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3063366 No.3063366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>The novel begins with Tao [character’s name is “Paul”] waking up and then looking at the internet while in bed. It seems really funny to start a novel this way. I felt more interested while reading this than I had while reading the opening of either of Tao's previous novels.

What the fuck? This sounds like every other of his shitty books. Or is it some kind of hipster irony I don't get?

>> No.3063372


its post-irony

>> No.3063375

$50k well spent.

>> No.3063376

Towl, we know you have a book out soon. You don't have to starting posting daily threads again.

>> No.3063381

Please go away, Tao.

>> No.3063389

Congraturations, Towel. Every time I see a picture of your ugry gook face, I cringe at how forcibry hipster it is, onry to find the next picture has out-hipstered it.

>> No.3063391

mishima spits down on you from valhalla

>> No.3063409

I am going to read your book, Tao Lin, and I am going to enjoy it

>> No.3063412

Who cares? That guy is Japanese. Tao Lin is Taiwanese-American and writes about completely different things. What a ridiculous comparison.

>> No.3063417

tao maybe if you spent your time reading and writing instead of taking dumb fucking pictures in random places with the intent of showing the world how 'normal' you are maybe youd get somewhere with your dismal career you faggot

>> No.3063419

Tao Lin probably reads and writes a lot more than you do, Anon.

>> No.3063422

>implying he's anything other than cutting-edge post-postmodernist genius whose writing comes from the cusp of our society's inherent inauthenticity

>> No.3063427

thanks, I see the viral marketing is paying off

>> No.3063435

as if i cared who that tao faggot is

>> No.3063446

>Who cares?
You, obviously.
That guy is Japanese. Tao Lin is Taiwanese-American
>Implying normal white-skins know the deference between the various breeds of chink.
and writes about completely different things.
>Implying anyone of value actually reads his drivel.

Towel, there is a bed in your mothers basement. Go to it.

>> No.3063455

You have won Tao, I will read your stupid book.

>> No.3063476

It's funny that this is exactly how most pioneering or personal writers of their ages were treated as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Tao Lin will be regarded as a genius in the literary circles in twenty years or after his death.

>> No.3063483

Do you feel violated? Should you feel violated?

Has Tao gone too far?

>> No.3063489

But Tao Lin is actually bad. And he isn't even pioneer in wrting books about bored hipsters doing radnom shit and having babbys first existential crises. He will, and deserves to be forgotten.

>> No.3063492
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He won't be forgotten cause look at this photo, sexyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.3063495

Well, he does have a personal style.

Who else has been said to have been bad after a few novels? Loads of writers who are now acclaimed.

>> No.3063508

entirely shameful mishandling of meme arrows

I thought Shoplifting from American Apparel opened with two characters talking on the internet and masturbating or something. Anyway, all his books, all his hype, all the reviews, are a subtle jest on repetition in modern capitalist society and so on and so on

>> No.3063510

Why are you so vague? Why can't you name those acclaimed writers. Why can't you tell us the reason why Tao Lin will be regarded as a genius in twenty years instead.

You come with pretty bold statements, such as "exactly how most pioneering or personal writer of their ages".... like who? please name them.

>> No.3063518

Herman Melville. Tao Lin will be the next Melville. Mark my words

>> No.3063528

To clear one thing up: I'm not trying to defend Tao Lin, I haven't read anything by him, but his stuff and how much he splits the crowd seems somewhat interesting.

As for the writers Joyce and Kafka come to mind.

>> No.3063530

I read Richard Yates just to see if Tao was as shitty as you guys say. It wasn't the best book I've ever read but I made it through it pretty easily without getting bored to death. It was much better than The Hunger Games of 50 Shades of Grey, both of which I read because my girlfriend was reading them.

>> No.3063537

>Tao Lin will be the next Melville. Mark my words
With a red correctional pen?

>> No.3063542

The splitting is mostly because of his annoying hipster persona and viral marketing. His books are completely unremarkable and retarded.

>> No.3063546

>both of which I read because my girlfriend was reading them

>> No.3063683

Yeah you caught me. My girlfriend has a dick.

>> No.3063686


>> No.3063690

Goddamnit /lit/

Can we get tao threads and Rand threads bannable?

>> No.3063701
File: 38 KB, 575x286, Admits to being a pedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3063703

You want two authors banned, but don't think twice about sloshing your liberated vagina around those militant feminist threads.

>> No.3063706

There is no good reason for Tao Lin threads to be bannable. There's rarely any more than one or two on /lit/ at any given time. If you're really stupid enough to be so easily upset by him, then just ignore the threads

>> No.3063722

To emphasise this poster's post, please look at all three categories in the Report window, and go read 4chan's rules.

Some Tao threads are merely shitposting, others meet the criteria for spam / advertising / flooding.

>> No.3063723

>I'm not that much of a pedophile.

What happened to that Aleksei guy? He was the only decent tripfag on here.

>> No.3063725

Neither was me.

Fine. But I do speak for many on this.

>> No.3063745

>Neither was me.
Indeed, your identity is so convenient, isn't it?
Plausible deniability and all that.

>> No.3063750


people always shroud their taste for tao with irony so it looks like shitposting but its really not.

>> No.3063761

irony for an ironic author, how ironic

>> No.3063767

I've been thinking about this. It's time I disregarded the aesthetic appeal of my moniker and adopted a tripcode.

>> No.3063769

I genuinely like Tao Lin.

Tao Lin is not ironic.

>> No.3063773

Oh how exciting, the boring butterfly person now has a tripcode

>> No.3063775

This is maybe one of the stupidest posts I've seen on 4chan.

>> No.3063778

I like you too Tao

>> No.3063779


>> No.3063784

>Tao Lin is not ironic.
My brain...

>> No.3063787

I don't say shit like that.

Yeah, you keep that trip there buddy.

>> No.3063789

It is shit posting, especially if you're being "ironic," especially if you don't understand that you're shit posting.

You're not fucking Zizek, there isn't a plurality of intertextual ironies that actually evoke new meanings in your contributions.

>> No.3063802

He's not as boring as some of the other trips around here. But really, who the fuck cares? I usually just read the post and ignore the trip, unless it's sunhawk, in which case I don't read the post.

>> No.3063804

hey tao i like ur books I have read shoplifting and richard yates and will read the others as well if i can pirate them somewhere

>> No.3063816

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3064111

Vice is just as shitty as Tao, so I don't care.

Their Travel Guides are entertaining though.

>> No.3064119

Sure mate, I've advanced a theory of irony's capacity to present meaning in light of a major theorist, and why Tao threads fail that criteria; you seem to be sucking dick.

>> No.3064164

go to bed, Tao

>> No.3064788

I read Richard Yates when someone uploaded a picture of every page to /lit/ It was neither good nor bad. Some parts made me day dream about being in a relationship even though I did not like Haley Joel Osmond or Dakota Fanning.