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/lit/ - Literature

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3058275 No.3058275 [Reply] [Original]

Lit confessions:

I kinda agree with this image.

>> No.3058285

I pretty much only read classics, and think postmodernism has led to society's gradual decay

>> No.3058284
File: 138 KB, 1009x389, walrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda agree with this image.

>> No.3058292


>postmodernism has led to

you'd rather we lie to ourselves?

>> No.3058295

Don't feed trolls if you can help it, please.

>> No.3058296

Either lie to ourselves, or find a way to make the lie true

>> No.3058298


Those 'Wanda' chapters were a massive pain in the arse.

>> No.3058324


Harold Bloom is that you?

>> No.3058341

Vonnegut is my favorite author.

I've read 3 books by Steinbeck, and none of them were The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, or East of Eden

>> No.3058348

I enjoy the works of Raymond E. Feist

>> No.3058356

Haha, I think I've seen you in one of these threads before.

Vonnegut is my favorite author as well.
The Stranger is one of my favorite books.
I thoroughly enjoyed Infinite Jest, and do not understand how someone could find it boring.

>> No.3058360

I'm the OP and I also enjoyed it but there were moments that grew tedious for me, most like due to anticipation of another later segment that I felt I was more likely to enjoy.

>> No.3058367

>having confessions
Do you just lie in the other threads then?

>> No.3058380

More like reserve our more contentious opinions.

>> No.3058386

This anon is roughly correct.

>> No.3058396

i like stephen king.

>> No.3058401

I do too, but I don't like his prose very much. In general, when I read his books I find that I'm enjoying his books despite the quality of the prose.

>> No.3058404

if IJ is boring to you idk how you read most serious lit. it's one of the most outright 'entertaining' and readable books i've read.

>> No.3058405

This a hundred times.

>> No.3058412


This a thousand times.

>> No.3058435
File: 97 KB, 270x400, The Broom of the System by David Foster Wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about every time /lit/ tries to talk about Infinite Jest - which isn't in 100% of the Infinite Jest threads - it become even more obvious to me that people really ought to read The Broom of the System before reading Infinite Jest. Of course, not everyone needs to. But a lot of people, I think, would benefit strongly from doing so. And it's a totally fun book (and odds are, if you flat-out hate it, you won't like Infinite Jest either).

>> No.3058635


I loved Infinite Jest and fucking hated Broom of the System. I think Infinite Jest is completely different from all of his other works. If you're interested in something shallow and quirky for the sake of being quirky, read anything by DFW other than Infinite Jest. If you want to read a good, rounded book, read Infinite Jest and quit pretending it's long or boring or hard. Murakami's shit is long and boring because nothing hardly happens. In Infinite Jest, things are constantly happening. How could anyone find such a complex, colorful, involved book boring? A book like Broom of the System which spends page after page describing a mildly humorous conversation between two characters, sporadically inserting witty little quips, is fun and everything, but after 200 pages of self-indulgent silliness, it gets annoying. Infinite Jest actually has a fucking soul, damn it.

>> No.3058654


IJ is boring to people who like stuff like Joyce, but not boring to people who like awkwardly-written stories about smoking weed.