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/lit/ - Literature

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2997168 No.2997168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /lit/ batman comic? Or hell, /lit/ comics in general.

>> No.2997172

There's a whole board for those you know.

>> No.2997189

The Killing Joke is, I believe, kind of "the 'Citizen Kane' of comics", so it's probably the most /lit/ one, too.

>> No.2997196
File: 442 KB, 900x1393, Batman - The Killing Joke 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any "real lit lover" would probably snub at it, though.

>> No.2997202

That page did not blow me away. Not much subtlety to it, is there? I assume someone has done the Joker well, in something..

>> No.2997218
File: 420 KB, 900x1393, Batman - The Killing Joke 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the most blatant page, I guess. Still, the quality of this comic lies in that it at least HAS a composition and HAS a theme. The obvious problem with most superhero comics is that they are nothing more than "good guys beat up bad guys".

>> No.2997229

There's a lot to be said for the enjoyment one gets from "good guys beat up bad guys" though. Not that if a medium I enjoyed was inundated with it that I wouldn't get bored.

>> No.2997304
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Check this out:


>> No.2997380

I dunno about batman, but Neil Gaiman's Sandman series is a pretty /lit/ comic in my ever so humble opinion.

>> No.2997405

The original Jamie Delano Hellblazer series. The one the movie "Constantine" is based upon. Theres a reprint of those running right now.

>> No.2997490

Actually Citizen Kane(s) of comics would be Swamp Thing and TDKR. So that's certainly the most acclaimed Batman comic. I would add Arkham Asylum and Killing Joke in sharing the second place.

Other than that, I'd reccommend Brubaker's Catwoman.

>> No.2997503

You could try Azarello's take on character, with full blown mobster Joker overtones. I did not particularly like it though. He's chaotic evil so Alan Moore explained his (possible) descent into madness pretty eloquently; KJ is essentially a Joker origin story.

>> No.2997527
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Hey anon, do you think this bra makes me look fat?

>> No.2997646

not comics, but a graphic novels:
Maus (holocaust, won a pulitzer prize)
Wilson (daniel clowes, divorced sociopath)

both great, I am tired. Also you've probably heard of them.

>> No.2997676

Batman: Year One

Love and Rockets

>> No.2997683

Anything by grant morrison

>> No.2997684

>not comics, but a graphic novels

graphic novels are comic books. seriously, that distinction has no more merit than the "movies vs. films" crap. it's just shit for insecure pretentious people to use to justify their hobbies to themselves.

>> No.2997688

>/lit/ comics

>> No.2997693

I always liked Bane of the Demon.

>> No.2997694

I only wrote it to clarify, incase OP was only looking for comic books for some reason.

>> No.2997705

Can you explain then how Sandman won Hugo for best novel?

>> No.2997713



You know nothing about literature, do you?

>> No.2997716
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lit comic

>> No.2997729


On top of that it didn't get a prise for best novel. It got:

Hugo Award for Best Related Work (The best work related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom(!!!), published in the prior calendar year and which is either non-fiction or noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text)

And if that isn't enough, Sandman the comic did not get that award, it got awarded to; The Sandman: The Dream Hunters, which is a novella!

>> No.2997745

Sandman: Dream Hunters was a prose novella written by Gaiman that was nominated in the 2000 Best Related Work category, but did not win.

>> No.2997815

Jacques Tardi or Enki Bilal is as lit as /co/ is going to get.

>> No.2997865
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>Implying I'm not a /co/conut

>> No.2997868
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Why did season three have to suck?

>> No.2997877
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>> No.2997892

Jimmy Corrigan, Maus I and II, Fun Home

I have no idea why Watchmen has the reputation it does.

>> No.2997894

What do you think her socks smell like?

>> No.2998000
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>season three

>> No.2998065

Watchmen uses the medium brilliantly, but that's about it. It has some real duality present in the visual language, a lot of visual metaphors, the story however isn't terribly brilliant. I still love it and have read it several times.

>> No.2998097

Why are you /co/ guys so desperate to get comics recognized as literature? You're as bad as /v/ and their "video games are art."

>> No.2998105

The most literary comic I know is The League of Extraordinary Gentleman. It attempts to include all literature within it after all, and the summary by Prospero in the blazing world of how we build our own characters from pieces of fiction is pretty damn moving.

Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth is very literary - densely packed with symbols and references. It seems to want to challenge the usual storytelling of the comic book.

I also love Planetary.

Transmetropolitan has already been mentioned, but it's worth re-mentioning. In terms of plotting and writing, it's one of the best comic books out there.

>> No.2998145

>Being uncomfortable with definitions

>> No.2998169


If comics aren't literature, then what are they?

>> No.2998173

picture books with some dialogue

>> No.2998179

Maus. Forever.

>> No.2998185

>everything with words is literature!

>> No.2998196

I really tried to get into comics. My best friend is a huge comic book nerd, and he tried to get me into them. He talked up walking dead like it was some huge pinnacle of comic books, I read it and was of course disappointed. He gave me some X-men, Spiderman, Avengers shit to read as well. I tired to go in with an open mind, but I just felt like a huge manchild reading about superheroes in costumes in shit. I mean the comics really try to make themselves serious with "adult" themes and stories, but it's honestly just laughable compared to any good literature.

my advice to anyone trying to say comic books are on the same level as literature? Grow up.

>> No.2998211

My advice to anyone who seriously says "grow up"? get your head out of your ass.

>> No.2998219

Typical manchild reply. Grow up dude.

>> No.2998222

no, dude, seriously. I don't really have an opinion on the comics as literature thing, but telling someone to grow up is an incredibly "head up your own ass" thing to do.

>> No.2998223

Typical manchild reply. Grow up dude.

>> No.2998224


>unable to distinguish between a question and a statement
>calls others retards

>> No.2998230

just grow up dude.

>> No.2998235

Typical manchild reply. Grow up dude.

>> No.2998260


Everybody grow up, you're all little wankers. Having the same argument every day. It's like constantly being on a road trip with three hyperactive under-fives in the back seat.

If you don't sit down and shut up, there'll be no Chessington World of Adventures for anyone. I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND.

>> No.2998261

They are comics. It's not a matter of quality or anything, they're just different mediums.

>> No.2998285


>just different mediums.

Media, not mediums.