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/lit/ - Literature

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3043005 No.3043005 [Reply] [Original]

>start talkin to a chick waitin for her Lit class
>says she mainly reads women/feminist Lit because women aren't deluded by "patriarchal norms"

>tell her I'm into philosophy
>ask her who are some great female philosophers

>she gets offended because my question is "loaded" and women can't flourish intellectually in our "rigged patriarchial system" and if they did they would get "ostracized"

>tell her that many male philosophers were ostracized and even killed for their views

>she asks me if I'm implying females are cowards?


>> No.3043006

Well, OP? Were you?

>> No.3043023



>> No.3043031
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>interacting with women

>> No.3043037
File: 13 KB, 300x300, misc-neckbeardbutthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3043040

I’m sure you’re expecting me to talk about Larry Summers at some point, so let’s get it over with! You recall, he was the president of Harvard. As summarized in The Economist, “Mr Summers infuriated the feminist establishment by wondering out loud whether the prejudice alone could explain the shortage of women at the top of science.” After initially saying, it’s possible that maybe there aren’t as many women physics professors at Harvard because there aren’t as many women as men with that high innate ability, just one possible explanation among others, he had to apologize, retract, promise huge sums of money, and not long afterward he resigned.

What was his crime? Nobody accused him of actually discriminating against women. His misdeed was to think thoughts that are not allowed to be thought, namely that there might be more men with high ability. The only permissible explanation for the lack of top women scientists is patriarchy — that men are conspiring to keep women down. It can’t be ability.

>> No.3043055

>’m sure you’re expecting me to talk about Larry Summers at some point,

nope, just expecting you to cite your copy/pastas


>> No.3044785

You could have just said that you were merely suggesting an importat question and she was implying that was the only answer

Captcha: chivalric hosntd

>> No.3044787

Did you say "yes" and walk away without looking back?
Because that is the only proper reaction in that situation.

>> No.3044793

If she was any kind of woman intellectual she would've been able to name five female philosophers off the top of her head.

>> No.3044797

It sounds like you lost the opportunity to actually make her sound stupid (not just usual stupid but no-way-back stupid)

>> No.3044798


hmm lets see..

sartre's bitch
...thats all i got

>> No.3044816

I don't get it. She's in literature, you're into philosophy and you ask her about female philosophers?

>> No.3044818


the thing about intellectual women is that you need to stay the fuck away from them. they're confrontational and constantly on their period; plus its much harder to have your way. its much easier to manage some dumb pretty bitch who wants to be taken care of and revels in the patriarchy. i can't have a woman who might have even the slightest inkling towards equality in my household; such a thing would be catastrophic for both me and her.

>> No.3044820

Susanne K Langer
Luce Irigaray
Iris Murdoch
Hannah Arendt
>not even a woman

>> No.3044821

Once again you are completely wrong satan.
It's the halfway smart chicks who do that. The women who really are smart don't pull that shit, they generally have a good enough understanding of feminism to not abuse it.

>> No.3044825


>once again


btw you troglodyte this is experience speaking not some childish need to condradict, so hush up now you boy

>> No.3044830

Lol sure. Of course you know lots of women, satan.

>> No.3044838

satan you are always wrong

and so angry

>> No.3044839



>> No.3044842

oh boy hahah, you make my days, Stan

>> No.3044899

Émilie du Châtelet was a pretty smart bitch

>> No.3045594 [DELETED] 


glad to hear that baby,
i had to leave before i could elaborate but i'll post now a clear example from my recent experiences which will prove my point:
so i took out this very sexy ethiopian girl M**** to the hard rock this passing saturday; previous to meeting her i had been drinking four locos with my cousin and i was on muscle relaxers which i have been taking ever since i fucked up my back during a deadlift (im like 3 stages above a DYEL and a solid curlbro haha). Needless to say i was thoroughly drunk by the time i picked her up. so we go to the hard rock and we have a great time at the blackjack tables and we're drinking the entire time. Here is where i start to have slight memory lapses but i distinctly remember reaching the top floor of the parking lot and getting rather rough with her. I remember grabbing her by the neck and forcing my tongue down her throat, despite her protests. either way she is such a submissive type (the ideal girl) that apart from vague protests and half moaned pleadings i fingered her as i sucked on her tits all the while saying shit like "yeah you stupid fucking bitch" "i told you not to raise your voice at me you stupid slut" (even though she never had, if i recall) . she endep up giving me head, despite the obviouss fact that she was scared and having a horrible time. driving her back i remember her being on the verge of tears. the next day i apologized to her and we are back where we started.
the moral of the story: only date girls who know their fucking place, I would have been in jail had she had any sort of "feminist individuality"

>> No.3045599


Who are you quoting?

>> No.3045665

>Not mentioning Ayn Rand

>> No.3045684

glad to hear that baby,
i had to leave before i could elaborate but i'll post now a clear example from my recent experiences which will prove my point:
so i took out this very sexy ethiopian girl M**** to the hard rock this passing saturday; previous to meeting her i had been drinking four locos with my cousin and i was on muscle relaxers which i have been taking ever since i fucked up my back during a deadlift (im like 3 stages above a DYEL and a solid curlbro haha). Needless to say i was thoroughly drunk by the time i picked her up. so we go to the hard rock and we have a great time at the blackjack tables and we're drinking the entire time. Here is where i start to have slight memory lapses but i distinctly remember reaching the top floor of the parking lot and getting rather rough with her. I remember grabbing her by the neck and forcing my tongue down her throat, despite her protests (in themselfves subtle advances of their own, psychosexual slave/master role playing). either way she is such a submissive type (the ideal girl) that apart from vague protests and half moaned pleadings (which act like frail dams, holding back her rapturous lust) i fingered her as i sucked on her tits all the while saying shit like "yeah you stupid fucking bitch" "i told you not to raise your voice at me you stupid slut" (even though she never had, if i recall) . she endep up giving me head, despite the obviouss fact that she seemed to be having a horrible time (all part of her role playing). driving her back i remember her being on the verge of tears... tears of love. the next day i apologized to her and we are back where we started,

the moral of the story: only date girls who know their place, its much moar rewarding...feminist types would never allow you to act like that, which is really as much their deprivation as it is yours

>> No.3045691

Ok, so what you are saying is that if tht girl would've been stronger and had a higher self-steem she would've reported you nd probably stopped you from abusing others through fear and brute force? That's sounds right to me. Your argument seems to be self-defeating

>> No.3045700

>mfw Stan was the "girl" he talks about

>> No.3045705

I have no idea why somebody like you would post on /lit/.

>> No.3045712


I didn't abuse anyone, its all psychosexual role playing, i never do anything they don't want me to, and I've never in my life hit a girl open or closed handed (the choking is an arousal mechanism, ive been choked more than i've choked...haha)
the point is that the girl will never assume the inferior role without reveling in patriarchy and no fun will be had.

you're talking about abuse...i'm talking about roles we assume and the difficulty in enjoying our rather polarized natures as male and female, through those roles, whenever we have militant feminism involved...no fun to be had.

>> No.3045714

That looks more like a Mongol than a neckbeard.

>> No.3045718


yeah youre right; actually i'll go a step further and tell you I've made everything up so that i can impress the testosterone filled alpha males which compose /lit/

>> No.3045726

>forcing my tongue down her throat
>despite her protests
>she seemed to be having a horrible time
>on the verge of tears

>I didn't abuse anyone

I don't know what's more pathetic: that you really believe what you're saying or that you are using your imagined experience as anecdotical proof of your misogynist beliefs

>> No.3045732


lel I'd say the second part