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/lit/ - Literature

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3028829 No.3028829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have seen the film Watchmen four times.

I have never read any sort of comic before, but do I want to read the graphics novel of Watchmen?

>> No.3028840


And I think you ought to.

>> No.3028999

Definitely. Of course you're going to hear people saying the book is better, but the fact of the matter is that they're simply quite different. I would definitely read it if I were you, as somebody who read the graphic novel first and loved the movie too.

It's technically a comic book but if any graphic novel deserves to be seen on /lit/ it's this one.

>> No.3029041

It's not that I think it doesn't 'deserve' to be seen here, rather that he'll get a better response on that board than this one.

>> No.3029050

It is much better than the film (which was shit) but it's still not quite as amazing as people say though.

Doctor Manhattan's an interesting character though

>> No.3029063
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The Silk Spectre is way more fappable in the movie than the book. But the book is generally better, because of the pure prose interludes.

>> No.3029067

are there any other graphic novels which would get as warm a reception as this one does on /lit/?

>> No.3029071


No such thing as a graphic novel, mate - only comic books.

Preacher and The Invisibles are as good as Watchmen. The Authority and Planetary are also excellent.

>> No.3029072


Oh, and Transmetropolitan. That's awesomesaucecopter.

>> No.3029073


The Sandman. Nothing short of life-altering.

>> No.3029077



>> No.3029079

A lot of other works by Moore, though I'm not personally much of a fan. Maus, maybe. Maus is probably the closest to literature (or a graphic novel if you still want to make the distinction) here.

>> No.3029085



>> No.3029092

Start reading some comic books that are actually interesting and creative and maybe I'll let you keep your virginity

>> No.3029112


Like what, Oh great and powerful faggot? Which comic books do you endorse? I am utterly dying to suckle at the nipple of your wisdom.

>> No.3029115

>are there any other graphic novels which would get as warm a reception as this one does on /lit/?
No, because /lit/ is vehemently against comics as a form of literature, which is a silly argument best left ignored.
(and as much as you'd get a better reception on /co/, you'd also have people just giving your Recommended Comics charts instead of actual discussion)

The Watchmen comic is good. It's slightly over-rated, Moore himself admits he was simply trying to throw in as literary techniques as possible to impress readers. The book also led to one of the worst droughts of quality the medium ever faced. It's one of the great comics, but not the greatest.

The usual suspects of recommendations are Preacher, Sandman, Transmetropolitan and Y The Last Man. While all essential reading for a comic fan, if you want a /lit/ comic, I'd check out: Enigma by Peter Milligan, Cerebus High Society by Dave Sim, Starman by James Robinson, Moonshadow by JM DeMatteis, and Swamp Thing by Alan Moore. Major hipster cred as an added bonus.

>> No.3029124
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Normally I would just presume irony, since no one could be possibly so lacking in self-awareness as to call people "nerds" on 4chan, but then again... this is /lit/.


>do I want to read the graphics novel of Watchmen?

Yes. Yes, you do.

(And that movie was shit, I'm sorry to say)

>> No.3029136


Cerebus is too mental to be hipster. If you want true hip-points to spend on your iPhone then you need to be reading Persepolis. In public. In Brooklyn.

>> No.3029155

I watched the movie when it came out and thought it was ok but I read the comic a few days ago and it blew me away. The 3 hours of movie time is not enough time to delve into these characters

>> No.3029171

>reading comics
>in public
I'd sooner die, that shit feels so weird to me.

The first 150 issues of Cerebus should be required reading for everyone though.

Adding Finder by McNeil to my recommended list. And Superman: Secret Identity by Busiek. And Understanding Comics by McCloud, just so /lit/ can get over their hatred for comics and see it all as more than pictures with fill-in-the-bubble captions.

>> No.3029196
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>> No.3029201

scott pilgrim

>> No.3030150

The film is a terrible, terrible dumbing down of the book for hipster college kids who don't understand anything about true art.

>> No.3030161



Only illiterates read comic books instead of real books.

>> No.3030162

>dumbing down
>of a comic book
4/10, you nearly got me

>> No.3030166

yes absolutely. watchmen was the book that got me back into reading comics. it's a straightforward read, and its so much better than the movie.

>> No.3030168

Op I'd seen the movie probably 6 times, read the watchmen a couple weeks ago and cried at the jail section, so yes, read it, it's awesome!

>> No.3030171

oops for some reason I thought op was talking about V for Vendetta.

