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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 713 KB, 2000x1333, starry night rhone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3024710 No.3024710 [Reply] [Original]

Life is a bad thing.

Anyone who disagrees is unintelligent.

>> No.3024715

That's a shitty painting.

>> No.3024717

no shit OP

>> No.3024723

I disagree

>> No.3024727

define 'life'
define 'thing'
define 'bad'
define 'is'

>> No.3024730

hey /sci/

>> No.3024744

Completely and utterly disagree. Life is an adventure, you make of it what you like. Whining about it won't help. But I guess that's what's cool and "intelligent"?

>> No.3024748

pessimistic scum

you will never convince and depress me

>> No.3024752

anyone who agrees kills himself

>> No.3024753

>being this unintelligent

>> No.3024754

no you moran

>> No.3024760

Life is a good thing.

Anyone who disagrees is unintelligent.

>> No.3024763

>Life is an adventure, you make of it what you like.

jesus christ

>> No.3024765

you're unintelligent

>> No.3024767

What evidence (theoretical or otherwise) to support your utterly offensive and incorrect conjecture?

>> No.3024769

I'd say that's a fair statement. There are some dumb people who also think life is bad though, but likely only on a personal level.

>> No.3024772

There's more suffering than not. If this is offensive you mustn't read often as its a commonplace concept.


>> No.3024776
File: 123 KB, 800x858, 1349113034320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life inevitably leads to old age and death, which is a bit eh.

Otherwise it has good and bad. News make everything seem negative, because depressing crap sells. Stop focusing on the negative, and use your time to do something that you personally find meaningful.

4chan is edgy and cynical but you can see how thin such a worldview is, if you contemplate it even a bit.

>> No.3024778

Then go kill yourself

>> No.3024789


>> No.3024794

I agree. Here's a nice passage from The Last Messiah
One night in long bygone times, man awoke and saw himself. He saw that he was naked under cosmos, homeless in his own body. All things dissolved before his testing thought, wonder above wonder, horror above horror unfolded in his mind.Then woman too awoke and said it was time to go and slay. And he fetched his bow and arrow, a fruit of the marriage of spirit and hand, and went outside beneath the stars. But as the beasts arrived at their waterholes where he expected them of habit, he felt no more the tiger's bound in his blood, but a great psalm about the brotherhood of suffering between everything alive.That day he did not return with prey, and when they found him by the next moon, he was sitting dead by the waterhole.

>> No.3024800

because death is good

>> No.3024802

>Life inevitably leads to old age and death

then afterlife

>deal with it

>> No.3024806

ITT: bias and peer pressure

zapaemo is irrelevant

>> No.3024808

>have 170 IQ
>read this thread


>> No.3024809


Who are you quoting?

>> No.3024812

>Life is bad
Then why not kill yourself?
There is no excuse

>> No.3024820

becuz nihilism is in right now

>> No.3024827


>There's more suffering than not.

Strange. For all my 20 years life has been great.

>> No.3024835


Confirmation bias.

>> No.3024844

>its all suffering
Confirmation bias with a dash of EMO FAGGOT LOSER

>> No.3024853

More bad then good.

All the things that we see as bad takes away life in some since. that being said if taking away life is the bad in the world, then what is the good that is outweighed?

if life was bad then war and murder would be good. and if war and murder were good then life would be doing the right thing, thus being good.

it is only because life as good that we can see bad in it at all.

>> No.3024856

>Who are you quoting?

They're meme quotes, dumbass.

>> No.3024891

Damn it, was just about to post that.

>> No.3024893

No it isn't, how can it be? It's not anything. You're stupid.

>> No.3024894

>>>/b/ and stay there

>> No.3024896

>being this embarrassingly retarded

>> No.3024899

>its all suffering

No none said that. I swear /lit/ is the dumbest board on 4chan.

>> No.3024903

>I swear /lit/ is the dumbest board on 4chan

that's pretty self-aparent. it wasn't once, but all these /b/tards who talk about concepts they don't understand as if they're experts and people who never read books but post their opinions on them all the time have ruined it

>> No.3024930
File: 43 KB, 320x240, 31723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3024948

>has access to amazing technology
>uses it to complain
Stay classy, OP

>> No.3024946


good post

>> No.3024947
File: 272 KB, 806x465, 1273081869794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who disagrees is unintelligent.

>> No.3024987

Is this a clever troll post or what? Nobody's mind functions like this, correct? Oh, right:


>> No.3024994

OP is a faggot.

Anyone who disagrees is unintelligent.

>> No.3025006

And you're the reason it is.

>> No.3025010

>Life is a bad thing.

