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/lit/ - Literature

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3049648 No.3049648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is literature?

What isn't literature?

>> No.3049652

a literature is a book but a book isn't a literature


>> No.3049664

But how do you tell which books are literature and which are not?
And what if I were to create a work and not write it in a book at all? Is it still literature?

>> No.3049679

literature is artistic

as opposed to stuff like game of thrones, 50 shades of grey which is made for proles to be entertained, not to create art

>> No.3049691

It's kind of vague and it depends on who you ask. Some people will go as far as to say that shit like penal codes and books that teach little kids how to do magic tricks should be considered literature.

>> No.3049696

Apparently it's ( almost ) everything except fan-fics.

So if you're creating it on the fly, as you go, no.

And if there's a better home for it elsewhere, it's not. In this case it's not what, rather it's who says so.

>> No.3049700
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What is a ligature?

What isn't a ligature?

pic related: you tell me

>> No.3049705

There's plenty of fan-fic literature. Dante's Inferno is an author instert fan-fic. Sir Lancelot was a fan-fic creation.

>> No.3049714


>> No.3049738

Nor is writing

>> No.3049741

all written word including user manuals and road signs is literature. but sometimes it isn't very deep.

>> No.3049751

4chan is literature.

>> No.3049802

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources. The word literature literally means "things made from letters" and the pars pro toto term "letters" is sometimes used to signify "literature," as in the figures of speech "arts and letters" and "man of letters." The two major classifications of literature are poetry and prose (which can be further sub-divided into fiction and non-fiction)


>> No.3049824

yes it is
fuck you

>> No.3049829

>1) The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
>2) Works produced by such skill and imagination.

So, what you're saying is that the definitions of 'art' and 'literature' don't exclude chess and the recording of it? Interdasting.

>> No.3049861

what i'm saying is that you should check wikipedia before posting silly questions

writing is literature. that's safe, that's comfortable. art on the other hand is a bit more complicated. i don't much care for the term.

>> No.3049865

I suggest everyone reads Sartre's book on this before commenting any further.

>> No.3049869
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It has been established that chess and literature are mutualy exclusive terms.
Thus I claim that literature is everything that is not chess.

(pic related)

>> No.3049940
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>> No.3049950

>What is literature?

A term that, very much like "art", has been stretched way beyond meaninglessness.

>> No.3049959

Prole isn't catching on. Just start saying pleb again and admit you're from /mu/ already.

But I agree with everyone this sad /mu/tant has said.

>> No.3049990


>> No.3050006

>implying the term 'art' isn't narrower today than it's original meaning

>> No.3050011

Uh, what? Have you even read any of Sartre's philosophy?

>> No.3050014

sartre is a fucking busta

>> No.3050026

Sartre's philosophy states that we exist and have the ability to choose, as if its some kind of amazing piece of wisdom.

Even a cow knows it exists, and it has the choice between hay or grass. This isn't any amazing discovery, it's just bullshit. A pathetic attempt by a googly eyed atheist communist to derive meaning from a meaningless life, which amounts to him doing little more than deluding himself, or trying to come up with a philosophical justification for his own prejudices and opinions, like nearly all philosophy these days.

>> No.3050028

>Even a cow knows it exists
lel. nope

>> No.3050031


>> No.3050039

>hasn't read the Critique of Dialectical Reason, or What is Literature?, the book initially referred to.

Whatever man.

>> No.3050045


>> No.3050056

Isn't that some 900 page crazy attempt at justifying stalinism or something?

>> No.3050151

>A pathetic attempt by a googly eyed atheist communist to derive meaning from a meaningless life

I want to marry you.

>> No.3051570


Lol why are you so angry about him attempting to derive meaning from his life?

You sound threatened.. (By hope which is weird)

>> No.3051969

So where does one draw the line between writings which have literary merit and those that don't?
It's clear that some things, like most fanfic, technical documents, road signs etc., fall below the line.
But how do we know, unless we know where the line is?

>> No.3051974 [DELETED] 
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>"literary merit"

>> No.3052071

Who cares? Are you going to stop reading what you're reading now and read something else?

>> No.3052093

>Why do people want to know things?
Because definitions are interesting and can be important.
If you were undertaking an artistic endeavour for example, and wanted to apply for a grant, you sure as shit would want the people reviewing your application to know what is and isn't 'art'.

>> No.3052097

Right, but there is a fucking definition of literature, and he could just google that, instead of posting an asinine troll bait thread.

>> No.3052120

>try to start a serious discussion
>"gtfo troll faggot"

It's clear that the definition isn't satisfactory.
Is something literature only when it's written down?
What about something like Homer's epics, what were they before they were put on paper?
What about the act of writing? When I compose a sentence in my head, does it only become literature when I put my pen to paper?

>> No.3052131

>does it only become literature when I put my pen to paper?
Yes. That's the definition. It's not debatable.
You can debate on the quality of writing, but that's like debating the existence of souls. Objectively un-provable and based completely on personal belief. It also doesn't change anything and you can be deep all you want and think about artistic intent all you want, but you sound like a twat.

>> No.3052146

Ok lets say you're correct and before I put my 'writing' on paper it's not literature, and afterwards it is literature.
Then the act of practicing the human skill of 'creative writing', is not different than practicing any other human skill of artistic merit.
But where a woodworking manual differs from a novel is that the woodworking manual describes the practice of the skill of woodworking, while the novel is the result of the skill of writing.

Now consider chess. A chess game score is a recording of a chess game on paper, it is a result of practicing the skill of playing chess.

>> No.3052413

No. I hate you.

>> No.3052424

Well that's an extremely compelling argument, well done.

>> No.3052426

Literature: My favorite book
Not Literature: You're favorite book

>> No.3052431

Thank you. I hope you get gonorrhea.

>> No.3052494

Literature = written

Not Literature = not written

All else is mental masturbation for morons. A definition shouldn't entail quality.

"Good literature" and "bad literature", problem solved. It's subjective though.

>> No.3052534

I really thought /lit/ was more intelligent than this

>> No.3052537

Then your a fucking idiot.

>> No.3052560


There's no way this wasn't intentional.

>> No.3052600


>> No.3054847
