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3044412 No.3044412 [Reply] [Original]

English-speaking monoglot jive turkey here,

What foreign language should I start learning next year, and why?

>> No.3044426

Latin, obviously

>> No.3044449

I vote German. It has a bunch of untranslated works, and is close enough to english that it makes an excellent 2nd language

>> No.3044453
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>> No.3044470

It really depends on what you want from a language. If you want to be able to communicate with more people then Chinese, Arabic, Spanish etc. If you want to be a hipster faggot douche and learn a language just to tell people you can speak it then whatever you like the sound of you hipster fucking cunt.

>> No.3044474

You should learn moonspeak OP. We can take this journey together.

>> No.3044500

Not German, it sounds horrendous.

French or Spanish if you want to learn a language closer to English, because they sound nice and are useful around the world.

Personally I would like to learn Russian, Japanese and Hungarian because they interest me as languages, but they are all quite difficult.

>> No.3044507

This. I would go with Spanish and then go on the dole and live with my parents officially but secretly go down to southern Spain for months on end and live in a tent on some pleasant old guy's piece of land and swim in the Mediterranean and be tan and bare chested and sun bleached haired and go around wandering doing nothing and write short stories on a cheap notepad at night.

>> No.3044530

you shouldn't learn a language because of the way it sounds.
german is a very poetic language, so is russian. if you get the hang of it, it can be fun to speak because you can express yourself more nuanced than you could with english.

>> No.3044531

How difficult would it be to learn three languages at once? (that's three days a week of lessons).

>> No.3044532


>> No.3044534

don't be a pussy, learn german spanish and french. set in europe 4 lyf niga

>> No.3044538

>and why?
That's your question to answer faggot. Tell us what do you want out of the next language you will learn.

>> No.3044539

You mean German, Italian and French.
Spanish is next to useless.
>inb4 "400 million people speak Spanish"
most of whom are Mexicans, Carribean islanders and South Americans

>> No.3044551

since your turkish you might aswell learn german
after that a slavic language and you're all set

>> No.3044553

oh yeah cus if you know italian you can watch bits of the sopranos without subtitles

>> No.3044555

I'm learning Arabic because I think it sounds at the same time terrifying and mysterious.

I'm also learning Mandarin after because it's very popular and seems to be becoming the language of international business.

Both of these language choices were based partially off the beauty of their caligraphy and partially because Malcom X said they were the two he was going to learn before he died, but never got to.

>> No.3044556


>> No.3044557

I had an infograph that was "which language should I learn?", but I lost it.

>> No.3044559
File: 31 KB, 526x514, r u offended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English for 380 million native speakers + 1.6 billion other speakers
>Spanish for entire Latin America, so more 500 million people
>Portuguese for more 200 million people
>Standard Chinese for 1.5 billion people

>mfw I can talk to 2/3 of the world.

>> No.3044562

Nice waste of time you got there

>> No.3044563
File: 75 KB, 240x200, smashingmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you know the words but have the social skills of a mentally challenged stick

>> No.3044568

Nevermind, just reading Fernando Pessoa, Machado de Assis, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar...

Just hitchiking from Rio de Janeiro to Chile, visiting Macchu Pichuu and ending up in Mexico.

u jelly

>> No.3044569

>learning a language to speak it to people and not just read lit

normalfag pls go

>> No.3044572

>normalfag pls go
Oh God, this faggotry has reached /lit/ too? Will no board be safe?

>> No.3044575

People are not confined to one board.
pls go

>> No.3044576

That's a good combination, how many years has it taken you so far?

>> No.3044577

People like you should. /r9k/ or something.

>> No.3044579

People like you should deal with it.

>> No.3044586

I'm dealing with it. You're a faggot. By the way, I have a girlfriend whom I fuck at least once a day.

>> No.3044590

I didn't. I learned chinese for the calligraphy, spanish for the literature.

Portuguese is my first language. English came by getting into films, internet and books, in that order. I'd say it took me 10 years to go from not knowing shit to be able to express myself and read a book in English as if it was as natural as Portuguese. Spanish is very similar to Portuguese, I travelled across america, talked to people, read a lot of Pablo Neruda and in just a couple of years I became comfortable with it. I took a one year course on Chinese, and as pure coincidence I went to live next to a Chinese neighborhood. I exagerated, I don't think I can speak Chinese fluently, though I know how to get around.

>> No.3044617


>> No.3044648



She's probably ugly.

>> No.3044653

I want to learn Russian so I can live in Russia and be an uber 1337 h4XX0r. I want to learn Japanese so I can live in Japan and watch animu and mango raw and untranslated all day all year

>> No.3044659

>hitchhiking in South America
post face, so I can purchase your shrunken head when it comes on the market

>> No.3044667

Too bad, you're late. I already did that trip and came out okay.

>> No.3044670
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>tfw no wants your shrunken head

>> No.3044674
File: 94 KB, 399x388, melancholictoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you forget a word and everyone laughs at you

>> No.3044698

please respond

>> No.3044715

Depends on the languages.
Choosing dissimilar languages would help if your liable to confuse things easily.

>> No.3044722

French, German, Russian.

>> No.3044748

Slovenian, it's one of the most difficult languages to learn.

>> No.3044751

You are the worst kind of poster.

>> No.3044760


Not OP, I want to learn it but fuckers have so little material to work on.

I also can't move all the way to Turkey and step into a war zone just to learn Kurdish.

>> No.3044761

I'm not professing my self worth, I was just trying to upset the "oh my God, people have a social life" fucktard earlier. I don't even have a girlfriend.

>> No.3044768

fransızca kanka diğerlerini boşver bok gibi hepsi

Je t'aime

>> No.3046252

Turkish is a filthy language not worth learning. There are so many more worthy of your time such as any other language.

>> No.3046758
File: 179 KB, 300x371, jive turkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English-speaking monoglot jive turkey here
>monoglot jive turkey
>jive turkey

>> No.3046768


Pay debnts, Grease.