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/lit/ - Literature

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3028416 No.3028416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/.

How if your evening? Myself, I am currently sitting at my desk, with a glass of red wine, reading The Hound by H.P.L under candlelight.

A story that is rather overlooked by the usual "lolz Cthulhu OMG SCARYZ!" crowd, The Hound is a masterpiece in pacing, foreboding atmospheres and very chilling descriptions, highly recommended.

All in all a regular evening.

>> No.3028439

cool story bro

>> No.3028447

>red wine
>gratuitous elitism

>> No.3028448

you sound unbearable

>> No.3028459


Huh? Since when was /lit/ all "new age" and droll?

>> No.3028497

Lovecraft is a terrible writer. Enjoy the wine.

>> No.3028499



>> No.3028508
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>> No.3028509


>He uses a lot of ten-dollar words and fills his stories with purple prose.

Come on, he's okay but he's no Poe. All of HPL's stories can be boiled down to one sentence:

>I soon realized that things were not as they appeared!

>> No.3028516

>implying Poe isn't the end boss of purple prose

>> No.3028528

>okcupid watermark

please tell me someone stumbled upon this rather than posed and used it as a troll account

>> No.3028530

>I soon realized that things were not as they appeared!
>And then I went stark staring mad.

>> No.3028532


Poe is a sub-boss to the purpleosity that is E.E. 'doc' Smith.

>> No.3028533

Lovecraft's prose is dodgy, but his ideas about human insignificance on a cosmic scale are interesting in their own way, especially in the context of the time he was writing.

>> No.3028606

Purple prose isn't really an issue for me, I learned to read around the flowery words and find simpler synonyms.

As a kid I used to hate it but over the years you get used to it in a way.

>> No.3028651

It isn't knowing what the words mean that's the problem, it's the fact that bad purple prose is really awkward and shitty. Good purple prose, however, is beautiful.

>> No.3028779


True. Never really thought of it that way.

>> No.3028781

>under candlelight.

You'll damage your eyes. Turn a light on, you silly billy.

>> No.3028795
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Today I asked my father to drive me to my uncle to borrow War and Peace, he answered with: "fuck you son, why do you need that shit? don't you think about the gasoline? the prices are high"

I will have to walk a long way on Saturday, thanks dad.

>> No.3028811

Sound cosy and nice, still you feel the urge to inform us... Guess it was a cheap wine, bad lightning.

>> No.3028820

Oh yes, the hound is one of his best stories.
But what is the purpose of this thread? Share your evening?

>> No.3028823

>Though Lovecraft chose "The Hound" as one of the five stories he initially submitted to Weird Tales, his main professional outlet, he later dismissed it as "a dead dog" and "a piece of junk"

>> No.3029273


Are you implying that I have no taste in literature?

>> No.3029289

read The Outsider instead
stupid dick

>> No.3029326

What's it like being 14, OP?

>> No.3029354

The Hound was self-parody, just so you know.

>> No.3029375


Really? I think it's one of his best works. Huh.

>> No.3029419

I'm switching back and forth between bouts of diarrhea and reading Mankind for my lit class. Once the shits settle down I'm going to watch Tarkovsky's Stalker and try to sleep at a decent hour

>> No.3029472

You have to read some of HPL's Dream Cycle stories, OP. Shit gets cash pretty quick.

>> No.3029473

I'm not here to socialize you feckless gook motherfucker.

>> No.3029485

nah dawg this is 4chan.
enjoy your night.

>> No.3029488

unless you live in the boonies why would you not just go to a second hand story/library?
used books are cheap, man.

>> No.3029527

>reading The Hound
It's like I'm really back in high school. Pro tip, he has MUCH better writing in at least 90% of the stuff he wrote.

>> No.3029532

Posting a small taste of "The Hound," towards the beginning

>I cannot reveal the details of our shocking expedition, or catalogue even partly the worst of the trophies adorning the nameless museum we jointly dwelt, alone and servantless. Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had assembled an universe of terror and a secret room, far, far, underground; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the line of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings. Through these pipes came at will the odors our moods most craved; sometimes the scent of pale funeral lilies; sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the kingly dead, and sometimes - how I shudder to recall it! - the frightful, soul-upheaving stenches of the uncovered-grave.

It continues on in this fashion. There is not a line of dialog in the whole piece. The "ending" is pathetic, in the pejorative sense:

... when it gave from those grinning jaws a deep, sardonic bay as of some gigantic hound, and I saw that it held in its gory filthy claw the lost and fateful amulet of green jade, I merely screamed and ran away idiotically, my screams soon dissolving into peals of hysterical laughter.

Madness rides the star-wind... claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses... dripping death astride a bacchanale of bats from nigh-black ruins of buried temples of Belial... Now, as the baying of that dead fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web-wings circles closer and closer, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the unnamed and unnameable.

>> No.3029675

"Dripping Death Astride a Bacchanale of Bats from Nigh-Black Ruins of Buried Temples of Belial" reads like four overlapping titles of metal albums

>> No.3030889


It's no coincidence then that most metal lyrics and album titles come from horror writers like H.P.L