Watchmen is pretty good. I watched a couple clips on youtube of the movie and it looked terrible, the clip in the prison when he throws oil in the guys face was TERRIBLY acted. Just by that clip alone the comic seems to be much better

>> No.3030175 [DELETED] 

Yeah the acting in the comic is great.

>> No.3030180
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hahaha. You know what I meant.

Read V for Vendetta, op.

>> No.3030223
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actually the Watchmen motion comic is bretty good, if you can get beyond the fact that it's all voiced by the same dude (apparently there's a version where Rorschach is voiced by Alan Moore, however)

>> No.3030246

Fuck this is good!

>> No.3030247

Like none of the shit this guy (>>3029115) mentions, for one.

>> No.3030266

I had never read a graphic novel before and my friend recommended the DC comic, Kingdom Come.
It turned out to be surprisingly good. I did not recognize some of the major characters, yet I was still pleased with it.

>> No.3030381

Sin City is great, also the movie

>> No.3031051
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>> No.3031099

European Comics > American Comics

>> No.3031105


British comics > merryclap comics > european comics.

>> No.3031108

I liked how, in the movie, they altered the plot so that the Watchmen became the 'enemy' that the world united against, instead of some random fucking fake alien body.

>> No.3031110

Cowboy Henk is Dutch

>> No.3031131

>thinking British comics don't fall under European

You fucking dolt

>> No.3031137
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Despite its unpopular religious and societal bent Cerebus is hands-down the closest graphic novel analogue to literature. I'm sorry it has to be this way; but it's still a mighty force to be enjoyed if you go into it with an open mind. And if you accept Salinger's infantilism, Hemmingway's transvestism, Wallace's solipsism, Joyce's self-indulgence, Dodgson's pedophilia, Tolstoy's theology, there's no reason to decline it on account of Sim's sexism.

>> No.3031165


oh, lit.

>> No.3031172


>Not understanding the massive difference between British and European comics.

Don't participate in discussions you don't understand, you oaf.

>> No.3031181
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>0 results

>> No.3031205

>thinking that I was talking about style when I was talking about geography

Cretinous fool, bugger off.

>> No.3031217


Britain doesn't consider itself part of europe. Why are you talking about geography in a thread about comics? Stop being a cunt.

>> No.3031238


Only imbeciles don't read comic books as well as "real" books.

>> No.3031241


You don't know what recommendation means, do you?

>> No.3031247
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So are Suske and Wiske, and they're fucking shit as well.

The dutch are to comics what salt is to slugs.

>> No.3031275


They're Belgian actually. Better luck next time.

>> No.3031302

Nope, they're Belgian

>> No.3031489


Same thing.

>> No.3031517
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>Not the best thing that happened to sequential art

>> No.3031525

The cover he did for an edition of Dharma Bums was awesome, shame about the book inside

>> No.3031542


Fuck you and your atoomstijl or whatever the fuck it's called. Belgian comics are just fucking toss.

>> No.3031688
File: 513 KB, 2031x1494, akira_1_p002-p003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>implying AKIRA is not worth mentioning

>> No.3031719


Zipperhead comics all look the same. Akira was alright though, I suppose.

Everything Akira takes a hundred bajillion pages to express can usually be said within 8 pages of a Judge Dredd comic though. Just saying.

>> No.3031793

There's actually a lot more than just the decline of civilization. There's a lot in there about Buddhist philosophy, the nature and meaning of life and the human mind.

The art is actually very different and significantly more detailed than many other Asian comic books.

>> No.3031845

V for vendetta is much better than the film. Batman the killing Joke is amazing. Y: The Last Man. Maus. The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

>> No.3031865

Y really drags on towards the end (although that didn't stop me reading it in one long sitting)

>> No.3032154

>no mentions of From Hell or Miracleman

Step it up guys. From Hell is the best graphic novel/comic book/novel/piece of fiction/whatever that Moore has ever written, Miraceman is a far better look at superheroes than Watchmen is, in my opinion.

>> No.3032186


I still dont understand why killing joke is such a big deal. maybe the ending went way over my head.

>> No.3032192

It's actually not a big deal at all. Moore claims that it is his least favorite work, for it is nothing more than a Batman and Joker story. You really didn't miss anything.

>> No.3032193
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Without a doubt the absolute best graphic novel I've ever read. You are doing yourself a disservice by not reading this.

>> No.3032282

Watchmen is over-rated. The fact that the big bad scheme is literally pieced together with a rat-line of disconnected plot point while the plot has been about chasing red herrings the whole time doesn't exactly strength things

That said, it is probably is worth reading.