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3048286 No.3048286 [Reply] [Original]

I'm have an extensive collection of poetry, and feel like trying to have them published in one set. I was wondering about a good title for the collection. It's a mixture of sonnets, Dark Romantic pieces, free verse, and shape poems, as well as a few odds and ends. The overall mood in my poetry is dreary and pensive, with a flair for literary allusions, deconstructive meanings, and ambiguous endings. Any ideas?

Pic related. One of the stories I've alluded to

>> No.3048303

>Dark Romantic
>Shape Poems

My suggestion is to travel back in time to 1835 and try to get it published there.

>> No.3048312

lol, I am well aware of the antiquated style with which I write. But I do not enjoy the pabulum of contemporary writers, so my writing reflects the eras I most relate with.

>> No.3048327

My Teachers Told me I was Intelligent and Should Write More Often, by Faggot.

Alternately: I Can Be Like Keats No Really Look At me.

>> No.3048348

>Alternately: I Can Be Like Keats No Really Look At me.

Is this so wrong? I mean, Keats was trying really hard to be like Milton and Spenser, and there was roughly as much of a gap between he and they as there is between a contemporary writer and Keats.

>> No.3048367

Nice titles, but a little long for my taste. Also, I have never shown any of my poetry to my teachers, because I hate being told that i'm "intelligent and should write more." Also, anonymity doesn't stop your replies from showing how ignorant you are. There are other reasons to write poetry than to pander to some school-teacher

>> No.3048376

I think he was trying to make it out like I was some attention seeking crock. Which isn't the case, I care little about how my poetry is received, only that it is disseminated

>> No.3048668

Still doesn't make you anything but a try-hard.

>> No.3048680

The Ballad Of Slim Jim "Wrecking Ball" McFlynn: One Hundred Thousand Instances.

>> No.3048716

Unless you've had a fair amount published already, you're probably not going to be able to publish a whole collection, even if you're very good. It's a long and difficult road, especially with poetry which not many people care about (least of all contemporary poetry). Bear in mind also that your poems might not be as good as you think they are.

If you want to go the self-publishing route though that's a different matter. You could publish it on Amazon with not much trouble at all, if I understand correctly. Of course, that might not offer the prestige you're looking for.

>> No.3049526

I never thought my poems were any good, especially when compared to the level of great poets in the same genres as me. And thanks for the Amazon idea, I'll look into it! Like I said, I'm not after prestige. If one person likes what I do, then it's worth all the trouble.