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/lit/ - Literature

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3046379 No.3046379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to know lit's thoughts on whether self education can equal a college education as far as literature goes.

>> No.3046385

Perhaps if you also find a way to get constructive feedback constantly from other highly knowledgeable minds. The autodidact is always in danger of spinning off into nonsense or trivia without some kind of feedback on his thoughts.

>> No.3046386

Does lit count as feedback?

>> No.3046387

There's certainly a lot of knowledge to be gained in discussion because of different view points, approaches, etc.

>> No.3046388

Maybe. You need someone who won't hesitate to tell you you're full of shit when you're full of shit. 4chan has no problem with that. But then they also need to be able to suggest constructive alternative lines of thought. That's pretty hit-or-miss around here.

>> No.3046391

Spending years in college to learn about nothing but literature is a fucking waste of time.

>> No.3046392

Try getting interships throughout your self-education with a high-school diploma.

>> No.3046394

I kind of figured that, but I love this kind of stuff. I'm currently considering an apprenticeship, but literature has always been my passion.

>> No.3046419

College is rearing your individual opinion, then defending it against others

>> No.3046430

It is always helpful to study with scholars. I would suggest attending college if you are serious about the pursuit of knowledge. However, it is not a necessary condition to study literature. If you are self motivated and have someone to help guide you along your journey, then I do not see college as being necessary. But, I would like to stress the importance of a college setting.

>> No.3047016


>> No.3047041


>> No.3047332

Look you gotta go to college to get a job. You do not need college to foster a love of liteature. Get a degree in business, accounting, comp sci, something useful from a state college or private with a guaranteed scholarship, and then read as much as possible.

>> No.3047336

if you can learn better on your own, avoid college. it fucks up your rythm, too intrusive

>> No.3047338

basically what he's saying, is be a slave to the social game called life but do something you enjoy on the side

>> No.3047343

>>so edgy man, I aint no slave to the establishment.

At some point you have to make enough money to eat, and maybe even start a family. And your mom may pass away and you will have to move out of her basement and pay rent. If you want to spend your time working at a Starbucks or in an office, it makes no difference to me, but security is nice.

>> No.3047349

listen to the teaching company lectures maybe?

>> No.3047354
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>still thinking you have to go to college in order to learn anything

If you can't do the guiding yourself, fact is, you really don't deserve to be learning anything.

Sorry but these types of questions just irk a nigga..

>> No.3047357

lol you dont go to college to learn. you can learn by reading stuff.

college teaches you ways to use knowledge. socially useful ways.

but it's up to you to acquire that knowledge, of course outside the classroom.

>> No.3047369

Especially in the first year or two, you're going to be swamped in courses that speak to retards and not to people like you you, if you're self-educated. Lots and lots of makework assignments where your advance or superior knowledge is more of a hindrance than a help, because you have to stay within the bounds of the provided material, not the subject. At average universities, and overwhelmingly in the Humanities, the target demographic is the morons who type out the Powerpoint slides without listening to the lecture. The material is dumbed down and made as shallow and broad as possible to accommodate.

Great universities have higher standards and professors who care, which is nice if you have the wealth or grants to go. Otherwise it's only really useful for getting your mandatory Bachelor's degree for entering the workforce, or if you want to go into academia, in which case you need institutional verification and personal connections to succeed.

First year is just grueling at a crappy public university. I feel like I'm in an eighth grade class, and all the pointless assignments and half-assed dabbling in the source material mean I have no time to pursue my own reading. Before this term started, up to the day it started, I was reading 6+ hours of primary and secondary sources a day, working on a book, working out every other day, and learning/practicing two languages every day. Now I churn out 3 makework assignments a week that get a B anyway because of the overparticular tastes of my TAs/profs, and do the shallow & redundant assigned reading.. and I'm lucky to get 6 hours of sleep a night.

>> No.3047371

You won't get hired without an actual higher education. Not just because you say you are smart or you say you have read and understand material there is no proof (diploma) you have learned.

>> No.3047377

You could go to this school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGyfmhFobdM

>> No.3047380


That's why you self study a field where you couldn't do it without the knowledge... like programming or maths... you don't really need a degree to prove yourself for either.

Literature is really no different, though. Just show them some stuff you've written.

I reject the idea that a college degree is necessary for anything at all being somebody with no college degree who makes more annually than any person I know within my age group.

>> No.3047390

In the 18th-19th century a lot of the best poets and authors were self taught. They certainly didn't go to university.

>> No.3047408


And philosophers too.

>> No.3047450

The only people who major in English, philosophy, psychology, etc. are people who want the attention or those who are too stupid to succeed in a field like physics. They do have the desire to obtain knowledge of the universe, but go to college in a liberal arts field either because their parents pay for it or they accept that they can't achieve anything in an actual field that requires proper education(physics, chemistry) and not free-time reading and studying on their own/internet/writing.

The posters here make me actually laugh sometimes.

>> No.3047459


Try studying philosophy with specialisation in maths logic and then come and tell me how much more 'proper' physics is. Physics is a subset of maths logic. Everything is.

>> No.3047466

>Try studying philosophy with specialisation in maths logic and then come and tell me how much more 'proper' physics is.


>> No.3047468

Whatever you have to tell yourself at night to justify your pointless field of study, analytic babby.

>> No.3047471
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>> No.3047473



Lol that's a computer you're typing on isn't it?

>> No.3047475

I'm studying psychology because I'd like to become a psychologist. Last time I checked, that's what most of my fellow majors were planning. Or to become guidance counselors or what have you

>> No.3047479


Had no clue the walrus had anything to do with it... I... d-don't think he actually unders-s-tood any of it...

>> No.3047480

This is underlain with a false dichotomy. If you're doing it right, you are teaching yourself while you're at college, through your leisure reading and your electives, and you're using your professors as feedback and structure. College education in literature - perused not as a certificate of canon reading - is largely self education. As are degrees in any of the humanities.

The direct answer to your question is it depends on the person and the goal.

>> No.3047481

Your fellow majors are plebs who want to become plebs? How does that even work?

>> No.3047482
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>the computer argument

>> No.3047483


>Implying it's not completely valid

>> No.3047486

>thinking we live in said centuries
>The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twelve

Utter cretin