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3027093 No.3027093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>still think consciousness originates from the brain

>> No.3027096

Why do condescendingly laughing girls upset me so? j-j

>> No.3027099

Where the fuck else, dipshit?

>> No.3027102

Ein Soul

>> No.3027104
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from you're heart strings


Don't need a fancy STEM degree to figure that out, Copernicus.

>> No.3027114

are you trying to rustle atheist fundamentalists, OP?

>> No.3027118

>not originating in my butthole
Prove me wrong atheists

>> No.3027119


>> No.3027120
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mfw everyone may as well be an automaton to everyone else and no true understanding will ever exist between two people.

>> No.3027129

This argument is pointless as no true proof is yet attainable on any side. discussion closed.

>> No.3027135

>Implying all atheistic fundamentalists are strict materialists

The funniest thing about the word "conciousness" is how its use has changed over the course of scientific thought to accommodate progress.

Really, the word is riddled with more subjective meanings than objective, agreed-upon standards of what it is that it fogs up the degree to which the word can even begin to be defined.

Really, OPs post should read more like this:
>not yet thinking that consciousness originates from the brain

anyways inb4 this post gets ignored and this turns into a religion vs science penisfest

>> No.3027144

>wants an argument of the subject that cannot be seen or measured

do you even meditate, pleb objectivist?

>> No.3027143

>being so desperate to believe you're special you deny your own materiality
lel Christians

>> No.3027146

my COCK is the source consciousness

>> No.3027149

has nothing to do with Christianity though

>> No.3027154

Then how come people's personalities change if they have a certain kind of brain damage, eh?

>> No.3027157

Power of suggestion. Totally

>> No.3027161

you cant explain my experiences with the paranormal

>hey guys a thing called "dark matter" exists but not SOULS
>athiesm ruins everything

>> No.3027165

>they've never banished ghosts that were haunting their homes

>> No.3027173

My consciousness is telling me to take it easy. I'm not going to pursue that thought. I'm going to take it easy.

>> No.3027181

>Implying personality is consciousness
>Implying 'brain damage' necessarily causes 'personality change'
>Implying there aren't people that have half of their brain removed and don't have personality abnormalities or problems with consciousness

>> No.3027202 [DELETED] 
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>still think that they are in control of their consciousness

>> No.3027204

>implying brain damage does not cause personality changes.

Please Google Phineas Gage.

>> No.3027208


Please read the post

>> No.3027219
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>> No.3027232

good response, actually

>> No.3027242

>masochistic belief system based on misunderstanding of science and eastern philosophies

>> No.3027245

Are there any creatures that have a brain but no heart (microbes or something)? Or visa-versa?

That'd be an interesting study.

>> No.3027246

>this post

>> No.3027250
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>Are there any creatures that have a brain but no heart (microbes or something)? Or visa-versa?

what the fuck?

>> No.3027256

stop your projection
>misunderstanding of science
lol more like the application of science
>eastern philosophies
implying it has anything to do with eastern philosophy

>being a deluded sociopath
b-b-b-but muh spooks!

>> No.3027260

>still posting as rangaha !KJKZ7n2h3I

>> No.3027309

>Are there any creatures that have a brain but no heart (microbes or something)? Or visa-versa?

Yes, insects. Insects don't have a traditional cardiovascular system, thus no heart either.

>> No.3027312

No brain either.

A human with an artificial heart if we need to answer this retarded question

>> No.3027332

I'm curious, why are so many people in America so eager to think of themselves as computers? Does it have something to do with the role of technology in their lives?

I mean, I'm not apposed to human modification to an extent, but don't touch the brain. Any attempt to do so can only lessen it's sensitivity (see: Prescription drugs). A lot of people deemed mentally ill in the west are actually just really sensitive, and we need canaries to make sure we don't kill ourselves down in the mindshafts, metaphorically speaking.

Also, I think when most people hear the word "chemical" they think of some synthetic material concocted in a lab. Chemicals are all around us. Saying consciousness is chemical shouldn't be a reductive statement, but it seems it is to a lot of people, and the scientific community at large here is too preoccupied to care how they word things.

I just feel like whenever I try to bring this up with scientific minds, they're usually not interested in discussing it. They seem way more concerned with disproving any metaphysical phenomena than examining the physical ones, which isn't a good direction for science to go in, as it has always been fueled by idealism to an extent, but never such militant atheism. Of course, the other side can be just as bad I imagine.

