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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 448x696, infinite_jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3025870 No.3025870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*slow claps*

Fucking master trolls. Read infinite Jest /lit/ told me. So I tried. Got to 60 pages until I finally realized I've been duped by /lit/ again!

>> No.3025874
File: 14 KB, 200x302, 200px-Hunger_games[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, chief. This piece of shit might be more your speed.

>> No.3025876

Don't worry, you can always use it to club seals or defend your home or something.

>> No.3025879

The only dupe is Atlas Smug. And Bukowski. That's about all.

>> No.3025919

I hear ya, OP. I almost made the first third before I dropped it. I rarely drop books, but it just went on and on and on with pointless stuff, the occasional nice phrasings just eliciting weary smiles that got thinner with each dozen pages I had to chew through.

>inb4 You don't get it, it's postmodern lit, it's supposed to be shit!

>> No.3025955
File: 27 KB, 490x368, David-Foster-Wallace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sympathy for you OP
All you had to do is look at this tool to know it's not worth reading

>> No.3026022

its really the most overrated, over-written book of the last 10 years

DFW couldn't write a plot of his life depended on it, i'll stick with orson scott card, stephen king, george rr martin and tolkein because they don't bore reader with endless, unnecessary description.

>> No.3026031

Nice try

>> No.3026033

ha ha fucking losers your views will remembered the same way that we remember the people who called demoiselles d'avignon stupid and obscene.

>> No.3026036

I think Buk is worth reading.

>> No.3026049

>of the last 10 years
The book was published 16 years ago.

>> No.3026066


>Comparing DFW to Picasso

Seriously, dude, you're a moron.

Also, it's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.

>> No.3026101

>not putting your penis in as many vaginas as possible
>not keeping your ketchup in the fridge
>not reading the entirety of infinite jest in a week

>> No.3026733


>implying hte importance of a "plot"

Enjoy your check-out lane caliber books

>> No.3026745


19 year old trying to sound intellectual detected.

>> No.3026746
File: 70 KB, 458x365, suplit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3026767

So im confused. Should I, or should I not read Infinite Jest? Would it be a waste of my time?

>> No.3026787
File: 76 KB, 496x598, youbeststartbelievingintrollthreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3026834

David Foster Walrus just wrote that enormous book to impose his phallus on the consciousness of the world.

>> No.3026857


Don't listen to anyone here but read it if you're any combination of the following: white, male, middle class, educated, lonely. But don't take my word for it

>> No.3026870

god forbid you were to waste your time reading a book! In my opinion the most productive option is probably just to stay on 4chan. No risk of reading a book you don't like there.

>> No.3026875

Please become a trip so that no one will ever take your advice on books.

>> No.3026884

My favorite posts like these are the ones where OP gets all the way to page one hundred. THEN he comes to tell /lit/ that the book is simply not worth finishing! Casting his rage upon the anonymous online message board that had led him astray.

>> No.3026895

I'm all of those things, but I went to a public university instead of a private liberal arts college like Amherst. Am I still allowed to read it?

>> No.3026906

it's a decent book. not the best thing ever. but we're not tricking you.

can we please just fucking get over Infinite Jest? some people think it's good, others don't. that's fine. we don't need people hurf-durfing about how anyone who disagrees with them is subliterate trash, it's incredibly tired and unfunny. stop it stop it stop it.

>> No.3026907

You caught on faster than I did, OP. I was 100-150 pages along.

>> No.3026957


>> No.3026992

OP here. No wonder. The only thing that fits me is loney. Maybe slightly educated.

>> No.3027014

I really like the emphasis you put on "THEN." It really packs one HELL of a punch, dude.

>> No.3027047


It was really hard to get into. I realized at about page 300 that I was attached to some of the characters and then it started to flow for me.

While I do agree that part of it is DFW waving his dick around, I am truly glad that I read it and still think about it years later.

I will probably read it again someday

>> No.3027063

IJ like my life is filled with disjointed episodes that while not serving any important role in a grand narrative might be said to have value, or at least entertainment, in and of themselves.

Like that part in the book about the schizoid who was paranoid that people were after him and wanted to take his brain so they put him in the looney bin and administered MRIs until he was trapped in his own nightmare.

>> No.3027072

samefag general