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/lit/ - Literature

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3015335 No.3015335 [Reply] [Original]

These following statements I hold to be true.

>There is no reason to believe there is an afterlife.

>Life is probably the product of coincidence.

>There is probably no 'Meaning of Life.'

Yet these thoughts have never given me what some people describe as an 'existential fear,' or 'nihilism.' On the contrary, I think the thought that my life is the effect of chance is a lot more uplifting and reassuring than if there were some sort of thing I should be doing to fulfill my destiny.

Am I a freak, /lit/?

>> No.3015339

positive nihilism, nietzsche, 150 years ago

>> No.3015342


>> No.3015345

People who suffer 'existentialist angst' or who brood about the meaninglessness of life are fucking pathetic. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.3015346

>tfw can't kant

>> No.3015347

Anyone else dip between complete hopelessness and actively trying to convince themselves that life has meaning as long as you apply meaning to it?

The latter seems like a farce, but if we believe life has meaning does that make it so?

>/lit/ - Shrinks

>> No.3015348

Hey pleb:

Let me learn you.

'Pathetic' - this word is more accurate than you realise, but it is also more approbative than censorious. It is the quality or attribute of displaying or possessing pathos, emotion, which is in itself generally regarded as being a very human quality, rarely understood by autists like yourself.

Check your knee-jerk prejudices.

>> No.3015353

It really is like you're trying to sound as much like a pretentious cunt as possible. I commend your efforts.

And pathos is a legitimate term to use here. I really do feel sorry for these morons.

>> No.3015358

I think you're one of the guys who's naturally quite cheerful. Nihilism is in itself only truly problematic when you aren't in a position to have all artificial hope stripped from you.

Maybe you've got an agreeable life and a brain that fires plenty happy chems, therefore the meaningless of it doesn't bother you. Meaning is kind of optional when you're enjoying yourself. It tends to become downright necessary as a survival mechanism when you're suffering though.

>> No.3015361

Also, you might just not have much of the "meaning and truth seeking incentive". Some people just aren't inclined as much to search out these things as others. In fact, most people don't give a toss. It's the ones who do (the scientific, philosophical and perhaps religious minded) that suffer from it's absence.

>> No.3015362

>tfw life is a continuous cycle between Schoppy and Nietzsche mode

>> No.3015370

Existential angst has never made any sense to me either, OP. Seems like the kind of thing college kids would convince themselves to have to seem "deep."

>> No.3015443

You seem like the type of person that thinks people only listen to classical music out of pretension instead of appreciation because surely it would be unable for others to have an experience you don't have access to.

You probably think that people with clinical depression should "man the fuck up" as well. 1950's working class dad telling it like it is, right?

>> No.3015447

Classical music is great and clinical depression is a very real problem. But existential angst is just dumb.

>> No.3015450

You're beyond retarded

>> No.3015452

no u

>> No.3015469

You're missing out on a very real and important state of mind all the greats have at least temporary dwelled in by your ignorance. You've exiled yourself from literature. Well done.

>> No.3015471

had a rough year because i graduated at the same time my elder brother died.

can you imagin to work torwards something for years, and finally whene it is time to tap yourself on the shoulder something like this happens?

no matter who you are you will ask yourself "now what, where i am going..." it is part of fucking life. everyone does. if not you will stay a child forever. the only bad thing is to continously question everything for the rest of your life.


>> No.3015702 [DELETED] 

what's the difference?

>> No.3015705

>tfw life is a continuous cycle between Schoppy and Nietzsche mode
what's the difference?

>> No.3015706
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Life's shit better take cover <----> We can force this fucker into being meaningful and glorious if we try

>> No.3015710

2nd one is nietzsche?
No wonder he went insane.

>> No.3015714

Totally with you OP.

>> No.3015736

Yes and yes. I'm mostly with Nietzsche when he's tearing shit down, but his idea of overcoming nihilism seems highly improbable to me. I bet it did to him as wel, secretly.

>> No.3017190
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I felt most angst ridden when I was in my agnostic phase. This was my existential crisis, I figured some years later after I had accepted atheism.
>[P]ositive nihilism
Okay than.

You make of life what you want. Like setting a goal. I've given myself purpose. What is "meaning" to life?

>> No.3017199


>> No.3017209

What a bad thread

>> No.3017220


>> No.3017228
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>> No.3017329

op pic be wack yo

noumena iz d' atman, nigga
