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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 220x282, 220px-Jan_Hein_Donner_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3047078 No.3047078 [Reply] [Original]

I would like the mod to explain why he keeps deleting these threads even though chess can be interpreted as literature, there is mountains of 'traditional literature' regarding chess, and people are enjoying the discussion despite the trolling from a few lonely /b/tards.
"because I'm a gigantic faggot" isn't a sufficient answer

Decent people of /lit/, don't let this happen or soon the board will be nothing but Joyce and DFW trolling, and retarded /lit/ vs /mu/ vs /x/ threads.

>> No.3047079
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For the record, I highly recommend Donner's pic related

>> No.3047082

Nope. Chess isn't literature.

>> No.3047085

Sure it is but lets not argue semantics,
this is a thread about chess literature.

>> No.3047084

Because you're being a combative cunt.
Just quietly post a chess thread, maybe disguising it as a thread about chess books. Then post a link. I would play, but not if I know it's you, because you have shown yourself to be a prolapsed asshole.

>> No.3047088

Chess books: Literature.
Chess itself: Not literature.

As long as the thread is about books concerning chess it's fine imo. Although I am against /lit/ becoming a "Hipster General" board, like those utter faggots who make threads about pipe smoking and wine brands seem to want.

>> No.3047089

You're not very sharp are you?
I couldn't care less about playing chess with you guys, I have plenty of places to go if I want to play chess.
These threads are intended as discussions on the literary discipline of chess but cunts like you can't help but shit all over them.

>> No.3047093


But the variates and flavors of loose tobacco is different than rolled tobacco.

And drinking wine is something most people do.

>> No.3047094

>Chess itself: Not literature
You can believe whatever you like friend.
A chess game is a book of history.

>> No.3047095

Chess is just a game. It's not art.

It's okay to waste your time on unmeaningful things. You don't have to try and build it up to something it's not

>> No.3047097


>> No.3047100

"That guy is a fucking know nothing hack" - Anon, on Marcel Duchamp

>> No.3047101

Yet neither of those things have anything in common with literature, apart from also being sometimes appropriated as fashion items by hipster bell-ends.

If you want to talk about wine, go to the food board. If you want to talk about pipe smoking, go to /fa/ or one of the general boards like /r9k/.

>> No.3047105


You are a shitty person.

>> No.3047106

Chess is not inherently hipster, no. Doesn't change the fact that hipsters often use it as a status symbol (which is probably the case for /lit/'s chess enthusiasts, judging by what a bunch of cunts you are).

>> No.3047110

Because I don't want my favourite literature board flooded with off-topic posturing bullshit?

>> No.3047111

I have never seen any hipsters play or talk about chess.

>> No.3047112


No, just the other things.

>> No.3047113


Are you really this dumb?

>> No.3047116
File: 25 KB, 430x408, bf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It doesn't take much insight into human nature to predict that Fischer will not be world champion for long. His quirks, moods and whims will turn against him at the moment when he has reached the top. He'll hit out hard, but at nothing but thin air." - Jan Hein Donner

He sure hit that nail right on it's head

>> No.3047120
File: 37 KB, 450x299, spassky01-1974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How different is chess in the United States. The game of chess has never been held in great esteem by the North Americans. Their culture is steeped in deeply anti-intellectual tendencies. They pride themselves in having created the game of poker. It is their national game, springing from a tradition of westward expansion, of gun-slinging skirt chasers who slept with cows and horses. They distrust chess as a game of Central European immigrants with a homesick longing for clandestine conspiracies in quiet coffee houses. Their deepest conviction is that bluff and escalation will achieve more than scheming and patience (witness their foreign policy)" - A very wise man aka Jan Hein Donner

>> No.3047121


Implying Fischer didn't speak the truth

>> No.3047136

because you are a humungous faggot

>> No.3047138
File: 42 KB, 840x717, fischer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I'm very concerned because I think the Jews want to drive the elephants to extinction because the trunk of an elephant reminds them of an uncircumcised penis. I'm absolutely serious about that... Jews are sick, they're mental cases." - Robert James Fischer

>> No.3047140


It's just an example of the mental derangement of these people. Maybe a bit extreme of an example, but true.

