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2981673 No.2981673 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The first line of one of your own shirt stories/ novels/ anything fictional you've written.

"The world is ending again."

>> No.2981681

edgy as fuck

>> No.2981683

Fucky as edge

>> No.2981684

'Welcome to the cleanest borough of London' read the side of the bus as it flattened another discarded coke can on the road.

>it needs some work

>> No.2981690

The coffee was always good.

>> No.2981699

With at least eight meters between himself and the woman walking behind him, Malcolm decided it was safe to fart.

>> No.2981704

>Our children's children are full of shit.

>> No.2981707

"I scavenged my first dream when I was 13."

>> No.2981712

In late April, after returning home from visiting his wife's grave and eating a slice of lemon meringue pie, Harvey Eckley sat down in his worn recliner and smeared his brains and lifeblood across his ceiling with his shotgun.

>> No.2981719

Corben James was dying, and there was nothing he could do about it.

>> No.2981722

More edginess, just what we need here.

>shirt stories

"I rolled and rolled, a the water crashed down all around me, as I looked down I saw that I had tinged the water red and was immediately aware it was flowing quickly."
"Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have washed my red shirt with my white undies"

>> No.2981725

The doctor put down his suitcase and waxed his whiskers back.

>> No.2981726

"My bangs tickled my nose as a warm breeze crossed my path."

>> No.2981728
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>Corben James was dying

>> No.2981736

God that sounds dumb and cliche. Also, don't start your story with names, unless its
>Call me Ishmael

>> No.2981752

>Also, don't start your story with names, unless its

Said some kid on 4chan earlier. Now here's Trish with the weather.

>> No.2981757

“And IF I say I want inside you, it’s because there’s nothing on the surface, but the popsicles around you coming out from all your features for me to take.”
-Excerpt from a love letter from Lenny Krevitz to a girl.

>> No.2981769

"The starless night spread over the village like a blanket carelessly thrown there by some higher being"

(I have never gotten past like half a page because it was just trying shit out and I'm too stupid to even finish a short story)
(this is a translation, english is not my native language)

>> No.2981772

"The shock played across his face like marinates on a stage; swaying to and fro in an endless waltz between guilt, self-loathing, and excitement."

>> No.2981773


>> No.2981774

When I decided to murder my wife, I knew that I had to be careful.

>> No.2981778

As I withdrew my hot,dripping penis from the cold body of the dead squid,the priest chuckled softly,and said...

>> No.2981784


you guys

>> No.2981788



you wanker.

>> No.2981796

"We profit from the best in mankind, kindness and trust".

>> No.2981797


commenting on edginess is now equivocal with edginess, why was I not informed?

>> No.2981799

unless you top that in edginess later this seems like a bad way to start a book, everything after is going to be a disappointment

>> No.2981812

"OMG no way!" She tweeted.

>> No.2981813

Zeln is an interesting land and it has been my great fortune to watch it develop over this past millennium- if "fortune" somehow implied the phrase "mindnumbing boredom".

It's a work in progress.

>> No.2981819

a modern day remake of "Murder, She Wrote" where a popular blogger aids the cops in solving murders called "Murder, She Tweeted" should be made

>> No.2981833

"They had gotten off the train too soon, and had to walk the rest of the way into the town. "

i am writing a Steinbeck homage

>> No.2981842

"Manny Pacquiao looked sadly at the sun going down"

it is a "parody" of a "Tao Lin" short.

>> No.2981856

(OH COOL) ad infinitum!

I'm the edgiest person of edginess.

>> No.2981866

He walked out from the sanctuary of the door. The crisp enevelope held tightly to his chest...

>> No.2981874

ugh no dots plus wtf a door or a sanctuary? safety would work better imo.

>> No.2981891

"That's a nice shirt," she said.

>> No.2981933

The mirror reflected an image that wasn't mine, and it was hot.

>It's smut

>> No.2981941

Not a native speaker, so it's just a shitty translation (grammatical mistakes incoming):
>"Gardener was about to finish tending the last row of roses. Black Baccara, with petals like crystallized bloody tears, he considered them to be a real treasure and kept at the rear end of his almost-too-modest rosarium, far away from occasional glance of a by passer."

>> No.2981956

In a society where fear is proportional to reverence, everyone who knew him was afraid.

>> No.2981959

Please never give criticism again. No "dots"? They're called ellipses. There is no reason to purposely exclude them given the limited context of what he wrote. Though I agree that "sanctuary" is a little purple in that context.

>> No.2981969
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The night of the John Abbott open house had arrived and Aubrey was standing in the middle of the crowded school library by one of many booths, as a representative of his program.

>on a scale from 1 to 10, how cliché?

>> No.2981988

There doesn't need to be a comma after booths. Honestly, it's hard to rate an excerpt without knowing its purpose.

>> No.2981998
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>BANG, the universe has started. did you see, life form? it wasn't that hard

>> No.2982022

It all started when I found out that my housemate had died in her sleep

>> No.2982073


That actually happened to me. She came home pissed up, banged her head on the wall above the bed, dies of a haematoma or whatnot in her sleep.