It is with that attitude

>> No.3025014

I'm unintelligent

>> No.3025015

Life's pretty okay once you free yourself from the shitty inhibitions that plague you.

>> No.3025016
File: 132 KB, 809x1024, 1341342766784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no shit. Are there seriously people that disagree with this? You can still find meaning and be happy and all that, but life is undoubtedly a bad thing.

>> No.3025020


I wonder how the gazelle being eaten alive right now feels about life.

>> No.3025029

it's incredibly offensive to me when people disregard the suffering shared between everything alive and suggest a remedy of "finding a girl" or "having fun in the sun". It's obtuse and absurd.

I would disagree that anyone who doesn't see life truthfully is unintelligent, they're just oblivious or willfully ignorant.

>> No.3025038

Probably not too worried making abstract statements about generalised conditions, so he's got that going for him.

>> No.3025041

They're just mature enough to realize that dwelling on the negative aspects of life isn't just futile, it impedes any small piece of enjoyment you would otherwise have

>> No.3025050

In the abstract I'm inclined to believe life is a bad thing.

>> No.3025054

>they're just mature enough

>hiding from the issue
>pissing their pants with fear
>living in purposeful contradiction
>cognitive dissonance all up in this bitch

yeah, no. fuck off back to /b/

>> No.3025056

Don't worry, nihilism passes like a bad flu.

>> No.3025067

people with this mindset should be shot.

nihilism =/= pessimism you fucking dumb cunt

god I'm mad. why are you all so fucking stupid

>> No.3025068

It's 4chan, it's where stupid congregates. Try not to let it get to you, he doesn't know any better.

>> No.3025070

I'm not a gazelle, friend. Life can't really be judged in general since you have no way to create some hybrid out of all those subjective experiences to judge it. I can only judge my own life, and while it is often shitty, so far I prefer it to suicide.

>> No.3025080

>It's 4chan, it's where stupid congregates.

Non-intentional irony.

>> No.3025081

>Life can't really be judged in general

Yes it can, watch this: life is a bad thing.

It's completely irresponsible to think otherwise.

>> No.3025083

can someone please clarify this shit? Is the 'life is bad' argument held up simply by the fact that it is taken away? Because this is a fucking joke. Life is good because it will eventually end.

Or is it bad because one being's prosperous existence is elevated by the suffering and death of another's? Because this is also a joke. If suffering is a universal constant then it becomes negated during any observation. Otherwise Following the chain upward results in a supreme being who resides above everything and instigates all suffering. So is claiming that life is bad is claiming the existance of a sadist god?

I don't know. Someone please clarify.

>> No.3025084

You're an idiot.

>> No.3025086

irony doesn't mean what you think it does, brah


>> No.3025087

Read some Schoppy and stop being a pleb

>> No.3025089

Why are nihilists consistently so angry and confrontational?

>> No.3025090

Because they have to deal with people who don't know what it is everyday

>> No.3025092

can you tell me in three sentences so I can scoff knowingly at parties?

>> No.3025096

There's irony in the friction between what he said and what he implying by it. He's calling others stupid while posting on 4chan, "where stupid congregates"

>> No.3025098

No. Why you come to a literature board when you clearly don't read is beyond me.


>> No.3025099
File: 60 KB, 417x500, portrait_schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Schopenhauer implies life is bad
>Implying you don't only know about Schopenhauer as proto-Nietzsche

>Arthur's face when

>> No.3025100

Putting aside your horrible sentence structure, he never claimed not to be stupid himself. I assume you have some form of mental deficiency.

>> No.3025101


>> No.3025104

>Implying Schopenhauer implies life is bad

He doesn't imply it, no, he states it inescapably. He was a pioneer for modern pessimism. Stop posting about authors you clearly haven't read.

>> No.3025106


>> No.3025107

not that guy but youre right -
he doesnt imply that, he outright says so explicitly and numerous times .

>> No.3025108

Anyone who thinks life is good is morally bankrupt and narcissistic to the point of absurdity.

>> No.3025110

Get off my board /b/tard, you have no idea what you're talking about.


>> No.3025115

It's implied by his tone, you fucking idiot. Some things can be derived without being stated outright

>> No.3025120

I posted that original comment and I consider myself fairly stupid. Considering you've failed so spectacularly in your attempts to be clever I guess you're helping me justify my position, too. Job well-done, you can leave now.

>> No.3025125

Are we being raided by /sci/ or something? There's a level of fucktardedness around philosophy discussion today that is abnormally high, even for /lit/.

>people not bothering to look up the concepts they're attacking
>people completely misreading authors or not reading them at all but claiming knowledge anyway


>> No.3025127

yeah i've noticed it today too. might just be newfriends from other boards, though, judging by the "hey, /lit/" threads

>> No.3025133

Why should I leave this assemblage of stupidity and ignorance? Me being here just confirms your statement, right?

