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/lit/ - Literature

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2998644 No.2998644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why does Literature get away with shit you can't do in other media?
For example, in Stephan King's It, a girl character has sex with all the male character when they are 10-12 or whatever. If that was in the movie version people would have flipped their shit.
Is it just that people don't read?

>> No.2998647

What, do you want them to start censoring books too? Fuck off.

>> No.2998657
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He is simply pointing out a double standard. Books should be on equal ground with film yet literature tends to go uncensored compared to film.

>> No.2998658

Nah, I just want to see naked children on my TV.

>> No.2998663

Good idea, let's censor everything. Let's condense the English language while we're at it, so as to ensure that nobody can ever voice dissent or voice any ideas that threaten the integrity of the party.


I hate you and everyone like you, go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2998666

rating systems for movies effect who goes to what, so most "big movies" censor them self for mass appeal. I'm sure Rowling or whoever wrote the Hunger Games censored a lot to appeal to their audience.

>> No.2998667

>So why does Literature get away with shit you can't do in other media?

A novel is a product of a single person from start to finish, whereas a movie is an investment project that involves thousands of people. Whenever investment money and committees are involved, compromises have to be made.

>> No.2998669

stop censoring me plz

>> No.2998670

Oh. That makes a lot of sense, thanks.

>> No.2998672

I'd like to think that most of the people who read are generally intelligent enough not to be bothered by such nonsense.

>> No.2998674


I read this book where a load of blokes drill holes in a cow and then they fuck it in the holes.

People would go absolutely SPARE if they seen that in a film.

What's your point? Books are ace innit.

>> No.2998684

What book was it?

>> No.2998683

Literature also has a much longer tradition of fucked-up shit in it, and there's the point that photography simply has a harder realism to it than literature.

>> No.2998685

I'm sure there'll be a day when the stupidity and ignorance that infects every other aspect of society spreads to literature, when some American guy discovers something in a book his daughter or son is his reading and construes it as offensive. He'll make a big deal about it, and all those Republican news Broadcasters that so enjoy stamping out any traces of independent thought, intelligence and liberty, will latch on to it. They'll parade this one example around, and they, made aware of a new threat to their controlled idiocracy, will put unreserved effort into scouring the canon in order to find examples that will really rile up their stupid, stupid audience. They'll propose a new bill to censor literature, and they won't stop until it's achieved. And given that this is America, where the lowest common denominator is obscenely ignorant and having an education is viewed with a similar stance to leprosy, it won't be long until the vocal, idiotic majority ensure that some bill is passed censoring literature in some way shape or form.

God bless the USA.

>> No.2998687

You've never seen the Amazon 1-Star threads we sometimes have?

>> No.2998691
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>> No.2998702

Are you retarded or something? This already happened 80 years ago and it was struck down over time with numerous court rulings. Censorship is at an all-time low as a priority of Americans. They can't even try it again, it's been ruled on so many times in so many ways, government does not mandate taste.

>> No.2998705

It's going to happen again, don't be naive. Mitt Romney, the Republican's best hope for the presidency, wants to ban pornography, so don't try and tell me that "Censorship is at an all-time low as a priority", because it's simply not true.

>> No.2998708

I said 'most', which yeah even then is probably exaggerated. But there's probably some truth to it. The kind of people who are likely to get offended by something like the scat scene in Gravity's Rainbow are exactly the kind of people who would never read Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.2998712


Cows - Matthew Stokoe.

It's pretty good, but at times I couldn't help thinking about that Family Guy episode where there's a cow that talks like Max von Sydow.

Despite that, it's not a bad book. If you've got an e-reader thingy, then enjoy:


>> No.2998717


There are banned books all the time.

Ulysses was banned for obscenity - presumably literate people read it and then damned it.

I can't think of a recent example because I'm drunk off my arse, but Peter Sotos still can't get a book deal, and he's virtually famous.

>> No.2998728


>Ulysses was banned for obscenity

>not banning it because it was unreadable hackery
>I shiggitydiggity hope your errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.

>> No.2998731
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I'm currently reading It Can't Happen Here and this conversation is already starting to get eery.
Maybe you're right. I think most people don't care to the same extent they used to, it's mostly old people with the spare time to pester politicians and local TV station news networks.
SCOTUS has handed down way too many decisions about this, though, for it to carry much weight. Artists in any medium can do what they damn well please so long as they don't commit another crime in making it. Anal Cunt isn't on the radio, but there's nothing that stops it being made and distributed. It takes a hell of a lot of pressure to deal with that many rulings.

>> No.2998738


But everyone knows that Mitt Romney is going to lose - it's a foregone conclusion.

He can say whatever he likes.

>> No.2998740

The thing is, the only people with the patience to read through the 1,000 pages to get to that part are the social invalids that get off to that type of thing anyway.

>> No.2998746

Confer with Brave New World which had prepubescent kids fucking within the first few pages. Stephen King is just pleb stuff.

>> No.2998759

To be fair, he's been charged with child pornography (though I don't know the details of the case) and I thought issue two of Pure had like, actual child pornography on the cover. But apparently from time to time Steve Albini washes his car, this is a fact that I cannot repeat enough. Also I think I've said this before but we both live in Chicago he could be at my house at any minute fuck

The MPAA has a lot to do with it, I think. Since films pretty much have to go through this bottleneck to get public attention, they're able to force a moral standard. The MPAA is such a fucking sham though, there's no accountability whatsoever and everything is done in a sort of "smoke-filled room" fashion. To really get to that level of censorship, you'd need to have a government (or semi-governmental) agency everything gets filtered through.

>> No.2998760


Or Lolita - there's a kid getting the shit raped out of her all through that book.

>> No.2998768


You have made this point before, and I confess I'm confused.

Is Steve Albini a paedophile? Is that why he's inexplicably washing cars?

I honestly don't know if you're making some point I don't understand, or if you've just got a hate-on for Steve Albini.

plz responed

>> No.2998769
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Steve Albino old-ass.

>> No.2998782
File: 71 KB, 1296x506, HAMPUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, like he literally washes Peter Sotos' car. He said it in a Reddit AMA and I can't get it out of my mind. They're good friends apparently?

also, in light of Lazare in /lit/ earlier, note the presence of popular /mu/tant "Hampus"

>> No.2998783
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>> No.2998785
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>> No.2998813

Another Chicagoan familiar with Sotos and Albini here,

Just feel like chiming in that the CP charges were pretty early in his career, and looking at what some of the current students are (still) doing at SAIC I don't particularly find foul on this play. I further credit his ability to turn that negative stereotype into transgressive credibility. I haven't seen home security busting into his pad in the last few decades to quash a promoter of sexual deviancy... I've always thought of it as someone too young to realize where to stop toeing the line, he was younger than I am now when it happened.

Had no idea he was friends with Albini, makes sense.

>> No.2998815

Books, unless explicitly grouped in the erotic genre, are not pornography, and therefore cannot be censored by the government. People DO flip their shit over what books do, just go to a book burning or look at the banned books in schools list.

>> No.2998819

Are you 16?

>> No.2998820

Is it surprising they are friends? They're both dangerously insane people. Every time I see Steve Albini in the media today he is bitching about something.