>> No.3027340

This sounds way more like word vomit than I intended it to.
Forgive me.

>> No.3027347

here's a good way to shut up atheists/scientific objective types


>> No.3027352

you can thank descartes for this

first we were clocks etc etc

>> No.3027360

You guys still don't realize that consciousness is an interaction between material things and processes and non-material things and processes that nevertheless exist on levels of organization of existence that humans are not privy to?

this is babby mode shit

>> No.3027369

I'm really tired so this is all going over my head but thanks for the link!

I know Bohr didn't believe the observer caused wave function collapse, and a lot of decoherance theories have come along to further his notion, but I feel the idea and its implications could be explained to the public in less ugly ways than they have in the past. It's usually taken out of context and extended to something like "You are the sole creator of the universe, that's right, YOU, your conciousness" which is scary to scientists and plain ugly to skeptics and aestheticians. It's like raping everything Berkeley said and turning it into an individualist agenda.

>> No.3027378

as a cognitive scientist, i lol'd

>> No.3027382

as an immaterial entity, i lol'd

>> No.3027386

Is this the latest lay interpretation of complex quantum phenomena? Whatever you're implying is wrong.

>> No.3027389

well put. you ALMOST got it right.

>that humans are not privy to
yes we are. the answer is OOBE. do it for a few years and then report back

>> No.3027390

I apologize. You are most definitely correct. We are not privy *most of the time*

>> No.3027391

You don't seriously expect people to take this seriously as an argument, do you? For all we know, these are induced hallucinations, self- or externally so.

>> No.3027392

>lay interpretation

You know, the term "lay" is also used to distinguish between priests and "normal" people

>muh dominant cultural conception of reality!

>> No.3027393


Buddy there are things in your brain a neurologist could say of, "If you remove this part, he will lose the ability to process language. If you lose this part, he will be very very angry almost all of the time. If we fill this part with this or that chemical, he will be filled with feelings of happiness."

What the fuck do you think is happening when you take drugs? They're interacting with your soul? You think when a depressed person takes prozac and suddenly becomes a happy person, the pill has acted upon their soul?

You say soul, I say "Error, definition not found, please refine search. You fucking idiot."

>> No.3027394

Although I should add that there are better examples of human brains picking up on patterns that are caused by forces and processes which science doesn't understand yet

This is the main question for me: does our ability to subconsciously recognize and use information generated by "unseen" forces indicate that our minds have a non-material character? It's an interesting notion but not necessarily logical

>> No.3027395

>these are induced hallucinations
there have been HUNDREDS of studies proving it's the real deal.

can't be arsed to look for one though, you'll have to excuse me.

>> No.3027397

Grow up.

>> No.3027398

fuck off you cold maniac

>> No.3027399

Grow up.

>> No.3027400

>What the fuck do you think is happening when you take drugs? They're interacting with your soul?

altered states of consciousness, you buttmunch

>> No.3027402

>hating science
Stay american.

>> No.3027403

God is where theists hide everything science hasn't yet come to understand about the universe.

The Soul is where they hide everything science hasn't yet come to understand about the human condition.

Don't know how it works?

A wizard did it!

I like Eastern spiritualities. Like Taoism. Taoism doesn't try to define material business, because it knows that's fucking retarded. It just tries to give its own pragmatic philosophical interpretation for the way things kinda sorta seem to work, and how you could maybe apply that to your daily life.

Taoists are alright by me.

>> No.3027404


They're not "altering your consciousness."

They're acting chemically upon your brain.

>> No.3027405

>implying science is non-dualistic

fuck off you depressing shit

>> No.3027406

oh boy, all the /sci/ yuropeon atheist scum are on

>> No.3027408

>he will lose the ability to process language
Not just the brain part, through research into things like Williams Syndrome, they're discovering the genetic causes.

The brain-computer analogy is slightly flawed, but that has a lot more to do with the convoluted nature of brain chemistry than it has anything to do with the underlying workings of either one. The brain isn't a computer, and not fundamentally comparable to a computer, but it's a horde of computers wired together weirdly with chemical reactions causing emotions that, while useful in the natural world, in logical systems are analogous to your cat stepping on random buttons as it walks across the keyboard.

