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/lit/ - Literature

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3047821 No.3047821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/.

What are your favorite books of philosophy?

Mine are, in no particular order:

Tao Te Ching
Myth of Sisyphus
The Rebel
The Bible

>> No.3047824

>I've read 15 philosophy books, here's a third of them

>> No.3047827

Probably more like 30, but even if that were the case, why are you being a dick about it?

>> No.3047830

I prefer Zhuangzi over the Tao Te Ching itself.

Also, if political philosophy counts, I like a lot of Kropotkin's work.

>> No.3047833

>Eastern bullshit
>the Bible (see above)
>Camus (whom I like, but best? No)
I sort of hate you

>> No.3047840

cool discussion bro.

>> No.3047843

"Favorite" is subjective and OP didn't say "best"

>> No.3047859

Why are you implying that I presented my rebuke as anything other than subjective?

>> No.3047860

Atlas Shrugged
Critique of Pure reason (bite me randroids)
Anarchy State and Utopia
Meditations on First Philosophy

>> No.3047862

I think he was pointing out you that used best as a reason for hating the OP, not calling you out on naming you argument as objective.

>> No.3047870

I know that girl, she's in ny.

>> No.3047872

>oh hey i'm cute and i live in the city and drink bottled water and Breathless is my favorite movie
go back to NYU, pleb

>> No.3047877

Phenomenology of Spirt
Philosophical Researches
Seminar VII by Lacan

>> No.3047882

Because he has read 16.

>> No.3047892

Ah, I see. "Worthy of being considered someone's favorite" is what was meant by "best" in that context. Language is imprecise
Don't you think The Virtue of Selfishness argues her views more clearly and convincingly?

>> No.3047897


What are your favorite books of philosophy?

>> No.3047900

Tao Te Ching
Myth of Sisyphus
The Rebel
The Bible

>op you seriously cannot into philosophy at all

>> No.3047902

I hope you guys don't mind me hijacking this thread but what would you people recommend to someone who wants to read philosophy but has no idea how to go about it. I'm hoping I could find a good text giving an overview of the history and development of philosophy then maybe look deeper into philosophers which interest me.

>> No.3047907

1. You probably should've greentexted everything you didn't and not greentexted the line you did.
2. Why do you say that?

>> No.3047908

I kant do that.

>> No.3047909

Seriously, what you listed isn't real philosophy.

>> No.3047910

Probably. Atlas Shrugged is good because of it's imagery for the most part. The part where she actually gets right down to brass tacks and begins discussing her philosophy mechanically is probably the worst part of the book (which isn't to say that her philosophy is bad, just that part was a poor decision to include).

>> No.3047912

Ignoring the Bible and the Eastern stuff, how is Camus not "real philosophy?"

>> No.3047915

Philosophy has to be mechanical and precise. It's a science of logic, not a feel good search for meaning.

>> No.3047923

No, logic is the science of logic.

>> No.3047928

Or a feel bad search for meaningless.

>got ya, nihilist scum

>> No.3047930


>> No.3047945

Tough to say. The classics of philosophy aren't like literature, even when you disagree with the message/argument or even find it reprehensible, it's often still worth reading.
If I were to choose the books that still, to this day, stay with me and are piled on my mind's shelf whenever someone says "philosophy" they would probably be: Plato's Dialogues, Aristotle's' Nicomachean Ethics, Spinoza's Ethics, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation, Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature, and Santayana's The Life of Reason (what I've read of it)

I still haven't read much analytical stuff, so I realize that my opinion on the subject shouldn't be taken too seriously. Unfortunately not many people here think similarly

>> No.3047946

Confirmed for not knowing shit about philosophy.
Confirmed for not knowing shit about Camus.

>> No.3047980

Confirmed for not knowing shit about shit.

>> No.3047982

Oh, you are serious?

I wish I could rape you to death.

>> No.3047989

>Oh, you are serious?
>I wish I could rape you to death.
But you can't. Smell the flowers, get some exercise and a cup of coffee. Enjoy life. It's bad to waste time wishing things were different.

>> No.3047990

I'm sorry what? Are you saying I should begin with Kant? Could you be more specific please?

Also bumping my question. I want to educate myself in philosophy.

>> No.3048008

Philosophy of Plotinus- R. Inge
Beyond good and evil- Nietzsche

>> No.3048013
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>mfw I go to sleep every night

>> No.3048034

This is a strange situation. Although I know in almost complete certainty that you are nothing but a troll, just for the outside possibility that you may in fact be serious I feel compelled to respond, Pascal's Wager style.

Where was I? Yeah. That list is terrible, and indicative of the sort of person who has zero interest in thought but a casual interest in looking clever. The attempt at trolling is successful because there are many, many such people in the world.

>> No.3048066

'The Book of Pleasure: Psychology of Ecstasy' by Austin Osman Spare

It really opens up your mind

>> No.3048109

I'm neither trolling nor do I care about looking clever. I don't talk about philosophy to other people and I'm anonymous so tomorrow any "reputation" I built would be gone.

In reality, I think Jesus was pretty fucking awesome and agree with the premise of nonviolent resistance. Also why I like the Rebel. The Myth of Sisyphus helped me out of "B'AWW LIFE IS MEANINGLESS." The Tao Te Ching actually has a lot of wisdom underneath the seeming babbling, and I'm not some douche who just quotes it all the time. I mostly just like the Hagakure because I think the samurai were interesting as fuck.

tl;dr relax and don't assume so much.

>> No.3048117

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

If there were some kind of worldwide book fire and I could save one book, that would be it.

>> No.3048119

my mother made me watch the film of this and i lul'd
the neil diamond soundtrack wasn't that bad tho


everyone must watch this naow. it will change your life

>> No.3048124

Letters from a Stoic