Anyone who says this sort of stuff is painted as a wacko by the media, look at Mel Gibson.

>> No.3047141

damn that quote is insanely legit

>> No.3047144

chess is for pathetic nerds

fuck chess

>> No.3047150

Best chess fiction: "Midnight by the Morphy Watch" by Fritz Lieber, "the Warlock of Night" by Dahlov Ipcar

>> No.3047155


choke on a bishop, faggot

>> No.3047158
File: 28 KB, 454x357, tumblr_lez5tahTp01qehi9co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathetic nerds

>> No.3047160


Subhuman brain detected.

>> No.3047163
File: 9 KB, 214x268, morphy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read a lot of chess fiction but I'll have a look, thanks.

>> No.3047165


I am so tired of everyone constantly bitching about hipsters. Hipster hipster hipster blah blah.

Isn't it enough for you to enjoy something and leave it at that? You think you're somehow more initiated by taking shots at "hipsters" all the time? This is just as vacuous as the group you trying to rally against. How can you not see the hypocrisy?

Fuck this generation is annoying sometimes.

>> No.3047167

where the flow chart for chess books

>> No.3047173

I love chess. I think it should have its own board. Boom boom.
(no, but seriously...)

>> No.3047179

What do you mean? The books you should read and the order you should read them in if you're new to chess?
Show me an example and I might make one later.

>> No.3047180

Agree! The terms 'pleb' and 'hipster' are thrown around to the point where they have lost all meaning. I hereby propose 'tosspot' as an alternative to both.

>> No.3047181

The better thing to do would be to stop trying to label people in such a way.

>> No.3047182

go is superior to chess

>> No.3047185

pls state your experience with these games and explain why you feel that way

>> No.3047189

>No The Luzhin Defence
>No The Queen's Gambit
>No The Royal Game

Why does /lit/ seldom fail to disappoint me

>> No.3047191
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This word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.3047192

>reading Dan Brown and calling yourself an historical scholar

>> No.3047193
File: 39 KB, 259x376, zebras01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should just do a tier list

>> No.3047194


I stand corrected

>why does /lit/ always fail to impress me?


>Still contributing nothing

Stay mad.

>> No.3047196

>Still contributing nothing
Let me translate.
Reading the three chess books you can find in the fiction section of any bookstore doesn't make special pal.

>> No.3047197

>chess can be interpreted as literature
It's a board game. Go away.

>> No.3047200
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, Bloom-disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You misappropriated a word as basic as "seldom" whilst trying to seem elitist.

I think you need a time out, sport.

>> No.3047201


Correct, I suggested chess literature, not chess manuals.

Forgive me for trying to widen the otherwise narrow ambit of this thread.
Please, do get back to arguing about hipsters and Jews again.

>> No.3047204

Enlighten us with this definition of literature that supposedly excludes chess

>> No.3047208
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>> No.3047216

>implying literature only includes fiction
>implying insights, gained from experience, into one of the most complex human activities are 'manuals'

>> No.3047220

What about "Chess" by Zweig?

>> No.3047225

"Hipster" is just a current take on the old classics "Dilettante" and "Poseur". The terms wouldn't exist if the people they applied to didn't.

>> No.3047234
File: 75 KB, 332x332, 22627311[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a chess thread on /lit/.... a literature board.... a board for literature.

is this someones idea of a joke?

has some 1st year literature student had his mind blown by the question "what is literature?" and so has taken it upon himself to problematize the concept of "literature" on /lit/ by starting a shit-tier thread about board games???

pic related

>> No.3047241

"writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays."

Key word: _writings_.

>> No.3047243

Shouldn't you just write about Chess on /tg/?

>> No.3047247


>> No.3047249

This has been covered before. Short answer is no.

>> No.3047250

>even though chess can be interpreted as literature

>> No.3047252


>> No.3047255


>> No.3047256

this has been covered before.. op got butthurt and proclaimed that because other boards aren't too fussy about way off-topic posts its ok to post whatever you want on a literature board.
the clutch is sticking on my car ... Im about to start a thread about how i should fix it.. i will be refering to my cars maintenance manual whcih is a book with words in it, thus, it is /lit/ related

>> No.3047257

>is this someones idea of a joke?

No, a troll.

He's been very persistent about this.