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/lit/ - Literature

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2998457 No.2998457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>12 year old sister asks me to download the Atlas Shrugged for her because she heard of it from Bioshock

>have no idea what the book is about besides being the butt of a lot of jokes

Okay, /lit/, you guys are really big on the whole book learning thing so I just want to know if it's like, all age appropriate for a young girl.

>> No.2998464

probably better for 14+ crowd because it is a tome and requires the smug self-importance that comes with post-puberty adolescence

sage for atlas shrugged

>> No.2998468
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It's age appropriate, but you might accidentally turn her into an objectivist douche. How bad that would be for you, since you'll have to take care of your parents in their old age by yourself, since she will no longer believe in helping those who can't help themselves. The virtue of selfishness and all that. You're treading on thin water.

Just give her a copy of Twilight and replace the cover with Atlas Shrugged. Her pre-teen girl brain will be satisfied.

>> No.2998469


>post a thread on a new board for the first time

>first response is a sage

Oh boy, I hope this isn't another /jp/. Anyways, I don't really care about any deep meanings or shit it might have, I just want to know none of it will traumatize my sister and if it does, what should I tell her?

>> No.2998471


She's already selfish as fuck so how much harm could it really do?

>> No.2998473

your implying /lit gets philosophy? and why always Rand? whats wrong trolls cant come up with a good Hobbes or Benthem joke?

>> No.2998475


Not trolling, though I'm aware of how controversial the book is. I just want to make sure there aren't sex scenes or stuff like that.

>> No.2998477

Instead of being selfish as a 12 year old girl and probably growing out of it eventually, she'll feel justified in her selfishness and never change.

And there's fucking in there, so no. Don't.

>> No.2998478

meh, a little hot and heavy making out, pg 13 tops

>> No.2998479
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Probably better off getting one of the introductory texts to objectivism if anything; AS is nothing like Bioshock stylistically. You should get her System Shock 2 instead.

Also Rand thinks rape is ok or something and befriended a childkiller. speaking of which you should get her Fallout too, it's a bretty literate game

>> No.2998480

>a child plays bioshock, a violent-ass game where she consciously chooses to commit murder and take drugs and shit
>will ayn rand hurt lol?

>> No.2998482


Okay, that's all I needed to hear, thanks for your help :)

>> No.2998483

Irreparable harm. I'm not talking about your average teenage selfishness. I'm talking about an entire philosophy based upon how virtuous selfishness is and how the poor deserve to die on the streets and the rich shouldn't have to pay taxes at all, etc.

Paul Ryan highly recommends it. Enough said.

>> No.2998485

lol you dumbass, i cant refute your logic so il bring up outdated rumors and slander

>> No.2998487

Hey, I have an idea. Let her watch the new Atlas Shrugged movie that came out. It is literally so bad that they cancelled making part two. She'll run away from Rand and never look back.

>> No.2998488

Don't buy Rand for a 12 year old.

It'll just be boring for her, and she won't get it and you'll have a doorstop that maybe she'll pick up years later.

And when she does, she'll realize it's shit.

>> No.2998491

It's age appropriate in the sense that there's no inappropriate content that I can think of. However I wouldn't describe it as age appropriate in terms of that she should be reading at that age. If she's already reading doorstoppers and the greats of classic literature (not that I'm implying Atlas Shrugged is one of the greats) then fine, but otherwise I'm not sure if she'd get all the philosophical nuances. I sure as hell wouldn't have got it when I was 12.

Hell, if she wants to read it she should go ahead, it's just a really weird book for a child. When she gives up give her some Roald Dahl. Everyone needs Roald Dahl.

>> No.2998494

i enjoy Rands books and have to agree, not for tweens, the language and romance makes it pg-13 but the nature of man and philosophy? not till 18 at least

>> No.2998498

Buy her a book full of maps and charts and if she asks just shrug and say you thought this is what she wanted.

>> No.2998508

>>post a thread on a new board for the first time
>>first response is a sage

Rand is a controversial and tedious subject around here. There even used to be a /lit/ rule about not discussing her. Though of course all it did was encourage some lol-i-troll-you children to post about her.

>> No.2998512


It won't traumatic her, but it'll bore the fuck out of her. It's like asking a 12 year old to read the Bible cover to cover.

>There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand has been removed
When did this happen?

>> No.2998516

Trailer for Atlas Shrugged Part 2 dumbass - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF9QT43uDQU

>> No.2998594

Didn't the first one lose money? Someone must be spending their own millions to get this made.

None of the cast look the same as the trailer for the first one, either.

>> No.2998611

Just letting you guys know this tripfag is a /mu/ troll.

>> No.2998617

All new cast, bigger budget, etc. Seems they actually listened to the criticisms of the first one and made improvements.

>> No.2998626

I was literally laughing out loud throughout that trailer. Fucking objectivists.

>> No.2998638

why is President Dugan a benevolent dictator


>> No.2998643

Wow, they just keep stretching this one out.

>> No.2998662

wtf lazare you fag it up on here too? i hate you