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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 230x284, Check_your_Privelege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2987262 No.2987262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The last author, poet, or philosopher that you read now has an internet blog - Tumblr, Facebook page, etc. - and is an insufferable, stereotypical teenager. What do they talk about, and how?

Picture related:
>"OMG, every1 around me is zooooo shallow - you don't NEED anything!"
>"we are slaves to consumer culture, this is worse than slavery of black people (no offense!)"
>"reblog this if youve ever felt at one with the trees and the stars and the beans around you!"

>> No.2987268
File: 34 KB, 402x402, JD-Salinger-9470070-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty, even if they're not much to look at, or even if they're sort of stupid, you fall in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. Girls. Jesus Christ. They can drive you crazy. They really can.

>> No.2987274


>I'm not even kidding.

>> No.2987277

Don't know the first. Second is BEE. Third is Hesse.
These are too generic, I think I'm right, but they could be a lot of people.

I giggled a bit.

>> No.2987280
File: 35 KB, 448x293, Whitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writes songs instead of poetry
>Is more or less Bon Iver
>Every girl is wet for Walt Whitman

I'm not sure if I'm upset about this or not.

I think all three were Thoreau. At least, the reference to beans in the third one makes that likely.

>> No.2987285

Oh christ i am so stupid, didn't even bother to consider the picture

>> No.2987299
File: 85 KB, 400x400, JDS SML.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2987305

Virginia Woolf would have a melancholic and sentimental tumblr with which she'd reblog pale, mistily lit images of women standing around ruggedly beautiful landscapes.

There'd also be gifs of film dialogue pertaining to the sadness of time's passage.

>> No.2987316

I know someone like this. The only things she has on her Tumblr are pictures of naked women, misty landscapes, ballerinas, and flowers. It's the worst thing; no qualifier, the worst.

The last thing I read was Groucho Marx's biography:
>Only web presence is a quote:
>"I wouldn't want to belong to any social network that would have me as a member."

>> No.2987320
File: 13 KB, 160x200, plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really gonna do it today guys im not joking

>> No.2987324


post tits first

>> No.2987334

We need a shop of that, good god almighty.
>Camera phone picture with head in oven
>"Female College Freshman likes this."
>Anne Sexton in comments encouraging her

>> No.2987341

Sei Shounagon's blog is about gossip, tales of all the dudes she's had sex with and sucking up to her social superiors, which is exactly the same as her Pillow Book.

>> No.2987356
File: 20 KB, 248x314, 248px-Ezra_Pound_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ezra Pound uses his facebook to rant nonstop about his opinions on politics, and continually praising Confucius. Most of his friends just ignore the posts.

He'd also probably browse /pol/.