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/lit/ - Literature

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2996436 No.2996436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If someone were to psychoanalyse you based of your bookshelf or e-reader library, what conclusions would they draw about you?

>> No.2996459

I study analytic philosophy and I am into /lit/ exitcore, I guess.

>> No.2996461

Which ones are exit core again?

>> No.2996472

I enjoy philosophy, politics and history, but these higher academic pursuits merely conceal a doughy romantic heart, as shown by the fact that all my fantasy and adventure novels are well worn, while my other fiction has been neglected.

>> No.2996476

ugh her hair. fucking hippies

>> No.2996500

Bookshelf: I am cheap and care more about functionality.
E-reader: I am cheap and bought the basic unit though I did buy a cover/light for it. I must takae it many places since it is rather beat up

I think one would deduce that I am a cheap person who likes to read in places which require much effort to reach. Not sure what they'd say about the contents of both though

>> No.2996504

>e reader

>> No.2996505
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>> No.2996540

nothing because I just borrow from the library.

>> No.2996553

There'd probably be some assumption that I'm seeking power through intellectual conquest.

>> No.2996586
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Nihilist mystic libertine sage.

>> No.2996616
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dabbler, pseudo-intellect and man-child I'd imagine.

>> No.2996695

They'd think I was a sex obsessed and crazed weird boy with odd fetishes.

Actually I find sex interesting to read about, I don't identify with strange fetishes except for my preference of men and when it comes to actual sex I'm too lazy to do it that often.

>> No.2996699

i tend to like dark and sad books, and particularly fetishise authors who commit suicide, so maybe they would think i was depressed or morbid or a mallgoth or something.

>> No.2996712

That is not how psychoanalysis works, you cunt.

>> No.2996715


>> No.2996721
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>> No.2996725

Phallocentric autre autor subconscious Oedipal electric death driven objet petty shadow manque something something relatively healthy patient.

>> No.2996757

do you have a source for that pic?

>> No.2996836
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Great Job.

>> No.2996913

>Rand and Marx right next to each other

Just try it, faggots.

>> No.2997588


>> No.2997639


>> No.2997661

tl;dr, but here we go:
pvciously you have an interest in political philosophy, and you obviously are open-minded enough to give different points of view a chance (or at least your interested in how they're thinking even if you're not likely to be persuaded by them).
However, at least knowing nothing about the other contents of your library, it is possible that you have only studied the subject lightly and non-academically, seeing how you went for two well-known big names (one of which is ayn rand, who is about as intellectally vacuous as a loofah sponge, and has a grasp of language that makes the average twilight fanfic read like Proust in comparison, while there are mych more readable radical individualists like robert nozzick (sp?) out there, but haters gonna hate), rather than something that is more obscure to the general public, but more important to recent academical debates within political philosophy.
Also, judging by the facts that you picked these two extremes over some wishy-washy social liberal like john rawls, it seems likely that you have already made up your mind practical political matters, and rather than looking for something that will change your practical opinion, are looking to political philosophy as a kind of intellectual entertainment.

>> No.2997665

shit, are you me?

>> No.2997719

I don't know. I have more mathematics, philosophy, and science books than literature books. What conclusions can /lit/ draw from that?

>> No.2997728

You probably have aspergers or are autistic. No other explanation.

>> No.2997753


aspergers is autism retard

>> No.2997755

I am pretty sociable, when I want to be.

>> No.2997762

Yes, and I am a sexy super-player fuck machine when I want to be... I just don't much want to be.

>> No.2997779

that i read good literatura

>> No.2997798

You're both fucking dumb. All books are 'literature books', and Aspergers is on the autism spectrum.

>> No.2997804

"Stick to a genre you faggot"

>> No.2997853
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>all dat erotica pressing up against biblical scholarship

Other than that I have lots of scholarly stuff and some comic books, so it seems pretty obvious that I'm a student I think. I also have two copies of Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre for some reason.

>> No.2997956

Pleb syndrome.

>> No.2997960

What kind of erotica?