>> No.3025147

I was referring to this thread specifically, in which you are not contributing anything to the discussion short of entertainment by way of unintentional self-deprication

>> No.3025151

>unintentional self-deprication
Well, well, well look who's making false assumptions now. I guess 4chan really IS a congregation of stupidity

>> No.3025152

It really depends a lot on how you view "life".
Do you mean life in general, the way people and animals kill each other for the sake of survival? The way this world is brutal and rough, and will punch you in the face with a hammer, if you don't keep your guard for one second?
Yeah, that's kinda bad.
However "life", as in "Your own life", the way you experience things and people around you is really not that bad. Sure, it can be bad at times, fuck, it can be bad at all times for some people. But you can always change that. You can find joy in everything, meet the people you'd like to meet, do the things you want to do. And now don't come with the shitty argument "A third world kid or a bum can't do any of that." That's bullshit. It's right, a bum probably will never become a fucking millionaire and bang models, but that doesn't mean his life is "a bad thing". There is still joy in the mundane things, the small beauties of life. If you see and appreciate those, you're still happy, and if you're happy life ain't all bad. And even if you're down in the gutters, thinking about killing yourself: It's still beautiful. You are alive. You can have those kind of feelings, and you can partly express those feelings, and that's a beautiful thing. Imagine being a stone. You'd never feel really depressed, never feel the joyful agony of pain. But I'm drifting off.

Now to your second statement: I disagreed with you OP, therefore I'm unintelligent. Fine then. I'm not egomaniacal enough to consider myself a genius, or even smart, and assuming (correctly) that IQ tests are bullshit, there is no way of proving I am.

Have a nice day, I love the lot of you.

>> No.3025156

There is no bad or good, anyone who thinks so is self obsessed.

>> No.3025196

You haven't experienced other life than your own, so you can only know life is shit from your perspective. Maybe all those smiling folks everywhere are genuinely having a good time.

>> No.3025212
File: 54 KB, 350x233, foxpup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, existence is all you've ever been familiar with, so making claims about it as if you're in the position to make this judgement (an outside position where existence can be judged in comparison with non-existence) is pretty nonsensical. It's like saying potato's are shitty food when they are in fact the only food and you have never had another food. Stating that life as a whole is bad isn't a rational judgement, it's merely the conceptualisation of feeling shitty in the most grotesque way possible and would be more of a poetic utterance of self-expression than a part of a serious philosophical position.

>> No.3025292
File: 28 KB, 540x304, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late.

>> No.3025294

>maybe all those smiling folks everywhere

who? nobody ever smiles

>> No.3025299

You're so dumb it hurts

Read The World as Will and Representation

>> No.3025306

Those smiling folks are just too dumb or delusional to truly think about life.

>> No.3025331

Life is neither good nor bad from an objective standpoint.

>> No.3025334

why you are so fat
why nobody likes you
why you dress so weird
why you never say hi
why you never clean your room
why you never work
why are you so st0pid


>> No.3025336

>can't figure out how to be happy
>calls other people unintelligent

>> No.3025419

retards seem pretty happy to me

>> No.3025426

objective standpoints can only be mentioned from a subjective standpoint

>> No.3025427

How about you tell me what's wrong about my statement instead of just namedropping your betters?

>> No.3026996

>being dumb
>any year


>> No.3027019

Well I'm off to drink a few gallons of Vagisil.

>> No.3027023

Could be a little more specific. Maybe to live as a human is a bad thing. And it doesn't make someone unintelligent. Naive, ignorant or blinded by optimism all seem like better ways to describe them.

>> No.3027082

>maybe to live as a human is a bad thing

I'd say that'd be the least horrible existence out of everything alive, you dumbass

>> No.3027086

Life is a good thing because having it allows me to do things like disagree with you.

>> No.3027089

true, but incomplete,

because anyone who agrees is also unintelligent.

>> No.3027123

>fuck off atheist

fucking college kids


>> No.3027665

I agree, based upon my personal definition of intelligence

>> No.3027667

This shit hasn't been funny for years just btw

>> No.3027668

>a bad thing
>a thing

never go full retard, OP.

>> No.3027679

prescriptivist scum

>> No.3027707

You're an imbecile for assuming that the only remedy can be trivialized to something as simplistic as having a girlfriend or whatever the fuck you mean by "having fun in the sun". I wouldn't be surprised if you were a teenager.

>> No.3027723

Europeans are a sick race.

That's why they come to sickly judgments about the world.

Nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.3027898

You're fucking retarded and you can't read

>> No.3027901

Can this thread stop already?