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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 425x600, 425px-William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_The_Birth_of_Venus_(1879).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2990362 No.2990362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If the first time you heard about David Foster Wallace was on /lit/, then you don't belong on /lit/.

Just sayin', you entry-level babby faggots have ruined the board. Go take that shit to the Online Literature forums and come back in a few years.

Thank you.

>> No.2990364

start another ayn rand thread while you're at it

>> No.2990366

shut the fuck up and stop being a d-bag prick. if people are willing to educate themselves and not say a whole bunch of stupid shit and realize that there are things they don't know, there's no reason they can't post on /lit/. /lit/ is not your super-special private club, man.

>> No.2990363

Why not just pick Vettriano you pleb.

>> No.2990390

I only keep this picture in order to print it out and wipe my ass with it.

>attempting Venus after Boticelli

I'm sorry but I don't understand pleb.

>> No.2990398
File: 111 KB, 800x575, 800px-Tizian_102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only keep this picture in order to print it out and wipe my ass with it.
Bullshit, you know you love it! I bet you even like Dante et Virgile.

>attempting Venus after Boticelli
Plebs don't know about Titian & Velázquez

>> No.2990403

I don't know who David Foster Wallace is.
I mean, I do know what he looks like because I saw that thread where someone came on his picture (was that you OP?)
but I haven't read him because he looked like a neckbeard faggot with cum all over his face and probably writes about spaceships and darkness and despair and gay sex.

Also, fuck you guys, Bouguereau is awesome and anyone who says otherwise is one of those no talent scribbly dot dot dot "that'll do, I'll make up some pseudo philosophical bullshit to explain away why my painting sucks" cunts.

>> No.2990409

>spaceships and darkness and despair and gay sex

if you don't want to read about spaceships and darkness and despair and gay sex get the FUCK out of /lit/ immediately

that's basically all i ever want to read about

>> No.2990410

Puke. Just because something is 400 years old it doesn't mean it's good art. You could find better on bloody deviantart for fuck sake.

>> No.2990414

I bet you have never even been to the Uffizi.

>> No.2990415

>Bouguereau is awesome

This thread is actually the first time I've heard of David Foster Wallace, is he any good???

>> No.2990422


I guess being surrounded with good art would make Venus look better.
Point conceded.

>> No.2990633

I don't know who he is, but I'll still go on /lit/. I won't ever post unless I can contribute without needing any knowledge on the topic (ergo now). See, I'll even google his name. No need to be an ass just because others aren't as well-read.

>> No.2990682

I read a bit of his unfinished novel my dad has. Whoopee for me!

>> No.2990692
File: 436 KB, 750x545, 1347207820271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the first time you heard about Arkady and Boris Strugatsky was on /lit/, then you don't belong on /lit/.

Just sayin', you entry-level babby faggots have ruined the board. Go take that shit to the Maple Story forums and come back in a few years.

Thank you.

>> No.2990703

>Go take that shit to the Online Literature forums and come back in a few years

couldn't do that; you'd miss me too much.

>> No.2990706

You are an asshole of the impurist kind
What you are basically saying is "newfags ruin everything!" ... take it to /b/ faggot.
People come here to learn what like-minded individuals think are good books, so that they might learn to think what is good for themselves
Its basic pedagogy except it comes from a more collective and probably more educated source than most schools and universities
With the exception of you, because you are obviously a master-shitposter

tldr - I would fling my shit at you