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/lit/ - Literature

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3015966 No.3015966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>literature research class
>going over The Fall of the House of Usher
>the story is about the end of a bloodline and the idea of twins being connected
>the teacher says it's about darwinism and how even once good bloodlines throughout history can tarnish and the importance that they go away
>extends the "bloodlines can tarnish" idea to royalty and from there to corporations
>30 minutes on how corporations control the populace
You guys have any fun teacher stories?

>> No.3015972

Math classes are always a gamble when it comes to the quality of the professor you'll get. I'm always humbled by the world of English professors though.

>> No.3016002

Did he say ANYTHING about the dude's sister coming back to kill his brother?

>> No.3016040

Oh, he touched on that once. Basically "Wasn't it spooky when Madeline came in and and grabbed Roderick and 'delivered him to the floor a corpse'?" kind of thing.

>> No.3016048

Fuck off Wolshiem, you can't even finish babby's first visual novel. There's no way you've read The Fall of the House of Usher.

>> No.3016077
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>trying to cause shit
>not even saging
Get on the ball, shitposter.

>> No.3016185

>Responding to shitposters because there won't be anyone to lash back at you for doing so.

It's like you want to have a really bad reputation here as well.

>> No.3016212


>> No.3016232

Shut up wolf

>> No.3016248
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This stupid mess aside, anyone have any stories? I'm interesting in whatever you guys have.

>> No.3016259

I once had an English teacher for Advanced Higher (no idea what the appropriate analogue would be for anyone not familiar with the Scottish educational system) who would go on ridiculous tangents and talk for ages about anything and everything. He was great. All you needed to do was egg him on a little and he'd talk for at least 20 minutes about just about any subject.

>> No.3016263

Did you guys end up actually covering all of the material?

>> No.3016270

Oh yeah, no problem. When the guy actually decided to teach, he was really good at it. Did Dickens, Wilde and Stoppard, if I remember right. Some of the background stuff he'd go on tangents for was actually pretty useful. Occasionally.

>> No.3016275

My high school English teacher thought that Harry Potter had qualities of literary fiction.

>> No.3016285

> Harry Potter had qualities of literary fiction.

News flash: Harry Potter is both literature and fiction, even if it is shit-tier.

Seriously, your stupidity and abuse of language makes me queasy.

>> No.3016307
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Well dang, I wish I had that teacher. That sounds like a good time, Anon.