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/lit/ - Literature

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3044368 No.3044368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just read this book i really recomend it for anyone who has an interest in, philosophy,psychology.


>> No.3044370

RAW is a bro.

you should read his quantum psychology too

>> No.3044380
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sweet will definitely get into it as soon as possible. There was a couple of times where i thought he was leaning towards a metaphysical conclusion, but then explains that any such idea is the readers and not that of the author. Thought it was great. felt like he new what would be going through my head as i read it

>> No.3044387

I find that everyone should read this.

>> No.3044719

i saw the movie by ridley scott.... its REALLY bad i wouldnt recomend reading this guys

>> No.3044749

epub or lit version?

>> No.3044750


>> No.3044752


that movie was so awful, Ridley Scott owes me money.

Also OP, convert your shit to .ePub before you start posting it - nobody wants your fucking .pdf shit, you scrub.

>> No.3044776

Okay, OP, I'm reading it now. Thanks for the download.

Out of curiosity, did you complete all the exercises in the book? How have these exercises changed you? Have you learned anything?

>> No.3044778

Downloaded and reading it now. Looks quite interesting. Thanks.

>> No.3044782

Thanks very much, OP.

Will read in the near future.

>> No.3044817

That's interesting... I remember reading Schrodinger's Cat by this guy in 9th grade and having no idea what it was about but loving it

>> No.3044946

I'm surprised /lit/ likes this book so much. As I recall, half of it was hippy pseudoscience bullshit. Then again, I feel like I'm a lot more open minded as a result of reading it. I guess I have conflicting feels about it.

>> No.3044993


As someone who is right now reading this book and enjoying it immensely can you please expand on how "half of it was hippy pseudoscience bullshit"?

I have heard similar claims before, in fact, claims like that might be why it took me so long to start reading it.

>> No.3045047

Thread didn't interest me until I realized who the author was. The Illuminatus! Trilogy and >>3044817 are great.

>> No.3045050

>half of it was hippy pseudoscience bullshit.

yeah, because you obviously know better. did you actually do the exercises or just skimmed through the book?

angsty teen atheists everywhere...

>> No.3045335


>> No.3045376


1. Whenever you meet a young male or female, ask yourself consciously, "If it came to hand-to-hand combat, could I beat him/her' ?" Then try to determine how much of your behavior is based on unconsciously asking and answering that question via pre-verbal "body language."

>> No.3045400

I do this all the time. I don't think I'm tellurian.

>> No.3046066
File: 23 KB, 300x467, CosmicTrigger1new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Trigger I deals with Wilson's experiences during a time in which he put himself through a process of "self-induced brain change" as well as vignettes of his earlier life. The main discovery of this process—which, he tells us, is known in certain traditions as Chapel perilous-- is that "reality" (although a noun in most Indo-European language systems, and therefore commonly conceptualized as being a definite, unchanging "'thing") is mutable and subjective to the observer.

>> No.3046090


>> No.3046108

This is for plebs who find Scientology too difficult.

>> No.3046124


I don't usually engage with people who use the word pleb, but from your post I imply that you think Scientology is "patrician".

Would you care to debate your position?

>> No.3046138

I don't debate plebs, but suffice it to say, you wouldn't understand much of it anyway and I prefer to avoid making you feel foolish.

>> No.3046141

That's just the impression I remember having after reading it. This was like two years ago, so I don't remember a whole lot of specifics, but all the different circuits of the brain stuff. Did that have any empirical backing? I just felt at points that he was just making bold statements without any actual evidence to back it up.
And I think at one point he talks about power moving westward? Like in the first millennium Asia was the most advanced/powerful, then later Europe and then the US, so we can conclude that it'll continue in this manner.
So yeah, just that he would extrapolate beyond reason sometimes, and some of his claims had little to no evidence.

U mad, bro? Like I said, I only consider half of the book to be hippy pseudoscience bullshit. The other half was pretty good and made me more open minded. I prolly did a decent amount, but not all of the exercises.
Cool ad hominem. Not sure why you're on 4chan if you didn't want to talk to angsty teen atheists

>> No.3046860


Hrm well the circuit thing . . . that was taken from Timothy Leary ( I think) and then he props it up with what he considers analogues in Freud and Jung and then even Tarot and Astrology.

I remember the tide thing too, though I remember little of it. Yes, it does make sense, I guess, but like you say I don't think he gave any reason for this. He had a source for the original idea (which I forget) but no reasoning.

The reason I'm reading this book though is because I find anything esoteric like this very interesting, so I'm not really judging it like a rationalist if I'm honest.

Very enjoyable read though.

>> No.3047148


>> No.3047342


That's why I read RAW. His model agnosticism is encouraging. RAW does not defend a particular model, rather he attempts to illuminate the ideas for further consideration.

The 8 circuit model is traced back through time and explained but never evangelized.

The books are a few years old and should be read as an artifact of culture. They are fun to read and I find myself laughing more after having already read them.

>> No.3048679


>> No.3050205

Thanks. I was just looking for a good book to read.

>> No.3050273

>hippy pseudoscience bullshit

Guys, you have to remember in what timeframe this was written (1983) just as you have to keep in mind when reading neuromancer that it was written in a total different technological and cultural world. Your average 20$ throwawayphone has a more powerful cpu than anything imaginable in 1983. There was no internet. Neuroscience that deserves the name science just started developing. Think of all the advances in the last 30 years. Writers like Wilson and Gibson just extrapolated what was on the horizon in their time. And they did a hell of a Job.

>> No.3050349
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Hell yeah, motherfuckers.