>> No.2997988

I dunno. I have lots and lots of Japanese literature, as well as literature from Russia, Hungary, China, Poland, Nigeria, France, several from South America, UK, US, and many other countries. So, might be assumed to be violently multicultural.

There's an entire bookshelf dedicated to anthologies. A decent amount of non-fiction, usually somewhat literature-related. A few shelves of manga. Books are organized by country then chronologically, which might hint at organization, but there are lots stuck in horizontally through laziness of not wanting to sort them in. There's a good spread of contemporary and older works, essential classics through surreal weirdness. I guess they might conclude that I'm a literature student. Or a try-hard or something.

>> No.2998016

You would consider "Curves and Singularities: A Geometric Introduction to Singularity Theory" a literature book, in the common use of the term?

>> No.2998019

>everything by Nietzsche
>everything by Sade
>Max Stirner
>the bible
>nothing else

They would cut themselves on edges and bleed to death.

>> No.2998031

Is it too late to psycho-analyse you as an idiot based solely on the fact that you wrote 'based of'?

>> No.2998043
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Chiefly this, tho I really want to get physical copies of Story of the Eye, Blue of Noon and The Repentance of Lorraine

>> No.2998083

do you fap to it?

>> No.2998244

that man has no legs

>> No.2998258

>wealth of nations
>Das Kapital
>Brothers Karamazov
>Tale of 3 kingdons
>petit prince


>> No.2998344
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I mean, the Renaissance stuff in there is nice but then you get to French stuff and it's just like 500 years of dicks. Literally, just 500 years of giant dicks everywhere. Ancient Greek pottery is pretty hot tho

Fuck, I never even noticed that. He doesn't have legs in the actual picture inside, either; it's from HILDA, or The Triumph of Big Women, though no artist is given.

The collection is actually pretty great though, it even has an illustration or two from Story of the Eye that I haven't been able to find elsewhere

Clockwise: Eric Stanton, excerpt from Facesitting series; Martin Van Maele, The Great Danse Macabre of the Quick (Prick); Agostino Carracci, The Loves of the Gods [Hercules and Deianira]; Michelangelo, Scherzo

>> No.2998354

>DC comics
>japanese anime magazines
>lots of classics in french & enlgish
>Forensics for Dummies
>Psychology for Dummies
>The Solitary Witch
>Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
>Book of Shadows

final verdict: no comment

>> No.2998355
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I love seeing this type of thread because I know you ignorant little narcissistic faggots will flock to it like flies to an enormous shit.


>> No.2998368

>le petit prince
>complete works of plato
>complete works of poe
>shakespeare's sonnets
>world history resource book

pseudo-intellectual teenage girl in love

>> No.2998374

Let's be friends

>> No.2998379

>Miscellaneous "classics".

I've probably only read 5 fiction books in my life. I don't know what I'm doing on /lit/.

>> No.2998382

>new place
>only have the next 5 or so books i was planning on reading over the next month or so
>do androids dream of electric sleep
>fear and loathing in las vegas
>Galapagos - Kurt vonnegut
>3 wheel of time books.

>can't even into lit

>> No.2998387

Okay. Tell me about your interests.

>> No.2998400
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a list of all the books in my small "standby" bookshelf for texts I'm currently using

Syntax of New Testament Greek
The Text of the New Testament
Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament
The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament
Greek-English New Testament
Slouching Toward Nirvana
The Pale King
Semantic Antics
Endangered Words
erotica universalis [Taschen]
Alchemy & Mysticism [Taschen]
Mere Christianity
Roman Civilization
Women's Life in Greece and Rome

please tell me what you think please please please

I also have some DVDs below comprised of Color Me Kubrick, a Hitchcock collection, Run Lola Run and Videodrome if you think that makes me cooler please oh gohd tell me it makes me cool please

>> No.2998466
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>that intensity

>> No.2998472



>> No.2998503
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It's a compilation of texts edited by Robert A. Nye in the Oxford Readers series. It's really good but sort of recent so it might be a bit expensive. Mostly the book focuses on scientific or "official" views of sexuality (syphilis, prostitution and the state) but it does touch a bit on ancient and medieval sexuality as well.

