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/lit/ - Literature

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2998262 No.2998262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be in college
>medical lab science major
>need a few credits to be full-time
>sign up for creative writing
>Ice breaker: prof. has us go into the hall and separates us into groups based on whether we like cauliflower, rock, etc.
>Prof. tells us to write the name of the last book we read
>mfw 2-3 people in a 15 person class of mostly english majors cannot remember the last book they read
>first lessons: how to use quotation marks
>90% of assigned reading: women authors from the 80s with story names like "How Far She Went"
>First story assignment: 4-8 pages max
>mfw all of my stuff is pretty much 10-12 pages
>break up into little groups to critique each other
>story 1: A girl grows distant from her guy friend who has a bitchy new gf
>story 2: a story about a bickering zombie couple. The fat girl snorts at her own jokes as she describes writing it.
>mfw I have 12 more fucking weeks of this shit because attendance is mandatory and I can't drop it with a refund at this point
>mfw this is the second time I've tried a writer/workshop thing (the other not being a class but still just as awful in it's own way) because I genuinely want to improve my craft

What have I done, /lit/? I must say, I honestly feel like posting my shit here is more valuable than this class so far. At least you people will give honest opinions and, y'know, actually fucking read.

I might post some lulz worthy shitty passages from other students here later in the semester.

Has ANYONE here actually had a good experience with fiction workshops?

>> No.2998272


I have no sympath.

>> No.2998282


No one here has ever done a creative writing class/workshop?

>> No.2998284

It's really hit or miss, especially in college. I've had a creative writing class with a good teacher and ok students, a novel writing class with an ok teacher and cool students, and a creative nonfiction class with a great teacher and craptastic students.

>> No.2998291


Makes sense I guess. There;s also an advanced version of this class, but I can't take it without first taking this one. I mean, I learned about tension and character arcs in elementary school. The lessons feel incredibly generic and the students AND the professor sucks. I just wish more people gave a shit sometimes.