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/lit/ - Literature

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3044512 No.3044512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookburnin' time /lit/izens! Who goes on the fire, and why?

inb4: "all printed matter is sacred"

>> No.3044514

"There's more than one way to burn a book, and the world is full of people running around with /lit/[/spoiler matches" -Ray Bradbury

>> No.3044515


>> No.3044516

The shelf you encounter immediately after walking into any high street bookstore. There's your Nov 5 celebration. It's all autobiographies and unfunny comedy.

>> No.3044517

Everything James Joyce, Shakespeare, Pynchon, and all those other useless wordy fuckers you all seem to like.

>> No.3044518

>failing a spoiler

>> No.3044519

in after OP is edgy teenage faggot

>> No.3044521
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>> No.3044525


OP Here. Late fifties. And Edgy? Hell yes! Burning Star Trek, Dragonlance and Perry Fuckin" Rhodan "novels" kindling basically. In The Ashley Automatic.

>> No.3044527
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>Late fifties
>on 4chan
>burning books

>> No.3044528

Lefty "intellectual" drivel.
Especially every piece of shit post-war work.

All of it.

>> No.3044529


Yeah, I was a reviewer in the eighties. heated my house on the bodice rippers and trade paperbacks and horrifying semiporn that seems to be the standard of modern romance novels. Bradbury to the contrary notwithstanding, burnings too good for some of this stuff.

and is there an overage ban i don't know about?

>> No.3044535

No, but I've long been calling for a ban on jackasses

>> No.3044536


>inb4: "all printed matter is sacred"

>Thinks books are just for personal gain
>Forgets about their archival and historical value
>Implying historians wouldn't cream their pants going through the equivalent of a shitty fanfiction of the past
>You're imagining a very specific picture of George Costanza right now