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[ERROR] No.30032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your height, /lit/?

>> No.30038

tall 5'7

>> No.30043


>> No.30054

Wrong answer /lit/. When will they learn?

>> No.30063

Oh, shit...

>> No.30065
File: 338 KB, 413x309, 1487822352513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

73 inches

>> No.30071

5'7 represent lads

>> No.30096

5'4 grill with 6'3 bf

>> No.30120

i'm 6'2", i'm a pretty big guy

for you

>> No.30133

delete this dude

>> No.30137


>> No.30142

5'8 how do i decide if its about time to kill myself

>> No.30152

When will /lit/ learn?

>> No.30155

im from fit

>> No.30157
File: 90 KB, 583x430, 1473045642265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get you started on the rabbit hole that is height and being a manlet in here.



>> No.30168

>outdated 'delete this' meme
>on a site with no delete option

i'm not joking btw. he likes kant, hegel, byron, and zizek a lot.

>> No.30169

im from /fit you dumbass i know all about it

>> No.30174

Not usually a prosefag but goddamn this really makes me want more
If you can pass as a cute girl (male) yes, if not you must save yourself further pain and pull the trigger

>> No.30197

is 5'4 being a womanlet? is 5'4 good female height? it's pretty short but i don't think it's too short. there are a ton of 4'11 girls

>> No.30286

Im 5"11
rather that than being a gangly mutant

>> No.30287

id fuck it

>> No.30322
File: 597 KB, 500x281, could watch it all day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really have to ask?

Yet you never learned

>> No.30329
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this thick cunt.
Tits or Gtfo. You know the rules.

>> No.30332
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5'10. Am i a manlet?

>> No.30333

the /lit/ girls i know all go for gangly guys (to inteligent 4 manlet)
normie girls usually don't care as long as they're bulky

>> No.30344

6' 2"

>> No.30353


>> No.30358
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I see you're from /fit/.

>> No.30411

but you can delete

>> No.30438
File: 101 KB, 513x768, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 5" at 18

>> No.30456

5'5" hapa here. I get more pussy than all of you (mostly from fat chicks though).

>> No.30474


No, I'm 5'2" and I'm still taller than a handful of other females I know. Once you get much lower than that, though, you're in dangerous territory.

>> No.30506

>he doesn't know how to delete a post

>> No.30512

6'8 but i got a gut

>> No.30531

you're a big guy

>> No.30546


My gains aren't enough. And I don't read enough either. Not like either can make up for my height, though.

>> No.30562
File: 216 KB, 915x678, height chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached is a helpful chart for you to determine how much of a manlet you really are.

5'2, don't delude yourself. You are literally a dwarf. Maybe pursue a career in Mexican wrestling?

>> No.30634

I am 185 cm, 185 lbs

>> No.30672

>tfw 5'7"
>tfw have severe insecurity about height

thanks /fit/

>> No.30678

lol I'm 6'3 hapa, got those nordic genes.

So sorry for you bro

>> No.30684


>> No.30688

I also have huge hair
I hate everything about it. I feel like some kind of lovecraftian horror.

>> No.30689
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'3 or 5'4 on a good day.
>at least I'm not a virgin

>> No.30701

im sorry for your loss

>> No.30712

>at least I'm not a virgin
You are though.

>> No.30718
File: 84 KB, 600x600, introspectioncatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tall are your parents

>> No.30725


yes im a manlet

i think about suicide daily (no joke)

>> No.30756

remember that if there is anyone in the world who cares for you, killing yourself is the most selfish, hurtful thing you could do to them.

>> No.30767

My dad is 6'2 my mom is 5'9 maybe?
Dad's also fucking jacked, former green beret and bodybuilder.
I'm... working on it.

>> No.30778

I watch these videos every now and then. Love them so much, they are very "in your face, deal with it."

>> No.30791

They're learning

>> No.30800

you're both faggots. kill yourselves

>> No.30803

not even that short. hispanic guys in the US are usually like 5'5, most white guys are 5'6 - 5'10. some people want to kill themselves due to debilitating ocd or because they're disfigured. get over yourself nigga

desu lanky is cool if you're effay but if you're not then bulking up a bit is a good idea

>> No.30808


>> No.30813
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if i did kms, at least id do it right..

>> No.30831
File: 255 KB, 500x375, c18191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the perfect male height

>> No.30834

What can you do about bad genetics? I plan on having at least three kids so I can help get whatever constitutes as white people past 2 billion

>> No.30839

so i should live a miserable existence because others want me around.

>> No.30848


other tallfags: how do you have sex with much shorter people while standing up?

>> No.30851

6'1 nd i'm a girl

>> No.30864


>> No.30876

if you love them
the ethics of suicide all depend on many many many factors

grab the girl and throw her around and use her

>> No.30881

you have the right to off yourself whenever you want, it's your life.

however you'd be stupid to not consider the people you will affect by doing it.

I know my parents would agonize over it, like it was somehow their fault, and not a result of my terrible mental health.

>> No.30882

I'm a pretty boy.
I need tips on how to make myself eat more.
Try lifting them.

>> No.30901

nice ',:)

>> No.30908

Gotta understand, my gf, while not fat, is not light enough to hold for long periods of time. Actually, that is one of the reasons I'm trying to become more /fit/

>> No.30915

Not familiar with this meme

>> No.30937

1,92, but I'm fat

>> No.30942

5'3 womanlet.
The only huge drawback is enjoying cooking and not being able to eat much of it.

>> No.30953


>> No.30955

maybe she can get on a bed or sofa or chair below you

>> No.30964

Put her on the kitchen counter.

>> No.30976

6' 4" but no muscle

>> No.31012

>all these /fit/fags answering

>> No.31018

6'2", you manlets.

>> No.31035

175 cms of pure gas the juden

>> No.31082

This kinda hurts

>> No.31141

Really weirds me out how tallfags are on 4chan. I have a friend who's 6'3". I see how women look at him -- not even at bars, just women out and about. It's absolute disgust or disinterest with my manlet ass, but with him? There's that look, that look of, "I could see him fucking me."

So what are you guys doing here? Why aren't you out there succeeding and banging broads? Why do you waste your good genetics shitposting all day?

>> No.31155

/fit/ here

5'10 manlet

>> No.31171

Like I said, I am rewatching it. Just got the part when it says:
>The kids overwhelminglt picked the tall figure for strong, handsome, smart. They circled the short figure for sad, scared, and weak. More than half also picked the short figure for dumb, no-friends, and yucky.


>> No.31177

I don't have time for bitches, son. I HAVE TO LIFT.

>> No.31197

Literally the worst philosophers. German idealism is absolute dogshit. Break up with him.

>> No.31326

wasn't british idealism even worse i've never heard anyone say anything nice about them

>> No.31362


also take big out of your name that's my thing

>> No.31375


>> No.31458

5'9.5 here. At least I'm the (((average))) height here in the US.

>> No.31499

I am still yet to grow, I am only fifteen years old.

>> No.31516
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>> No.31547


Bretty gud

>> No.31563
File: 2.54 MB, 275x324, 1490903233743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he is average! That's so cute!

>> No.31581

6'. I always used to be height conscious until I got a real job and wasn't on my feet in a sales room all day around 6'3 400lb slobs with serious bo issues like I can only assume /fit/ is. Nobody gives a shit how tall you are at the end of the day.

>> No.32091
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>> No.32251

6'2" but 160lbs fag
Help me /fit/ too poor for gym
Can do diamond push-ups