That wasn't a fun weekend, I can assure you.

>> No.2982076
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I'd read this.

>> No.2982077

i might read this. I like the tone. moar?

>> No.2982080

Should be
>I decided to be incredibly blasé about my wife's murder.

>> No.2982083

We were somewhere around Bristol, on the edge of the motorway, when my trousers exploded.

>> No.2982086

i disagree. I think the dots are silly in the context. To me that is a reason. So only part of my opinion is valid, the part that you agree with? stfu.

>> No.2982096

Downstairs, Meatball Mulligan's lease-breaking party was moving into its 40th hour.

>> No.2982109

"The events in my life, of this day which has happened, will be put on this page in the time they occurred."

>> No.2982122

>It all started when
At least you didn't use "Once upon a time"

>> No.2982128

Stretch the fabric, remove the creases: it all seemed so simple, yet I had not foreseen the reaction of the hot iron with the delicate material. I should have read the care lable, but then life has no care lable.

>> No.2982140

sounds interesting

>> No.2982147

There are many places that someone with my particular affliction can go, but this certainly wasn't one of them.

>> No.2982151

"I love to talk about my novel, but I hate the act of writing it."

>> No.2982152

It's hard to believe I once thought myself a clever man.

>> No.2982154

Story of my life.

>> No.2982160

The night was moist.

>> No.2982166

But despite my best efforts, she was not.

>> No.2982170

If it wasn't a joke opening, it'd be about a half-asian working in the family dry cleaning business rediscovering or coming to terms with the different cultural values at some key point in their life. The kind of book that would have a made for TV film directed by Wayne Wang.

>> No.2982195

The Machine goes ever on

>> No.2982205

First day of classes and the US Marine knew he would hate this school when he realized his professors included a gay man, a Jew, and a black woman.

>> No.2982207

First line and I can already tell that /pol/ would adore this.

>> No.2982212

All the living sons of father's daughters made them homeward with a shrug.

>> No.2982219

I am the slut of an animal.

>> No.2982234

Caught like a marionette in the strobes, the young front-man leaps from the stage into the seething crowd.

>> No.2982235
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Well now. At least you changed enough to not be sued for plagiarism.

Lets all join in on the fun!

We were somewhere around X, on the edge of Y, when Z.

>> No.2982239

A bell is ringing, in the darkness under the ground.

>> No.2982240


>We were somewhere around Thompson country, on the edge of plagiarism, when the thought of being sued and accused a hack occurred to me.

>> No.2982247

A bird lands on top of a white mountain, fifty hours to the coming of a storm.

>> No.2982274

"I FUCKING GOT SHIT ALL OVER MY FUCKING DICK, HOLY FUCKING SHIT," whispered William into my stodgy little earhole.

It's a werg in progress. :) LOL ;)

>> No.2982281

Shoulders hunched, eyes narrowed in a scolding gaze, Odath lurched forward across the rocky plateau, dragging behind a sword that scraped the earth menacingly.

>> No.2982286
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>> No.2982287

Egad! Jim Theis is returned to us!

>> No.2982290


I never said it was any good! Though if I could capture half his fame i'd monetize the hell out of it.

>> No.2982291

"This is Phil talking."

Name the source, win a prize.

>> No.2982294


> Odath dragged his sword over the rocks.

>> No.2982296

>"This is Phil talking."
I hate 80s synth pop.

>> No.2982297

Goku's gaze sharpened, his muscles pulsed with purpose: this bus was going to Namek. The sides of the vehicle gave way under Goku's impossible jouissance as his seizing, turgid body fucked its way to the center console. The driver protested this development by way of acute hematamesis, but Goku was having none of it. "No," he said, "I'm Goku".

>> No.2982301

Not a good enough answer, but thanks for trying.

>> No.2982304

>good enough
It's the only appropriate answer.

>> No.2982305

>"This is Phil talking."

Love Action. What's my prize.

I'm hoping that my prize is not love action

>> No.2982307
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>> No.2982315

Let's separate the men from the boys.

Post the LAST line of something you've written. Doesn't count if it's unfinished.

>> No.2982318

You know you're starting to get paranoid when the smoke of your cigar doesn't come out in bubbles.

>> No.2982321

Wiping the shit from his dick and rubbing it upon his upper lip give him the appearance of a shit mustachioed Robert Goulet, William shouted "I LOVE THE TASTE OF SHIT."

The End

>> No.2982323

It crashed down, sending wretches and rulers to the abyss.

>> No.2982324

I want to read the rest of this

>> No.2982325
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You win One Internet

>> No.2982327

The dots show that the text continues. Nothing more

>> No.2982328

"This is what Richard thought it would be like: rebirth."

>> No.2982330


First line:

Last line:
Life flapped on, drunk with angry hunger, and as stubborn as the echoes of a bell, underground.

>> No.2982336

"The reading ended, and we rose to sing another hymn, one we didn't know."