>> No.3027410

But he is still conscious even though he lost his language process thing its like "aaw shit i lost my ability to process language, that part of the engine is broken but i am still driving, still aware and concious"

>> No.3027411
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>They're acting chemically upon your brain.

>> No.3027413


>> No.3027414

Duuuh you fucking idiot. Dont matter exactly what they do, the experience is still just as valid... (your perception is still altered)

>> No.3027417

Look, I know Wikipedia isn't a good source, but it's the easiest:
>Mainstream science considers the OBE a type of hallucination that can be caused by various psychological and neurological factors.

Further down there's also studies which indicate that OOBEs are the results of brain functions.

>> No.3027419

no point in believing depressing things in a nihilistic reality

>> No.3027420

I HAVE PRECOGNITIVE FUCKING DREAMS (not deja vu which i've had before)

>> No.3027426

I've had a few too.
I actually believed for a while that I'd accidentally caused 9/11, and even told a teacher. He told my dad, that fucker, after I asked him not too, specifically.

>> No.3027427

You _think_ you have precognitive dreams.

>> No.3027429


No you don't.

>> No.3027431

He told your dad because you sounded like a crazy person.

>> No.3027432


How do you know for sure that the dreams you had were precognitive? You can't even be sure that anything you remember actually happened

>> No.3027434

Question, are you a woman? Because of all the legitimate seers, fortune tellers, etc, I've heard off, they've all been women. If it is actually a reoccurring phenomenon, I think it has to do with the female physiology.
I don't have anything on precognitive dreams, though.

>> No.3027437

i've only had a couple myself. it changed my mind about a few things. i'm usually skeptical but then i was confronted with this weirdness which i can't explain.

>> No.3027439

I was 10!

>> No.3027448

>goes to wikipedia for the evidence

jesus christ, /lit/
wikipedia is probably the worst source for that.

there are a bunch of books on consciousness. read one. at least one. Einstein was pretty close with his unified field theory. many, many quotes by him regarding consciousness

>> No.3027573

hahahahhahahahahha 10/10

>> No.3027607

>books on consciousness
I'll stick with peer-reviewed studies.

>> No.3027630

I'll stick with personal experience.

deal with it, cold maniac nerd.

muh afterlife

>> No.3027647
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>I'll stick with personal experience.
Yes, one's own limited, error-prone, biased, cognitively flawed, unchallenged personal experience has always been the most reliable source of knowledge. That's why vaccines cause autism and this rock repels tigers.

>> No.3027657
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typical angsty teen atheist response

looks like you're having one, hell of a miserable life

it's okay, you can stop reading Atlas Shrugged now.

>> No.3027669

Compelling rebuttal, but in my infallible personal experience, anyone who's ever disagreed with me ultimately turned out to be a stupid Mr. Poopiepants, so I'm afraid I'll have to dismiss your entire position and call materialism the one, irrefutable supertruth.

Enjoy your noafterlife.

>> No.3027673
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>> No.3027684

>mfw dualists
At least try not to be completely retarded pls

>> No.3027692

You just went full edgyteenager. If you want to be a mature adult, you have to embrace implausible, unfalsifiable shit.

>> No.3027704

Man, this was a really fucking good troll. It managed to upset me a bit, until I realized I was talking to philosophers and theists.

>> No.3027705

>starting troll threads when you could be reading books

>> No.3027710

nothing wrong with dualism

>> No.3027714

Nothing wrong with pedophilia either. If you keep it to yourself. Just like dualism.

>> No.3027715

>materialistic non-dualism


>> No.3027716

Sorry if I'm not into wishful thinking.

>> No.3027719

>wishful thinking

that's all you got? you fundamental atheists are the worst breed.

>> No.3027727

Depends on your definition of "wrong". Dualistic assumptions are useless as a hypotheses, since they're not testable, let alone falsifiable, so I guess in this regard, dualism is "wrong".

>> No.3027730

especially when they're edgy teenage hipster autists

>> No.3027731

>as a hypotheses

>> No.3027738

You are two lobes of a brain. There is a big space between them. This is your so-called "soul." Consciousness merely comes from the electrical interactions between the two lobes.

You are TWO, schizo. ;D

>> No.3027741

>This is your so-called "soul." Consciousness merely comes from the electrical interactions between the two lobes.

urine idiot.

>> No.3027747

>hipster autist

sounds like you're coping with intellectual inferiority as expected.

