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3022888 No.3022888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some words that make you really self conscious when you say them?


>> No.3022894

Shit. I'm developing an accent and it sounds more and more like "sheet" every day.

I should just kill myself now.

>> No.3022897

I feel like a wanker when I say something is pretentious.
and I feel like I'm 12 when I say something is random.

>> No.3022901

"Chill" - this is probably my most said word though

>> No.3022905

I have the same problem with random.

>> No.3022936

All of my regional slang. I've moved, and now everyone I come into contact with day-to-day speak English as a second language and get completely lost when I speak to them. Now my speech is becoming really sterile, it's horrible.

>> No.3022940


>> No.3022963

whenever I type 'just' I ALWAYS misspell it 'jsut' and i think that is the most inane looking typo ever

along the same lines as 'liek', I feel like it makes me look like an idiot

>neurotically proofreading this post

>> No.3022969


>> No.3022977

Pronouncing 'Juan' - as in Byron's 'Don Juan' - correctly (Jew-an), because to the uninitiated it sounds like a horrendous feat of idiocy.

>> No.3022978

I usually do somethign similar, with somethign, but not anything or other things.

>> No.3022979

I can't pronounce TH sounds so any words with them in.

>> No.3022980

you're right that it looks silly but most people would jsut accept 'jsut' as a typo, while 'liek' genuinely looks to be made by an idiot because vowels seem more likely to be mistaken than consonants.

>> No.3023463


>> No.3023476

Sounds correctly. Don Juan is Don Giovanni right? Same pronounciation, just Juan being the short version of it.

>> No.3023478

I used to have the same problem when all the people that I worked with spoke English as a second language. Eventually when I was at work I would just speak in the same manner that they did, so that we could understand each other. It was really mind-numbing.

>> No.3023490

When I say "I dont understand" my Staten Island really comes out and the whole phrase just kinda slurs together, leaving me with something like "eyes-ont-unduh-sand."

Im really trying to be cautious with that.

>> No.3023636


>> No.3023649


>> No.3023659

Chewing gum

I've no idea why.

>> No.3023660

i hate saying the word 'poop'

>> No.3023665

Wait, it's not Don Huan? With a Spanish J?

>> No.3023668

Sometimes I don't pronounce the "th" sounds.
The phrase: "Kill me."
and ......
"like literally".

>> No.3023684

"Toxins", because of the detox diet fad.

>> No.3023685

In Byron's epic, it's indeed pronounced Jew-an. It's a joke.

>> No.3023715


>> No.3023751


>> No.3024011


Used to have a California accent and said like every other word. I keep thinking it's going to come back.

>> No.3024062


Whenever I am referring to a person between the ages of 18 and 30, I am terrified that I'm using the wrong term and sounding stupid or disrespectful.

>> No.3024077


who in the fuck calls a 28 year old a boy/girl?

>> No.3024081


but only when I write it

>> No.3024122

I don't like referring to people by their names. I try to use pronouns if possible.

>> No.3024129

manchildren between the ages of 18-40 consistently say to women, 'ay, girl,' as a way to dominance over the female. or they just call them girl. shameful habit.

>seducing bjudici

>> No.3024155

I do that too! Now that I think of it don't like them using my name either, I don't know why but I cringe a little every time.

>> No.3024168

>manchildren hurrrr durrr

Women do this to each other far more often than men do it to women, you stupid faggot. And no, it has nothing to do with "dominance."


>> No.3024176


>>>/the dark ages/

>> No.3024181

What set you off?

>> No.3024186

"Jesus Christ."

>> No.3024189

>dominance over the female

Phrases like that are pretty reliable bullshit indicators. It sort of irks me that there are people who actually think like this

>> No.3024192

>Enthusiastic. I sound retarded.
>Anything I say in French class. Feel like I'm butchering the most common words.

>> No.3024195

It's pretty obvious that people act that way IRL, even though a lot of girls find it perfectly ok

>> No.3024220

>It's pretty obvious that people act that way IRL

No it isn't. Maybe a few people do, but I've never witnessed it being used in that way. It's casual, colloquial speech that isn't necessarily accompanied by any deeper meaning or nefarious male plot to dominate vaginas.

I don't understand why feminists are so desperate to discover malicious motives and 'expressions of power' in every innocuous thing a man says or does.

>> No.3024221
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"I want to be a writer."

>> No.3024230

it's nice that you personally have no ulterior motives, but the thing is, people who are in a position of dominance over another type of person in society just like to assume their roles are products of nature when in actuality it's because those enjoying themselves at others' expense are very unlikely to stop taking advantage of the situation. Which is nefarious, albeit (and hopefully), not consciously nefarious.

>> No.3024236
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>> No.3024243

Every word that comes from my mouth makes me self conscious.

And this has nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.3024249

I almost exclusively refer to people by their names, and often repeating their name as a kind of an emphasis to what I'm saying, especially if I like the person's name, or I think the name expresses the person's spirit.

>> No.3024255

What? Don Juan[John] is Spanish, Don Giovanni[John] is Italian. Don is an honorific, equivalent to the English 'Sir', where one is actually a knight or an equivalent person of honour, and the 'Sir' cannot be omitted without gross impertinence.

>> No.3024259


I worry someone will think I'm talking about anime

>> No.3024267
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That feel, I know it.

Nothing makes me feel more useless than uttering those words.

>> No.3024283

>words having nothing to do with /lit/

Oh okay.

>> No.3024290
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>> No.3024293

Haven't I seen you in r9k?