Context: The two main characters are at a funeral for a third character

>> No.2982344

>scraped the earth menacingly.
How is that possible to scrape something menacingly?

>> No.2982343


I find good last lines very rarely make any sense out of context, or seem completely unremarkable, because when they're good, they eponymize everything the text has been about, in a way that's so in-grained it doesn't make sense if you haven't read the text.

Consider Lord of the Rings:

> "Well, I'm home," he said.

Consider the last line of the prologue to Underworld:

> "It is all falling indelibly into the past."

Consider the last line of Dhalgren:

> "I am going forth to--"

Or Gormenghast:

> Titus rode out of his world.

>> No.2982347

It was a nice spot. She could easily see the neon sphere hovering over her.

It still needs work. I don't know if I should take "easily" and "her" out or not.

>> No.2982354


> It was a nice spot: she had a good view of the neon sphere, hovering overhead.

Or change "overhead" to "above," if more applicable. Like if it's not actually over her head, but is three hundred feet in the air or something.

>> No.2982353


Adverbs are usually bad because they lack force. I think "She could see the red neon orb hovering overhead." (or blue neon, whatever.)


should be 'menacing noise' or something, you're right there.

>> No.2982359
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>> No.2982362

>I don't know if I should take "easily" and "her" out or not.
Definitely. "Nice spot" already implies that she had a good view

>> No.2982376


Thank you. I'll stay away from adverbs. Also it's pink.

>> No.2982378

I love that line. There's something awfully Fitzgeraldesque about it.

>> No.2982384
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They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over. To make any kind of sense of it, I need to go back three years. Back to the night the pain started.

>> No.2982393


You don't have to avoid adverbs like they're the plague, but use them sparingly, where needed.

Like if you have "ran quickly," obviously that should be "sprinted."

But sometimes there are actions you need to describe a specific way, for which we just don't have a single word. In which case "He sprinted drunkenly," is a preferred alternative to "He sprinted as fast as he could, but it looked weird because he was also drunk."

>> No.2982396


For a second I thought this was in response to the "last line" post, and I was about to say it's not bad.

>> No.2982398
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>> No.2982400
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I had a dream of my wife. She was dead, but it was all right.

>> No.2982405

"The smell of sea air filled Azreal's lungs are he walked out onto the drydock."

>> No.2982412


Maybe drop "smell of".

>> No.2982422

I guess so, the "smell of" bit does seem a bit unecessary with hindsight.

>> No.2982424

>filled lungs
Wat. I used to think we smell things with our noses.

>> No.2982427

I couldn't hear him, his heavy breathing, over the clapping of my labia as he throttled his frothy dick back and forth in between my wholesome cunt--he wasn't going in and out but side to side over my mommy-hole, slapping my fleshy divide and causing my dick dock to clap around excitedly.

>> No.2982429
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''DOOM all caps man, DOOM all caps!," George told his brother.
My book is terrible.

>> No.2982431

As I approached my stop the usual nervousness set in.

>> No.2982440

John had his midlife crisis at fifteen, fifteen years ago.

>> No.2982450


I like both of those.

>> No.2982456


The overall intent of the sentence is good, we all know you can't smell with your lungs.

The words are meant to paint a creature in your mind, not be taken literally.

That phrase is used in many books and stories, though technically I guess it's off. How about "he ran like a soaring eagle, throwing off the leg braces that had kept him from walking."

"Tomlin breathed in the sweet scent of easter ham."

"With dirt clods in his shoulder blades, Henry shut his eyes and filled his lungs with the scent of his old leather glove"

>> No.2982467


Just think of it like frames of perception. You want as few walls between the reader and what's happening as possible. Always try to reduce to the most effective language possible.

> John felt the vibrations vibrating the bones of his head, every time the guns in the courtyard went off.

Reduces to

> The vibrations rattled John's head, every time the guns in the courtyard went off.

Reduces to

> There was gunfire going off in the courtyard. John could hear it in his teeth.

Which is not particularly good, because I wrote it in about twelve seconds, but you get what I mean. At any rate, it's better than the first one.

>> No.2982470

I see, so should I try to do this everywhere? or is there any circumstance in which more purpley prose is a good thing?

>> No.2982472


Well you should always try to write as succinctly as possible, but that doesn't mean you can't write nice florid prose.

All it means is that every word of that florid prose should be dense with visual imagery.

>> No.2982477

"Thomas was an ordinary man in every sense of the word."

>> No.2982479
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Thank you, you've given me a lot to think about.

>> No.2982480


Like there's nothing wrong with slowing down to describe the way the sun falls on a flower. But what's better -- ten pages of the sun falling on a flower, or one really good paragraph that distills ten pages' worth of visual concepts down to three sentences, every word of which is so carefully selected that the paragraph is practically bursting at the seams?

>> No.2982482


>> No.2982484


The boy's shoes dug into the earth as he jumped over the fence, running through the field with terrific haste.

>> No.2982488
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No problem.

Just read many different styles of writing, and compare them. Go read a floridly-written fantasy novel, and then compare the prose to a taut suspense thriller.

