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3020968 No.3020968 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a list going of famous books people know by name that aren't novels?

I'll start.
*Gray's Anatomy
*The Prince
*The Art of War

Influential or niche books are encouraged to apply.

>> No.3020987


>> No.3020988

Origin of the species
The rights of man
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Rise and Fall of the third Reich

>> No.3020991
File: 16 KB, 640x480, XQgBd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bible
the koran
the talmud

>> No.3020995

Not sure if satirist or dumbass.

>> No.3020996
File: 182 KB, 487x303, Towa Tei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Sense
The Rights of Man

Other possessives
Webster's Dictionary
Bulfinch's Mythology (Or does this not count as nonfiction?)

Various "On-" traditional titles such as
Carl von Clausewitz's On War
Hannah Arendt's On Revolution

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.3021002

Das Kapital

>> No.3021006

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.3021014

Mein Kampf

>> No.3021016
File: 43 KB, 265x409, Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think the Odyssey and the Iliad were historical records?

Oh, okay. Why no Book of Mormon? Too fictional?

>> No.3021019

The Elements - Euclid
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Newton
The Book of Optics - Alhazen
The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices - al-Jazari

>> No.3021021

Very embellished and confused historical records, but containing enough history that they can't be considered purely fiction.

>> No.3021022
File: 12 KB, 360x240, spongebob-stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the Junior Hanon

>> No.3021026

Yeah it's history, it's just history written by the victors in a time when people were superstitious as fuck. There's plenty of historical truth to them.

Fun fact: Homer, if he even existed, did not write either or those stories, they were passed on and modified by word of mouth a long ways until they were written down and attributed to one man.

>> No.3021032

Why are you talking about things being fictional? OP asked for famous books that weren't novels. The Odyssey and Iliad weren't novels, they were poems.

>> No.3021034

what victors?
who are the losers? what did they right?

when did the events of the Iliad and odyssey happen?

>> No.3021035
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A Brief History of Time
The Elements of Style

>> No.3021037
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>People unclear on the concept of nonfiction ITT

>> No.3021041

The Trojan war. You know, the one with the wooden horse?

>> No.3021044


>> No.3021045

what did they write (or said)?*

>> No.3021047

But nobody asked for non-fiction. The OP asked for

>famous books people know by name that aren't novels

It's not their fault if you lack the ability to read. Have you considered investing in a pair of eyes?

>> No.3021049

why should i give a fuck about a bunch of ancient bloodthirsty sheep who fought for ancient sociopath kings? to become more misanthropic?

>> No.3021050

Wait, what. How can a "niche" book also be part of "famous books people know by name"? If it's extremely famous and lots of people know it by name, is it really possible to be niche?

>> No.3021052

OP here, quit arguing about what books I did and did not ask for. If anyone wants to ignore the stories that are not novels or the lies that are not stories or whatever else they can easily do that.

God damn just let people just post some fucking book names.

>> No.3021054

My edgometer is off the scale.

>> No.3021058

No one said anything about you. I personally don't care if you care, I was just answering your question.

I think? Maybe 'niche books' was the wrong term, I just meant books that are known to a certain group, like how the Hanon is pretty much known by every pianist, or how every surgeon and his mother is familiar with Gray's Anatomy.

>> No.3021078

How To Lie With Statistics
Manufacturing Consent

>> No.3021091

The Wealth of Nations

>> No.3021092

The Merck Manual