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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.30278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you writing your novel right now, /fitlit/?

>> No.30412
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Because poetry is better

>> No.30602

cause drugs

>> No.30647

Gotta do work that I actually get paid for. I do need to get back to my book.

I haven't done that in a while. I need to get back on that horse.

>> No.30665

Because I'm writing LISP functions.

>> No.30668

too busy making art and trying to find the name of the one on the right

>> No.30749

OP here. I don't know the sauce.

>> No.30788

Noelle Foley apparently

>> No.30814
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, JNlGoiA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my second one. I got super busy with school.

>> No.30833

What's your first one?

>> No.30843
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shitposting haiku
friendship with lit just begun
do you even lift?

>> No.30845

I don't want to miss the end of /fitlit/.

>> No.30870

Because it's late and I scare myself

>> No.30875

I've got a few short story ideas I'm trying to work out.

But I haven't written anything creative since hit school English class, about 15 years ago. So progress is slow.

>> No.30885
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Because I'm still trying to understand how people write anything longer than a short story.

Ten pages felt as though I'd said everything I knew how to say in my admittedly shitty understanding of writing and literature.
There was more I wanted to say but I couldn't, so I think I need to read more first.

>> No.30891
File: 141 KB, 500x662, redpickup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, but I am.

>> No.30900

whats this thing where OPs upload images of "hote grills" ?

is it an ironic clickbait thing?
If so fuck all yall

>> No.30923

Duh. How else am I going to get replies and attention?

>> No.30974
File: 316 KB, 1120x842, 1474239562937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /fit/. Half our threads start with pictures of thicc girls. It's the only way we know how to communicate.

>> No.30977

>all yall

>> No.31038

>doesn't get that people can type jive ebonics ironically

>> No.31069

He could also be a hick.

>> No.31087

Hey fuck all y'all

>> No.31103

Throw yourself from a bridge
t. appalachia

>> No.31120

>Why aren't you writing your novel right now, /fitlit/?
I'm trying to find examples of third person limited. For some unknown reason to me it is hard to write

>> No.31180

Honestly? I'd like to get into writing. It seems fun. But I don't know where to start. I don't read much fiction.

>> No.31228

writing is for faggots

>> No.31229

You don't have to read fiction, but the alternative is reading philosophy. Reading both is optimal, but the ultimate problem for people who try to write something meaningful is that they end up saying something about as deep as what Plato said in two sentences.

If you just wanna write something fun though all you have to do is understand the basic rules of good storytelling and go wild with your imagination.

>> No.31261

I haven't even finished the Greeks yet. Hopefully I can start writing by the time I'm 30 or so.

>> No.31962

How does one write in third person limited