>> No.2982491


I just wanted to add verbs are a good way to attack that problem too.

Like "His bones rattled with each blast of thundering cannon."

Or just go bare bones. "Tooth and claw slammed into the hunter, cutting, ripping at him."

Guess it depends on the style.

>> No.2982498


Absolutely. You could write something like, "Gunfire from the courtyard echoed in John's teeth." Or reverse it to "John's teeth echoed gunfire from the courtyard," depending on which way the perspective of the story is moving.

>> No.2982690

I woke groggily from the induced sleep, barely aware as the anesthetics slowly wore off.

>1 is least, 10 is most, how shitty?

>> No.2982697


Needlessly repetitive. If you're going for a simple opening just use "I woke, groggy from the anesthetics."

>> No.2982699


>> No.2982700

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit

>> No.2982704

-10/10 worst shit ever go fuck yourself you'll never be an author

>> No.2982705

"Everything in hell is beige."

>> No.2982709

I already posted my beginning, but I haven't reached the end. So I'll make one up on the fly.

>He sighed as the tires tore across the gravel, leaving him dreadfully alone as the man disappeared behind a cloud of dust.

>> No.2982713

needs moar dictionary, you mean "marionettes"

sheesh, is this the level of literati that hangs out on 4chan?

>> No.2982715

"He was extremely upset that somebody would come into his sanctuary and ruin his good mood."

>> No.2982716

first good one in the whole thread

>> No.2982718

lol, right-wing fanfic? go shoot up a sikh temple you dork

>> No.2982745 [DELETED] 

A short story I finished yesterday.

First line: Hazel was born in the early nineties, and he would die in the year 2016.

Last line: She is thinking that someone who is capable of acting on such ridiculous emotional impulses such as suicide is without a doubt still a child, and she picks up the knife and uses the blade to saw off the length of her hair before she falls asleep nude in the blood-stained bathtub.

As you can tell, it's terrible.

>> No.2982752

"The miasma of grumbling murmur and the peripheral heat of palm against cheek pull me further away from a near-dead dreamless catatonia."

First draft, please don't hurt me.

>> No.2982763

Extraordinarily tryhard.

Probably the most tryhard sentence I've ever read.

>> No.2982766

Murial. There I've said it. Murial 'the mosaic master-piece' Thompson.

>> No.2982776

In the bush I found a sizable radio. It was in a brown beer box covered by a yellow raincoat.

>> No.2982781

That was two sentences you fucking subhuman.

>> No.2982782

Probably a troll but if not..

Descriptive words of that class are like sugar. You've just waltzed into a cake club, poured out a sack of white sugar on the floor and said "please don't be mean this is my first time baking a cake"

>> No.2982786

hey bro


hey bro listen

hey bro over here


no come closer this message is just for you

hey listen

you're a cool guy

but this is just a message board



catch ya l8ter!

>> No.2982789


>> No.2982791


"The clamour surrounding me and the sense of my hand on my cheek awake me from a dreamless sleep." ?

It sounds more redundant than the first one. I'm not sure how to write this without it sounding simple or needless.

>> No.2982795


Better :)


The clamour surrounding me and a hand on my cheek awoke me.

>> No.2982797

Although there are still two 'me's.

>> No.2982799

was the guy saying it a bear-class gay warrior with a massive beard that had braids in it?

>> No.2982805

"I swallowed my mouthful of half chewed prunes and wrapped my lips around his penis."

>> No.2982818


If it helps at all I was trying to capture that feeling you have in those first few moments after falling asleep in class where you don't know wtf is going on and your senses are all muddled.

"The surrounding clamour and sense of a head in my hand becomes clearer as I come to from a dreamless sleep."

But now that sounds like my character just decapitated a bitch in a psychotic fugue, to me anyway.

>> No.2982822

and that would make for a better story

>> No.2982823

The shape of Eleanor’s eye occurs to Jill as two semi-circles intertwined, each sweeping through the other’s center.

>> No.2982827


Did Jill have a concussion?

>> No.2982835


She's incredibly insane, but it's also supposed to be an allusion to vesica piscis, because Eleanor is lying on her side.

>> No.2982840

it's a children's story but here goes.

"Jane licked a dick
Dick dicked a chick
Spot frotted Dot
Duck assfucked in a truck"

>> No.2982841

As the burning city unfolded below him, he held his machinegun and grimaced at what he was about to do. But he knew he would do it, because he was the elitist of the elite.

>> No.2982844

Holy shit. Keep your hands where I can see them and step away from the thesaurus, son. Or at the very least get one that doesn't equate 'sleep' with 'catatonia'.

>> No.2982848

I started out groaning inside, but that ending made me authentically lol. Nicely played.

>> No.2982850

>I'm not sure how to write this without it sounding simple or needless
Then you probably don't need it in the story at all.

>> No.2982851


B-but I didn't use a theasarus... and the character is a catatonic schizophrenic!. I-I thought it might be f-foreshadowing....

>> No.2983410

At this time it fell out that a brazenlockt damsel grieved because that Puppette her minion was ravisht of her by the ogre Puropeus Pious.