>I have never had sexual contact of any kind: no intercourse, no petting, no kissing, no anything. And I am not proud of this fact. You see, I am shy ... [but] I am not a prude; I'm not content with my lifestyle. I believe in pre-marital sex; I just haven't been fortunate enough to have any. I consider sex a basic need in life, comparable to food and shelter.—Junior male
>that feel

>> No.2998517

i respect that you know greek but scorn your focus on koine.

i've been meaning to buy the taschen alchemy and mysticism.

>> No.2998530

Try reading real philosophy.

>> No.2998536


>I consider sex a basic need in life, comparable to food and shelter.—Junior male

he's going to be so disappointed when he has sex for the first time

>> No.2998544

They would conclude that I love superheroes, fantasy stories, that I took a literature class in high school (I personally wouldn't have read Hemmingway if I didn't have to and his books stand out like a sore thumb on my bookshelf) and that I'm a religious person, but an open-minded one (I have a Quran, for example). What my bookshelfs don't say is that I'm an amateur sexologist, and I read/look at a lot of different types of porn, but I've been considering going to a porn convention to start a collection of porn comics.

>> No.2998568


>Not real philosophy

Have you paid no attention at all to the past hundred years of philosophy? Not to mention the last two thousand?

If Kierkegaard and Nietzsche were good enough for Heidegger, then they're damn sure 'real' philosophy as far as you're concerned.

>> No.2998581

- 1 teen study bible
- 1 dating for dummies
- 2 shelves of undergrad and grad math texts
- kissinger's diplomacy
- discourse on livy
- some old can-lit books
- jazz fake book in b flat, some intermed. clarinet studies
- 3ed dnd players handbook, dm guide, and monster manual
- 1 world atlas
- 1 star atlas
- 2 shelves comics and manga, quality varies
- 2 huge stacks of scribbled on loose-leaf
- bottom billion
- gulliver's travels

>> No.2998603

Heidegger is a good example of bad philosophy. Kierkegaard had no logical prowess and Nietzsche, well I don't really have a critique of him. I don't know why pseudo-intellectual self proclaimed progressive liberals only concern themselves with Continental philosophy. Pick up some Chomsky, Quine, Russell, Davidson, David Lewis, Kripke, Rawls or Nozick. That is real philosophy and that is what fosters real progress. Philosophy is supposed to be a love of wisdom, not a fucking book club for snobs.

For beginners read the following:



>> No.2998609

>you still in high school? Every book you have is a classic.

>> No.2998616

>logical positivism

come on now

>> No.2998618
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Is bergson good?

>> No.2998619

>not being a neo-thomist

I shigg I digg

>> No.2998622


>> No.2998623

I cannot comment because I have not read any of his work. It would be wrong of me to cast any judgement without reading what is being judged.

>> No.2998629

Quine was not a Positivist. Davidson was not a positivist. Rawls was not a Positivist. Chomsky was not a positivist. Lewis definitely was not a positivist. Kripke was not a positivist. Also, for the majority of Russell's career, he was not a positivist. The only positivist in my last message was Carnap and though Quine demolished the analytic/synthetic distinction, his critiques of meaningless philosophy still hold in the broad extent. What you meant was "analytic philosophy".

>> No.2998633

I am interested in the logic of logic and general meta stuff like that. who/what should I read?

>> No.2998636

I have no idea what you are asking.

>> No.2998637

proof that "logical" people cannot into abstract thought

>> No.2998646

That I was better than them.

>> No.2998648

Oh really? Well I suggest you should read, "Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology" by A. Hatcher if you really think "logical" people cannot partake in abstract thought. Or how about read "The Existence of Countable Totally Nonconstructive Extensions of the Countable Atomless Boolean Algebra" by E. Madison. Do you want philosophy examples? Try reading "Identity Through Time" by Chisholm. Are these not abstract enough for you?

>> No.2998668

I have good taste in literature and a broad field of interest.

>> No.2998676

yep, not abstract enough

>> No.2998679

Give me an example of abstract thought.

>> No.2998680

So did that ph.d n philosophy get you a job?

>> No.2998682


>> No.2998703

Still an undergrad and who said I was a philosophy major?