>> No.3027751

The left and right lobe are aware of each other and are at war.

>> No.3027754

hipster autism reddit edgy detected

>> No.3027760

what the fuck did you smoke lad?

>> No.3027764

Americunt politics explained.

>> No.3027877

Nondualism superficially resembles solipsism, but from a nondual perspective solipsism mistakenly fails to consider subjectivity itself. Upon careful examination of the referent of "I," i.e. one's status as a separate observer of the perceptual field, one finds that one must be in as much doubt about it, too, as solipsists are about the existence of other minds and the rest of "the external world." (One way to see this is to consider that, due to the conundrum posed by one's own subjectivity becoming a perceptual object to itself, there is no way to validate one's "self-existence" except through the eyes of others—the independent existence of which is already solipsistically suspect!) Nondualism ultimately suggests that the referent of "I" is in fact an artificial construct (merely the border separating "inner" from "outer," in a sense), the transcendence of which constitutes enlightenment.

>> No.3027911

im not smart enough to know what that means so ill just call you an edgy hipster

>> No.3027916

You are right. Although I don't know about that whole enlightenment part.

>> No.3027935

what don't you know about it?

>> No.3027941

okay, so what you wrote is basically agreeing with OP. what are YOUR thoughts though?

>> No.3027951

I don't understand

>> No.3027954

They are my thoughts, I mean.

>> No.3027955

okay, cool. we've got a fellow sane one here

>> No.3027960

still comes from the brain though

>> No.3027966
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>> No.3027971

Where then?

>> No.3027973


>> No.3027976

How come eunuchs are still have conciousness then

>> No.3027980

They don't.

>> No.3027981

I love that you used eunuchs as an example and not girls. Classic 4chan

>> No.3027982

fuck off cold maniac you will never convince me of the afterlife

>he's never banished a ghost from his house

>> No.3027983

This post makes very little sense

>> No.3027986

fuck off materialist christian

>he doesn't pray

>> No.3027987

That's because girls aren't conscious either. It's an existence driven entirely on hormones and instinct. It simply resembles consciousness.

>> No.3027989

prove it

>> No.3027990

Oh, you're a boring troll. I get it

>> No.3027992

I don't need to, I am a girl, and I have no consciousness. All of my actions can be reduced to a base instinct or hormonal release. I am a robot of flesh.

>> No.3027994

I'm just warming up. Give it a minute.

>> No.3027996


>> No.3027999

So, you're a Buddhist?

>> No.3028005

>implying Buddhism isn't superior to (any)ism

>> No.3028006

ur all edgy redit teen hipsterautistsneckbeerbuzzwordfagfaggayfagedgy

>> No.3028007

I really dislike the fact that people put my religion on a pedestal.

>> No.3028010

>implying Buddhism is a religion and not a way of life

>> No.3028011

No. Buddhism has additional defining features

>> No.3028012

Don't worry. Most people just point and laugh at it.

>> No.3028014

Honestly? That's better.

>> No.3028015

>Most people

Most people are dumbasses, too. You're probably friends with a lot of them.

>> No.3028016

No you don't.

>> No.3028018

No, I'm too meta for that. I laugh at Buddhism and at those who laugh at it.

>> No.3028019


Properly practiced, all religions are ways of life.

>> No.3028024

but only few change at the being level

>> No.3028033

english please

>> No.3028065

Congrats lit, this is the most retarded thread we've ever come up with. Mostly due to the fact everyone's trying so hard.

Stop feeding the fucking trolls already. Clearly consciousness arises from the brain. If this is right, and OP is wrong, then we can simply remove his and stop having the fucking argument.

>> No.3028070

>Clearly consciousness arises from the brain.
that is incorrect, champ. keep trying.

>> No.3028073

Kindly remove your brain, and come back and post something. Just hit yourself with a hammer really hard or something, we don't even care. Don't worry, consciousness doesn't arise in the brain, so you'll be fine.

>> No.3028086

>Kindly remove your brain, and come back and post something. Just hit yourself with a hammer really hard or something, we don't even care. Don't worry, consciousness doesn't arise in the brain, so you'll be fine.

aha, i get it now. you're talking about the _small_ consciousness. nevermind then. there is plenty of room for growth, sport.

>> No.3028093

oh, i get it, you're talking out of your ass. Save it for that lecturer you have a crush on.