>> No.2983412

"Another humid Tuesday afternoon had Laureen face deep in her fridge digging for a cola."

>> No.2983427

kind of intrigued by this one, but i would rather use "refrigerator" as opposed to fridge. just a suggestion; i think it flows better and suits the tone more, at least the tone of that one sentence.

>> No.2983438

Thank you.
Perhaps your right, 'refrigerator' would of been more effective over all. I might change it since the short story I wrote chuck full of run-on, which I do have a bad habit of.

>> No.2983444

Before I begin, I should tell you; everyone's going to die, and it will be neither for edge nor shock value.

>> No.2983449

"We eat bread here."

>> No.2983455

sounds pretentious

>> No.2983464

>Leaves rustling in a faint wind that blew in from the sea, smelling like fading summer, light pouring in through gaps in the forest canopy, the twitter of a particularly persistent crimsonling that nested somewhere on that slope – all these things were conspiring together to nab Marceline's concentration and make off with it for the land of naps.

>> No.2983479
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>"The world is ending again."

I kinda like this. Guess I don't know good writing.
Poor me.

>> No.2983482

It was the moment he forgot his fathers face.

>> No.2983485

I like it as well. It's not the best in the thread but it's cool.

>> No.2983499

There are a lot of ways to play that phrase. I'm not sure how good a story OP's would be, but I feel like it would swell writing prompt.

you could go with:
-grand and cosmic, big crunch to big bang over and over again interpretation
-weird surreal. A world which ends regularly and the people are all seemlessly transferred to a new strange world again and again.
-teenage girl drama. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!
-blase tv-show style apocalypse of the week.
Or you could play it in some other figurative way.

>> No.2983501

>The soundtrack had been the hardest part - he'd had to put it together from several different tapes, in several different stages of decay.

>> No.2983518

You's are sure you's are wanting to be doing this?

>> No.2983531

They had the entirety of the first floor carpet-bombed; one could tell from a distance by the acrid stench.

>> No.2983550

It was at precisely times like these that it occurred to Keith just how dangerously edgy he was, and he consigned a note to the towering annals of his mind to be more careful in future.

>> No.2983553

Seriously, when did 'edgy' become such a buzzword?

>> No.2983561

I use it ironically.

>> No.2983565

about 10 years after it was a relevant criticism.

>> No.2983567

bah, I use "irony" post-ironically

>> No.2983568

When exactly is 10 years after never? My knowledge on this particular subject is lacking.

>> No.2983580

God almighty. You get two adjectives and so unusual synonyms from here on in, son.

>> No.2983581

So = two

I don't know how I messed that up...

>> No.2983589

All across the province, low-born thugs, hairy, unwashed to a man, with sloped foreheads and conjoined eyebrows, with far more missing teeth than any decent member of the public naturally has - and no respect for either Law or Gods - are saddling their horses and putting on their sword belts.

>> No.2983590


I absolutely despise James Cordon, and I don't know why. I think it's his face. His cunty fucking face. That stupid smirk, and the fat fucking cheeks and multiple fucking chins. God, I hate that cunt.

>> No.2983592

That would be a pretty good opening, actually.

>> No.2983595


I was just thinking that as I was writing it.

>> No.2983660

here's something from a story I've been playing with for awhile, but since I'm just a dabbler I haven't gotten very far:

I've always thought that there are three sides to every picture. There is the field, that which is captured. There is the person behind the lens, who chooses to capture it. And there is the remainder, the thing half-captured but not chosen, hidden behind the photographer's intent.

>> No.2983692
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Directed by Chrisopher Nolan.

>> No.2983697

Sounds pretentious and try hard. For such a large amount of words, you manage to say very little really.

>> No.2983702

Its the opening statement given by a retired old philosopher who had been working as an applied ethicist for a corporation as a sort of subjectivist sophist.

>> No.2983707

In the context it sounds marginally less retarded.

>> No.2983715


>> No.2983716

no philosopher, no matter how old and senile, would say something so poorly thought out and constructed.

>> No.2983721

Not even, Singer?

>> No.2983726

ITT: word salad

>> No.2983732


I swear I've seen this guy post in a thread like this before with the same line. Am I imagining things?

>> No.2983737

Call me, Ishy-kun

>> No.2983838


>> No.2984105

Slithering back from the swamp, the near-death wreck of a body prevailed.

>> No.2984128

False hope is the rickety cradle of ignorance, in which the poor lay their heads and sleep for eternity.

>> No.2984168

Hahaha, try harder and you'll implode. It's not even good.

>> No.2984175

>try harder
>mfw I just typed out in 3 seconds the first ridiculous sentence that came to my head and then clicked 'send'.

>> No.2984189

that feel when crawling into a fresh made bed on a crisp fall night w/ the window open

>> No.2984207

I hope so, because it could easily be written by an adolescent thinking s/he is "saying something meaningful." (Dismayed laughter.) Indeed that is what I initially thought. Also, that comma is unnecessary if not grammatically incorrect.

