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/lit/ - Literature

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2981651 No.2981651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you learned from Joseph?

>> No.2981668

that michael newton and brian weiss just might not be full of bs

>> No.2981688

Michael Newton, PH.D. and Brian Weiss may be on to something. Did they base their ideas on Jung?

Is there a modern day Jung influence psychologist who is furthering this field of thought?

>> No.2981703
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the hero makes a journey

to my stomach!!!!!!!!

>> No.2981727

Finnegans Wake is not just a meaningless jumble of letters.

>> No.2981748


Did you read Finnegan's wake with Joe's analysis?

>> No.2981750

what the fuck is a joe?

>> No.2981763

who's this guy?

>> No.2981768


>literature board

>> No.2981771

seriously. who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.2981779

how about an answer, sorry for not knowing everything

>> No.2981782


It's this guy.

seriously, you shouldn't be on a literature board. GB2 /co/

actually, that's unfair to /co/ - they probably know who he is. GB2 /mlp/

>> No.2981785
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Ask Susan Sarandon. You can watch her introduce Joe in videos.

I like when Joe talks about Indra's net.

>> No.2981795

I'm a third year literature student... is 'joe' an american thing. im not american

>> No.2981808

no they both were regular hypnotherapists that stumbled upon patients that went back to "pre-life experiences" when asked to "go to the source of your symptoms" or whatever it is they claimed they said.

>> No.2981815

Joseph Campbell

>> No.2981830

Follow your bliss.


>> No.2981976

He is boring. I'd rather read Jung himself or Marie Louise von Franz.

>> No.2981985


Holy Shit. I did not know about Marie-Louise von Franz. Thank you.

Von Franz recorded a series of films in 1987 titled The Way of the Dream with her student Fraser Boa. Have you seen these?

>> No.2981991


>Third Year Literature student
>Is unaware of The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Where the fuck are you studying? Goole Polytechnic or something?

>> No.2982001

edinburgh university

>> No.2982014


I cannot believe that you'd be 3 years into an MA without studying Campbell. It was first-year stuff at Glasgow.

Then again, fucking Edinburgh, nothing surprises me about that shitehole.

>> No.2982023


>Calling Edinburgh a 'shithole' when he studies in Glasgow

Is this some kind of purposefully ironic statement?

>> No.2982031

edinburgh's literature department is ranked 17th in the world.... im not even sure that glagow made into the top 500


>> No.2982032


Studied, past tense.

And the onlytwo decent things to come out of Edinburgh are my dad and the M8.

>> No.2982036


And yet someone can go three years without studying campbell. What are they doing?


>> No.2982037

what part of not being american don't you understand

>> No.2982039


>> No.2982045

ah the tedious edinburgh V glasgow rivalry.
I study in edinburgh..im not from scotland.. I view you all as the same type of person.

>> No.2982049


Which part of the post you're quoting in any way implies that you're american?

>> No.2982054

i ddn't write
i posted

>> No.2982060


Fair enough - that other guy's probably just some retarded american then.

>> No.2982105

In 1972 Campbell retired from Sarah Lawrence College, after having taught there for 38 years.

Universities, man. What's the deal with those things?

>> No.2982174

/co/mrade here, I think most of us know about him. Mythology and comics are well acquainted, after all. We're also acquainted with literature. Dun be mean :(

>> No.2982183


That's why I changed it, little /co/ckleshell. I didn't want to upset you guys. That's why I changed it to /mlp/ - everyone can pick on the bronies. They're the gingers of the internet. Nobody gives a fuck how nasty you are to them.

Which is a shame, really.

>> No.2982227

I didn't read the entire Skeleton Key, I just referenced it for sections that I needed help with. Book II was really difficult for me.

>> No.2982555

Fear not. No one jimmies were rustled, fellow anon.

>> No.2982601
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He established my philosophical core of happiness. Probably why I liked the little Taoist lessons from Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet.


>> No.2983190

I like you.

>> No.2983944
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I like all of you.

Joe explained away Christianity to me like a wise grandfather I wished I had.

>> No.2985887

Welp, now I have some more people to read.

>> No.2985902
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He pretty much just repeated what I'd already learned from Alan Moore and George Frazer.
He did a good job of it, though. His and my uncles influence have inspired me to apply to study anthropology as a mature student.

>> No.2985906

oh, so he's just another liberal materialist?

>> No.2985904

Don't. They both seem to believe in past lives and that sort of shit - Joe would laugh at them.

>> No.2985912

He doesn't believe in magic powers if that's what you mean.

>> No.2985914

So what then? He expects me to love humanity after reading his shitty work? Shitty humanity but no magic powers?

fuck him

>> No.2985915 [DELETED] 

That's quite a funny dichotomy you're drawing there.

>> No.2985917

That's quite a funny dichotomy you're drawing there. What the fuck does "loving humanity" have to do with it, anyway?

>> No.2987939
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>>He pretty much just repeated what I'd already learned from Alan Moore and George Frazer.

I'm not familiar with George Frazer. I'll look him up.

I read your reply and thought assumed Alan Watts. What did Moore teach you?