked the Hunger Games?

>> No.3065736

We only hate women because oh we love them so. If you don't understand that how love/hate works, I'd suggest reading anything involving more than one sex, because this is without doubt the most common relationship theme on earth.

>> No.3065740

I don't hate women, and I love one of them. I don't understand.

>> No.3065743

What is a transvaginal ultrasound?

>> No.3065753


>> No.3065755


>Why is /lit/ the most misogynistic board on 4chan?

>there' s always a "my girlfriend doesn't read hurdurdur look at how smart I am by comparison" thread

OP is taking the time to make a thread, comb through the replies, and find a book that he thinks his girlfriend might like.

Maybe he is girlfriend isn't bright, do you know her? There are slower types on both sides of the gender fence. But OH NO if we say that a girl isn't bright (even if she isn't) then apparently that is a direct attack on all women everywhere. That makes sense.

He doesn't have to do any of this, but he is making an effort to try and open her up to different kinds of literature that might start her on a path of reading that she'll be thankful for in later years.

What a total misogynist, right?

Fuck off.

>> No.3065758


>Maybe his**

Ironic typos are fun.

>> No.3065761

You can't love if you don't know how to hate: hating women is a prerequisite to loving them.

You sound like someone entirely devoid of strong feelings, or a teenager.

>> No.3065765

>I don't hate women, and I love one of them

Your ma sure is a lucky lady :)

>> No.3065770


romance is built on frustration, passion needs conflict to thrive

give it a few years and you'll understand.

>> No.3065779


>> No.3065810

>women open their cockmassagers to talk
>thread instantly shit


>> No.3065818
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Keep away, rapist.

>> No.3065825


Thank you for posting, I was beggining to think it was MY worldview that was fundamentally skewed.

>> No.3065827



>> No.3065833


I was loling, and then I realised that was serious.

>> No.3065838
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>2 months before the apocalypse
>dating a pleb

>> No.3065848
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at least he has gf

>> No.3065881

>tfw no gf

>> No.3065888

and then I was loling

>> No.3065894
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he has a plebfriend, that's like having negative gf.

>> No.3065910
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i guess.

i honestly only know one girl that i would call patrician. she is the love of my life but she lives in nyc now...


i would honestly settle for a qt plebfriend who who at least tries

>> No.3065931

Shouldn't harassment and sexism be switched?

>> No.3065937


i was thinking the same thing

>> No.3065945


Actually, it isn't. Clever shop is clever

>> No.3065983

It's a pretty big fantasy of mine to nurture a qt pleb gf's budding interest in literature, music, film, etc.

It would also be pretty hot if it was the other way around - a total patrician qt gf fostering my intellectual development.

Actually, anything involving a qt gf would be great.

>> No.3066002

Currently in the process of this. Turning my gf off of plebby music vidya and film and she's getting me back into reading. Feels good man.

>> No.3066006

What books does this "patrician" girl read?

>> No.3066007


Make her read 1Q84

>> No.3066010

please describe in detail so I can fap. what has she gotten you to read? also, is she qt?

>> No.3066017

so far, Vonnegut and Steinbeck, plus she had me re-read books that I under-appreciated in High School. And very much so

>> No.3066097


>> No.3066357
File: 740 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20121016_151113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Interesting how this thread devolved. For the record, I am not a misogynist. Actually the smartest person I've ever met was a girl (and a damn gorgeous one at that). But objectively, yes, my current gf isn't exactly gifted in the mental abilities department, but it doesn't make me like her any less, and I certainly don't think "ALL WOMEN ARE TEH STUPIDST" the femtard misinterpreted this thread as.

Anyway, in thanks to your suggestions, here is a pic I snapped of her reading Wilde on my shitty bed in my shitty room.

>> No.3066456


>> No.3066495

Coraline by Neil Gaiman.

It's very simple.

film is much much better though. A true example of when film>book

>> No.3066649

I'm okay with this

Coraline is a fucking fantastic movie.

>> No.3066650

I like that style. When I rented an apartment and temporarily moved together with my gf, I bought two of those mattresses, put them on the floor and tied them together with clothesline. Voila, double-bed!

>> No.3066683

How do you like Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.3066700

>on my shitty bed in my shitty room

>tfw nicely decorated/coordinated room with queen bed

>tfw no qt 3.14 gf :(

>> No.3066771 [DELETED] 

lol yeah, space and money constraints force you to get creative. It's vaguely romantic to live more off your creativity than a check.

My opinion on it alternates between good and not-so-good, depending on the section. Some are brilliant, poetic, hilarious, others are stupid-dense and boring. Overall though, it's a pretty amazing read.

'whaa? oh! lol' clever. Also, possibly the reason why no qt gf

>> No.3066793

lol yeah, space and money constraints force you to get creative. It's vaguely romantic to live more off your creativity than a check.

My opinion on it alternates between good and not-so-good, depending on the section. Some are brilliant, poetic, hilarious, others are stupid-dense and boring. Overall though, it's a pretty amazing read.

'what? oh!' lol clever. Also, possibly the reason why no qt gf

>> No.3067708

i can tell she has a bad face

>> No.3067710


that wonky forehead's a dead giveaway

>> No.3067775

I'm gonna derail for a moment.
Also, not trollin.

Why does the Hunger Games have a bad reputation? Sure the writing was simplistic but the story was decent. The love triangle thing is getting redundant, yes, but isn't it and alright series?