>> No.2984216

She felt him jerking and quivering inside.

>> No.2984218


>> No.2984232

The scientists watched as Pluto slowly disappeared beneath the sinewy black shadows that ran across its surface.

>Wordy, I know. Hell of a thing to try editing, though

>> No.2984243 [DELETED] 

Do the scientists really mentioning in that very first sentence?

"Pluto slowly disappeared beneath sinewy black shadows running across its surface."

>> No.2984245

Do the scientists really need mentioning in that very first sentence?

"Pluto slowly disappeared beneath sinewy black shadows running across its surface."

>> No.2984255

Ayn Rand awoke from her government regulated eight hours of slumber, sat upright in bed, and moaned in ecstasy as she spread her sopping wet pussy lips with two withered fingers.

>> No.2984262

As I sip away my fourth tankard of the finest Irish stout I could find in this godforsaken town, I glance indifferently towards the window.

>> No.2984265

I love the first part of the sentence, before the first comma. Make the second half wittier, for your readers (/me).

>> No.2984266

Why them bitches always trying get my cock, tyrone?

>> No.2984267


>> No.2984276 [DELETED] 

But the character is dead inside!

In any case, thanks, it still needs work - you did tell.

>> No.2984278


I love that.

>> No.2984280

At least he shits his pants later on.

>> No.2984287

Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of recent footprints.

Am I a writer yet?

>> No.2984290

"I shared my inattention between the window and my fourth tankard of the least horrible Irish stout I could find in this godforsaken town."

>> No.2984291

I hope I still have potatoes.

>> No.2984294

Though to be fair it still sounds fucking juvenile.

>> No.2984298

"So when I was twelve years old my parents died in a car accident, which sounds all horrible and tragic until you realize that it was in the middle of an attempted insurance scam."

I'm not very good at this am I?

>> No.2984303

But it'd be good if it were a novel written from the perspective of someone who is horribly fucking juvenile, but I can't imagine that was the case.

>> No.2984306

Rowans bloomed Paul's summer.

>> No.2984308

It's a work long abandoned for I indeed were very juvenile back then.

I'm improving.

>> No.2984313

>for I indeed were very juvenile back then
Looks like you've still got a lotimproving to do.

>> No.2984319

>got a lotimproving
Well, that was a retarded attempt to be witty. Fuck my life.

>> No.2984321

Lose the " in a car accident which sounds all horrible and tragic until you realize that it was"

>> No.2984323

Don't take everything so seriously, breh.

Besides, I was being poetic as fuck.

>> No.2984339

The watchdog was asleep again.

>> No.2984416

Deep in the Scottish high-lands, a young man trudged through the thick snow, pulling his scarf up further around his face to protect his fine features from the biting chill.

>> No.2984431

“I’m just out to get some milk, I’ll be back in a moment.”

>> No.2984461
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>> No.2984485
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Throughout my teenage years I managed to swim with dolphins, eat shark, fall in and out of love, travel for five days across the Kenyan plains to see the beauty of an elephant in it's natural environment, stand on a mountain in Peru to witness our galaxy arc across the night sky, but the first time in my life that I have truly felt alive was in an aircraft hanger with Hanah; MDMA coursing through our veins, 90s Trance pumping through our stobe-lit ears, and the world with all its sanctioned formalities and concrete corporations melting away into grey puddles to leave our present moment of perspiration, naked flesh, and glo-stick kisses as the most important event in the universe.

>> No.2984578

"Crikey" he said, "that was a big one, I don't think I've spanged like that since I was ten and I had a wank upside down onto my own bonce". He stood up, with a mcflurry of his own spaff trinkling down his trouser leg and went to make some tea for Mrs. Miggworthy next door.

>> No.2984590
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>a mcflurry of his own spaff

>> No.2984595
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>Mrs. Miggworthy

>> No.2984600

"Your Lens, or your life." Those words were more threatening than the barrel of the gun being pressed against her spine.

>> No.2984610

leave it out mate i've just lost a pint of blood

>> No.2984630

>The seats were cramped together, the belts were too tight-I felt like I was sitting so close to my father that whenever he breathed in my direction, I could recite the meals he had eaten over the past few days.

First line of my personal statement for college applications. It was about my first time I was on an airplane (I was applying for aerospace engineering). Was good enough for UCSD.

>> No.2985711

But if the gun barrel was less threatening than the words, why even have a gun? Surely the gun was there to force complicity with the words. The words wouldn't be very worrisome if the "or your life" ultimatum wasn't being enforced.

>> No.2985733

The door ajar before me was one of twelve others in a hallway, each one and the walls between them a cold hospital white.

>> No.2985737

A voice came through the open door: Come in! But I had expected something less inviting and hesitated.

>> No.2985741

The only one I remember was a quick write I did two years ago. It was "I can't even watch the same porn anymore"

>> No.2985743

It's Christmas in Kandahar.

>> No.2986111

Jeremy M. was the name on the card at the foot of the bed.

>> No.2986116

Henry hated his name.