>> No.2998723

what major are you then?

>> No.2998727

Take a wild guess. There are enough hint's on this thread.

>> No.2998732

pure math

>> No.2998736

We have a winner.

>> No.2998778

Because of variety? Schizos are more prone to obsess in specific themes (not neccesarily specific genres). My uncle was a cardiologist and was obsessed with judaic myths, wich by the way were vary useful for his delusions on the first outburst of the condition and on a later one when he stopped taking medication later.

I am not using this anecdote as proof, just thought it was interesting.

My bookshelf is about 10% medicine, 5% poetry, 5% short stories' anthologies, 25% aesthetics, 15% other philosophy, 20% art books and 20% novels.

>> No.2998781

Tell me, why is Heidegger an example of bad philosophy?

>> No.2998784

Maybe I am, maybe I am. I have a fuck-off large philosophy section bigger than most bookshops' and a collection of novels that seems almost pathetically just those which /lit/ or some similar trendy literature community would recommend. All this is by pure accident, I've never read a book on /lit/'s advice. I'm tempted to try Infinite Jest just for the hell of it now, though.

What books do you have?

>> No.2998786

30% russian lit
20% feel heavy short stories (raymond carver et al)
20% intellectual lit wankery (joyce, wallace, pynchon)
15% nostalgic fantasy (redwall, narnia, etc)
15% philosophy/politics

>> No.2998788

"What an enormous faggot", they would rightly deduce.

>> No.2998790

>500 years of dicks
Publish it.

>> No.2998794
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The horror, the horror.

>> No.2998796

<3 you.

>> No.2998799

None of those are very abstract at all. You could at least drop him in the deep end in set-theory.

>> No.2998835
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already have a cover planned out

>> No.2998843

He writes like a god. If you read him in french, that is.

>> No.2998851

I don't know. I stick to my guns? And my guns shoot confetti and cum.

>> No.2999809

Google says it's from Charles Burns

>> No.2999816

p cool guy, very patrician taste

>> No.2999849

For realz? IN english he's a tougher read than Kant.

>> No.2999871

Because he does not use language properly. He exploits ambiguity in terms. Read what I have referenced. >>2998603

>> No.2999879

If you believe this, then you have no idea what is Topology.

>> No.2999971

Shit..I skimmed over that. You are right, that IS pretty abstract. Complex/obtuse is not the same as abstract, though.

>> No.2999976

How is the Compactness Theorem not abstract? It is relatively the same as the Compactness Theorem in Symbolic Logic. If you do not find that abstract, what the hell do you believe to be abstract?

>> No.3000713

> logical
>philosophy is supposed to be a love of wisdom


okay, buddy.

and how plato, kierkegaard and nietzsche are not real philosophy? seriously...

>> No.3000728

pretentious, pseudo-intellectual young fag.

>> No.3000817

You realise that Heidegger is trying to avoid ambiguity in terms, right? That's why he uses Da-sein, being-in-the-world, the They, the there, the for-the-sake-of-which, etc. He's hammering out odd-sounding terms, and sentences, because what he's writing about hasn't been written about since the Presocratics. If he wrote using the lingo of traditional philosophy, he'd be even more obscure because of the baggage of the terms. Don't forget how odd Aristotle would have sounded to the Greeks, hammering out new ways of saying things because they haven't previously been said. Or even Descartes; video videor (or whatever the latin is), which would have meant "I see that it is seeing to me". People would have thought it odd, but now we have become quite accustomed to the word 'seem'.

Sure Heidegger is ambiguous at times, but he makes sure to note that he's being ambiguous for a very good reason - he's talking about what nobody had talked about before, and he's not even sure that can be talked about in the usual way.

None of this makes him a bad philosopher. If it did, he wouldn't be read. Rather, he's a forward-thinking philosopher, one who can see the flaws in the linguistic turn of analytic philosophy.

>> No.3000819

I have quite a few books on the Nazis on my bookshelf, so I'd hate to know what that means about my psyche.

>> No.3000822


So have I - it means I studied modern history at university.

You're not as edgy as you think.