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2989678 No.2989678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hi guys, what is a good book for beginners on communism?
>no idea what is communism

>> No.2989680

try The Communist Manifesto

>> No.2989684
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Uhm. I don't know.

Maybe like. . .
Read the manifesto dude?

>> No.2989691

They've got a Manifesto bro.

>> No.2989716
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Read Ayn Rand.
Then do the opposite.

>> No.2989734

german ideology > wiki article on communism > communist manifesto

>> No.2989753


>> No.2989754

Das Kapital

>> No.2989770

Darkness at Noon

Bunch of faggots giving you the manifesto like communism is feasible and not a complete evil in the face of God.

>> No.2989775

Fucking babby's first Stalism v.s. Marxism encounter.

OP stick with Marxism

>> No.2989778

Stalinism. . .

>> No.2989782

The Gulag Archipelago OP. Shows you that Communism only results in the blood of the worker being spilled for the ego and vanity of "vanguard"

Look at this cockmuncher, thinking there is a difference between the two.

>> No.2989784
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>> No.2989785


adopt a trip please so that i can block you

>> No.2989786

Looking at this undergrad dropout. Never read Das Kapital or Hegel just has republican parents.

>> No.2989796

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich OP. Shows you that liberalism without free markets results in slavery.

Look at this auto-fellating sperm sucker. Show me a Marxist success story and I'll show you an impoverished nation.

>> No.2989816

Show me deductively how Marxism, out of pure logical necessity, resorts to poverty.

>> No.2989820

OP, keep in mind that the Manifesto was made to be easy-readable. Don't go bashing on it.
>show me one Marxist success story
>social rights in all fucking Europe.

Here it is, anon.

>> No.2989822

>system that requires an absolute authority
>absolute power etc.
>corrupted authority takes all wealth for itself
>none left for masses
>poverty created

>> No.2989831

Yeah because all economic systems different from the capitalist one are undemocratic and all the officials are unelected and so on. Good luck with that. Do you even theory?

>> No.2989838

Out of pretty much everything I could point out, this is my little green text:
>amerifag mistaking economical with political regimes.

Seriously anon? I thought this was a literature board.

>> No.2989842


Platitudes are not logic.

>> No.2989847

well this thread is really informative
glad to see murrica is still producing well-rounded, intelligent, eloquent youngsters


>> No.2989852

>getting marxism confused with stalinism...again

>> No.2989856
File: 131 KB, 412x600, 412px-Is_this_tomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that what they put in posters is not true? Why would they lie to us, are you retarded?

>not true

pick one faggot

>> No.2989878

the ragged trousered philanthropists. pretty much the communist manifesto with a storyline

>> No.2989886

How does communism deal with the idea of greed?

Like, shit's never gonna be equal, 'cause the fat guy making chocolates is always going to pocket an extra one for himself, fuck the collective.

>> No.2989901

I think the abstract idea was that because classes were abolished class ambitions would disappear as well. Or at least the first class to show up independent of the masses was gonna get beat to pulp.

Marx had some funny ideas about this

>> No.2989904

you're sufferin' from false consciousness son

>> No.2989928

One hundred people locked in a room with one large pizza to divide amongst the group per day. >0.08 slices per person
>Everyone dies

>> No.2989930

I'd actually recommend Andrew Heywood's Political Ideologies as a terrific and unbiased introduction to all the major philosophies, including communism. It should give you a brief outline of of Socialism in general, Marxism (both philosophy and ideology), and Stalinist communism.

The reason I recommend this as a starter and not something entirely devoted to the subject of communism is because this book also briefly examines the other major political ideologies that influenced communism and socialism as a whole. It gives a clear intro to the wider political landscape of the last few centuries. I think that' the best way to get into the subject.

I read this as a uni text book after another of heywood's works, Political Theory.

>> No.2989933


the thinnest people die first and then the fatsos can evenly divide the manflesh amongst themselves in order to survive.

>> No.2989935

Yeah that's a microcosm and is not properly representative of society at large. Anyways, they died because there were insufficient resources. Also, get your facts strait is Marxism collectivist or totalitarian. Pick one.

>> No.2989941

Marx-Engles reader 2nd edition is far superior, if only if it actually deals directly with communism

>> No.2989964

why be a doctor when I can be a trashman and have equal living conditions? do you really think people will be motivated to work for 1st place ribbons?

>> No.2989976

I see op isn't the only one who isn't familiar with communism.

At least he's making the effort to change that.

All this confusion, my god. I thought it was only /pol/ who spouted things such as, 'every time communism was tried it led to mass murder'.

>> No.2989991

Why do you think a Marxist state would give everyone the same wage? The Soviet Union certainly didn't.

>> No.2989997

The fact being that anything which grows large in nature and meets a lot of resistance requires quite of a fair bit of murdering before people begin to realize how friendly you are.

>> No.2990006

communism can't work if not everyone agrees to it, hence the mass murders.


>> No.2990016

Agreed. Way lot of idiots bringing high-school-smart-guy critiques of communism / socialism in this thread (high-school-smart-guy critiques of communism/socialism are all rl dumb)

not even a communist but there's some seriously reductive arguments here that just evince so little understanding of communism