>> No.2986128

Upside-down hanukah?

>> No.2986130

I thought his Ma had cancer or something, but mine said ''No, Conor. She's not WELL.''

>> No.2986143



>> No.2986212

I never did get over the fact that when the world ended, it wasn't a dark, stormy night full of ill omens and other stereotypically spooky shit; in point of fact, it was a rather pleasant afternoon in April.

>> No.2986236 [DELETED] 

I like this one. Quite a lot, actually.

>> No.2986242

I like this one.

>> No.2986249
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It’s just that time of day, where the red sun drips through spotted leaves and the air cools a small breeze.


>> No.2986297

Lloyd had never been an easy sleeper, convinced as he was that to be a legitimate artist, one had to forsake such things as sleep in favor of creation; however upon awakening it became obvious to him that his restlessness wasn't so much caused by his lifestyle as by the god that he was apparently sharing his mind with.

>> No.2986327

"Sir, how much would you like to withdraw?", her disapproving look and bloodshot eyes felt like my mothers, fuck, I hate banks.

>> No.2986331

An invasive clarity claims the evening, Dylan was not going to murder his family tonight.

>> No.2986365

Staring into the filthy mirror of a Waffle House bathroom, Kelly Blankenbeckly was by anyone's standards hideous; his stomach looking bloated and distended hanging past the Tazmanian Devil themed sweat pants, picking out pieces of waffle from his unkempt beard that grew mostly on his neck.

>> No.2986398

"Crusty Cum stains cost extra!" yelled the irate oriental attendant in the crowded dry cleaners.

>> No.2986414

Black people tend to say dick, not cock. Just saying.

>> No.2986436

1:"... you fucking monkey"
2:"That's racist"
1:"The remark was not a comment on your colour of skin, rather of the content of your character. Or lack thereof".
3:"You can't call a black man a monkey on national TV, Ted".
1:"Oh, because of the way it has been used throughout history as a discriminate term to surpress black people?
Then what should I call him? What animal share these characteristics that I want to describe him with?
An animal with somewhat human abilities that still behaves like some cockjuggling thundercunt with a minimum of brain cells?
3:"You shouldn't be calling him anything, it's rude".
1:"But I WANT to be rude. I WANT to call him names! And I think that monkey emphasizes exactly my thoughts of him.
What about... what about a jellyfish, a really, really stupid jellyfish? It's supposed to be offensive, but not towards his coulour of skin. Would that do?
1:"Alright, I retract my statement of calling you a monkey, based on the fact that it has been used to discriminate your race.
I furthermore wish to declare you a jellyfish in the sense that you are so dense that not even Martin Luther King could dare to dream about it".

>> No.2986472


This is pretty decent. Good idea, but you need to polish it etc.

>> No.2986543

"prayed, prayed for every concave convex to unconcave and take flight on dim, starry wings."

T-the ending is gonna s-segue into the beginning! I-I'm g-g-gonna be the next J-James Joyce! ;__;

>> No.2986733


segue into the beginning? Like American Psycho?

>> No.2986933

I've actually never read it. More Finnegan's Wake style.

>> No.2987028

His voice comes to us like wind through a canebrake and it promises fire.

>> No.2987039
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I clicked the image and floated over the hospital bed, soon noticing that the girl who had exploded was trapped in a computer screen, and they were both making out right under my feet.

Why did I have to wake up?

>> No.2987072

They say you're supposed to feel numb.

But Jones was never one to feel numb.

>> No.2987077

"I was coming out of the shirt store with my new shirt, when suddenly..."

>> No.2987093

Henrietta never meant to eat the whole cheesesteak.

>> No.2987097

"He was whistling. The melody was nostalgic, gently merging with the air in the helmet's artificial sanctum. It slowly overtook the doctor too, and a spark of recognition blossomed from his innermost self."

>> No.2987100

"If you had to compare it to something, it'd probably be like a classic Van Gough painting. Except it was more runny and all over the wall with bits of skull in it."

>> No.2987117

There were several interesting thoughts going through Jason's head in the seconds before a bullet nearly followed them.

>> No.2987126

I'm trying to sleep on the job.

>> No.2987161

>We all experience it, that time when God or whatever force it was pulled us and brought us onto the great green sphere,whether we wanted to or not, without giving us any word of warning or advice on what to do here. We were just strewn out like garbage and found ourselves as lost as the moon against a light blue sky.

>How sick human nature is, to give no second thought to tossing my ambitions, my dreams, my goals, and my love, away at a whim, simply because they need more soldiers.

>The yellow-coated owls were rare, cherished more than diamond by the little people of the town,

they're bad

>> No.2987245

"These fucking balloons, man"

>> No.2987340

"Every night my mom falls asleep with the news on."

>> No.2987361

Potentially good/relevant to our society.

>> No.2987390
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"We have a budget problem" said the girl to the motely assembly of fairytale monsters.

>> No.2987393

"Look at the squirrel," she said. "Oh, would you look at the funny squirrel!"

I swear to god, it's heartbreaking in context.