>> No.3067960 [DELETED] 
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I'm not going to say she's a 10/10 but I think she's cute. Got her charms.

>> No.3067969

>dat filename

>> No.3067973

wow you must be an adult she looks like an adult this is weird i thought everyone here was like 19

>> No.3067976

I liked it. There are plenty of people here who did too

>> No.3067979

>not an adult

time to move out, bro
do your own laundry, you know

>> No.3067989

screenshot. can't be bothered to download fb pic.
We're both in out early 20's
I saw Hunger Games in a list of 'best works of literature of all time' or some shit. That's when I knew to fuck goodreads.

>> No.3068011

really dawg? you support yourself and take no handouts from your parents?

i am working full time minimum wage, paying rent, and saving up for college. fuck yes I'm staying with my parent, I would like to eventually go back to school.

>> No.3068019

And you don't consider yourself an adult yet?

>> No.3068021


Force her to make it to the end. That'll teach her to call it boring.


>> No.3068030

i really think you need to reread the post you responded to, or better yet the one I was originally responding to. and for the record, I only consider myself an adult if I am at a 30someting party for whatever reason and want to drink even though I'm not technically of age.

>> No.3068032

lol that sucks esp since it's not much longer than ten pages all told

>> No.3068034

I think it's fine to date someone who would say that just don't marry them

>> No.3068037

geez I'm in the same situation as you but without the fucking chip on my shoulder

congratulations: you're an adult now

>> No.3068041

i don't think it was about op being smart I think it was about op desiring to share his passion with his gf. the whole "im smart cuz I read" is implied as soon as anyone posts on a board named "literature"

>> No.3068043

Sorry, losers and women, but me and my penis are taken.

>> No.3068045

probably a bit sombre if trying to get someone into classic lit. what about like some hg wells or something more actioney?

>> No.3068052

i will be an adult once I am published that is the way I feel about it.

>> No.3068053


>> No.3068055

I think what she liked about Dorian was Wilde's wit. She seemed to really like his little quips. Also because it's somewhat antiquated (though surprisingly modern), and because it deals with a romance of sorts. I'm having a hard time finding a combination of those, especially another author with the same kind of wit. There are a few that were recommended that seem promising though

>> No.3068067


>> No.3068073

why do you say that?

>> No.3068075

He set a goals for himself, in a way that works for him. Why is that pathetic?

>> No.3068086

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.3068087

To be reliant upon a random external(getting a work published) for your personal validation is pathetic.

There is nothing inherently good or praiseworthy about getting something published. Might as well attach your development to the first time you have anal sex, at least you're partially responsible for that.

>> No.3068099


>> No.3068105

I see your point but I don't equate "personal validation" which is something i have very little issue with, with "becoming an adult," which is a milestone/place marker. I see that it is in some ways foolish the way I feel, as there is a certain element of randomness in getting published but it's much more than that, being composed of hard work and dedication as well. It is no more random than many things.

def less random than when i had anal sex.

>> No.3068111

If she liked Dorian Grey, she might like Scott Fitzgerald, or if she's into the sci-fi thing, try HG Wells. Just keep her away from Ulysses and Anna Karenina, lol.

>> No.3068124

ooh yeah The Great Gatsby is a good idea. Short, snappy, not too complex. The Beauty and the Damned sucked tho imo how is his book on drinking?

>> No.3068130

>tfw living with your girlfriend and her family and have a job as a school bus monitor
>tfw life is good
>tfw going to college soon to teach elementary or special needs

>> No.3068140

livin in the struggle, bro. sometimes it seems like everyone here is a loser who lives w/ their parents/on the dole or a comfortable middle classer going to college via their parents. us workadays gotta stick together.

>> No.3068149

Dem trust-fund college kids don't know shit about the working man's life. That's why they can't read novels about normal, working class men such as ourselves.

Yesterday, I got scratched by a kid on the bus. A severely violent, two-hundred pound middle schooler. We're talking non-verbal autistic. He bit one of my coworkers and hit and headbutted another. Five of us were on the bus to subdue him. You know in movies where they show those shitty, fake possession scenes? It was like that, except real. I'll never get those screams out of my head.

>> No.3068202

cool story bro

>> No.3068236

she looks like she is 16 bro, get real

>> No.3068241

She's 21 and looks 16. I'm 23 and look 18. It works.

>> No.3068273

Thats hardly a negative. Who doesn't like some jailbate?

>> No.3068439

Fahrenheit 451 was garbage.

1984 was meh.

If you want dystopia, it's got to be Brave New World.

>> No.3068446

Calling a girl stupid =/= misogyny.

There's a 70% chance you're a troll. The other 30% would be that you're unintelligent as well as biased. A terrible combination, but one that naturally occurs all too frequently.

>> No.3068447

would rail/10.

She's cute.

>> No.3068463



could be blackmailed into banging

>> No.3068559

I love you.
Haven't heard that in a while.
Hehe run-on hehe
And here we worship the fact that OP interacts with this thing right here.
There's not much of a challenge to it. It's too swift a read, and because of the premise of a dystopian society, it had much promise and potential for plot but was merely used for setting-- a reason while a kid would have to kill another kid. There's no real message to take out of it except "violence is bad."
I got a few:
The Hobbit
Animal Farm
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Lord of The Flies
Ethan Frome

>> No.3068564


>we worship the fact that OP interacts with this thing

satire? i hope?

>> No.3069400

>Brave New World

That's a weird way to spell 'We'.