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2998130 No.2998130 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about this man's works other than Infinite Jest?
Personally I Consider The Lobster to be his best one.

>> No.2998147


>> No.2998157

I've read his non-fiction; nothing jumped out me. Read the first fifty pages or so of IJ, prose was just as bad. No discernible talent.

>> No.2998176 [DELETED] 
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Try Hard: The Novel
Try Harder 2 With A Vengeance: The Novel

>> No.2998203

There's a collection of essays coming out in November for anyone who cares.

>> No.2998213


this is my chance to get a DFW 1st ed

>> No.2998234

The Broom of the System is one of my favorite books, I'm still in the process of reading infinite jest. I've read some of his short stories and watched the movie. Girl With Curious Hair is alright, altho mostly nonsensical

>> No.2998236

You didn't get The Pale King in its first pressing? I pre-ordered that shit.

>> No.2998242

He's wrote an article for Esquire titled "String Theory" that was good.

However, on the whole, much like Kennedy and Lincoln, dying early was a great career move.

>> No.2998264

>Consider The Lobster

I fucking hated that book - in particular the title essay. It was so long, tedious and unedited and effectively said nothing. HURR DURR CUCKING LOBSTERS ALIEV IS CROOL DERP HERP

DFW was a boring, sweaty man.

>> No.2998283

I thought it was funny that D T Max portrays Wallce's journalism as Gonzo Journalism 2.0