>> No.2987423

>And the sight of land was a sleight of hand, a collusion of the sun and wind, the illusion that one day our destiny would come

>> No.2987433

Between these streets the stars are faded, the flames burn too bright to let them through

>> No.2987485

'General Almondhead puts his crotch to his face, rubbing his sagging jewels.'

>> No.2987490

The respirator machine droned on monotonously, its metronome-like beat reverberating around the blandly colored hospital room.

>> No.2987491

A rain of cannon fire cascaded across the frigid skies of St. Petersburg.


Princess Sophia stared though the dark glass window of her automobile.

>> No.2987506

Karl was standing knee-deep in a pile of mangos. "Look at these mangos," he said. "My God, just look at all these mangos!"

>> No.2987515

"They're... They're so beautiful!" he whispered, crying into his hand.
"You'll never leave me, mangos," he sobbed as his shoulders began to tremble.
"Never again."

>> No.2987519

The first time Richard Diggulous dies is on a warm winter morning in Colorado.

>> No.2987521

All those memories that had once been a shadow of kindness in her mind suddenly swarmed her brain, as if to taunt her on what she had lost.
>It's not finished.

>> No.2987523

As his small boat scudded before a brisk breeze under a sapphire sky dappled with cerulean clouds with indigo bases, through cobalt seas that deepened to navy nearer the boat and faded to azure at the horizon, Ian was at a loss as to why he felt blue.

>> No.2987545 [DELETED] 


Never move too far from the news.

>> No.2987546


Pretty good. Mockery is interesting, but there seems to be a jingle to it. I found it funny nonetheless, though.

>> No.2987569

In those woods over there there flows a river, and that river has no name.

>> No.2987628

"Maybe there is a place where the world is more than sand and invisible fires scorching the land, but these cuts and burns tell me otherwise."

>> No.2987660

A few I'm fond of:

"Marylin stood beneath the great willow with her eyes closed, listening to the soft whisper of the wind through the branches."

"Johnny grabbed the old box from behind a trunk in the corner of the attic."

"The dying embers of the fire cast a ruddy glow in a dim circle around the camp."

"Llia lay gasping on the floor, her blonde hair plastered to her face by vomit the red-black color of month old blood."

>> No.2987677

"With that, the guildmaster stepped over their prone forms, laughing softly to himself as he left the two poisoners to experience the horrific death to which they had condemned so many others."

"And perhaps it’s no surprise that the creature thought it was to blame when everything burst into blue flames; destroying all that there ever was."

"Taking hold of the small, soft hand, Marylin stood up into a world of light; leaving behind the vacant lot and the shell of her life, forever."

>> No.2987697

"Summer is supposed to be the most memorable season"

>> No.2987703

"God, I fucking hate being a teenager"

>> No.2987721

My father, quite selfishly, is dead.
>written at age 17

>> No.2987730

"Upon the bleating road it marches, its destination into the insatiable consumer, and into the unfathomable pockets of modern America."

>> No.2987742

I love you

>> No.2987843

I could nitpick this one to death, but I still like it.

>> No.2987846

A car pulls into the drive as I quickly pull up my tight sweatpants and hastily push my erection downwards.

>> No.2987859

best one so far

>> No.2987863

Thanks. It's a damn good story, and it's one of only a few that I'm really proud of.

>> No.2987907


I wanna hear more.

>> No.2987913

Aaaaaaand the fish takes the bait.
First line of book draws reader in; SUCCESS!

>> No.2987925

It would end with something like, "and no one would ever know why my socks never matched."

>> No.2988066

"I've done it."

Boring, but the piece is called "How I Ended The Westboro Baptist Church."

(if you want to read it: http://bit[put a dot here]ly/QhYBxS)

>> No.2988114

I'll post a few from my crappy short stories.

My Dear June,
I'm really glad to know you're feeling better.

We met outside a lecture theatre, second semester 2009.

Schrödinger: Man, I'm so bored. This is boring as shit. I don't even know why I'm here.

"If you could be like anybody else, who would it be?"

So I'll tell you this story of mine, basically because it's one of the few stories from my life that are worth telling.

Stepping out through sliding glass doors into the cold air, not feeling the change for a second or two.

Dog was lying on his side in the rectangle of morning sunlight on the floor, warming himself, me staring at him from the couch with a bowl of Weet-Bix in my lap, when Trent shuffled in from the bathroom.

The scene opens in an expensive restaurant, late, after all the other patrons have left and the cleaning staff are moving about.

OK. Now. A glob of pthalo blue, a tiny dab of middle red, double it with water. Perfect Prussian Blue.

>> No.2988161

A tired, eight year-old Luois lay motionless on the wooden floor of his bedroom.

last line (unfinished):

"Believe me when I tell you that I am as solid as the crumbs I am consuming, as present as the drip of the faucet behind me, and as real as the pain of your father's belt."

>> No.2988212

These are good.

>> No.2988215

I typed ''Is RJ king'' and Google suggested ''Is RJ king of the swamp?''
Yes. Yes he is.