If you need the brain to run that shit you're calling consciousness i just won the argument. Your externalist bullshit is psychology, you just need to wake up and realise that.

Give it a shot, you'll get there in the end cutie

>> No.3028097

Sounds like you really did remove your brain.

>> No.3028101

Yes I do.

>> No.3028103

>aha, i get it now. you're talking about the _small_ consciousness.
Hello, /x/.

>> No.3028104

just because its artificial doesn't mean it can't be a reliable tool of observation

am i right? i'm actually not sure, where am i going with this argument?

>> No.3028117

2deep4you. why don't you stop rationalizing what you can't even grasp and is beyond your pleb logic and understanding. at the same time, there is no way of understanding consciousness. only experiencing it. (2deep4you again) consciousness runs the brain, not the other way around.

shallow minded, linear thinking teens everywhere.

>> No.3028121

Yeah, good point.

>> No.3028122

If consciousness runs the brain, how come there are subconscious processes?

>> No.3028126


>> No.3028130

>thinking the subconscious isn't part of the conscious

>> No.3028132

We humans sure like to suck our own dicks.

Learn to neuroscience already, Christ.

>> No.3028134

observation of what exactly?

i don't get it.

fuck you fags. i'm going to bed.

>> No.3028136

>i dun geddit therfor magic

>> No.3028138

You're discarding the possibility of understanding a phenomenon (self) because it does not correlate with your personal ignorance. You're projecting your ignorance as an insult ("2deept4u") because your ignorance bothers you, and others' considerations of the phenomena that constitute the evidently emergent personalities that we grasp in order to have a way of translating the world into terms we can intellectualise, not just experience. Empiricism is wonderful and everything, but it is limited, therefore we try to figure things out by having a logical discussion. So why are you trying to prevent anyone from reaching an understanding they are comfortable with, like you are with yours, despite your insecurity?

>> No.3028157


But... why would any one even care where conciousness originates from?

>> No.3028159

solid post. agreed on almost everything. don't have the time to discuss it anymore because i'm off.

might as well sage the thread

>> No.3028163

Fuck off already.

>> No.3028167


It actually looks like those bitches are not, indeed, laughing bitches, but possible fightan bitches.

That is all.

>> No.3028305
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No, you don't.

>> No.3028318

I posted that original post. What do you mean? I'd be happy to clarify anything

>> No.3028320

Why would anyone even care about anything?

>> No.3028328

>still believing in ghosts
lel Continental philosophy

>> No.3028356

>still believing in spooks
lel all pre-Stirner and all non-Stirnerite post-Stirner philosopholly

>> No.3028384


"Few" relative to the total number of religions and cults out there, sure, but nearly all of the major ones can, including the Abrahamic ones.

>> No.3028406

>he's never performed an exorcism

>> No.3028417

>still experiencing existential horror and clinging to baby-tier materialism instead of simply accepting the truth

>> No.3028462

>You think when a depressed person takes prozac and suddenly becomes a happy person

Someone has never been on SSRIs!

Also, of course suffering brain trauma would have detrimental effects if one isn't given a therapeutic environment to heal in. You think Phineas Gauge turned into an angry motherfucker because the "happy part" of his brain got skewered? No, it was because a fucking tamping iron went straight through his skull and people didn't know how the hell to treat a guy who had been through that.

If I suffered brain trauma today and a bunch of neuroscientists came in the hospital room to study me and tell me how my personality would change, you can bet I'd be an angry motherfucker for the rest of my life. I'd have good reason.

>> No.3028541

>tfw I had numeorus OOBE's
>tfw I am enlightened
>tfw I met God and numerous other otherworldy/supernatural beings

Fuck. I know how hard it is to believe and I wish I could show you the 'evidence'. But this is not part of my realm.

>> No.3028572


explain more right now

>> No.3028583

>meeting God, not being God

Dualism is ruining our youth, even in their most mystical experiences.

>> No.3028593

What do you meant, extension of myself/ separate being?
I thought that goes without saying.

>> No.3028595


i want to pound ur ass

>> No.3028598

Excuse my erroneous self.

What do you want (to hear)?

>> No.3028607
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let us/me stop trying (being) catering to the level 1 mages (us) and their (our) dualism speak then

>> No.3028680

Finally someone who gets us and doesn't.

Btw, I'm female. That is, I define myself as female. And that means, I share most traits with females and like being female the most.